Beginner's Guide?

Hello all. I was recently brainstorming on ideas for a EVN plug-in. I thought of some ideas that I liked, then refined them. However, I realized that I wasn't going to get anywhere with learning how to develop plug-ins first! :rolleyes: So, i was wondering if anyone could link me to a good beginners guide on how to start out with plug-ins? (If that doesn't exist, then could someone tell me how I could learn?) Yes, I skimmed through the links and FAQ topics, but that's like walking through a thick forest with no path, map or sense of direction.

Thanks in advance (Apologies in advance too), Radio Willy.

Don't know if it is this forum you went through, but it might be a good idea to look at it. Even if you did look at it, maybe this post didn't catch your attention.

Here is another important topic about what to use to. Oh and when you see things you don't seem to understand, try searching the bible for it, might contain some explanations. If everything else fails, don't hesitate to ask.

And a personnal tip. Keep your ideas somewhere. Get a couple of tools you're planning to use, or the only one you can use if you're on windows. Then spend some time having fun messing with possibilities. That will get you accustomed to the tools and might save you a lot of work later.

Most important thing to remember: have fun! 🙂

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 01 May 2006 - 08:40 PM

Oh... Okay, thanks. I was looking through the EV Developer's Corner and the pinned topics. Thanks for the help! 🙂 I'll look there right away.

Also, a great source of information is the former Bomb's Plug-in Guide, now taken over by Zacha Pedro. You'll need to set it to "show all posts", as by default it only shows threads posted in in the past month, but there's a fair amount of good information there, including a How to Create Plug-ins Guide.


One way to learn is trial and error. I obtained most of my development skills through that method. In fact, CTC is at least a 70% trial and error creation right now.

Thanks everyone!