converting mac files to .rez?

Help. I'm stuck on a PC and I can't get up.

I looked all over the add-ons page.... I don't see anything to convert mac plugs to rez format (nova isn't registered yet, I just want to look over a few plugs for inspiration.)

Hmmm. maybe the converter by david arthur converts the plugs both ways? Im on a 12k modem right now so I'd like to know before I start to download.

yes, 12k. It needs to be refrag'd badly... but i know have admin accessability.... anyways.... help?

This post has been edited by -REDCHIGH- : 24 March 2006 - 04:51 PM

@-redchigh-, on Mar 24 2006, 10:18 AM, said in converting mac files to .rez?:

I looked all over the add-ons page.... I don't see anything to convert mac plugs to rez format (nova isn't registered yet, I just want to look over a few plugs for inspiration.)

Hmmm. maybe the converter by david arthur converts the plugs both ways? Im on a 12k modem right now so I'd like to know before I start to download.

yes, 12k. It needs to be refrag'd badly... but i know have admin accessability.... anyways.... help?


Mac Plug-in Convertor 2.0 (1.34 MB) makes converting between Windows-format '.rez' EV Nova plug-ins and the standard Macintosh format as easy as drag and drop for both Mac OS X and Classic (and now works in both directions)

There you go. 😉 This function is now built into DA's MissionComputer app, too; there's a handy "Save as .rez" command right there in the file menu.

Edit: Hold on! I just checked Arios Software -- RezConv is also bi-directional, and it's only 126 KB.

This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 24 March 2006 - 03:51 PM

I'm sorry... I forgot the catch.
I'm on a PC so I need a windows application....

Does this then answer your question, or is there yet another catch -- that you not only haven't registered Nova, but haven't downloaded it either? :rolleyes: (If that's the case, there may be someone around who has already put the converter up on a server by itself.)

By the way, this FAQ is quite outdate, eeryone should be using Stuffit 9. Where is Belthazar when we need him to copy-paste his usual answer? At any rate, here is it:

To expand a .sit or .sitx archive, download Stuffit 9 from and install. Once Stuffit 9 has been installed, just right-click on the file and select Stuffit Archive > Expand Mac Archive > MacBinary Fork Encoding. This should give you one or more .bin files, and (if the plugin maker is any good) a readme of some kind. Drag and drop these .bin files on the convertor (it's named "Convert Plug-ins.exe") - you'll know if it works because the DOS window that pops up scrolls some text across it quite fast, and a new .rez file will appear which has the same name as the .bin file you put in. You may also get a file called, which should be deleted.

If the archive is a .hqx archive, you'll need to select Stuffit Archive > Expand here when you right click, in order to get a .sit archive, then you can perform the expansion as above.

Note that the .bin files will still claim to be Stuffit archives - this is because there are Stuffit archives with a .bin extension, and there are even some of these on the Addon pages (just extract as you would a .sit archive; it gives errors, but it still works). However, the .bin files which you get after expanding the .sit archive are not archives, but are MacBinary files (hence the .bin).

Rule of thumb: if it's a .bin when you download it, it's probably an archive. If it's a .bin after you've done the expansion, it's probably not an archive. Another way of telling is that if you expand a .bin file and get a zero-size file (regardless of how you expanded it) then it wasn't an archive.

If you wind up with any .DS_Store or _Icon files after expansion, delete them, as they're Mac-only thingies.