Qaanol's First Developer Challenge

Hamster, on Dec 10 2005, 01:16 AM, said:

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Nice. πŸ˜„

methinks ill be doing some filming very soon......
Yes.... yes......
I can see it now; helpless tourists in rural Australia......

It would be interesting to see these poor tourists recieving their medical bills.
Maybe someone should make a clip of that...

Hamster came, Hamster saw, Hamster conquered.

Me, I just used an ancient copy of QuickTime MoviePlayer Pro 2.5 to wrap the .swf in a .mov, then found and modified two descs.

Behold: plugification is completisized.

Attached File (23.58K)
Number of downloads: 61

Edit: Keep reading (to here) for the 2nd version of this plug.

This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 15 December 2005 - 12:48 PM

Dr. Trowel, on Dec 15 2005, 05:54 AM, said:

Behold: plugification is completisized.
Attachment attachment
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Haha, I am mightily amused! Excellent work, Doctor. πŸ˜„

ASTOUNDING NEW (well, to me, anyway) DISCOVERY! WATCH THIS POST FOR BREAKING NEWS (or not -- the edit is done now, and is below)!

Edit: OK, here it is: Thanks to the magical powers of Quicktime, EVN can run Flash .swf files as-is -- making the .swf into a track in a .mov, as I did before, is unnecessary. EVN automatically turns off looping for .swfs (& .movs), too, so you don't have to worry about hanging the game up because of that.

So now Hamster, freq, and other flashies can reference their .swfs right in the "movie file" field in desc resources, giving us in-game "multimedia" experiences with file sizes that are stunningly, jaw-droppingly tiny compared to traditional movie files. Here's a revision of my plug that does just that (still using Hamster's .swf) and also demonstrates the "double size" and "cinema mode" options for desc movies:

Attached File (22.49K)
Number of downloads: 54

Things I wonder: Does EVN for OS 9 handle flash files? Does this also work on Windows? What happens to interactive .swfs?

This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 15 December 2005 - 01:02 PM


If actionscript actually works here, we might be able to put minigames into missions. πŸ™‚

Then again, if Nova automatically turned off looping, it may automatically limit interactivity. Idea: Download N the game, add .swf to the end of the application (It'll still run, but as a 'shockwave flash movie'), and see if you can use it as a movie file.

N is one of the greatest flash games ever made.

No, this has been tried before and interactivity doesn't work. Also, while QuickTime has supported Flash for a long time, QT 7 appears to no longer officially support it. You can force a Flash file to open in QT 7 by going "Open With->Other" but it may or may not play.

Guy, on Dec 15 2005, 11:10 PM, said:

No, this has been tried before and interactivity doesn't work.
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That would've added a whole new interactive element to missions...

What about QuickTime VR scenes? (scrollable panoramas)

This post has been edited by Hamster : 15 December 2005 - 08:25 PM

Also tried. Plays, but you can't change the angle or zoom.

Yeah, my efforts at gettinng interactive flash to work failed. "N the Game" didn't run at all; a simpler flash game did "run," but in a non-interactive (and quite surreal) mode in which it seemed to be playing all its frames in a linear but nonsensical sequence. An elaborate but non-interactive 432K 2-minute .swf movie with sound ran just fine.

I tried a couple more things that did work... You can put .mpg and .mp3 files in the "movie" field of desc resources, as well as .swf and .mov. My guess is that system-wide Quicktime abilities mean that any video or audio file that can be opened by QuickTime Player can also be opened by EVN, so long as the file isn't interactive.

If anyone feels like doing further testing, here's a test plug to which you can add your own media files:

Attached File (719bytes)
Number of downloads: 41

It's nicely (if rather excitedly) annotated to show beginners exactly where to place the reference to their file, and adds an always-available mission so you don't have to wait for dropbears.

Dr. Trowel, on Dec 15 2005, 04:10 PM, said:

My guess is that system-wide Quicktime abilities mean that any video or audio file that can be opened by QuickTime Player can also be opened by EVN.
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Yes. Did you not know this before? I made a .qtz for the Shuttle once. Unfortunately only Tiger can play .qtz files.

Guy, on Dec 15 2005, 09:47 PM, said:

Yes. Did you not know this before? I made a .qtz for the Shuttle once. Unfortunately only Tiger can play .qtz files.
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I remember the topic, but hadn't grasped its significance -- since I haven't installed Tiger, I couldn't get the file to run.

More file types tested in the movie field of the desc resource:

still .gif -- shows for a fraction of a second.
animated .gif -- runs fine.
.pdf -- flashes rapidly through the pages of the doc.
.mid (MIDI music) -- runs fine.
.txt -- shows words about 12 at a time, and moves forward slowly enough to read. Looks best at double size, in cinema mode.

Maybe something there will be useful to someone. As to non-interactive .swf, my guess is that it isnΒ’t a huge risk for plugmakers to include these files in plugs so long as they stay compatible with Flash 5 or earlier. Apple might not be further developing QuickTime's ability to work with Flash, but I doubt theyΒ’ll remove the ability it already has. This Apple doc about the current QTversion (7) lists Macromedia Flash 5 as a supported format. So does this QuickTime Playback Compatibility Chart.

So, it's about 2 days before the new year..
Anyone ready?
(Or is someone else supposed to say this?)

It ain't over 'til it's over. πŸ˜‰

I hope the judge isn't in an early time zone.... My idea ain't much, but I don't know when I'll get a minute to implement it....

Wait... is someone challenging my mojo?

Hamster, on Dec 31 2005, 02:51 AM, said:

Wait... is someone challenging my mojo?
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It's not a matter of challenging your mojo, but rather of uniting your mojo with the mojo of Frequency245 , thus creating a greater and more mojo-tastic synthesis, and then of describing the synthesis while needlessly overusing italics.

What I mean is: (1.2 MB).

I withdraw my earlier plug from the contest. The only entered plug that contains either of the two submitted movies is now one that contains both of them.

Barring other last-minute entries, we all win! Or, to put it another way, the contest is void.

πŸ˜‰ Happy New Year. πŸ™‚

Alrighty then, contest closed. Thank you all for your participation.

Dr. Trowel, on Dec 31 2005, 04:35 PM, said: (1.2 MB).

I withdraw my earlier plug from the contest. The only entered plug that contains either of the two submitted movies is now one that contains both of them.

I have not yet had a chance to download this, and I probably won't be able to get it onto my computer to test until next week, but, provided it works, I provisionally declare this plugin the winner!


Barring other last-minute entries, we all win!

Yes. But Dr. Trowel, Hamster, and Frequency 245 win more than everyone else. You each get a Q.O.S.A. badge and a Qewie statue. Wear your badges with pride, and display your little metal figurines prominently!


Or, to put it another way, the contest is void.

πŸ˜‰ Happy New Year. πŸ™‚
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You can't prove either of those things...

Other prizes being awarded:

The nominees for "Pushing the Envelope of Nova's Quicktime Capabilities" are Dr. Trowel, Guy, and Hamster. And the winner is...

OΓΆps, I pushed the envelope off the lectern and it fell in the fireplace. I guess that means all three of you win. Due to a supply shortage, we're forced to give out that one Qewie statue some kid scribbled all over with Crayola brand Vivid Tangerine color crayon. You'll have to fight over the other two.

Consolation prizes that do not merit Qewies:

The "Procrastinator Prize 2005" goes to NebuchadnezzaR for his brilliant work in the field of not submitting a movie.

The "Off Topic Post Award" goes to ScratSkinner. And for the record, the "form" in question is this.

The "Obsessive Use of Italicized Text" award goes to Dr. Trowel. Don't make me come over there and repossess one of your Qewies...

Thank you all once again, it's been great! πŸ†’
