Ship Poll for EV Override +1 year


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Well...uhh...I have more posts than you do!!;)

And doesn't that mean you spend most of the game running from your own escorts?


No. the other Azdgari warships spend the whole game running from my escorts :D.

As for the added post count, all it means is that you have less of a social life than me ;). And that's saying something . 😕

What I lack in enthusiasm I make up for in laziness.


Originally posted by rabidrodents:
**Esponer sounds like a sex toy

Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 03-14-2002).)


Originally posted by Mazca:
As for the added post count, all it means is that you have less of a social life than me ;).


come on now that tread is on the EV B&B.; go there if you want to talk that way.


Originally posted by UEA:
come on now that tread is on the EV B &B.; go there if you want to talk that way.

Are you ordering a moderator around? <winks>

/me bows to Mazca and serves him a certain alcoholic beverage from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...


Moderators have to obey rules too, although I think a single such post isn't worthy of extreme scrutiny. Also, S.S. Defiant, a Crescent Warship can be just as desctructive as any UE Cruiser. You just don't get to charge in and annihilate everything with raw, unhindered power. The Turks didn't win the battle at Manzikert by just charging straight at the armored Byzantine cavalry and fighting like madmen.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**You just don't get to charge in and annihilate everything with raw, unhindered power. The Turks didn't win the battle at Manzikert by just charging straight at the armored Byzantine cavalry and fighting like madmen.

The Persians didn't have any problems with it.

(actually quite incorrect - I think the Mongols taught them that lesson)

Run away! Run away!

Now why oh why do they call it the Monty Python, and not the Parthian Shot?

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Probably because more EV players are more familiar with Monty Python's Holy Grail movie than they are with ancient Parthian battle tactics. Or because they think of 'Parthian Shot' as most people I know do; a statement brought up right while ending a discussion.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 03-15-2002).)


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**Moderators have to obey rules too, although I think a single such post isn't worthy of extreme scrutiny. Also, S.S. Defiant, a Crescent Warship can be just as desctructive as any UE Cruiser. You just don't get to charge in and annihilate everything with raw, unhindered power. The Turks didn't win the battle at Manzikert by just charging straight at the armored Byzantine cavalry and fighting like madmen.


All I know is that I can take out a stock Crescent Warship with just Neutron cannons in a matter of seconds. If I tried the same with a stock UE Cruiser I'm sure it would be a bit more difficult.

I like my UE Cruiser for the ability to just saunter into any battle and win by brute force. I had enough of evasive tactics and tip-toeing around my enemy back with my smaller ships.

That said I think I am going to release my 4 UE Destroyer escorts and pick up some Crescent Warships to aid me now, those pesky bounty hunters are starting to get on my nerves 😉


Originally posted by S.S. Defiant:
**All I know is that I can take out a stock Crescent Warship with just Neutron cannons in a matter of seconds. If I tried the same with a stock UE Cruiser I'm sure it would be a bit more difficult.

Yes, but then again, the Crescent Warship is faster, and lacks only about 50 shields and 50 armor, however I must say that I do agree with your statement about the UE Cruiser being more powerful. Just has more extra space and power.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Ach, true, but the Igazra has more shields than a UE Cruiser, and is a tad faster I think. It certainly packs a good punch with the SAEs and phase (or Neutron) turrets. You could also add a CF bay, or if you have Triple Agent you could get an Azdara bay and six Azdaras.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 03-16-2002).)


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**Ach, true, but the Igazra has more shields than a UE Cruiser, and is a tad faster I think. It certainly packs a good punch with the SAEs and phase (or Neutron) turrets. You could also add a CF bay, or if you have Triple Agent you could get an Azdara bay and six Azdaras.


Yes, but I prefer just to sell all the SAEs and stick the Igazra with a ton of Neutron Turrets and as much extra shields, extra shield regeneration, and armor as I possibly can. VERY nasty ship, especially against the Voinians if you outfit it will all blaze weapons.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Happy 1-year anniversary Esponer! Not sure when mine comes up
Just like to say; you're a real asset to the EVO community, what with organising RoC, helping out in WoD, and generally being a nice humanoid sentient entity.

Favourite Ship : Hummm, difficult. I'd have to say the Azdgari Arada. Soup it up and look at it go! Also it has reasonable shielding, weaponry and cargo space.

Least Favourite Ship : UE Freighter. Even the Krait has weapons.

Favourite Escort : None. They get in the way, attack stuff I don't want them to, and get themselves killed too often.

Least Favourite Escort : Anything Emalgha. They go up like toast.

Most Feared Ship : Disco Bison. You know why.

Least Feared Ship : UE Freighter, for reasons I've outlined above.

Most Hated Ship : Strange Asteroid, it keeps jumping out.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**So the questions are: what's your favourite ship, and why, what's your favourite escort, and what ship do you fear most?
Oh, yeah, and if you don't say anything nice about my being here a year, I'll castrate the lot of you.

  1. Favorite: upgraded UE cruiser, once you finally get the upgrades there's nothing much you can't take on. Til then, I admit it's slow, sluggish, and vulnerable.

  2. Favorite escort: Igazdra

  3. Feared: bunches of Laziras

  4. Since I'm female, castration would be rather beside the point. How many of us XX types are on here, anyway?

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny...'"
--Isaac Asimov


Originally posted by mamajama:
**4) Since I'm female, castration would be rather beside the point. How many of us XX types are on here, anyway?

<blushes> Sorry, Mamajama - I wouldn't have said that if I'd thought anyone female would read it. The boards are low on XX types (something to do with the violence of EV?). Jess used to frequent the EVO boards a lot, but she's not around anymore, since she has her GCSEs coming up. Rima's around, also using the name Kenra.

On B&B;, there's Painless, Floozy, Katerei and I think one or two others. Athena was around the EVO boards for a while, but has now faded back into working on the Ares Project. Also, #ev3 sees Basilisk from time to time. That is about it, as far as I know.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
So the questions are: what's your favourite ship

Voinian Cruiser, Rocket Turrets sole, and 3 Neutron Turrets bought, +Bronev Plateing, Dospect, 2 Shield Generators, and the Speed Upgrades


and why

Um, because it's just about invincible? I can go toe-to-toe with 2 UE Cruisers, and all their Fighters, and win easily.


what's your favourite escort,

The Igazdra. It's a very good anti-UE Warship, and strong enough to survive all but the hottest battles. Or the Azdgari Warship. It's not as good, in my view, but it's fighters do help slightly. Whichever I can get easier, with a slight tilt towards the Igazra.


and what ship do you fear most?

Fear?starts to crack up I'm supposed to FEAR asomething in my Cruiser?bursts out laughing The only ship I think is anywhere near tough to take out for the price, note, I don't fear it at all. The UEs don't use it enough, but it's the UE Fighter. That's only because it's cheap enough that it can really hurt.

Give war a chance! Give war a chance!

Congrats on 1 year, Esponer (or Silver Dragon... hmm, and didn't you use yet another name at one point?). It's good to have you at the boards - you're one of the people that keeps this community vibrant.

As for your redux of this poll:

favorite ship : Crescent fighter (good speed & combat ability, without being unreasonably powerful like the Azdara)
favorite escort : I never really used them that much, although it's nice to have some Igazra escorts from time to time. Certainly the escort I've used the most are Miranu Heavies.
fear : Azdgari warships - 6 Azdaras can be murder to the smaller ships I prefer to pilot.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Most Feared Opponent: Igazras ('lil too big for an average fighter pilot)

Being an elite fighter pilot, I'm not concerned by Igazras. 😛 They just take patience.

Again, a salute for your anniversary.
/me raises the hilt of my rapier to eye level


Well happy 1 year Dragon! 🙂 And for the sake of the poll...
Fav. Ship- Igazra
Reason- Heavy Battle Ship but with the Northren Sleakness and power.
Fav Escort- None, I am a loner 😉
Feared Opponent- About 1000 of each of the government ships all comming at me at once
barely scared me though. 🙂
Oh and before I forget why can we not register new names?

RoRyCk: Users can't sign up with freemail addresses anymore. Something to do with spammers coming on with freemail addresses. I dunno. Ask EVula or mikee or one of the other mods.
Paradigm: Yes, Esponer had another pseudonym named Paladin. It was with that name he founded the 'Falcon' club in honor of one Stud Beefpile and his ship, I believe.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

Still the Crescent Warship...And the Igazra, that was cool too.


Lequis Design


Originally posted by Paradigm:
Being an elite fighter pilot, I'm not concerned by Igazras.:p They just take patience.

I must be losing my touch. <grins> Back to EV:O to restore it, I think. <throws EV:N in the gutter, and the EV project using the Nova engine on the pavement, and runs off to fight Igazras>

To the Falcons! ; )

-Lyat Esponer Corsair