Resedit Unstable

I have Mac OX 10.2.4, and
Resedit is very unstable and crashed classic consistantly. I have given it large amouts of memory but that didnlt help. What's going on?

Let me check on that. It works fine for me with Jaguar Update. More memory might be necessary.


I don't have X myself, so I don't know if booting in 9 or running the classic emulator in X would make a difference, might try it. Might also look into EVOne, but that's really just a syst editor at the moment. There's also MissionComputer 2.1 and that's OSX native if I recall, fully functional editor too.

I like long walks, especially those taken by people who annoy me.

ResEdit works fine for me in Classic under 10.2.4, even with not a lot of RAM. I'd say 20MB is a good amount to give it. Do not give it upwards of 100 unless you really need to - some apps get unstable with very large amounts of memory. I would recommend downloading a new copy of ResEdit (and deleting its preferences file) and see if that fixes it.

(url="http://"")Arios SoftWare(/url)
(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)

I gave it way more memory, and that seems to help. Also, what does ResEdit mean when you can't save changes because "File is Locked -Error 32". I checked permissions and my plugin isn't locked. Whats that all about? It worked a minute ago.


Originally posted by EV NOVA FANATIC:
I gave it way more memory, and that seems to help. Also, what does ResEdit mean when you can't save changes because "File is Locked -Error 32". I checked permissions and my plugin isn't locked. Whats that all about? It worked a minute ago.

You're not using the plug in the game at the same time are you? If the game is on and using the plug ResEdit won't be able to save changes until you quit Nova. As for your other problem, I too frequently have trouble with ResEdit crashing, but some days are better than others. But I've learned to save VERY frequently - say every time a close a resource. I've heard that it's just not a real stable program in general. If you're having just a ton of problems, make sure you're only editing one file at a time. I don't think ResEdit was designed to handle multiple files at once.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.


Originally posted by Kame:
**I've heard that it's just not a real stable program in general.


Definitely. When I stated it works fine for me, I meant it works as well under Classic as it does in 9 - which clearly isn't amazingly well. Through years of using it, it almost appears to me that the more often you save, the less likely it is to crash, which is a nice bonus for those who save frequently.

One other possible cause of the 32 error is that the drive the file is on is locked. This of course won't be the case if the file is on your hard drive, but if the file was on a CD, ResEdit would fail with that error.

(url="http://"")Arios SoftWare(/url)
(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)


Originally posted by AriosSw:
**Definitely. When I stated it works fine for me, I meant it works as well under Classic as it does in 9 - which clearly isn't amazingly well. Through years of using it, it almost appears to me that the more often you save, the less likely it is to crash, which is a nice bonus for those who save frequently.

Resedit is my lifeblood for editing EV/O/N, and always has been. It works just fine for me, although EVONE looks very promising.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

The thing about cannot save, file lock 32 happens to me ONLY if I have tried to put more then 39 Rle8 or Rled in the file. You can add more than 39 but you have to do it say one or two at a time. I use 9 so I don't know a lot about OS X but my suggestions would be to limit the number of files editted at once, save frequently, do things slowly and give Resedit more memory. Hope this helps in some way.

Hey! If I want cheesey poofs, I'll get cheesey poofs!
-Eric Cartman Law Enforcer
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Just as an aside and as clarification:


Originally posted by Ernimtir:
I don't have X myself, so I don't know if booting in 9 or running the classic emulator in X would make a difference, might try it.

ResEdit only works in 9 or in Classic. It's not been, nor will it ever be, Carbonized.

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Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
**Just as an aside and as clarification:

ResEdit only works in 9 or in Classic. It's not been, nor will it ever be, Carbonized.


I know that, I just meant that you can boot in OS9, no X at all, or you can open a classic window which works like a OS9 emulator. I just thought that might make a difference in stability.

I like long walks, especially those taken by people who annoy me.

I am running 10.1.5, and I have had resedit crash on me a lot. It's suggested memory is 80000, and I have it set for 150000. I just attributed it to having too many windows open at once and made sure to save my plugin more often.

MC2.1 is out? The addons page only shows 2.0.

And 2.0 does not have a ship section.

Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."


Originally posted by Vast Deathmaster:
**I am running 10.1.5, and I have had resedit crash on me a lot. It's suggested memory is 80000, and I have it set for 150000. I just attributed it to having too many windows open at once and made sure to save my plugin more often.

MC2.1 is out? The addons page only shows 2.0.

And 2.0 does not have a ship section.**

(url="http://"")Mission Computer 2.1(/url)

80000? You're sure not 8000. I'd swear ResEdit didn't need that much.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.


Originally posted by Vast Deathmaster:
**MC2.1 is out? The addons page only shows 2.0.

And 2.0 does not have a ship section.**

I don't usually post to the add-ons page right away, because it means waiting through the whole upload process a second time. You can always find the latest version of MissionComputer on (url="http://"") Version 2.1 doesn't have a graphical shďp editor, but the new template-based editor can provide the same level of functionality as ResEdit without NovaTools.

David Arthur
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Truth! Justice! Freedom! And A Hard-Boiled Egg!


Originally posted by Starbridge42:
**The thing about cannot save, file lock 32 happens to me ONLY if I have tried to put more then 39 Rle8 or Rled in the file. You can add more than 39 but you have to do it say one or two at a time. I use 9 so I don't know a lot about OS X but my suggestions would be to limit the number of files editted at once, save frequently, do things slowly and give Resedit more memory. Hope this helps in some way.


ResEdit has a maximum file size it can save to. Its supposed to be around 25 megs, but i get errors anywhere from 15 upwards.
