Sprite help from the 3D Talented

Zombat, Weepul, Matrix... that means you.

In the image gallery there's been a lot of advice about how to properly light a scene (which zombat should stick on his site, by the way). But I've started laying out the sprite for Sephil Saga, and I need to know how to light a sprite render so it looks good in the game.

I know the first step is going to be "turn off ambient light", but I'm using Bryce 5, and if there's a way to do that, I don't know what it is. The ambient light appears to be the "sun" in the Sky/Cloud settings, and it's controlled by a trackball-like thing. I know how to change the direction and color, but not how to turn it off. Bryce also limits my light selection to different shaped spotlights and radial lights. How would I go about properly lighting them?

Also, I'm rendering them at 45 degrees, and I'm using a template file that I'll copy my ships into, so they'll all be lighted the same.

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The key should be (if I remember correctly) 45 degrees to the left, and 30 degrees up. Either that or it's the other way around. Other than that, I really can't help you because I've never used Bryce in my life so I don't know what's available.


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Well a good source for lighting tips is of course (url="http://"http://www.ap3d.com/betterspace/")betterspace(/url), but generally just turning off the ambient (I'm sorry I can't help you out with that, I have no idea about bryce) and putting in a 'key' light and some highlighting lights for other detail is fine. Just play around for a while until you get something that looks realistic and not overdone.

You'll do fine, experimentation is the key.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Don't know bryce, but since the plugin is a TC, and there is no need to mesh in with the origional Nova, just get a good looking lighting setup and keep consistant for all the ship renders. No biggie. And while the betterspace tutorials are good, they refer more to lighting spacecraft in scenes, for a sprite, I recomend a simple 3 point lighting setup. (If you render with just one light, much of your sprites will be obscured, and the shadows will be far too harsh). I would recomend a white main light, and maybe very slightly hued fill and kick lights. Sorry I can't really help with the Brycian specifics, It has been far to long since I even touched the progoram (though I think it may be in sun and sky controlls, you just have to turn everything off and put in standard lights).

"Life is tough, but it's even tougher when you're stupid."
-John Wayne

the light in bryce is not ambient... i think...more like a distant light...been a while since i used bryce....playing around with the sky and clouds is what i always did....if you want to turn all sun light of....isnĀ“t there some kind of sun strenght option.... try putting this at minimum....

And then there were silence.................

I believe that in Bryce ambient lighting is actually a texture/material property. If so, you'll just need to open up each of your textures/materials and set their ambience to zero. The "sun" is a distant (or parallel) light, which IMHO is probably best for your main light. But you can in fact turn it off as modesty_blaise_us suggested if you'd prefer.

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