Can someone point me in the right direction?

I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of the list of ncb's the default nova scinario (SP?) uses.

Thanks in advance,
Bird of War

Last I checked there were several in the Add-Ons section....

Ok, I have this great idea. Bear with me for a sec:

You take all these questions


you keep them in the same thread.


Don't mind Neb, he seems to be a bit grumpy. However, it is generally a good idea to check for this sort of thing on the add-ons page, specifically in the Guides section. What you're looking for is the EVN Bits Bible, a nice listing of every bit used in 1.0.6, and the purposes of some/most of them. There have been a few changes in 1.0.8, so I'll list them below:

1.0.6 to 1.0.8 bit changes:
34, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 327, 415, 467, 518, 519, 612, 613, 666, 667, 677, 681, 838, 3721, 4322, 4444, 6137, 7878, 7879, 7880, 8340, 9334

150, 151, 421, 9237

And I'm sorry, but I don't know what they actually do.


Thanks Edwards, (glares at neb) <_< 😉 the guide you sugested has been very helpful. I do have on other question though. I've never used bits and I've got a small storyline that goes with a new outfit that ties into the nova senario nicely,but to the point, If I were to set bit 91 when the first mission is complete,would the test expresion for the second mission just be b91 in the test expresion field?

Bird of War

To Neb: I understand your frustration at all my questions, and your answers are usually very helpful. However, that doesn't change the fact that I'm new at this, and so have many questions regarding how to do what I'm trying to accomplish. Sorry, Bird of War

This post has been edited by Bird of War : 21 May 2005 - 03:43 PM

Bird of War, on May 21 2005, 02:37 PM, said:

Thanks Edwards, (glares at neb) <_< 😉 the guide you sugested has been very helpful. I do have on other question though. I've never used bits and I've got a small storyline that goes with a new outfit that ties into the nova senario nicely,but to the point, If I were to set bit 91 when the first mission is complete,would the test expresion for the second mission just be b91 in the test expresion field?
View Post

Yes. Although if you want the first mission to not repeat after you have finished it, you should put !b91 in the AvailOn field (and then add & !b92 to the second mission's AvailOn field, etc.). You may want to look at the middle missions of one of the storylines- they're an excellent example of how to make a simple mission string.


This post has been edited by Edwards : 21 May 2005 - 03:58 PM

Zacha has a nice little walkthrough for creating a string here.

Thanks for the answers, but I've got another question. If I were to create a mission string like this: mission1: availability test: !b1 & !b2, on seccess: b1, on decline b2. Would I be able to use the same ncb for the two other missions, scince you can ownly get one of the two choices per pilot, like this: If you choose to go through with mission and secceed: mission 2a: availability test: b1 & !b3, on seccess: b3. If player declines: mission 2b: availability test: b2 & !b3, on seccess: b3. Scince you can ownly choose once, and can't go back, can I use b3 for bolth mission 2a and 2b?

Bird of War

Bird of War, on May 23 2005, 09:22 AM, said:

Thanks for the answers, but I've got another question. If I were to create a mission string like this: mission1: availability test: !b1 & !b2, on seccess: b1, on decline b2. Would I be able to use the same ncb for the two other missions, scince you can ownly get one of the two choices per pilot, like this: If you choose to go through with mission and secceed: mission 2a: availability test: b1 & !b3, on seccess: b3. If player declines: mission 2b: availability test: b2 & !b3, on seccess: b3. Scince you can ownly choose once, and can't go back, can I use b3 for bolth mission 2a and 2b?

Bird of WarView Post

Yes, although you will need to put !b2 or !b3 in the test expression for all of the missions in each branch, in order to keep them seperate (if the test for missions 3a and 3b is just "b3", then they will both be offered when you have completed mission 2a or 2b).


Ok, thanks!
Bird of War