Free Resource IDs

Hey guys,
What are the free resource IDs of the stock Nova scenario? And for each group of IDs, what is the resource that goes with it?
Thanks 😄

(With thanks to Guy's Resource ID Guide, for the maximum ranges):

Free ID Ranges in the Nova Scenario:

Type	Range(s) (Number Avaliable)
bööm	143-191  (49)
crön	234-277, 279-287, 293-372, 386-639  (387)
düde	275-639  (365)
flët	256-383  (128)
gövt	196-383  (188)
jünk	151-255  (105)
mďsn	919-1127 (209)
nëbu	132-159  (28)
öops	147-383  (237)
oütf	349-357, 365-373, 379-432, 444-639  (268)
përs	644-1150 (507)
ränk	159-255  (97)
röid	none	 (0)
shďp	415-894  (483)
spöb	518-1399, 1421-2175  (1637)
s˙st	537, 658-676, 679-758, 769-1123, 1127-2175  (1504)
wëap	202-218, 220-228, 235-383  (175)

(EDIT) Added number available for each reasource type.


This post has been edited by Edwards : 27 June 2006 - 01:39 PM

Thanks man,
that is exactly what i needed right now...becuase one of my ships graphics is pooping up as an auroran cruiser. :laugh:

But what about spins, rled, etc? Are all those taken? Becuase i want to make a city look like a borg homeplanet....and i cant find any open stellar resources. <_<

This post has been edited by chronodrago : 29 June 2006 - 03:19 PM

Hi, don't want to be a pain but also can you tell us what each group represents as well. I mean like cron: 234-277 and 293-372 what's the difference?

I also vaguely remember that there's something specific for descs as well. Like some are for the game controls and others for mission descs, outf descs etc. You know what I mean. having a list like that would be very helpful 😄

@yho2005, on Jun 29 2006, 02:37 PM, said in Free Resource IDs:

Hi, don't want to be a pain but also can you tell us what each group represents as well. I mean like cron: 234-277 and 293-372 what's the difference?

There isnt a difference, theyre just groups of resource IDs that are open for use. Using either wont cuase any difference unless you have already set something else under that resource ID.

@yho2005, on Jun 29 2006, 02:37 PM, said in Free Resource IDs:

I also vaguely remember that there's something specific for descs as well. Like some are for the game controls and others for mission descs, outf descs etc. You know what I mean. having a list like that would be very helpful 😄

AS for the descs and stuff like that...if your using EVNEW, the popup menu when you roll over the ID you enter. heres a screen shot to show u better, cuase i cant describe it. 😄 And u can even use the screen shot as a key for your desc writing. 😄

This post has been edited by chronodrago : 29 June 2006 - 05:25 PM

@yho2005, on Jun 29 2006, 02:37 PM, said in Free Resource IDs:

I also vaguely remember that there's something specific for descs as well. Like some are for the game controls and others for mission descs, outf descs etc. You know what I mean. having a list like that would be very helpful 😄

For information about groups of RIDs that are reserved for various functions, I'd recommend Guy's RID Guide.

And chonodrago is correct in that there are no differences between the ranges I mentioned in each resource. The only reason there are multiple ranges for some resources is that there are some gaps in the RID ranges that Nova uses.


my question is...why are ther gaps? Wouldnt it be easier to sort and find things if there wasnt a gap?

A lot of that is probably due to the manner in which Nova was made - the ATMOSians did one thing, then changed their mind later and deleted some things. To then change the resource numbers of higher-numbered resources would result in having to go through half the game and fix the numbers wherever they appear, which could in turn cause other problems if one gets missed.

(There are other hints here and there for the order in which things were made. For example, some of the mission bits in the Polaris storyline are not consecutive. Most mission strings are clumped together in terms of mďsn resource numbers, but the Vell-os string is randomly scattered through the range of resources. The Fed Forced string, Polaris b-string and Polaris Actionman missions are some distance from the rest of the string's mďsn resources. Et cetera.)

ah...i wonder what the files that were deleted were.