Another Question!

This time it's Pers...

Hey, I have another question, sorry to bother everyone!

I've tried looking for an answer to my question myself but I can't seem to find it, even with Zacha's fine guides. I'm having troubles getting Perses to appear in systems I've created.

I've filled out forms as follows (On EVNEW which isn't actually too bad);


ID: 644
Name: Alix DelaCroix
System: 10198
Govt: 198
AI Type: Interceptor
Agression: Average
Cowardice: 0
Ship Type: 322
Credits: 100000
ShieldMod: 200
Hail Picture/Comm Quote/Hail Quote/Linked Mission: -1
Active On: (blank)
Grant Outfit Class: -1
Grant Count/ Grant Random: 0
Subtitle: Darkmaster
All weapons Type/ Count/ Ammo: -1/0/0
Holds a Grudge
Uses an escape pod and has an afterburner.


Persons: 644, 646

Person Probabilities: 50, 50


Neither of the Pers I've entered are appearing, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Mao x

This post has been edited by MaoTheCat : 16 May 2005 - 04:19 PM

In the system there's a field called 'persons' and under that 'person probabilities'. Put the pers ID in that and put the percent chance of seeing it in the corresponding field. Wa-la, you got yourself a person entering the system! i hope that helps. Or the problem could be purely that you didn't go enough times to see the person. I have no clue, though I'm pretty sure I'm right.

A word of advice: never take advice from a madman, which is me. Wait, that doesn't make sense........

I've already done that, but even when I tried just one pers with a 100% prob, I still couldn't see them, so I'm assuming something else is wrong. Has anyone else ever encountered this problem before?

Mao x

MaoTheCat, on May 16 2005, 03:06 PM, said:

përs System: 10198
Persons: 644, 646
Person Probabilities: 50, 50


Neither of the Pers I've entered are appearing, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?View Post

Does that system have gövt of 198? If not, the përs will never appear there, no matter how high you set the probability.


yeah, set the person to -1 so it isnt attached to anywhere in particular.

YOu need to start a new pilot- if the pers wasn't in the game when the pilot was created it is seen by the engine as dead and will never be created.

rmx256, on May 17 2005, 12:32 AM, said:

YOu need to start a new pilot- if the pers wasn't in the game when the pilot was created it is seen by the engine as dead and will never be created.
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I'll try that, I think that's probably it! Thanks very much!

Mao x