plug making

k im a total beginner at this so maybe someone could show me how to do basic stuff...i have mission computer and i cant figure out what to do :blink:

Have a look at the Nova Bible, which can be found in the Documentation folder within your Nova folder - that explains all the bits and bobs of the various resources. Also, open up copies of the Data Files with MC and see how the ATMOSians did things. Always work with copies, as it prevents you from messing up the game by accident.

One more thing, technical plugin-making-related questions are best aimed at the Developers' Corner, as the people over there know more about the techincal inner workings of Nova. This Nova board is mainly for gameplay questions. 🙂

Belthazar, on Jun 16 2005, 01:51 AM, said:

One more thing, technical plugin-making-related questions are best aimed at the Developers' Corner, as the people over there know more about the techincal inner workings of Nova. This Nova board is mainly for gameplay questions. 🙂
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I'll just move this over there.

I may as well mention that Zacha Pedro has written a nice tutorial to introduce you to MissionComputer. You can find it here.


PICK ME! PICK ME! While immature, I contain lot's of information. But Edwards and Belthazar are smart too... Anyway,


Always work with copies, as it prevents you from messing up the game by accident.

No, you just don't save your work, or you 'save as' a plugin in the plugin file and it doesn't change what's in the data files.

zapp, on Jun 17 2005, 11:47 AM, said:

I contain lot's of information.

Not so much on the use of apostrophes, though.


No, you just don't save your work, or you 'save as' a plugin in the plugin file and it doesn't change what's in the data files.

But see, the reason I used the phrase "by accident" is that any changes would be saved... well... by accident. It's possible to accidentally hit "yes" when asked "do you want to save your changes?" - I know I have in the past. Better to work with copies, and remove the risk - unless you feel like spending however long it'd take to download a whole new Nova to replace one corrupted data file.