EV4 Wishlist

Guy, on Feb 17 2006, 12:40 PM, said:

Some kind of data format which doesn't rely on piles of fields for every resource. No limits on the number of spobs/links in systems or default weapons/outfits on ships and each individual resource only as big as it needs to be. Someone mentioned XML which would probably work great (or some similar format). I've played around a bit with the data for C&C Generals which is pretty much just one giant XML file - no limit on what you can do in any one resource.
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I've been thinking about the xml idea since it was first mentioned. I'm not sure how to get away from large amounts of fields in each resource. Massive, I think I've already done, but there are a bunch of fields that, while excludable if unused, can't be easily reduced/replaced.

Do you think you can post/attach/email a sample of the C&C Gen. xml? I'd be interested to see that.

here's an example of what I've been thinking.
(groups with a data type essentially become dynamic arrays. I believe there's already xml methods around that get child counts.)

<resource type="char">
     <res id="0" name="">
          <field type="bool" name="default">0</field>
          <field type="int" name="cash">0</field>
          <field type="int" name="ship">0</field>
          <group type="point" name="start_system">
               <!-- point( system , probababilty ) -->
               <field type="point"><int>0</int><int>100</int></field>
          <group type="point" name="govt">
               <!-- point( govt , reputation ) -->
               <field type="point" name=""><int>0</int><int>0</int></field>
          <field type="int" name="combat">0</field>
          <group type="point" name="intro_pics">
               <!-- point( pict_id , delay ) -->
               <field type="point" name=""><int>0</int><int>0</int></field>
          <field type="int" name="intro_text">0</field>
          <field type="cb_string" name="event:onStart"><!(CDATA())></field>
          <!--vector( year , month , day )-->
          <field type="vector" name="start_date"><int>0</int><int>0</int><int>0</int></field>
          <field type="string" name="date_prefix"></field>
          <field type="string" name="date_suffix"></field>
<resource type="syst">
     <res id="0" class="0" name="">
          <field type="cb_string" name="visible"><!(CDATA())></field>
          <field type="point" name="location"><int>0</int><int>0</int></field>
          <group type="int" name="hyperlinks">
               <field type="int">-1</field>
          <group type="int" name="stellars">
               <field type="int">-1</field>
          <group type="int" name="dudes">
               <!--point( type , probability )-->
               <field type="point"><int>-1</int><int>0</int></field>
          <group type="int" name="pers">
               <!--point( type , probability )-->
               <field type="point"><int>-1</int><int>0</int></field>
          <field type="int" name="avg_ships">0</field>
          <field type="int" name="govt">0</field>
          <field type="int" name="msg_bouy">0</field>
          <field type="int" name="asteroid_count">0</field>
          <field type="int" name="interference">0</field>
          <field type="color" name="background_color">0x000000</field>
          <field type="int" name="murk">0</field>
          <group type="vector" name="reinforcements">
               <!--vector( fleet , delay , interval )-->
               <field type="vector"><int>-1</int><int>0</int><int>0</int></field>
          <group type="point" name="asteroids">
               <!--point( type , probability )-->
               <field type="point"><int>0</int><int>0</int></field>
     <res id="0" class="1" name="">
          <!--0=overwrite, 1=add, 2=multiply-->
          <field type="int" name="overlay_mode">0</field>
          <!-- inherit then modify, ect.-->

(edit: fixed the indents)

This post has been edited by Artanis : 18 February 2006 - 01:54 PM

BOGWarrior, on Feb 17 2006, 12:41 PM, said:

I do have a few wishes. . .

1. Separate landing sites on a planet, like have some "city" graphics and landing zones. Do you land on the same small portion of the planet all the time? Not in real life, so I think it would be an interesting new addition to the game. Have a stellar, then have separate "city" flags to include the different landing locations. This could also be used to include things like "President's Mansion" or "United Earth Embassy", leading to interesting, exclusive missions.View Post

Yes! this idea is already in the text file submitted.

BOGWarrior, on Feb 17 2006, 12:41 PM, said:

2. More stellars per system, like 6 or 8, instead of the small 4. You could add this instead of adding city sub-fields.View Post

This can already be done in EV Nova.

BOGWarrior, on Feb 17 2006, 12:41 PM, said:

3. Weapons that affect a certain radius of space. Aa weapon that spreads outward from the firing ship, like a shockwave.View Post

This can already be done in EV Nova.

BOGWarrior, on Feb 17 2006, 12:41 PM, said:

Stellar-based weapons would be nice.

Would this be weapons that a stellar would fire? if yes, this is already in EV Nova.
Or, weapons that you can fire AT stellars? if yes, this also can be done in EV Nova.

BOGWarrior, on Feb 17 2006, 12:41 PM, said:

4. Ability to buy and own a planet. It would be nice to have a place to call home, even if the whole galaxy is pissed off at you.View Post

There is already a plugin for EV Nova that has this feature.

Edwin_again, on Feb 14 2006, 09:43 PM, said:

you can do all this yourself, it is all possible in EVN, this is the EV4 wishlist, think "not possible in EVN" stuff.
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- Highway

This post has been edited by Highway of Life : 17 February 2006 - 07:58 PM

Artanis, on Feb 17 2006, 01:34 PM, said:

I've been thinking about the xml idea since it was first mentioned. I'm not sure how to get away from large amounts of fields in each resource. Massive, I think I've already done, but there are a bunch of fields that, while excludable if unused, can't be easily reduced/replaced.

Do you think you can post/attach/email a sample of the C&C Gen. xml? I'd be interested to see that.
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Okay, here's what a single unit looks like. It isn't really XML, in fact the only similarity is it's a pile of easily editable text. But as you can see you can just keep adding things like ConditionStates, WeaponSets, ArmorSets or Behaviors. "KindOf" stores some flags and you can just type in another flag to enable it or delete one to disable it.

Object Boss_InfantryTankHunter

  ; *** ART Parameters ***
  SelectPortrait         = SNTankHunter_L
  ButtonImage            = SNTankHunter
  UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_Fanaticism
  ;UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_AmericaChemicalSuits
  ;UpgradeCameo3 = NONE
  ;UpgradeCameo4 = NONE
  ;UpgradeCameo5 = NONE

  Draw = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_01
    OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
      Model             = NIMSST_SKN
      IdleAnimation     = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_STA 0 30
      IdleAnimation     = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_IDA
      IdleAnimation     = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_IDB
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.8 1.2
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_Stand
      WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MuzzleFX
      WeaponFireFXBone  = PRIMARY Muzzle
      WeaponLaunchBone  = PRIMARY Muzzle
      WeaponLaunchBone  = SECONDARY Muzzle
    AliasConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED

    ConditionState      = FIRING_A 
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_ATA 
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_START_FIRING
    AliasConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED FIRING_A
    ConditionState      = BETWEEN_FIRING_SHOTS_A
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_STA
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      ; this is basically a trick: this guy has a nontrivial animation for firing,
      ; and a long recycle time between shots. we want him to finish his fire animation
      ; (unless he's ordered to do something else), so this is just a handy trick that
      ; says, "if the previous state had this transition key, allow it to finish before
      ; switching to us, if possible".
      WaitForStateToFinishIfPossible = TRANS_START_FIRING

    ConditionState      = MOVING
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_RNA 20
      AnimationMode     = LOOP
      Flags             = RANDOMSTART
      TransitionKey     = None
      ParticleSysBone   = None InfantryDustTrails
    AliasConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED MOVING
    AliasConditionState = MOVING ATTACKING

    ConditionState      = RELOADING_A
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_ATA 10
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      ;WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY WeaponA
    AliasConditionState = MOVING RELOADING_A

    ConditionState      = DYING
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_DTA
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_DTB
      AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.25
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_Dying
    AliasConditionState = DYING RUBBLE

    TransitionState     = TRANS_Dying TRANS_Flailing
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_ADTD1
      AnimationMode     = ONCE

    ConditionState      = DYING EXPLODED_FLAILING
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_ADTD2
      AnimationMode     = LOOP
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_Flailing

    ConditionState      = DYING EXPLODED_BOUNCING
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_ADTD3
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      TransitionKey     = None

    ConditionState      = FREEFALL
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_POP
      AnimationMode     = ONCE
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_Falling
    AliasConditionState = FREEFALL REALLYDAMAGED
    AliasConditionState = FREEFALL DYING
    ConditionState      = PARACHUTING
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_PHG
      AnimationMode     = LOOP
      Flags             = PRISTINE_BONE_POS_IN_FINAL_FRAME  ; our bone positions should come from the last frame, rather than the first
      TransitionKey     = TRANS_Chute
    AliasConditionState = PARACHUTING DYING
   ; TransitionState     = TRANS_Falling TRANS_Chute
   ;   Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_POP
   ;   AnimationMode     = ONCE
   ;   Flags             = PRISTINE_BONE_POS_IN_FINAL_FRAME  ; our bone positions should come from the last frame, rather than the first
   ; End
    TransitionState     = TRANS_Chute TRANS_Stand
      Animation         = NIMSST_SKL.NIMSST_PDN
      AnimationMode     = ONCE


  ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName      = OBJECT:TankHunter
  Side = Boss
  EditorSorting = INFANTRY
  TransportSlotCount = 1                 ;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable)
    Conditions = None 
    Weapon = PRIMARY ChinaInfantryTankHunterMissileLauncher
    Conditions      = None
    Armor           = InfGen_HumanArmor
    DamageFX        = InfantryDamageFX
    Conditions      = PLAYER_UPGRADE
    Armor           = ChemSuitHumanArmor
    DamageFX        = InfantryDamageFX
  VisionRange = 150
  ShroudClearingRange = 400
    Object = Boss_Barracks
  BuildCost = 300
  BuildTime = 5.0          ;in seconds    

  ExperienceValue = 20 20 40 60    ;Experience point value at each level
  ExperienceRequired = 0 100 200 400  ;Experience points needed to gain each level
  IsTrainable = Yes             ;Can gain experience
  CrushableLevel         = 0  ;What am I?:        0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
  CommandSet      = ChinaInfantryTankHunterCommandSet

  ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
  VoiceSelect = TankHunterVoiceSelect
  VoiceMove = TankHunterVoiceMove
  VoiceAttack = TankHunterVoiceAttack
  VoiceAttackAir = TankHunterVoiceAttack
  VoiceGuard = TankHunterVoiceMove
  VoiceFear = TankHunterVoiceFear
    VoiceCreate          = TankHunterVoiceCreate
    VoiceGarrison = TankHunterVoiceGarrison
    VoiceEnter = TankHunterVoiceMove
    VoiceEnterHostile = TankHunterVoiceMove
    VoiceGetHealed      = TankHunterVoiceMove

  ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  RadarPriority = UNIT

  Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
    MaxHealth       = 100.0
    InitialHealth   = 100.0

  ;Behavior                = ArmorUpgrade ModuleTag_Armor01
  ;  TriggeredBy           = Upgrade_AmericaChemicalSuits

  Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03
    AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes
  Locomotor = SET_NORMAL MissileDefenderLocomotor
  Behavior = HordeUpdate ModuleTag_04
    UpdateRate = 1000    ; how often to recheck horde status (msec)
    RubOffRadius = 60    ; if I am this close to a real hordesman, I will get to be an honorary hordesman
    Radius = 30          ; how close other units must be to us to count towards our horde-ness (~30 feet or so)
    KindOf = INFANTRY    ; what KindOf's must match to count towards horde-ness
    AlliesOnly = Yes     ; do we only count allies towards horde status? 
    ExactMatch = No      ; do we only count units of our exact same type towards horde status? (overrides kindof)
    Count = 5            ; how many units must be within Radius to grant us horde-ness
    Action = HORDE       ; when horde-ing, grant us the HORDE bonus
  Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_05
    Mass = 5.0

  Behavior = SpecialAbility ModuleTag_07
    SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityTankHunterTNTAttack
    UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes
    InitiateSound = TankHunterVoiceTNT
  Behavior = SpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_08
    SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityTankHunterTNTAttack
    StartAbilityRange = 5.0
    PreparationTime = 0
    SpecialObject = TNTStickyBomb
    MaxSpecialObjects = 8
    SpecialObjectsPersistWhenOwnerDies = Yes ;Charges are removed instantly when owner dies (nobody can detonate).
    SpecialObjectsPersistent = Yes          ;Charges are persistent till lifetime expires or owner detonates them.
    UniqueSpecialObjectTargets = Yes        ;This prevents multiple charges placed on the same object.
    FleeRangeAfterCompletion = 100.0         ;Runs away after finishing ability

  Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_09

; --- begin Death modules ---
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death01
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5     ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_TankHunterDie
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death02
    DeathTypes          = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5     ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_GIDieCrushed
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death03
    DeathTypes          = NONE +EXPLODED
    SinkDelay           = 3000
    SinkRate            = 0.5     ; in Dist/Sec
    DestructionDelay    = 8000
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_TankHunterDie
    FlingForce          = 8
    FlingForceVariance  = 3
    FlingPitch          = 60
    FlingPitchVariance  = 10
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death04
    DeathTypes          = NONE +BURNED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_DieByFireChina
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_FlamingInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death05
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_DieByToxinChina
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantry
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death06 ; don't forget to give it a new, unique module tag
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED_BETA
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_DieByToxinChina
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantryBeta ;you'll have to create this OCL and make it use the blue guys instead of green ones
  Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Death07
    DeathTypes          = NONE +POISONED_GAMMA
    DestructionDelay    = 0
    FX                  = INITIAL FX_DieByToxinGLA
    OCL                 = INITIAL OCL_ToxicInfantryGamma
; --- end Death modules ---

  Behavior = PoisonedBehavior ModuleTag_12
    PoisonDamageInterval = 100  ; Every this many msec I will retake the poison damage dealt me...
    PoisonDuration = 3000       ; ... for this long after last hit by poison damage

  Behavior = VeterancyGainCreate ModuleTag_13
    StartingLevel = VETERAN
  Geometry = CYLINDER
  GeometryMajorRadius = 10.0
  GeometryMinorRadius = 10.0
  GeometryHeight = 12.0
  GeometryIsSmall = Yes
  ShadowSizeX = 14;
  ShadowSizeY = 14;
  ShadowTexture = ShadowI;
  BuildCompletion = APPEARS_AT_RALLY_POINT


This post has been edited by Guy : 17 February 2006 - 08:07 PM

A nice feature would be to set up a method of cycling through the spobs in a system, the same way as with ships. To go along with this, I would add one or two "invisible spob" flags, one to prevent you from selecting a spob this way at long range, as with wormholes, and one to prevent you from ever selecting the spob, not even with the mouse. Both would prevent the spob from showing up in the port list in the map.

As for the XML idea, I like.


Persistent strings. I'd like to be able to have a misn randomly choose a name from a STR# list (a name for a ship or a person, for instance), and then have the same name available for insertion into descs for later missions.

Unfortunately we must face it, in any update or whatever there will not be 3D support or serious engine change. You might get the "click +/- to add/subtract a feild in the shän feild," and other things of that nature, but really I'm pretty sure Matt said this was the last release back when he released it.

Although I'm pretty sure we joked about him laying on his deathbed writing EV 36 and still saying that it is the last release.

But to add some of my thoughts, having spöbs able to shoot multiple weapons sounds good, but may already be possible with use of the "planet ship" flag. I would like it if I knew they would be stationary, however (I want defence platforms!).

A pet peeve I've alway had is that the Leviathan has 5 rings (each supposedly holding 1000 tons) and only has 4000 tons of cargo space. <_<

Maybe some kind of jump inhibitor thing, that keeps other ships from jumping within a certain distance of you, and brining back the decoy flares would be awesome (although I think I remember there being a discussion as to why they were removed).

The ability to add to the ship command list would be nice, instead of just "fighter, med., warship, frieghter" I would like to be able to add things. Not nessecarily AI types, but classes on the list.

Feilds for vauge resources (i.e.: "fast ships," what the junk constitutes a "fast ship?" Why can't I change it?).

Possibly settings for the animations. Like making it so that you can have your combat mode on an X-wing or whatever, but also having attributes to those modes (i.e.: being in combat mode slows you down.)

I like the mass/cargo slows you down idea. That might be tricky to figure out but would be awesome to see. (How is a Leviathan going to carry 4000 tons of anything and move? You'd need a power output in addition to speed and accl.. Like a shuttle is proprotionally more slowed than a Levi..)

And having random stuff break when fired on would be kinda cool.

But again, I hate to be realistic in this regard but I doubt any of that is going to happen. I had to argue to get multiple escape pods when EVN came out the first time. And that wasn't that difficult of a trick.

Now if I can figure out how to make fighters turn around when they are actually planet-type ships so that I can have them immune to weapons that wouldn't be able to hit them anyway...

This post has been edited by Meaker VI : 19 February 2006 - 02:33 AM

Meaker VI, on Feb 18 2006, 07:21 PM, said:

But to add some of my thoughts, having spöbs able to shoot multiple weapons sounds good, but may already be possible with use of the "planet ship" flag. I would like it if I knew they would be stationary, however (I want defence platforms!).View Post

There are a couple ways to do that. Planet-type ships that are created on top of spobs via missions will not move (regardless of Speed), and ships with warship AIs, that have 0 Speed, will appear in the system in orbit around a spob (regardless of planet-type-ness).

And can I re-iterate that bit about set string if statements? :rolleyes:


Yes, "if" statements would be nice, but I don't do a whole mess of mission stuff and therefore wouldn't care too much about it. Thanks for the tip on the warship 0 speed bit, I might try that...

I remembered that I wanted to have planets with mission visbits too, because then you wouldn't need multiple systems if you had "upgradeable" planets. And when I think about it, having outfits and weapons have visbits (so that even AI ships can't have them untill set) would be nice for cutting down on ship mods. Or düde resources, or fleets....

I have to run, but I just found a way make a planet in EVN have more than one landable area.

Highway of Life, on Feb 19 2006, 04:08 PM, said:

I have to run, but I just found a way make a planet in EVN have more than one landable area.
View Post

I bet I know what it is.

You know, I thought of a rather quick way to get the updates you want. It's not the sanest way, though, and it might not even work. Here is my "idea":

  1. Find Mr. Burch's Home Address.
  2. Get to his house.
  3. Wait in line (because a bunch of other simpletons had the exact same idea)
  4. At this point, when you actually get to Mr. Burch, he will either:
    a)think your idea is worth it and immediately:
    a1) demand your life savings and/or
    a2) make you serve him (and possibly his family, if he has kids) for the rest of your life for free
    b)subject you to eternal torment for annoying him.
    The second possibility is much more likely.

The end result will probably be:

  1. A very few lucky people (if you call penniless and/or lifetime servitude lucky)
  2. Quite a few people suffering eternal torment
  3. All the rest of the nutcases still waiting patiently in line (unaware that Mr. Burch has died of old age)
  4. The sensible people waiting patiently for the next EVN update

All in all, it's clearly not the best "idea" to implement.

P.S. I certainly hope Mr. Burch will not be offended by my "idea". It was never intended to be serious, by the way.

Anaxagoras, on Feb 19 2006, 05:02 PM, said:

I bet I know what it is.
View Post

And I probably bet that this kind of thing has happened before in the last two EV games.

Hmm... I'm tempted to let ya guess! Posted Image

Okay, set up a few "invisible" stellars (empty sprites). Placed strategically over a planetoid, making the planet either
a) Not land-able
B) A number after 4
c) leave selectable to be another "location"

You would have to select the land-able location using the number keys (1-4) or by being on that side of the planet.
Still, if there was someway to do that using a dialog box, that would be the greatest.

This post has been edited by Highway of Life : 19 February 2006 - 10:39 PM

1. More escorts.
2. Larger ships/Ships that are actually uniform to what they say they are. My 20 metre Starbridge is not half the size of a Fed Cruiser.
3. The ability to customize escorts outfits like you can do to your own ship.
4. Fleet formations.
5. I was going to say multiplayer, but, uh...
6. A LOT more missions and ships. And governments!
7. Suns.
8. Planets that orbit said suns, so the planets aren't always in the same spot for the whole year.

Does this mean EV4 is being made? I ask this because I'm so used to the controversy over at Bungie's forums. Crazy psycho-Halo-noobs.


This post has been edited by Great_Pretender : 21 February 2006 - 04:51 AM

By way of an explanation...

Great_Pretender, on Feb 21 2006, 08:47 AM, said:

2. Larger ships/Ships that are actually uniform to what they say they are. My 20 metre Starbridge is not half the size of a Fed Cruiser.
View Post

...that's an engine limitation in as much as there's an upper limit for sprites on screen that's set by relative performance of the game engine; über-large sprites make the engine bork. The problem then is; if you set the largest ship in-game to that maximum feasible sprite-size, you end up with scaled fighter that are less than a pixel square. As a result, Nova operates on a kind sensible, intuitive scale system. It's not realistic, but actually, it doesn't really matter.

In short, the only way you could remedy this, would be to give EV4 a 3DOA2DP (3 Dimensions On A 2 Dimensional Plane) graphics engine.

Great_Pretender, on Feb 21 2006, 08:47 AM, said:

Does this mean EV4 is being made?View Post

...and that's why I think threads like this should be banned...

Great_Pretender, on Feb 21 2006, 03:47 AM, said:

1. More escorts.
2. Larger ships/Ships that are actually uniform to what they say they are. My 20 metre Starbridge is not half the size of a Fed Cruiser.
3. The ability to customize escorts outfits like you can do to your own ship.
4. Fleet formations.
5. I was going to say multiplayer, but, uh...
6. A LOT more missions and ships. And governments!
7. Suns.
8. Planets that orbit said suns, so the planets aren't always in the same spot for the whole year.

Does this mean EV4 is being made? I ask this because I'm so used to the controversy over at Bungie's forums. Crazy psycho-Halo-noobs.

View Post

Under threat of talking about this subject: 5 would not be as difficult as many of the changes proposed.
Some of the oldest, simplest games were/are MP. I know more than a dozen programmers who would have no trouble adding this feature to a new game engine... its easier than 3D for Pete's sake.

2, 6 and 7 are actually doable in the current game engine.

2 does not really make sense as the above post stated... though I believe it should be more realistic if the fighters were actually a little smaller, and big ships were actually bigger. I created a massive Borg cube and there is no bog on the engine. The engine does limit the size however.

9. No... not as far as any of us know. But if it is secretly beind developed, or if any of the developers are 'considering' EV4, we hope they will look into threads such as this one. <_<

This post has been edited by Highway of Life : 21 February 2006 - 06:48 AM


More choices in missions. Instead of Choice A or Choice B, add the ability to have Choices C, D, E, ect. Even just allowing a Choice C would be huge.

Allow pers to have more hail quotes for while the pilot is in flight, as well as more options. That way you can have a pers say "Don't mess with me!" while just flying around, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" when attacking player, and "Darn it!" when they die. Maybe also allow multiple quotes for each one, so when, say the pers is attacking the player, it can say "DIE!" "Burn!" "You stand no chance!" instead of the same thing over and over.

I think just adding the ability to use weap and outf resources in conjunction with roid's would be nice (and hopefully not too hard). I was also thinking selective asteroid scoops (maybe something similar to ScanMask)

Apparently, I hit the 200 Mark!