Using EVEdit: ship won't appear in shipyards

I created a ship w/ 3 new weapons for a new system. I've changed the availability of the ship and the tech of the planet in the system. The weapons are available in the system (a cannon, a turret, and a bay w/ ships). The ship will not appear in the shipyard of the planet. I've also set the tech and special techs of the planet to be the availability of the ship, and then back again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Oh, and this is for EVO, not Nova.


Originally posted by Mymil:
**I created a ship w/ 3 new weapons for a new system. I've changed the availability of the ship and the tech of the planet in the system. The weapons are available in the system (a cannon, a turret, and a bay w/ ships). The ship will not appear in the shipyard of the planet. I've also set the tech and special techs of the planet to be the availability of the ship, and then back again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Using EVEdit? You've gotta be kidding me. Mymil, NEVER use EVEdit for anything that's important in your plug. Probably the only thing EVEdit is good for is placing systems, and screwing up your plugs so you have to do them over. My suggestion to you is to simply learn ResEdit, or use one of the plethora of other programs besides EVEdit. Once again, EVEdit is EVIL.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Yeah, the safe bet is to try again with ResEdit, or a different program.

Yes, EVEdit is evil.

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It should be taken off of the Addons Section... and EVONE will be so much better, thats why its going to be shareware.

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I think he wanted help, not bashing of his editor choice. I find EVEdit great for beginners.

Anyway, make sure you didn't enter anything other than "0" or "-1" for the mission bit field.

Warning: Signatures in mirror are closer than they appear.
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(url="http://"")MissionComputer(/url) is probably a more stable replacement for EV-Edit, though I haven't been able to try it out yet.

It's probably easier to use then ResEdit, and, Jager, it's FREE.

( (url="http://"")All your smurf are belong to smurf!(/url) )( Generic (url="http://"")EVula(/url) link )( monster! )
Mantaray: Supergenius and idiot rolled into one!

That wouldn't exactly be Jager's fault. And you are not exactly doing a great job promoting what you are (will soon be) beta testing. 🙂 Exactly.


(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)

(This message has been edited by AriosSw (edited 08-27-2002).)

So, how much are you paying Jager to mindlessly promote your program at every possible instance? 🙂

It's almost as bad as NTiOzymandias's POV-Ray obsession. 🙂

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
The King of Pork
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Hah, he's almost more excited about it than I am! (Almost, not quite 🙂 )

Speaking of EVONE, progress is still being made, and a mid to late September beta looks somewhat realistic. Progress would be much faster if Interface Builder wasn't so buggy..... Anyway, thats a whole 'nother story, and yes, I have talked to Apple about the bugs....


(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)