More stupidity from spartikus (please help)

I got the chain missions where the xidagar attack their enemys and you relase the biotoxins so the izadara(sp) and azdaries(sp) get mad at each other. Then you have to interveine this battle between the two. The azdara swarms always kill me with out fail. I would greatly appericate help. (reads over message boy, i can't spell)

I am Spartikus!!

I've never beaten that myself......I prefer the other two Strand storylines.


This is always a hard question to answer. Sometimes it takes a lucky strike

a)Monty Python. try it as hard as it may be

b)back away and let the forces weaken each other

c)load up on SAD's and long distance weapons. Buy armor too. Phase fire can barely penetrate enough of it

d) If you're low and can't stand it, cheat

Hope this helps 🙂

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
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Originally posted by Spartikus:
**I got the chain missions where the xidagar attack their enemys and you relase the biotoxins so the izadara(sp) and azdaries(sp) get mad at each other. Then you have to interveine this battle between the two. The azdara swarms always kill me with out fail. I would greatly appericate help. (reads over message boy, i can't spell)

That mission's tough. A dispersal rocket launcher and 3+ phase turrets should do it, though.

Let the ships fire at eachother. Slowly pick out a ship from the crowd and lure her away. Use the hit and run method to destroy it quickly. All you need are some phase turrets. Continue and you'll slowly destroy the remaining vessels. I completed this mission easily. It shouldn't take to much work.


Excerpt from the Hindu text Bhagavad-Gita:
"If the radiance of a thousand suns| | Were to burst at once into the sky,| | That would be like the splendor| | of the Mighty One...| | I am become Death,| | The shatterer of worlds." -Quoted by Robert Oppenheimer after the testing of the first nuclear bomb. July 16, 1945.

I'm not certain but I think you only have to destroy the Igadzras... The trouble I kept finding was that they kicked the Azzies and warped out before I could kill 'em.



"...And Alexander wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."

Although you probably no longer have it on board, the cloaking device is very useful for that mission - if you cloak quickly enough, the Azdgari (the main problem) won't notice you, so all their forces will go to killing the Igadzra, and you can take care of the balance afterwards :).

The best way to beat large groups of fighters when youre in a slower ship is to buy loads of Miranu defence systems and defence pods. 6 defence systems and 40 pods is enough to destroy a very large fleet of Azdaras. A single defense pod destroys an azdara almost always.
I used this tactic with my UE cruiser.