Kemet: Final Legacy

We're Recruiting

A little back story...

For those of you unaware, Kemet began life as a large plug-in for the stock Nova scenereo. Over time, it evolved into a total conversion (in fact, right in the middle of soliciting alpha testers!). Development went ahead unchecked, and before I knew it, my resource files were a mess. I had a hodge-podge of old an new graphics. My player's starting syst was 570-something, while that of an empty system was 128. Other assorted madness.

This lead, last month, to me throwing almost everything out and starting afresh- with a galaxy map that makes sense, for one. Ships are coming along well, the plot is being canonized so someone other than myself can work on it if need be. I'm working on a resources used chart, to avoid having the same pict repeated in six different files again.


We're looking for anyone who would like to join in the team and try something a little different.

Currently we have:

rmx256- Leader, coder, ships, writing
tycho61uk- Co-leader, ships, other graphics.

I would ideally like to recruit the following:

-Any number of writing pool members. Duties would include writing landing descriptions, outfit descriptions, mission descriptions, etc.

-Any number of coders. Duties would include coding spobs, junks (a rather full economy is planned), and other resources as required.

-Any number of graphics people. Specifically in this instance, people to whip up some spobs, stations and interface elements. Most of what I've got will go out the window. Landing shots are also required, as Terragen runs like drugged turtles on my Mac. Also, somewhere along the lines, outfit graphics.

Although it's wishful thinking, any number of additional shipwrights could always be useful. Between Tycho and myself, we'll get them all, but it will be long going. We, unlike others, consider it a plus if you use Mechanisto and/or other free/shareware tools to get the job done.

Anyone involved would be doubly important- as people to throw around ideas, converse, and elaborate these themes here into something truly special.

Although I'm not going to reveal any serious details on the plot here, we're not looking at a traditional govt versus govt here (although that is a broader theme for approximately 33% of the story). This is something really different, and you'll be surprised when it's all said and done.


If you're interested, drop me or Tycho a PM, or come and inquire more at our forums. We look forward to any offers and will consider anyone.

PM me about writing, and I'll gladly help.

Would be much fun.

I could do some writing, or spob manufactury. I am no good for graphics, but I also have a few concepts for some plug ins of my own that I wouldn't mind letting you use.
PM or email me ( with some more info on what kind of things I should write if you want me on the team.
I have only released one small plug so far, so I am warning you, I am fairly inexperianced.
My english teacher likes my writing, if that's worth anything. other than that, no credentials. I do think i t would be fun though 🙂

I think he might bo more likely to notice if you PM him or post on this topic in his Kemet forums.