What happened to that Conversion utility

yeah wasnt wootware making a drag and drop conversion for ev evo to evn .like 4-5 months ago i could swear reading about it



Originally posted by scifi fan 2002:
**yeah wasnt wootware making a drag and drop conversion for ev evo to evn .like 4-5 months ago i could swear reading about it


It's avaliable for PC users only. It comes with the download of Win Nova.



Originally posted by JackTheSmack:
It's avaliable for PC users only. It comes with the download of Win Nova.

That's not the utility he was talking about.

w00tWare, the creators of NovaTools, wrote a utility called PortAuthority, which converts plug-ins from the Escape Velocity and EV Override formats to the new EV Nova format, in order to allow them to use the new engine's features, and run natively on Mac OS X (and now Windows). PortAuthority was used to create the Escape Velocity and EV Override ports that Ambrosia recently released, but the utility itself remains, for some reason, unreleased.

David Arthur | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url)
Truth! Justice! Freedom! And A Hard-Boiled Egg!

Didn't EVONE absorb PortAuthority? If not Wootware's version, somebody else's- the latest version can do said conversion.

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"http://www.cwssoftware.com")www.cwssoftware.com(/url)


(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 07-20-2003).)

The latest version of EVONE can indeed. It is not the "official" w00tWare version, but one made by SpacePirate and available only through EVONE. (In my own personal experience it works extremely well.) For right now, it is as close as you are going to come to "official" 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.ariossoftware.com")Arios SoftWare(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ariossoftware.com/programs/evone/")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)