Free Landscape Pics

Ive started work on making some free landscape pics for the comunity. I got the beta of Terragan and have been making a few experiments with it. Here is the first one I have created along with a matching planet graphic. I will be making more later (tomorrow probably) so if you like them, feel free to use them.


  1. Oh yeah, the landscape pic is NOVA size 🙂
  2. Forgot to change the url on the download link when I coppied and pasted :redface:

Here are the pics in jpeg form and below is a link to the download of the pict files (compressed):

Posted Image

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Enjoy 🙂


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"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

(This message has been edited by Jules (edited 05-03-2003).)

Is terragen mac compatable? I wanted to try it out, from the images on the renderosity site, its one *sskicking landscape renderer.

"Two things are certian in this life. The universe, and human stupidity. ...Though i'm not so sure about the universe."

Very nice. We can always use more landing pics.
What is this TerraGen I've been hearing about? Is it just part of MojoWorld, because it looks that way. And did you really mean beta, or just demo? If there's a non-expiring beta version, I'd love a chance to try it.

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Originally posted by Skyfox:
**Is terragen mac compatable? I wanted to try it out, from the images on the renderosity site, its one *sskicking landscape renderer.

Yes. Its still in beta though, and you need to sign up for the mailing list to download it. Im still trying to figure out all the little quirks of it, but I like it!


Originally posted by Captain Bob:
**Very nice. We can always use more landing pics.
What is this TerraGen I've been hearing about? Is it just part of MojoWorld, because it looks that way. And did you really mean beta, or just demo? If there's a non-expiring beta version, I'd love a chance to try it.

Thanks 🙂 No, its a completely independant program. I mean beta. It is being ported from the PC. Its a public beta, aso as I said all you have to do is sign up to the mailing list to download it.

(url="http://"")You can find the Terragen Mac website here.(/url)


(url="http://"")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

(This message has been edited by Jules (edited 05-04-2003).)


Originally posted by Captain Bob:
If there's a non-expiring beta version, I'd love a chance to try it.


The public beta has a time limit of around 40 days. A new beta version will always be available before the time limit expires.(/B)

Looks nice, but I think I might as well stick with Bryce.

Do not adjust your mind - there is a fault in reality.

I made myself member of the yahoo! Terragen mac group.... now what do i do to download the beta?



Originally posted by Curufinwe_Fëanor:
I made myself member of the yahoo! Terragen mac group.... now what do i do to download the beta?

You don't need to be a member of the group to download it. Get it (url="http://"")here(/url).


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"

Vaumnou: your link points to the PC version. We're talking about the Mac version.

Posted Image
(tweaked out in Photoshop...highlight blooms, DOF, curves)

Yeah, it works pretty well. Seems Bryce is better for specific scene composition (easier internal terrain editing, object and camera placement, ability to include objects at all, highly tweakable sky settings) whereas Terragen does better at basic real-world effects (atmosphere and angle affects light color and light is visible in the atmosphere, water has volumetric depth effects, cloud shading is directional with the light) but lacks some customizability (is it just me or is there only one type of cloud pattern it can produce? or type of noise for terrain materials, for that matter?). It also seems to render terrains more realistically than Bryce.

Bryce has the ability to render similar effects (volumetric world for light-in-atmosphere effects, volumetric clouds allow realistic cloud effects that can even be superior to Terragen's, volumetric water can be sort of simulated) but very slowly.

So, I guess Terragen just sorta does what it does and does it quite well. Use it if you want to do what it can. (how's that for a vague phrase :D)


Look at it this way, Terragen is FREE, Bryce isn't.

Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."

Made a new one. I added the ship in Photoshop after rendering in Strata. Not finished the planet and pic files for this one yet, but will have them uploaded tonight.

Posted Image


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"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

Very interesting program. I haven't had the time to mess with it for very long, but it seems does quite nice at what it does.

Edit: By the way, Jules, what program did you use to make that planet pict?

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"The more you ask a pot if it's boiling yet, the longer it will take to boil." -mrxak

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 05-05-2003).)

The planet was done in Fireworks using the Flaming Pear Lunar Cell plug-in.


(url="http://"")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

Ah. Well I hope you make some more!

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"The more you ask a pot if it's boiling yet, the longer it will take to boil." -mrxak

These pics remind me of HALO.

Sorry for the useless post.

There are doors I haven't opened,
Windows I've yet to look through.
Going forward may not be the answer.
Mabye I should go back.

Would some one make a plug with those in it, to replace some of the crapy ones?
There sick!!!


New ones!

Posted Image
Alien Rocks.

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Modification of the orriginal water moon landscape redered at a different angle with a repositioned sun.

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Forrested world shortly after sunrise.

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Glaciated world.

Enjoy 🙂

(url="http://"")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

(This message has been edited by Jules (edited 05-05-2003).)

yea sure it makes pretty pictures of some place that looks like Alaska, but does it do inhospitable worlds?

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Cheat any way you want in almost any mac game. Even Nova.


Originally posted by Rick_Hardslab:
**yea sure it makes pretty pictures of some place that looks like Alaska, but does it do inhospitable worlds?


Or just mountains? Or plains? Or cities? Or antartica? Or anything?
Though it seems to do a really nice job, that thing seems to only be able to make realistic earth-type places. For a scifi space game, that gets repetitive real quick.

I am ME hear me roar!

Originally posted by Rick_Hardslab:
> does it do inhospitable worlds?

Posted Image

Terragen's haze seems to make for very low-contrast images if you want any kind of thick atmosperic effects, so some tweaking in Photoshop somtimes helps a lot, like in the pic above. Here's the untouched render for comparison:

Posted Image

This is a fun program. 🙂

Originally posted by Meaker VI:
> Or just mountains?

> Or plains?
Without detailed vegetation, sure.

> Or cities?
Not really.

> Or antartica?

> Or anything?
Could you be more specific? 😉


(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 05-06-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 05-06-2003).)

Damn it Weep! How come you seem to master every single aspect of a program instantly?!?! Do you just seem to adsorb it into your conciousness or something 😛

Seriously good work though!


(url="http://"")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"