Free Landscape Pics

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My first try. If I had more time, I'd work on terragen a little more.

Try the hotpockets, they're breathtaking

You guys are sick. Nice work, all of you. You make it look so easy I might have to give it a whirl.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L-1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things

Originally posted by Jules:

Damn it Weep! How come you seem to master every single aspect of a program instantly?!?! Do
you just seem to adsorb it into your conciousness or something 😛

Nope, only certain aspects of certain programs. cough Um, I mean, I greet every new program with the line, Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. 😉

Really, though, mostly it's just that I have some experience making landscape scenes, and I've been reading some Terragen tutorials online and am not too afraid to fiddle with settings. I haven't done anything TOO drastic, some people out there who've created weird glows by setting the sky's blue color to end just above the valleys, or something... 😛 I've hardly mastered "every aspect". Not even close... drools at various Terragen galleries out on the web

You seem to be missing only real two things so far: one, rendering at 2x each dimension (or more) because Terragen's renderer is kind of low-detail if you render at your desired size, even at full quality. I figured that out with my second or third test render, and confirmed it on the 'net. Two, terrain materials. You don't seem to be doing much with those yet. As for me, I understand the concepts at work there (slope, altitude, coverage, noise, bump, and how layers interact) pretty well, but even then I'm still fuzzy on the specifics - like the scale control seems to do nothing. I dunno how to get the noise size smaller.

Ok, so there's a third thing, too. The atmosphere controls really change what the scene's mood is, as do the shadow lightness settings. You have to fiddle with them. Beyond that, it's all up to artistic sense.

Oy, a fourth - a little Photoshopping can help, as I mentioned.

I need to stop thinking - there's a fifth: bump the terrain resolution to at least 513 (which is usually sufficient). Do so by clicking the button under the terrain map image thing ( :p) in the terrain editor.

Terragen does a few things particularly well, it seems, and as such there are a few things all Terragen users do at one point or another. Everyone, but everyone, will make a scene showing bright sunlight rays sreaming through clouds or over cliffs...everyone, but everyone, will make a sunset scene...and everyone, but everyone, will have shots featuring water, particularly its depth effects. It shall be called The Law Of Terragen and there will be much rejoicing in the streets. (yeah, sleep deprivation makes me be silly sometimes... :rolleyes: ) Also, many people will do something with the "bliss effect", once they find that tutorial. I'm working on that one right now. It seems to simply be an interesting artifact that happens on the clouds when the camera is near the sky plane.

Why don't I get them out of the way now while I'm acquiring more sleep debt...stupidly...
(in another post...UBB is blorking on the length)


(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 05-06-2003).)

Terragen Cliché Gallery
(but hopefully eye-pleasing as well)

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I do love coastal ranges...this pic could've been done a lot better (clouds, texture, atmosphere, everything really) but I was just aiming for gratuitous Terragen light rays. 😛

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Bliss. That's the name someone gave to the weird effect in the sky.

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The exact same scene as above, but with 3D clouds enabled. It gave an aurora-ish effect, and a long render time.

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Sunset. I redid it with non-3D clouds that turned out better anyway. Ahh, (url="http://"")this guy(/url) owns me at this stuff anyway...

(water depth image)
I'll do it sometime later...


(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 05-06-2003).)

I would render at twice the size and use higher resolution, but its been rendering the current one for about 3 hours now and still hasnt finished the sky yet :eek:

Maybe once I get my new baby (dual 1.25) sometime in the summer I will make them at that resolution. Could I maybe set up the scene rendering at low quality the way I like it and send it to you to render? Taking 6 hours to render is a bit of a pain in the ass 😛


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"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

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Poluted World. Once a highly industrial world, the sun now struggles to break through the smog and poluted air of this deserted world.

Took four and a half smegging hours to render this on my Pismo! Contrast and curves adjusted in Photoshop.


(url="http://"")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

Someone really needs to make a plug adding thoes pics. Please!!!


I stand corrected. Very nice work, maybe if I get the idea I've got for a TC up and running, I'll have to see if one of you wants to do planets for me 🙂

I am ME hear me roar!

I must praise the skill with which these landing picts have been made...I've played with Terragen before, but all I've made are generic landscapes that were, well, boring.

Just to highlight how good these pictures I'm seeing are, I'm contributing a sample from Mother Nature herself (captured with a simple digital camera):

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Looking at this and comparing to what you've been making with Terragen, I must say it's looking really good.

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")
(hosted by (url="http://"")

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I tried to incorporate some of the things which seem scientifically logical to me in this pic, whether accurate or not... One, hard shadows due to the sun having such a small visual profile from the great distance. Two, exaggerated stars and bright flare for the sun despite the distance, due to long exposure time so you can see the ground. Three, the ambient light is supposed to be starlight, visible due to the long exposure and higher relative intensity to the light of the sun. I have no idea if that last one actually would occur pronouncedly enough to be visible in a photo or not.

Stars and sun flare added in Photoshop.

Terragen is really addicting... 😄



I'm the Terragen Mac guy, I saw some traffic from here and followed things up. I thought I might make a few comments, I hope no one minds. I like the images posted here, I've played Nova a bit and always though TG would have made a good job of some of the planet screens.


Originally posted by Weepul 884:
I haven't done anything TOO drastic, some people out there who've created weird glows by setting the sky's blue color to end just above the valleys, or something...

Despite the name, so called because it was first discovered with blue, you can have Weird Any Colour Glows. You can actually do it with any of the three main atmosphere controls, and change the colour to anything you like ( just hit the respective colour button to change ). The key with the Weird Glow is to balance the half height and density for good effect. Drop the half height down low and then play with the density until you get a good effect.


You seem to be missing only real two things so far: one, rendering at 2x each dimension (or more) because Terragen's renderer is kind of low-detail if you render at your desired size, even at full quality. I figured that out with my second or third test render, and confirmed it on the 'net.

This is generally true. An upcoming release improves on this, but the increased detail will only be available in the registered version.


Two, terrain materials. You don't seem to be doing much with those yet. As for me, I understand the concepts at work there (slope, altitude, coverage, noise, bump, and how layers interact) pretty well, but even then I'm still fuzzy on the specifics - like the scale control seems to do nothing. I dunno how to get the noise size smaller.

If you want more information about the specifics of the surface map system, check out the guide here. That has more information about how scale etc. works.


Terragen does a few things particularly well, it seems, and as such there are a few things all Terragen users do at one point or another.

All that is very true :).


Jo Meder


(This message has been edited by jomeder (edited 05-07-2003).)

Hi Ewan,


Originally posted by Jules:
I would render at twice the size and use higher resolution, but its been rendering the current one for about 3 hours now and still hasnt finished the sky yet :eek:

Maybe once I get my new baby (dual 1.25) sometime in the summer I will make them at that resolution. Could I maybe set up the scene rendering at low quality the way I like it and send it to you to render? Taking 6 hours to render is a bit of a pain in the ass 😛


Have you tried turning on C4 Culling ? This greatly improves render speeds on TG Mac ( currently a Mac only feature ). You turn it on in the Options tab of the Render Settings dialog, which you get to from the "Settings..." button in the Rendering Control window. As C4 Culling is a non-standard feature ( i.e. isn't also in TG PC ) it isn't saved in the World files with other settings. You can however have it turned on all the time, which isn't a bad idea in any case, by setting it in the Preferences, on the General panel. Check the "C4 Culling on by default" checkbox.


Jo Meder


(This message has been edited by jomeder (edited 05-07-2003).)

Can ANYONE tell me how to download the MAC version please!!! this program looks way to cool!



Originally posted by Jules:
You can find the Terragen Mac website here.

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"The more you ask a pot if it's boiling yet, the longer it will take to boil." -mrxak

I remember playing around with terragen about half a year ago. Weepul, mind sharing what kind of stuff you did in photoshop to touch them up so nicely?


Here are my first couple of attempts:
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(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 05-10-2003).)

Here's one of the first Terragen scenes I made. I like the way it came out.
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Originally posted by Weepul 884:
Vaumnou: your link points to the PC version. We're talking about the Mac version.

Oops. Sorry about that.


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"

(This message has been edited by Vaumnou (edited 05-10-2003).)

I finally downloaded terragen, and in my first tour by the program, i made this:
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as i write this i am rendering a much better scene... I love the program!!!!


This all looks looks like no one'll have much trouble coming up with landing picts anymore; now, about the rest of the plug-in...

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")
(hosted by (url="http://"")

You can find tons of Terragen-created pics at (url="http://"") You have to get a register (free) and then download the Webshots desktop utility before you can download the pics. You can even upload your own creations (as well as other pics) to the site into your own albums to share with the world. Unfortunately, Webshots only has the utility for PC's. It did have a version for the Mac, but no longer.

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-12-2003).)