conjuror class ar

I started a game with a conjuror but i cant seem to do anything cause even goblins hit 5s and i only have 10 hp. Is there some spell u start with or some trick to kill goblins?



Originally posted by member person:
**I started a game with a conjuror but i cant seem to do anything cause even goblins hit 5s and i only have 10 hp. Is there some spell u start with or some trick to kill goblins?


It will take alot of luck, and saving, but once you get to level 3, I beleave you can choose the magic arrows spell, which works wonders against massed goblins. Until then, I used the protection spell when I fought a goblin, going back to heal, hoping to get a fish ration thing so that I could heal there. It takes awhile, but its worth it.

You know you live in Arizona when you see someone driving with oven mits on.. and you think they are clever.


Originally posted by member person:
**I started a game with a conjuror but i cant seem to do anything cause even goblins hit 5s and i only have 10 hp. Is there some spell u start with or some trick to kill goblins?

Here's a technique that I use with any character, but especially good for a conjurer: When you first start out you are in Fantrima. Go one square south. There are no enemies there but there are seven spots you can pick up gold. Now go one more south and immediately head west. Pick up three apples by the side of the road and cross the bridge. Yhere are seven more spots you can find gold and sometimes a health potion or two. Stay out of the northwest corner of that area below the stream (there are some mean thieves there) and beat a hasty retreat back across the bridge. Now head north to the square with Morgo's termite farm and the archery range. You will find three more spots to pick up some gold. If you have been lucky you will now have about 200 gold pieces and you won't have seen any enemies yet. Go back east one and then north to Fantrima again. Now you can buy yourself a little better protection, perhaps a better weapon, and have a little left to buy some fish rations rations or at least some cheese. This all makes starting out easier.

If you have talked to Septemris while going through his camp, and the maid Moon in Fantrima who is looking for her little boy Manko, now is the time to head west from Fantrima into Goblin Forest. Try to pick off the goblins one by one until you can rescue Manko. Moon will give you 50 gold pieces for saving him and Septemris will promote you to "Page" with an increase in speed and dexterity. The goblins you killed will put you at about level 3 and your stamina will be up too. That's a good head start. You're on your own from there. ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
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That's more or less what I do. If you are a swordsman, you can also beat the first few levels in the arena early on.

Clones are people two.
If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
A man who's out to save Gidolan Keep, flies an Auroran ship, and hacks into computers to keep the bricks from falling past the line of destiny? Yep, that's me!

For a conjuror more than anyone, spending money wisely early on is essential. Always buy the best equipment available to you. Don't settle for "nearly as good", since every time you sell an item to buy a new one, you only (generally speaking) regain half the money you spent on the old item.

Strangely enough, I find that the first item of armor you should buy in Fantrima is a good belt - the best belt available there is fairly cheap for the amount of protection it provides, and it will be a while before you find anywhere that will sell you a better belt.

I will also second RD's suggestion about heading to the enemy-free area just south of Fantrima and digging up all the gold you can find there. It's extremely helpful.

'You can either be on the stage, just a performer, just going through the lines...or you can be outside it, and know how the script works, where the scenery hangs, and where the trapdoors are. Isn't that better?'
-- T. Pratchett

i got magic arrow but i dont know how to use it. Do i need to get something before im able to use spells?



Originally posted by member person:
i got magic arrow but i dont know how to use it. Do i need to get something before im able to use spells?

Have you read the Trinity manual? (Try pressing "V")

'You can either be on the stage, just a performer, just going through the lines...or you can be outside it, and know how the script works, where the scenery hangs, and where the trapdoors are. Isn't that better?'
-- T. Pratchett


Originally posted by member person:
**i got magic arrow but i dont know how to use it. Do i need to get something before im able to use spells?


Use it the same as other spells, accept you need to click on the enemy you want to target before it will cast. Try holding down the block key or I think sometimes you will walk towards the monster instead, if you miss. Its been a while.

You know you live in Arizona when you see someone driving with oven mits on.. and you think they are clever.


Originally posted by Neep:
**Use it the same as other spells, accept you need to click on the enemy you want to target before it will cast. Try holding down the block key or I think sometimes you will walk towards the monster instead, if you miss. Its been a while.


No, that's now how magical arrows works. Magical arrows sends two arrows aout in front of you, and you don't have to pick any targets. You must have gotten magical arrows mixed up with firey arrow, where you pick a target and a firey arrow is sent at that target. Firey arrow also does a lot more damage than magical arrows.

I didn't know what to put
here, so I just put this

is it possible to have every spell in the game? Or do u have to chose between some?



Originally posted by member person:
is it possible to have every spell in the game? Or do u have to chose between some?

You get to choose a new spell every 2 levels. When you have selected every spell for a given spell level, then you are presented with the next spell level's selection.

Iti s quite possible to have every spell in the game. I believe it is around level 21 or so when you finish learning all the standard spells.

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Originally posted by LifeKnight:
**No, that's now how magical arrows works. Magical arrows sends two arrows aout in front of you, and you don't have to pick any targets. You must have gotten magical arrows mixed up with firey arrow, where you pick a target and a firey arrow is sent at that target. Firey arrow also does a lot more damage than magical arrows.


Heh, you are right, I just saw Arrow (singular) and thought of the one arrow spell, as opposed to Arrows which sends an arrow to every enemy on the screen. Thanks. 🙂

You know you live in Arizona when you see someone driving with oven mits on.. and you think they are clever.

probably my last question about the conjuror...
If you read twice the same book for example circle of fire, will the spell become stronger?



Originally posted by member person:
**probably my last question about the conjuror...
If you read twice the same book for example circle of fire, will the spell become stronger? **


The tomes only allow you to memorize the spell. Memorizing the same spell multiple times does not do anything.

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Why cant i carry a staff. My char looks like hes carrying a staff but all staffs are to heavy for him. Is this normal?



Originally posted by member person:
**Why cant i carry a staff. My char looks like hes carrying a staff but all staffs are to heavy for him. Is this normal?


I'd say it's about time for you to check out the mage tower then.If you've freed Dernath you should be strong enough 😉

Otherwise, just live with it. It's not a big deal, and even when the swordsman carries a mace or staff, the graphic doesn't change, so why should the conjuror be any different?


Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)


Originally posted by member person:
Why cant i carry a staff. My char looks like hes carrying a staff but all staffs are to heavy for him. Is this normal?

Some items have a minimum strength in order to equip it. Look at the staff's description and it should list the minimum strength needed. If your conjurer is weaker than the requirement, then you need to either cast a strength spell so you can equip it or purchase strength boosting potions from Kalixa.

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