EV Override 1.0.2 semi-public beta

The Regular phased beamer and the turret beams don't work. I hear the sound but no beam comes out. I played with it for a while and it wouldn't work.

BTW: Magma, the Flak plug-in, and triple agent work with 1.0.2., at least for me.

Your humble servant:


Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?

Actually, my phased beam is working again; go figure. However, the other stuff is still there.

Damn, this new AI makes the destroy the renegeades in Pariah mission really hard (I still haven't beaten it in 1.0.2, although I did beat the Dreadnought one easy). There's too many friggin Kraits. I can take out a Krait in less than a 1/4th of a second, but I can only kill them one at a time, and meanwhile like twenty+ of them just eat away at my shields and armor. Has anybody beaten it with 1.0.2? Hmmm, I guess I just need a bigger ship, but then it'd be even slower (especially with that slower than stock problem) and I'd also be being hit by the Turncoats...


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(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 05-25-2000).)

Bug Report! Actually it's more for the author of seccession. I did the Capture station Gualon and instead of getting the Marine outfit I got some plasma stinger or something.


I too have experienced speed problems. Every ship is 40% or more slower once purchased than the speed given in the shipyard information box. I have an iMac 333mhz with 96 megs of Ram.
I've also noticed that older plug-ins which modify the beam weapons create a glitch that makes the beam invisible and harmless (similar to another complaint on the board). Once the plug-in is removed, however, the problem seems to go away.
Finally, I experienced a strange occurance while fighting a krait. Once I destroyed the ship it continued to display the explosion graphic. I had to land and take off to make the ship disappear. I haven't noticed this problem again.

Salute the best
Dust the rest



Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**Yeah, but why would I be slower than the stock version? Also, my turrets don't fire at certain positions (this is on a Zidara). The spots are only a few degrees each, but there's enough of them to be quite annoying. Also, sometimes part of the target image gets "stuck" there (I've noticed it on renegade ships after I board them, but it might happen on others, too).


its because of the new Turret Blindspot thing. The Zidara has one to the rear

[ J_Ace21@hotmail.com ](mailto: J_Ace21@hotmail.com "E-mail Link")

Two issues.
First, when targetted escort ships will not accept any commands. Once you switch to another target they respond normally.
Second, escort ships maintain the same speed as my ship even when I am faster. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I like it. 🙂



Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
**Woah, the player's speed is screwed up. I got into my shuttle, and it turned like a Vionian Frigate, and its max speed was even slower. The player DOES have a slower ship. Its not just the other ships using after burners. I mean, my shuttle was almost out run by a UE Cruiser that certainly wasn't using AB.


Me too man, it is just slow.
I know the shuttle are not powerful,
But it can't be this slow!!!!



Originally posted by Obormot:
**Now, I've got a serious problem. I can't expand the downloaded file. Stuffit expands the .bin file w/o asking for password, which it shouldn't do. Then the .sea file doesn't open because it say "password protected". No prompt, just the error. Yes, it's Expander version 5.5, the latest.

I mean, I can't even get to the damn alleged bugs! sigh


The problem may be that you're trying to open the .sea archive with Expander, which you don't need to do. The .sea file is an application, so you should just be able to double-click on it.

A possible turret-related bug. The description for the Emalgha (I think I'm spelling that wrong) turret says that it only fires in a 90 degree arc in front of the ship, but on my UE Destroyer it will fire in any direction.

-- Throw Box

Voinian Raid outpost alpha mision is impossible with new combat AI.

I jump into a system and all the ships that you are supposed to kill jump in right next to you. I died in less than ten seconds and I had a Voinian Cruiser!

Also, the voinian cruiser is slower than usual, as with other player ships, and I think I know why:

The ship rescource has a field that changes the pilot skill of the AI ships. All it really does is increse or decresse the turn or accl. Only it doesn't. It only increses it, making all ships of that type become more powerful than the player.


Next experiment: Try the mission in the V. Dreadnought.
After that: Try Zidagar Beams with a different pilot.


Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?

To test speeds of the games, I started a new pilot and timed how long it took for the the shuttlecraft to travel from its starting location between Earth and the Moon to the edge of the system, where it bounces off the invisible wall. Both games were running at 100% game speed as set in the preferences.

In 1.0.1, the shuttlecraft took 1min 36sec to make the journey. In 1.0.2, the same trip took 2min 47sec.

All you can tell from this data is that 1.0.2 may just run everything a little slower.

Next, I tested how long it took for transporter ships to move from docking at Earth to turning 180 degrees in preparation for a hyperspace jump. This is probably a reasonable thing to test, but it may not be a good indicator of AI ship speed.

I found that in v1.0.1, it took, on average, 6.37 seconds for a transporter ship to leave Earth and turn 180 degrees for hyperspace. In v1.0.2, this same time took roughly 7.30 seconds. It does take longer in 1.0.2, but not anywhere near the same proportion as the shuttlecraft speed.

Note that in 1.0.1, the shuttlecraft (max. speed 200) could easily overtake a transporter (max speed 250), whereas in 1.0.2 the transporter clearly outran my shuttlecraft, as it should be.

So, draw your own conclusions. In v1.0.2 the shuttlecraft does move slower, and it seems to move slower in relation to other ships. However, this may be the right speed, and we're all just used to an incorrect faster speed from v1.0.1. Note that I only tested this with the shuttlecraft as the player ship and the cargo transporter as the AI ship, and I'm only assuming that it holds true universally for all ships.

-- Throw Box


I used a cheat to test the beta, and it seems to me that instead of making beam weapons look nicer, they disappear! You can hear the sounds associated with them, but see the beam. Also, the beams don't seem too work half the time (maybe the sounds just don't play half the time, but since I can't see the beams, I don't know). I tested this in a number of ships, and the results were the same.

P.S. I tested the beta without using any older plugs at all, with a new pilot, and it was still the same. I noticed that this bug was referred to in a comment above, so I thought I'd point this out.

(This message has been edited by Alan Slipp (edited 05-26-2000).)

Box, you are probally right. We all wil have to ajust to the new correct data.
But the beams still need to be fixed.

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?

The new AI is somewhat annoying. Before they wouldn't hardly shoot, now it's like a cloud of weapons. UE ships fire Hunter missiles non-stop, as in NON STOP. And when I was fighting a large fleet of Voinian vessels they fired rockets NON STOP, I was a full screen away and having trouble dodging the 20 rockets a second coming at me. Also UE ships even use hunter missiles against kraits and cresent fighters, before ships would only shoot fast moving secondary weapons at fast fighters, now SAE modules are shot at Azdaras. Maybe make the AI a little more selective, and not continuously fire, shoot often just not Non Stop.



Here's a fairly big bug that I just found when demanding tribute from Freeport, a renegade space station. I'm in one of those big blue and black ships with the little fighter bay, and I have a Helian escort who fights with me as well. It seems that the ships that the spacestation sent out refused to target anything other than my ship, even when my escorts and fighters were firing on them. My Helian singlehandedly destroyed several Turncoats without losing a single percentage of shields. On occassion a Krait would get hit by one of my fighters and turn yellow (meaning that it stopped targeting my ship) but this only happened with the Kraits and it didn't happen very often. Needless to say, I very easily became the new leader of Freeport.

-- Throw Box

Pete Hopkins, QA Intern


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**Well, shĄt, this is just great; now my phased beamer doesn't work at all. Not only does it not show up (it does make sound, though) it does no damage, even when righy by/over the other ship. And this is supposed to be final candidate?

Hmmm, I increased the memory. Nothing.

I've had that problem too. I finally managed to get the beams to work (if somewhat inconsistently) at a resolution of 640 x 480, which is very restrictive, since I usually use 1024 x 768. Memory changes had no effect for me either. I also noticed the speed problems. It seems that the actual speed in the resources is immensely reduced. Ex: Accel 600 in resources becomes 299, normal less 1, and Speed 300 in the resources becomes 214, which is much less than it should be. I've also noticed that the crescent fighters have become less effective against miranu freighters, since the AI keeps them in range of the turrets permanently, so they don't take advantage of their superior shield recharge capabilities. It seems to me that the AI is a bit too aggressive, which is in some cases rather detrimental. Also, the fact that acceleration seems to be much greater with respect to the strangely reduced speeds of ships also seems to contribute to this problem.

Chris Burns


Originally posted by Chris Burns:
**Speed 300 in the resources becomes 214, which is much less than it should be.

Correction: Speed 300 becomes 171.

Chris Burns

My first impression of 1.0.2:


- Large ships are incredibly slow. I hate it. My Igazra used to rule the battlefield, now it is constantly harried even by the lesser fighters (which appear to be on steroids). It sucks.

- Zidagar don't ever use their beams. That sucks too.

- My experimental shield generated drains fuel incredibly fast, whether I want it or not. I got stuck without fuel in an uninhabited system, and even when I bought fuel from a passer-by I couldn't make the jump because the fuel level dropped under 100 immediately. This sucks like hell, especially since the generator didn't have any discernable effect on my shield regeneration. :mad: My opinion: either drop the fuel drain altogether, or allow the player to selectively activate the generator (like a secondary weapon) while dramatically increasing its effect on the shields.


- The smoke trails look nifty (although they're too large for the pursuit missiles).

-- Cinga


First, in response to the "Secession bug" - this is not a Secession bug so much as it is an incompatibility with 1.0.2. I (and I'm sure many other plug designers as well) used the first available resources in the plug, and since 1.0.2 now has an extra outfit, there's a conflict. I'll be updating Secession soon to deal with it, and I'm sure many other developers will have to do the same thing. Sorry!

Now, 3 "bugs or feature changes" I've observed:

- when sending fighters to a target, hail channel (at the bottom of the screen) reads "1" rather than "Target acknowledged" or the like.

-if you select one of your carried fighters as the target, it will not return to the bay until you select something else. Other fighters dock, but it just keeps on following you around.

-Large, slow ships no longer halt themselves before making hyperjump. They just turn, aim, and jump.


Originally posted by Throw Box:
**The problem may be that you're trying to open the .sea archive with Expander, which you don't need to do. The .sea file is an application, so you should just be able to double-click on it.

-- Throw Box**

I know what a .sea file is. It's a Compact Pro .sea, to be specific. I double click, and get the "password-protected, can't open" message with no prompt.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345

BTW, folks, it's all well and good that you are reporting bugs here -- but you are ignoring what I asked you to do for bug reporting. Please go back and re-read the original message. If you have a bug that you expect to get fixed, eMail it to:


If you do not do this, it is highly possible the bug report will never be seen and acted on.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.