sprite help

im a noob at sprite making

i am making a new plug, and the only thing in my way is the rled and rle8 recources. i cant figure out how they work. i have resEdit, mission computer and even EnRLE DeRLE, but i still cant make a working sprite. EnRLE always has error code-50 or something. PLZ HELP!!!!

This would be a better topic for the Dev Corner.


And yes, this would belong in the Dev Corner. But I'll try to answer your question anyway.

To have a sprite in game, you actually need to have rendered a something in a 3D app or a 2D app. If you made it in a 3D app, then you'll need to spin the object around in an animation, recording frames at the correct moments. This movie can then be turned into the Nova sprite layout with EnRLE, if I'm correct. However, I have never used EnRLE, so I don't know.

erikthered, on Apr 19 2005, 11:46 PM, said:

This would be a better topic for the Dev Corner.
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What program are you using to make your ship graphic?

rmx256, on Apr 20 2005, 07:25 AM, said:

What program are you using to make your ship graphic?
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I was using EnRLE and induvidual frames, made in apple works and converted to PICT format

metalhobo, on Apr 20 2005, 02:14 PM, said:

I was using EnRLE and induvidual frames, made in apple works and converted to PICT format
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It sounds like you may also need p2s, available here. It will convert a set of PICT formatted frames into sprite format, which can then be turned into rlë8/Ds using EnRle.

Edwards, on Apr 20 2005, 04:22 PM, said:

It sounds like you may also need p2s, available here. It will convert a set of PICT formatted frames into sprite format, which can then be turned into rlë8/Ds using EnRle.
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I actually have that softeware, but forgot about it. thanks 4 reminding me.

actually, the pict files i used were made from the p2 software. they created frames all in one thingy. i put the picts in my missioncomputor file, and did the shan stuff. I set the baseimageID's to the IDs of the PICTs and the base set count to 1. It still doesnt work.