new tc-size plugin

after the evn story...

hi, 2 things about the idea of this plugin:
1st: after you complete the main quests, it says something about mankinds future, but there is still a lot of space for new ideas, so : what happened after you united mankind, defeated the bureau or freed the vellos?
2nd: what happend to that kontik probe?

so, here`s my newest plugin, called alien invasion by now, maybe it'll have a better title later.
i allready released a teaser which should be online in the dl secction soon. you may want to have a short look at it here . note that this isn´t really much be now.

however, heres the intro text i´ve written right now:


You fought for Peace and Freedom.
Everyone did. And there was Peace and Freedom after the defeat of the Buerau. For the first time ever, all mankind was united, and the next few years were the best ones in all human history. All the money put into the war all the centurys before was used to combat poverty and deseases, a new golden age had started.
No one knows who started the war again. The conflict between the Federation and the Aurorans was raging again, and the Polarons went back into their isolation.
In this time it was, when mankind had contact to an alien race for the first time. But unfortunately, they weren't friendly at all. They allready captured abother alien race, and wanted to dominate human space as well. But the human nations were busy fighting each other, and would have been crushed easily by the aliens. But, fortunately, some high ranking members of all nations realizied this. They knew it won't be possible to just unify mankind, so they founded a secret organisation to defend mankind.

so what do you think about this? if you have any ideas, suggestions aso or even want to help me making this plugin, you´re most welcome to tell me!

This looks kinda familiar...

Wait a minute You're saying that, though country A and country B are at war, hating each other, they create a secret organisation that unites them? If so, your idea doesn't stand a chance because its foundation doesn't work
And it seems strange that war erupts for no reason when they are in a golden age.

Secondly, check the spelling and the grammar, mate and don't put 3 "but"s in 4 juxtaposed sentences.

Basically, I would strongly suggest rewriting your intro, and rethinking the whole scenario.

A little advice from me: don't put a teaser up right now when you don't even have a firm basis. Don't even put up the teaser until you are far enough in the development, and until people know about your plug.

Sorry to sound like a party crasher, but that's my basic advice. The minimum I feel I should tell you.
Otherwise, it's good to have ideas of the like! Keep it up!

general11: yeah funny how alien invasions often come into plugs I hope Arpia 2 will be the first with one to come out 😉

This post has been edited by Pace (haldora) : 18 March 2005 - 06:35 AM

well, didn´t planned to make a tc from the beginning so i worked on the plug for some time, uploaded a teaser, then got the idea of making a tc...i wrote this intro today morning short after i woke up, so i agree it´s far from perfect.
you think ists unrealistic? yeah, might i said i was quite tired when i wrote it. ;) thanks for your critzism, youre right, this needs some major rethinking.
but the basis isn´t that unrealistic i think. imagine: the aurorans finally ceased their war with the feds, after you finished playing the evn plot. the aurorans are a warlike culture, they might have started a new war just because they grew tired of peace. don´t you think that would be possible? but i agree that this secret organisation thingy is nonsense. what about this: all empires finally emerged into a new federation, containing all human nations. but here are still pirates, renegades who don´t like the system...would that be more realistic or a better foundation for the plug?

about the gramar aso, although i`m in year 12 in my school im stil learning english, so please be patient!

This post has been edited by r--m : 18 March 2005 - 08:11 AM

r--m, on Mar 18 2005, 02:10 PM, said:

well, didn´t planned to make a tc from the beginning so i worked on the plug for some time, uploaded a teaser, then got the idea of making a tc...i wrote this intro today morning short after i woke up, so i agree it´s far from perfect.
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Ah, okay. Good to see it's not brand new.

r--m, on Mar 18 2005, 02:10 PM, said:

you think ists unrealistic? yeah, might i said i was quite tired when i wrote it. ;) thanks for your critzism, youre right, this needs some major rethinking.
but the basis isn´t that unrealistic i think. imagine: the aurorans finally ceased their war with the feds, after you finished playing the evn plot. the aurorans are a warlike culture, they might have started a new war just because they grew tired of peace. don´t you think that would be possible?
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In the last description of one storyline (I think it's the Polaris), it says "they fight, but only to keep their strength" or something like it. So, yes, you could say that the Aurorans organise some kind of battle, but it could be peaceful battling with the Federation, where they use fake, harmless weapons while imagining what would happen in a real battle. That way, they would stay in shape and ready for any problems.
There would always be little strifes between some factions, but no full-scale war. Unless you give a good reason (imagine some terrorist group killing the spiritual, religious leaders of the Auroran Empire, and planting evidence linking the massacre to the Feds).

r--m, on Mar 18 2005, 02:10 PM, said:

but i agree that this secret organisation thingy is nonsense. what about this: all empires finally emerged into a new federation, containing all human nations. but here are still pirates, renegades who don´t like the system...would that be more realistic or a better foundation for the plug?
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The secret organisation in itself is not nonsense. You just have to change the background behind its formation. (I will be the last one to say secret organisations are nonsense, just have a look at Arpia)
Let's have a look at the first scenario I suggested: if they just fight to keep strong, but are still at peace, there could be such an organisation, no problems.
If, on the contrary, you say they are once again at war, you could say that a group of people are secretly trying to either bring peace back or to take control of both governments at once, a double coup d'Etat. Both ideas are the basis for a secret organisation.

You could indeed have a fusion of the governments. Of course, there would always be terrorists, rebels, renegades, But then you have to make some of those revolutionary groups pretty powerful because they would inevitably try to get together to be stronger against the central government.

r--m, on Mar 18 2005, 02:10 PM, said:

about the gramar aso, although i`m in year 12 in my school im stil learning english, so please be patient!
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🙂 I just noticed your location. You are excused (anyway, mein Deutsch ist sicher nicht so gut als deinem Ich muss auch viel mehr lernen ;))

Nothing is more uniting than a single powerful foe.

NebuchadnezzaR, on Mar 18 2005, 07:24 AM, said:

Nothing is more uniting than a single powerful foe.
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You know, this is kind of off topic, but I often wondered if that was really true. I mean, if we got attacked by aliens like in the crappy movie Independence Day, do you really think, for example, Bin Laden would fight along side Americans to defeat them? I'm not so sure.

What I mean to say is, I believe its quite possible that such extremes of cultures might rather die than fight along side their morally diametrically opposed equivalent.

I don't know, I'll go back to work now.

People quickly forget lessons learned through war during peace. Just my $.02.

thats a lot of new ideas ive got to think about...but i think i prefer that secret organisation idea, anyway, i still have to think of a good background story... thanks for your help! ill post a new plot as soon as i will have finished writing it.


anyway, mein Deutsch ist sicher nicht so gut als deinem Ich muss auch viel mehr lernen 😉

ja, da ist noch ein fehler...aber man sagt, deutsch sei sehr schwer zu lernen. 🙂

r--m, on Mar 19 2005, 08:11 AM, said:

ja, da ist noch ein fehler...aber man sagt, deutsch sei sehr schwer zu lernen. 🙂
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Nicht zu schwer.. 😉

rmx256, on Mar 18 2005, 02:46 PM, said:

People quickly forget lessons learned through war during peace. Just my $.02.
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The most extreme case is in Larry Niven's Known Space books, where centuries have passed since humanity outlawed war and violence. It is not until the Kzinti, a ferocious bipedal-feline race, make a rather messy first contact with humans, that the pacifistic humanity dusts off its old arms and armor. The Kzinti didn't quite know what they were getting into when they declared war; Mankind banished war because they were so very, very good at it.

Oh, and hi. I'm new in town.

Welcome to the boards, Lord Flasheart!

Deutch ist mein Lieblingssprache.

Anyway, just think of WWII. Russia and US are diametricaly opposed, but the more evil Germany got us on the same side. The only reason osama wouldnt join the us agains an alien invasion would be if he were holding out for a higher rank or something in the combined force. Essentially political infighting.

All bets are off after the war ends, of course. Just like the cold war started up just after WWII ended.

I feel left out... The only German I know is from KMFDM...

rmx256, on Mar 19 2005, 12:23 PM, said:

I feel left out... The only German I know is from KMFDM...
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I know only one phrase in German:
"Sie haben gut leckere ohrenflügel."

And I have no idea why Germanic ladies don't like me. 😛

I'd like to see the invader-aliens decimate all or most of the Auroran and Federation worlds, but the Polaris, Rebels, Free Traders, and Wild-Geese escape unscathed. There would be a heavy wave of re-colonization. Boundaries would change and new worlds could be discovered, and the looming existence of the aliens would endow all the races with a quasi-paranoia. The governments would fight desperately over the virgin territories in an attempt to expand their empires for the Retaliation.

But the aliens would not come back.

Ages would pass by, and the governments would never see a single invader ship. As political pressures grow worse and the number of fresh worlds lessens, they would turn on each other for foes. War.

Feel free to use that idea, r--m.

I know the word "Snausage".

Oo! Post 747! I loved those big jets as a kid!

This post has been edited by Fnoigy : 20 March 2005 - 01:42 AM


"Sie haben gut leckere ohrenflügel."

i can`t even translate that into english... for those who can´t speak german, it means as much as "you have good tasty earwings" just in case you care, correct would be "sie haben gute leckere ohrläpchen" but this doesn´t make much sense either... 🙂


I know the word "Snausage".

well, i do not. what does it mean?

@flasheart: i may really use some of your ideas...

i don´t think bin laden would ever work with the us again... its not a matter of politics, but of religion. the al quaida are religoíus extremists....and they see a threat for their religion in the western civilizations. look at our history (i dont only mean german histroy, but also europen and american history), its full of wars, senseless slaughtering and the opression of other cultures (its not that were not doing that in this moment). futhermore they think we are decadent (i hope this word exists in english) aso, but look what were doing every day...we are destroying the planet with our cars, airplanes, sinking oil transporters, nuke testing...the list is endless. they have every intention to hate us, i think they would rather die dann helping the western civs, especially the us.

This is getting more and more familiar. With the alien invasions and Federation and Auroran space being decimated... 😉


decadent (i hope this word exists in english)

It does.

its hard to come up with totally new ideas for a game like evn,for which so much modding has been done...

r--m, on Mar 21 2005, 10:47 AM, said:

its hard to come up with totally new ideas for a game like evn,for which so much modding has been done...
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It's the same with writing science-fiction stories. There can be only so many synonyms for warp and hyperdrive and wormholes that you feel like giving up on it. I don't. I keep on writing, finding a unique way to tell my tale in a way nobody has ever seen. Ever since I read, "Across the Sea of Suns", by Gregory Benford, I realized that there was more than one way to show character perspective in sci-fi. Holding the book, I could feel Nigel Walmsley multifassing in a starship, discussing the future of their interstellar expedition while still maintaining a sense of reality, a gut-feeling of immersion.

Godspeed to you, and your plug-in.