EVN plugs

in short: how do i start and where can i get stuff to help me?

I believe that my internet provider is run by a bunch of monkeys on crack.
50 totally useless
posts on 10/5/02 sometime around 10:23 A.M.

You'll need NovaTools (see sig), ResEdit, and you might want to check out stuff here: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/evn/addons.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evn/addons.html(/url)

Let us know if you need any more help!

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I think, therefore I hmm...

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 10-09-2002).)

Download ResEdit and NovaTools, as well as the EV Nova Resource Bible. The bible's only there for a sort of guide to the resources; it doesn't really explain how to make a plug.

Do a search for "The Non-Technical Nova Bible" or somesuch, there should be something there.

Downoad some other plugin and edit it, it's the easiest way to figure things out.

Mantaray's Law: If a topic is born on #ev3, it will start stupidly and end in chaos.

I have a question. Is there a program for laying out a galaxy graphically, like EV-Edit? NovaTools looks great, but seems lacking in the syst resource.



Originally posted by Lindley:
I have a question. Is there a program for laying out a galaxy graphically, like EV-Edit? NovaTools looks great, but seems lacking in the syst resource.

I believe that EVONE will do this. Until then, you'll just have to wing it, I suppose.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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seeing that i started this topic before that account was mysteriously burned, this would be a nice place to ask my question. Ok, so i have nova tools working but is there anywhere i can get a resource that tells me what the numbers for all the ships, stellars, govmnts, ect? and also i noticed the plug im working on saves as a stationary doc., how do i turn it into a working plug?

Something blowing in my head/Winter's ice will spread/got to sieze my very soul/Makes me happy, makes me cold!
-System of a Down


Originally posted by Lindley:
I have a question. Is there a program for laying out a galaxy graphically, like EV-Edit? NovaTools looks great, but seems lacking in the syst resource.

I haven't used it much myself, but there's a program called NovaMap available from the NovaBurst site.


Originally posted by SnowBlind:
and also i noticed the plug im working on saves as a stationary doc., how do i turn it into a working plug?(/b)

Is this is a new plug-in that you created using ResEdit's 'New' command? If so, you can turn it into a working EV Nova plug-in by:
1. Opening it in ResEdit.
2. Selecting 'Get Info for This File' from the 'File' menu.
3. Change the 'Type' field to read "Npďf" (Shift-N, p, option-u, i, f).
4. Change the 'Creator' field to read "Növä" (Shift-N, option-u, o, v, option-u, a).
5. Choose 'Save' from the 'File' menu.
6. Close the window.

Your ResEdit file is now a plug-in. To open it in ResEdit again, you'll have to drag it onto the ResEdit icon or use ResEdit's 'Open' command - just double-clicking it will run EV Nova.

David Arthur
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"http://pm.gc.ca/")Jean Chrétien(/url)
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(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 10-13-2002).)