Plugin help needed....

I have installed NovaTools + ResEdit and have read (partly) the Nova Bible...

What I'm trying to do is modify the Gefjon(163) system so that there are arouund 30 ships at one time and all of them are Pirate Carriers.

From ResEdit it seems that I can only make a new system...


Something witty...

  1. Open Nova Data 2 in ResEdit
  2. Open the s˙st resource
  3. Select resource number 163
  4. Copy this resource by pressing command+c
  5. Make a new ResEdit document
  6. Press command+v

A new s˙st resource has been created. Now set the Avg Ships field (in the top left corner) to 35.

Close that, save the document, select 'File > Get Info for the document' and change the File Type to Npďf and the Creator Type to Növä.

Then just create a new düde resource at ResID 275 (Nova's last used düde resource is 273), and set all the ship type fields to ResID 147 (the pirate Carrier).
In your s˙st resource, set all the düde fields to use your newly made düde resource.

Hope that helps 🙂

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(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 02-22-2003).)

Make a few new düde sets and make them all Pirate carriers.
Then edit the Gefjon s˙st resource to make those düdes to appear all the time.

Or make a flët resource that goes to that system. then again, Im not sure if you can set how random they are.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
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(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 02-22-2003).)

The way I would do this is by making a mission to have 30 hostile ships of Pirate Carrier type put in the system when the mission is accepted. You could have it that you get a cash bonus for killing them all 🙂

I dont actually know how to do this (I am strictly graphics only :p), but Im sure that someone else around here will be able to help with that.


(url="http://"")"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!!"(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jules (edited 02-22-2003).)


Originally posted by Jules:
**The way I would do this is by making a mission to have 30 hostile ships of Pirate Carrier type put in the system when the mission is accepted. You could have it that you get a cash bonus for killing them all:)

I dont actually know how to do this (I am strictly graphics only :p), but Im sure that someone else around here will be able to help with that.



But you set the dudes that appear in that system in the syst resource, and you can create dudes that are all carriers and only assign those dudes to the syst. You also set the average number of ships in system in the syst resource.

"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
Russell for President 2020!

Thanks so much, trying it out now.

Something witty...


Originally posted by Russell Quintero:
**But you set the dudes that appear in that system in the syst resource, and you can create dudes that are all carriers and only assign those dudes to the syst. You also set the average number of ships in system in the syst resource.

I know 😛 I remembered that later. See the edited post 🙂


(url="http://"")"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!!"(/url)

One more question, how do you type the letters with the two dots on the top of them?

Something witty...


Originally posted by yyao:
**One more question, how do you type the letters with the two dots on the top of them?


Those are umlauts(sp?). You make those by pressing option-u then the letter. For example option-u+e would give you an umlaut on the lower case 'e'. Good luck with your plugin!


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I've suceesfully made the plugin (thanx everyone).

However, the Pirate Carriers don't attack me, they just warp away as soon as I enter the system. How can I make it so that they attack me?

Something witty...

They don't have a government.
Find the resource ID of, say, the Free Trader gövt, and place that in the correct field of the düde resource you made. They will then behave as a Free Trader would.

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