Can I...

That would be outside the appropriate idiom, Qaanol.

Hmm that sounds very cool. I was planning on using night lightes of cities as graphics but since my planets are all in almost complete daylight I ditched that idea. I didnt think into it as far as having diferent graphics for each city type and so on.

Enough chatting however and thank you for all your help/ideas.

You could still use lights, just dimmer. Or, depending on the size of the city, a nexus of roads that fade out as they get farther away from the center.

Wow you're all smarter than me. I figgered on setting interference in da system to 100 and making the background a murky color so you couldn't tell it was however many individual spobs.

The problem with interferance is that I use the radar incessantly. 😕

EDIT: Also we are not necessarily smarter than you. We just think diferently and that sadly enough is a concept my teachers dont seem to understand.

This post has been edited by Sp3cies : 27 April 2006 - 07:36 AM