A Few Plug-In Questions

Then it's possible it's related to another part of the desc. Can we see the entire thing?

If you had it like Crashy shows then it should work. Try it again and double check every character you type.
And I'd say pretty much the same thing for the escorts. Check all of your fields again, make sure you've set a valid dude and have a look at the debug log for any clues as to what's going on.

Heh. Well, this string is informative, although I'd say there are more than a few plug-in questions here.

In regards to making the ships escort the player, is the düde AI type set as escorts? I think that plays a part. Or am I too old and forgetting all the stuff I used to know about plug-in making? For all I know düdes could have nothing to do with it. I need to reread the bible.

orcaloverbri9, on Aug 14 2005, 11:31 PM, said:

Then it's possible it's related to another part of the desc. Can we see the entire thing?
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The entire plug??

Here's the debuglog:
EV Nova debug log

Output on 8/15/2005 at 7:54 AM

game engine was compiled Apr 19 2004
game engine version is 1.0.8 Carbon

opening data files & loading prefs
initializing monitor
getting available window positioning bounds
opening RezLib
main display at startup was 1680x1050 / 32 bits / 0 Hz
switching to 16 bits
system software version is 1039
initializing QuickTime
building trig table
opening platform tool
opening file tool
opening draw tool
opening interface tool
opening registration tool
initializing arrays
opening data files
opening files in Nova Files folder:
Nova Data 1
Nova Data 2
Nova Data 3
Nova Data 4
Nova Data 5
Nova Data 6
Nova Graphics 1
Nova Graphics 2
Nova Graphics 3
Nova Music
Nova Ships 1
Nova Ships 2
Nova Ships 3
Nova Ships 4
Nova Ships 5
Nova Ships 6
Nova Ships 7
Nova Ships 8
Nova Sounds
Nova Titles 1
Nova Titles 2
Nova Titles 3
Nova Titles 4
Race 1.mov
Race 2.mov
Race 3.mov
Race 4.mov
opening files in Nova Plug-Ins folder:
Capships Fix Kopie
Shard Guild Beta
Ship Variants 1.0.6 Kopie
loading sounds
creating window
main window rect: (1172, 302, -1856, -16385)
initializing sprite world
creating scratch frames
creating offscreen buffers
starting music
initializing strings
initializing status bar
initializing objects
initializing buttons
loading object data
warning: ignoring link from Foroth (471) to nonexistent system 794
warning: stellar Earth (426) does not exist in any system
warning: Shard Carrier (424) has a trade-in value of 27150000 but costs only 20000000
warning: Shard Viper (428) has a trade-in value of 875000 but costs only 500000
warning: Shard Argosy (430) has a trade-in value of 1200000 but costs only 400000
warning: Shard Enterprise (431) has a trade-in value of 2800000 but costs only 800000
loading mission data
warning: mission 882 makes reference to nonexistent spöb resource 426
warning: mission 893 makes reference to nonexistent spöb resource 426
propagating mission bit effects
showing splash screen
loading sprites
checking memory
loading ship sprites
configuring sprites
initializing player
initializing main screen
opening last pilot file
load pilot data 1
load pilot data 2
load pilot data 3
load pilot data 4
load pilot data 5
load pilot data 6
load pilot data 7
load pilot data 8
load pilot data 9
making alias
dumping pilot log
propagating mission bit effects
preparing main screen
setting up world
checking network stack
creating connection
beginning version check
setting up main screen graphics
doing main screen
latest version is 1.0.8
opening pilot file
building file spec
showing nav services dialog
open file setup 1
loading pilot data
open file setup 2
main screen disposed
doing cleanup
disposing sounds
disposing buttons
disposing sprites
disposing particles
disposing patterns & picts
disposing sprite layers
disposing sprite world
disposing offscreen buffers
disposing array pointers
disposing dialog buffer
closing QuickTime
carbon cleanup
closing RezLib
closing other tools
clean exit

- end of log -

Interesting, I have no earth changing thing, and no missions with the ID of 882 and 893. And my systems are only to 793.

Although the could be a problem with the mission. The escort mission (a silent one) starts after the on accept bit 1027 of the mission which gives the destroy ships. This bit changes the entire syst to a new one and the station in it, too. But the silent mission, which appears 100% after b1027, starts at the old station, although you are still on it. So there shouldn't be any problems, should there?

And the picture of the mission window:
(For the escorts)
Attached File Bild_1.jpg (47.66K)
Number of downloads: 17

The escorts have no escort type düde, but they should appear.
And I have everything like Crashy.

Check your pilot log to make sure that the silent mission has actually started. If it hasn't, try using Sxxx in the onAccept of 1027.

I changed nearly nothing, but the escorts appeared!!!!!!!!! The mission would be really hard without them. 😄 I only entered that the silent mission is available at every planet of the gövt, and the gövt has at this stage only one, so this wasn't important. 😄
But the gender bug is annoying.

EDIT: How is it possible to let systs say message buoy strings? I copied the resource Message Buoy Strings with the ID of 1000, added one, which was number 21, and entered in my syst 21, but it say nothing.

EDIT2: 😞 I know now the bug with the escorts, the silent mission of them starts only, if I jump out of the system, jump back and land at the station. How can I solve that? It's not very logical if you play the story.

EDIT3: 😄 Yes! I searched in the data files and found an interesting thing S..., a grant set bit! 😄 With its help I could solve the escorts problem.

This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 15 August 2005 - 05:08 AM

Frequency 245, on Aug 15 2005, 07:22 AM, said:

EDIT: How is it possible to let systs say message buoy strings? I copied the resource Message Buoy Strings with the ID of 1000, added one, which was number 21, and entered in my syst 21, but it say nothing.
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Does the system replace an existing one? I think there's a bug with message buoys that makes all copies of a system use only the message specified in the one with the lowest ID.

Frequency 245, on Aug 15 2005, 07:22 AM, said:

EDIT3: 😄 Yes! I searched in the data files and found an interesting thing S..., a grant set bit! 😄 With its help I could solve the escorts problem.
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Really, how odd <_<

I'd like to jump in here with a few quick questions regarding ncbs, since so many plug questions are being answered here.

The ReMain-Edited plug, which basically clears out all storyline bits in a sequence of missions that autoabort, uses 18 misn resources simply because the line length of the OnSucceed field isn't long enough to contain more bits. So it sets the bits it can, then chains into the next mission.

I use EVNEW and I saw the OnAbort field. Does this field also activate in the autoaborting chain? Can I condense the plug to use less misn this way? And how can I tell if it's unset all the correct bits?


Guy, on Aug 16 2005, 05:05 AM, said:

Does the system replace an existing one? I think there's a bug with message buoys that makes all copies of a system use only the message specified in the one with the lowest ID.
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That should it be.

Guy, on Aug 16 2005, 05:05 AM, said:

Really, how odd <_<
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Nobody posted it. I'm also new at plug-in making, like the topic starter.

Guy, on Aug 15 2005, 11:05 PM, said:

Does the system replace an existing one? I think there's a bug with message buoys that makes all copies of a system use only the message specified in the one with the lowest ID.
Really, how odd <_<
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shďt. (get it?) Is this verified? That pretty much means I can't use bouys at all in my plug. I suppose i can always use invisible pers's. That works, too.

I played my plug farther and at the second text window with gender check the bug disappeared! I used it the same way since the last time. But at the first time the gender check was nearly at the start of the text window and at the second in the middle, perhaps that's it?

Im willing to bet its a typo. A really tiny one. Or something dumb with the engine, like a space between the { and the G. If you copy both texts, we can tell you exactly whats wrong. It is hard to diagnose something so vague.

Gender definitely works, so it isnt a real game bug.

The first text is some posts ago^. And here's the second one:

Attached File(s)

bloodpuff, on Aug 16 2005, 12:02 AM, said:

I use EVNEW and I saw the OnAbort field. Does this field also activate in the autoaborting chain? Can I condense the plug to use less misn this way? And how can I tell if it's unset all the correct bits?View Post

Yes, OnAbort does activate when a mission is auto-aborted.

@Frequency: One thing I can see is that your second text doesn't have an extra " at the end of each string. When you use a double quote in a text-selection thing, you need to type it as /".


This post has been edited by Edwards : 16 August 2005 - 11:04 AM

bloodpuff, on Aug 16 2005, 06:02 AM, said:

I'd like to jump in here with a few quick questions regarding ncbs, since so many plug questions are being answered here.

The ReMain-Edited plug, which basically clears out all storyline bits in a sequence of missions that autoabort, uses 18 misn resources simply because the line length of the OnSucceed field isn't long enough to contain more bits. So it sets the bits it can, then chains into the next mission.

I use EVNEW and I saw the OnAbort field. Does this field also activate in the autoaborting chain? Can I condense the plug to use less misn this way? And how can I tell if it's unset all the correct bits?

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Yeah, the OnAbort works, but from my experience and contrary to what the bible says the OnSuccess doesn't. You could try the OnAccept too.

Frequency 245, on Aug 16 2005, 10:57 AM, said:

Nobody posted it. I'm also new at plug-in making, like the topic starter.
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Look harder (ie, one post up from where you said that). Also, read the bible. All the operators are explained there so you don't need to hunt through the data files and figure stuff like that.

@ Neb: Just a sec...
Ah, here we go: Message Buoy Strings and System Changes

This post has been edited by Guy : 16 August 2005 - 06:18 PM

I hope my last problem with my plug:
My first mission gives a legal record boost to my government. I did a silent mission for this mission which is granted after you accept. As reward it gives a legal record 'boost' of -8000 with the Pirates (because after one later mission they let you land, although you are an enemy of them, which is not very logical), but after this mission they let me land! What did I wrong?

EDIT: Or elsewise: could it be, that xenophobic gövts have all other xenophobic gövts as allies, even if they should be enemies?

EDIT2: I'm not sure, but can it be that my bug is something with the gövts class? I didn't know what it mean and entered 9, like the one of the pirates, because they should be pirates. If this is it the 'bug', what other number shall I use?

EDIT3: I searched in the bible and found what for what I searched! I understand now what the class is. You don't want to know what I entered at the ally field...

EDIT4: Solved itself.

This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 18 August 2005 - 06:39 AM

Must I enter in every ncb set gap something (bxxx, Axxx, Sxxx,...)? I'm fixing repetiton missions, at my last I had b960 at availability and at every other field !b960, the stupid was that I used at one syst !b960 to change and the whole thing jumped back to the origin (luckily I beta test this plug). To avoid this I deleted all !b960s, but I'm not sure if this is allowed.

This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 18 August 2005 - 09:24 AM

Frequency 245, on Aug 18 2005, 08:18 AM, said:

Must I enter in every ncb set gap something (bxxx, Axxx, Sxxx,...)?View Post

No, you can leave NCB set fields blank. Nearly every resource in Nova has at least one blank set field.


It's out! You can try my plug here.
Of course everybody who helped me in this topic is in the 'Thanks section' of the readme. The plug also includes several easter eggs, and I don't mean the auroran outfits thing...
The storyline isn't the best, I know. What do you think about it? And remember, it's my first one.

This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 23 August 2005 - 04:00 AM

Looks good 🙂
For some reason the plugin itself has a .bin extension, even though it isn't encoded. Might want to get rid of that - it could confuse people.