Is it possible
Do my eyes deceive me or is it not possible to rename the normal comodity exchange? I had so many bizarre ideas If I understood it right, you can only edit the special items in the jünk resource.
Is it possible
Do my eyes deceive me or is it not possible to rename the normal comodity exchange? I had so many bizarre ideas If I understood it right, you can only edit the special items in the jünk resource.
No, you can edit the names of the six standard commoditities. They're in str# 4000
Edit: Not to mention the lower case names in 4001, the abbreviated names in 4002, and the Status Cargo names in 4003, as well as the base prices in 4004.
This post has been edited by Belthazar : 14 December 2004 - 09:20 PM
There's a STR# resource in which you can rename the Commodity Exchange. "misc strings", I think.
In EVN Firefly, I renamed it to Bazaar.
Yes. To rename the commodity exchange items, edit the STR# referenced by Balthazar. This has been done in at least one plug-in I know (Final Battle for changed Food to Foodstuffs, Metal to Ore, Equipment to Synthetics, and things like that).
(Edit) Oh, and if you can find the STR# resource titled "base prices," you can even change the price of a commodity at "Medium" price with no oops events at a stellar that has favorable legal status to the player (i.e. the base price, surprise surprise). The percentages by which the prices change (due to the things that could possibly change which I just said), I believe, are fixed. (/Edit)
To change the Commodity Exchange itself you can always edit the button graphic.
(Edit) Er, well I just read Lindley's post. Maybe I'm just giving you outdated information...I guess I forgot that EVN's buttons aren't graphics anymore (that's correct, right? must be getting old; can't remember these things anymore). (/Edit)
This post has been edited by Firebird : 15 December 2004 - 12:13 AM