Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VII

OOC: I don't believe that the Raiek have the technology to "handle" the nano-weapon, and that wouldn't be in form of "medical supplies" anyway (the nano-weapon isn't the one that hurts lifeforms). I'll assume you were bending the truth a little. The Lazerus can get armour.

And Espona, I hope you mean a type of system other than a star (or galaxy) system. Note that many Haorn would think that the Raiek are the people that spread the plague. You don't know who did it! Haorn also hate Raiek, so any treaties will be very uncertain.

And as long as you're really not against it, I'd like to talk to you about making the Haorn big-bad-guys at a later point.


(message to:GSS Peak)
(message fr:SICW Science Vessel Tzaerin)
(message re:archaeology)
(message reads:
Work on the research grapevine says you're investigating some kind of hieroglyphics. Would you like us to search our own databases? This phenomonen could be intergalactic.
Captain Akhanris of the SICW Science Vessel Tzaerin)

Hyperlattice Web: 7 posts
Hyperlattice Upgrade: 2 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 28 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(espy, I knew what I was doing 😉 )

The Raiek agreed not to give the Haorn any techs, but to withdraw border forces as sign of trust.

BD, Im waiting on the armour.

REDchigh sat, and watched the engineers on his holovision as they began to outfit the new shielding onto the Lazerus... Since the research was of individual capacitators, the research didn't take long, but the outfitting will take a while. About 8 posts.

Shield outfitting: ETC 8 posts.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

The Confeds had fully assembled a fleet of 500 vessels, from both Eta Cassiopea and the Milky Way, in the Barad-dur system. They would eventually depart for Andromeda, once a series of Balrog Dreadnaughts had been completed, but already the Confeds were planning to send in a scout fleet in a week. Confed Corsairs and Ravens were already patrolling New Sol and taking occassional visits to The Pocket.

Meanwhile, work on the Balrog Dreadnaught was going good, despite a few problematic setbacks in research, but they had all been fixed, and research was going smoothely. Already the Confeds were planning on the new Specter Assault Fighter which would be researched after the Balrog was completed.


OOC: I'm waiting on Esponer for the map of Andromeda, so I know exactly what my scout fleet is gonna find. Also, Esponer, what planets can I colonize that haven't been irradiated in the Milky Way?


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 11 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 27 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 21 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-09-2002).)

Galactica has been producing Neutronium Armour for a while now, and now has enough stockpiled to start sending it to other parties. The first shipment has been sent to the Raiek, along with a request for a delivery of their new Positron Shield Capacitors for the Nemesis-class Dreadnaught.

Production of the armour will be increased soon, and Galactica will be able to commence refitting all of its ships with full Neutronium Armour. Neutronium will also be able to be put aside for Nemesis-class Dreadnaught production. Officials are talking about building the entire ships hull out of Neutronium for increased protection.


Galactica is continuing it's search for relics in the galaxy, and is awaiting a reply from the Azdgari.


Neutronium Production Upgrade: Eta 2 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: ETA 29 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: I'm waiting on Esponer for the map of Andromeda, so I know exactly what my scout fleet is gonna find. Also, Esponer, what planets can I colonize that haven't been irradiated in the Milky Way?

None. Your colonies are the ones you can colonise. The rest, the Prylak have made uninhabitable.

As for the matter of the Andromedan map, don't hold your breath. It's not actually necessary at any point during the webstory, and was just a side plan of mine for fun, so don't expect me to be in a hurry to make anything.

Also, I'll be away between Saturday 09/02/02 and Saturday 16/02/02. There is an Internet cafe where I'm going, but don't expect to see me at all during that week. As for any co-moderation, don't expect an ounce of it. Rima said I was arrogant! So I came to the conclusion I probably do sound too authentic with all this "...will be co-moderated by..." rubbish.

Have fun, be good, and wish me a nice holiday!
(for cookies!)

Too much to drink


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-08-2002).)

OOC: It's unclear whether we are supposed to post, so if we're not just tell me.

It has become clear to the higest levels of government of the Galactica Imperium that an invasion of the Milky Way by the Prylak is likely to happen soon. It is also clear that Galactica's small navy of less than one thousand ships is unlikely to be effective against Prylak warships if they are spread across the whole of Galactica space. Aside from a few scattered scout and patrol fleets, the Galactica Space Navy has been recalled to the Sol system to reinforce Imperium holdings on Jupiter, Mars, and their various satellites.

Seeing as the Navy is unable to protect the Galactica Imperium civilian population, they will need to be relocated. Phoenix Command, at the heart of Jupiter Base, has extensive civilian housing facilities. A lottery has been held to determine which members of Galactica's civilian population will be relocated to this safer location. A number of merchant Bulk Freighters have been commandeered by the Navy and are being converted to house Galactica civilians evacuated from the unprotected population centers. These freighters are being sent to Kayia and the nebula, both of which are considered to be at a low risk of coming under attack by the Prylak.

Seeing as the civilian population of Galactica is still relatively low, as long as enough civilians can be moved to Kayia and to bulk freighters, the entire population of former Voinian Empire space should be able to be evacuated. Skeleton crews will be left at important military installations, though once all hard copies of documents are transferred to Phoenix Command there will be no more than a handful of Galactica personnel in all of former Voinian space. Svass Station is far too vulnerable a target to be the seat of government, so government data and officials are being moved to Phoenix Command, a far more secure area.

A group of unseen Voinians somewhere high above the crowd played a loud fanfare as BattleDoctor, Emperor of the Galactica Imperium, disembarked from his luxury shuttle and stepped onto the red carpet layed out along the floor of one of the massive docking bays of Phoenix Command. Hung from the ceiling high above was a massive banner with the scarlet and grey seal of Galactica upon it. A throng of worshipful Galactica citizens filled the docking bay, cheering for the Emperor as he began to walk down the carpet towards the distant exit from the docking bay. The same Voinian musicians played the Galactica Imperial Anthem as the Vice Emperor and some of the Emperor's advisors stepped off of the shuttle.

The Imperial Anthem finished with a bang, and soon the silent crowd was again cheering for Emperor BattleDoctor. Flags waved, and a light sprinkling of red confetti fell from the ceiling high above. This was the first time that the Emperor had visited Phoenix Command, as his old age and poor health prevented him from travelling much. He looked about, obviously pleased with what he saw. The Emperor smiled, seeing the multitude of his cheering subjects on both of his sides, held back from the carpet by barricades and lightly armed Galactica police forces.

Suddenly, the Emperor was pushed to the ground by the two large Imperial Guardsmen who had been flanking him since he had stepped off the shuttle. A medium-sized, sharp rock, thrown by someone in the crowd, bounced off the thick armor of the Guards as someone in the crowd shouted, "Down with the Emperor!" The patriotic tunes played by the Galactica musicians were replaced by a loud gunshot as a Galactica sniper's bullet flew through the upper torso of a portly Zidagar man who had been standing near the front of the crowd. The Galactica police forces began trying to control the panicked crowd as the Zidagar fell to the ground, bleeding but not dead yet. The footfalls of a heavily armored troop of Voinian soldiers could be heard approaching the scene as the Imperial Guard whisked the Emperor away to safety.

When the Voinian soldiers reached the fallen Zidagar, one of them kicked him onto his back with a large armored boot. Three of the other soldiers then opened fire with high caliber projectile weapons, shredding the body of the Zidagar. A number of screams rose from the crowd. As the Emperor and his guards reached the exit at the far end of the hangar, the police forces began to usher the crowd out of the docking bay.

Neutronium Production Upgrade: 1 Post

Nemesis-class Dreadnough: 28 Posts

My state bird is the finger.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 02-10-2002).)

(Message to Galactica Imperium)
(High Level Encryption)
(From Carnotaur, Confederate Alliance)
(We would like to discuss some tactical situations, as well as a plan of ours for future operations concerning the Prylak. You can come with a small escort fleet to the Barad-dűr system, and we would prefer if Battledoctor and not RMA came.)
(End Message)

A fleet of 75 Corsairs and Ravens entered the New Sol system, then quickly hyperspaced out through the jumpgate. Their destination; The Pocket, the only known way into the Andromeda galaxy.

Coming out of hyperspace in the extremely remote system, the fleet now only had to wait for the final clearance from Confederate High Command. In the meantime, they began deep-level sub-space scans of the jumpgate.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 10 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 26 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 20 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message, Tau-3 Encryption)

To: Confederate Alliance
From: Galactica Imperium

Your request for a meeting with the Emperor has been granted. He will be on his way to discuss matters shortly.

(End Message)

A small fleet has been assembled to escort the Emperor to Barad-dűr for talks with the leadership of the Confederate Alliance. The Emperor will be travelling on an upgraded Warcruiser, escorted by another Warcruiser, a Heavy Beam Cruiser, and 2 Missile Frigates. A contingent of Imperial Guard troops will be accompanying the Emperor on his voyage.

Any attempt on the Emperor's life made by the Confederate Alliance would result in severe consequences.

Neutronium Armor Production Upgrade: Finished. Neutronium Armor production has now been increased significantly.

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 27 Posts

My state bird is the finger.

OOC: Hmm, I stay away for eleven days, and there's twenty posts? Thanks, I expected to be reading about sixty. 🙂

I'm going to be gone from the 13th until about the 25th (going to Florida!), so I'm going to be leaving before Espy gets back. I'm assuming he's going to close the story for vacation at some point.


The Tribunal ships in Barad-dűr headed back to Eta Cassiopea, aware that there were no systems worth colonizing in the Milky Way. At Haru'El, they turned in an odd direction, and headed out to EC-208, where Phantom scouts had said there was ample room to build a research station. The Tribunal was establishing a secret research base. Not very much energy could be devoted to it right now, so it was going to take a long time to complete. When it was done, however, the Tribunal would have a virtually undetectable station to conduct their research at.

The colony in Lando was running well, and Phantoms were searching around for signs of life in Ross 154, with little success. Suddenly, a scout entered a system with strangely Prylak-like vessels. A scan revealed them to be the "Raiek." The pilot thought for a minute. Raiek? Aren't those the relatives! Could they be?! The pilot quickly returned to Lando, to report his findings...


Title: Balrog Dreadnought
ETA: 25 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Striker Missile (renamed StarLance)
ETA: 9 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url) | (url="http://"") BoardGame (/url)
e-mail: (url="http://"")

The imperial border patrol fleet almost didn't notice the Tribunal vessels, but their scanners, (similiar to Prylak scanners, only not as strong), barely picked them up. Strangely, a visual could not be confirmed, so a broadcast was sent into the system.

Message to: Unitentified "Tribunal" vessel
From: Raiek lead frigate
We know not who you are, but we would like to prevent any hostilities by explaining that even though we do have prylak blood in our veins, we will fight the prylak to death. Join us in this Galaxy? We will trade techs...

(I know you posted them jumping out, but you can say you picked this up AS you jumped out, or while you were in the next system)

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

OOC: Get on AIM more, Asriel! I want to speak with you before you leave on vacation. 🙂

Also, just as a little note, my birthday is on the 13th of Feb. I'm turning 15! Yay! 🙂


Barad-dűr was all prepared to recieve Emporer Battledoctor. Security had been tightened, dozens of ships were on patrol, and several large platoons of assault troopers had been readied onboard the station to help with security there.

In the meantime, several large shipyards had been completed in Dreden and in other systems in Eta Cassiopea. Their purpose; building Balrog Dreadnaughts. The massive vessels were far too big to be built by smaller, standard class shipyards, so the Confeds were constructing several larger shipyards to help with production.

The Confeds had also completed yet another extra battlestation in Barad-dűr. This was part of a small but useful upgrade project to that system, especially with the fact that Barad-dűr needed all the extra help it could get. The original plans for it had been much larger, but it had been shrunk slightly to accomidate resource restrictions. The extra battlestations would work to increase the firepower of the station, seeing that an upgrade to the main station itself would take much longer.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 9 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 24 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 19 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

With a flash of bright light the Emperor's small fleet of 5 warships entered realspace in the system of Barad-dűr. They had received docking clearance over a long-range transmission, and so without speaking to the Confederate traffic controller the ships glided towards the massive Alliance station. As the ships grew closer, the Missile Frigates and the Heavy Beam Cruiser peeled off and took up positions around the two Warcruisers. The Warcruisers docked with the station and the passengers began to disembark.

A number of Confederate Alliance dignitaries were waiting in the docking bay where the Emperor's Warcruiser had docked. The Emperor stepped off first, wearing a ceremonial scarlet and grey robe, with the Imperial Seal of Galactica on the Back. Acting as politely as he could towards the Confederate Alliance officials, the two parties bowed to each other and exchanged greetings.

"The Confederate Alliance is honored to host such esteemed guests from the Galactica Imperium," said a worshipful Alliance official, bowing deeply.

The Emperor looked him over, wondering if this fellow actually held any position in the government or if he was just someone who was here because he was polite. Either way, BattleDoctor made a slight bow and muttered some words of thanks. As the Alliance official straightened from his bow, two large and especially muscular Voinians stepped out of the docking airlock behind the Emperor.

The Alliance official paused for a moment, puzzled about who these two were. "Greetings, esteemed Galactica Imperium representatives. I am afraid I do not recognize your faces," he said. "Who might you be?"

The two Voinians looked at each other. One shrugged, and the other replied, "Uh... Ambassadors."

"Greetins, ambassadors. I am honored to welcome you to Barad-dűr. Perhaps you could tell me what your nam-"

Not wanting his bodyguards to have to talk with this fellow any more, Emperor BattleDoctor interrupted, "Let's get to President Carnotaur, hmm? Lead the way, friend."

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 26 Posts

My state bird is the finger.

OOC:Hummm, this is the season to make peace. It is time for the Skraine, too, to embrace their former enemies.

K'Sarragh swallowed. He was about to take an extreme risk - but this time, the threat was not from without, but from within.
Although extensive Public Relations work had been done, in the Skraine's own honest fashion, to educate the populace in the fact that the Raiek were not Prylak, the older generation would be hard to sway.
Fortunately, the elders were far outnumbered by the younger generation, who had experienced dramatic change over the past two years, and were more flexible in their outlook.
Gulping again, he straightened his uniform- a dark blue cloak, covered in the curving scrawls of ancient text (which looked like the tracks of an atomic particle in a supercollider, K'Sarragh thought), with his many badges of office pinned down the left side- and began to compose the message.

"To Dictator REDchigh of the Raiek Imperium, from Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds.
Our conflict began over five hundred years ago, when your ancestors, the Prylak, destroyed my people.
It continued, when we once again crossed between the Galaxies;
We were skirmishing only a few weeks before the Black Day, as it has come to be known.
Yet that Day, which has wrought such devestation upon your people, has wrought upon the Skraine a change of heart.
Perhaps it took this cataclysm for us to appreciate the fact that you, the Raiek, are not our enemies; our hatred lies with your forebears, not the Raiek people.
We have now dicerned the true foes, and we will bend all our resources to destroying our enemies.
Our aim is true, and we have been tempered in the fires of war; this time, we will crush the Prylak utterly.
You, who have also suffered at the hands of your merciless ancestors, can aid us.
Come, my friend, and let the brother races of the Skraine and the Raiek turn our gaze towards the Prylak den Andromeda."

Hyperlattice Web: 6 posts
Hyperlattice Upgrade: 1 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 23 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

"Quite honestly, they look like guards to me."

The Confederate dignitary and Battledoctor turned to the source of the voice; Fleet Admiral Scorcher. "But no matter, we have a platoon of assault troopers here for security, so I don't blame you for bringing them along."

Scorcher nodded to the dignitary, which walked off. Scorcher then shook Battledoctor's hand. "I'm assuming you know who I am, of course. It is an honor to meet you, Battledoctor. Please follow me."

The emporer and his two guards followed Scorcher into another, large conference room. A long table was in the middle of the room, and in the center of it was a holoprojector, at that time not active. Admiral Firebird, Admiral Specter, and President Carnotaur were all there. Though Specter seemed quite happy to see Battledoctor, as did Carnotaur and Scorcher to a degree, Firebird seemed strangely quiet. He didn't smile; he didn't even say much.

As Battledoctor seated himself at the table, as did the other Confederates, Carnotaur spoke. "As you well know, Battledoctor, the Prylak have destroyed most of our fighting capability as well as most of our colonies. They think that we will be weak and unable to hold them off when they send in a second invasion group, which I am sure will come. They are wrong; we are more stronger now than we were before the attack, in my opinion. Our technology has greatly advanced during this one year, and I am now confident that we can hold them off when they do decide to invade.

"But we can't hold them off forever. They may send countless waves of ships, which would weak and soon overrun us all. That is why we must act now, and act decisively."

Pressing a button on a console, Carnotaur spoke as the holoemitter projected an image of the known section of the Milky Way. "Look at the Ji Nebula. There is the system known as 'New Sol', which leads to Jumpgate 01, which in turn leads to Ross 154. But there's a catch; there is another system just a ways away from the Milky Way, that can only be reached by this jumpgate, which is known as 'The Pocket'. It is the only known way to enter the Andromeda galaxy, and the Confeds intend to use it.

"Already a large scout fleet is preparing to enter the Andromeda galaxy. They will scout the area, then return to the Milky Way with a tactical report. This is the first stage in the invasion of Andromeda.

"With our new Balrog Dreadnaughts and our planned Specter Assault Fighters, the Prylak would stand no chance, and would eventually be destroyed. With the help of the Tribunal and Skraine, our chances are improved even more. But if Galactica helped us, that would be of great usefulness, especially with your deadly Nemesis Dreadnaughts.

"What do you think of our plan?"


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 8 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 22 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 18 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

In the Proxima Nebula, Galactica scout ships have performed well. Freighters with military grade shields and sensors will soon move in and begin converting asteroids in the deeper systems, while in the outer systems, ecm platforms will be constructed & deployed to supplement the nebulas effect on sensors.


Galactica has decided that with the improved production of neutronium, to refit its ships with full Neutronium Armour, rather than the thin plating they currently have. It has also been decided to refit the current Shrike Attack Fighter design with a neutronium hull, in order that it might survive longer againmst direct hull hits. The lightness of neutronium will allow the design to be updated with no loss of engine power. It is also expected to provide experince at building entire ships out of neutronium.

ETA:3 posts for armour placement(Upgrade)

ETA:3 posts for design upgrade(refit to come later)(Research)

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 24 Posts(BD forgot to count Reds post)

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

OOC: I am going to be away until Sunday... I am sure that RMA can continue this discussion when he shows up. Sorry for having to leave.

BattleDoctor looked across the table at Carnotaur. Truth be told, he hated Carnotaur, for all that he and his minions. had done to him. However, BattleDoctor also realized that now was not the time to focus on his dislike of Carnotaur... a greater enemy had to be faced before his plans for the Confederate Alliance could be set in motion.

"Your plan is a good one, Carnotaur." said BattleDoctor nonchalantly. "However, I will not commit any of my forces to an invasion just yet. My advisors and I agree that a Prylak attack in our own galaxy is sure to come soon, and we can't have our forces milling about in another galaxy while our worlds are destroyed. You saw what they did to the North Tip over two decades ago... can we afford to possibly let that happen again?

"The Galactica Fleet will guard its interests in the Milky Way... we would help the Confederate Alliance to that end, and you are free to aid us. Perhaps if it is shown by your actions that a full scale invasion of Andromeda is feasible, I will order my Admirals to mobilize their fleets. Until that time, I am reluctant to lose any more Galactica citizens to the Prylak. I will not stop you from invading Andromeda, Carnotaur, but don't expect my aid right away."

BattleDoctor sat and stared at Carnotaur, waiting for him to respond.

Armor placement: 2 Posts

Armor Upgrade Research: 2 Posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 23 Posts

My state bird is the finger.

Carnotaur nodded slowly, giving Scorcher a quick glance before turning back to Battledoctor. "Very well. Your plan actually sounds better than the one I already had. However, will you defend all of the Milky Way, or just your possessions? With the majority of our vessels in Andromeda, we would be unable to properly guard our planets here. What do you say about that?"

Confederate scientists were working hard on researching the Balrog Dreadnaught, as well as making a slight upgrade to the design. Since the Tribunal were researching the new Striker Missile, and due to the fact that the Balrog lacked any sort of missiles, the Confederates were able to integrate a few of the new missiles into the new warship.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 7 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 21 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 17 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Since RMA was unable to post here, I'm posting the following for him.


Emperor BattleDoctor considered Carnotaurs request, and made a decision.
"Galactica will guard your planets, but only if you agree to several
requests. One, you allow us access to your sensor nets so we know if
something is coming. Two, you cede a single asteroid in a Confederate system
to us, as a supply base. Three, if our systems come under attack, we will
defend those if the force is too great for the forces we leave their to
defend against. Although it may be more feasible to make a stand in your
systems, depending on the tactical situation. Four, where Galactica forces
are superior in number and in power in your systems, they shall direct all
defence against attacks. Obviously, your station is excepted from this,
although I hope you will be amenable to requests.

"If you accept these terms, I will order an oversized task force of
HyperSpace Carriers with a complement of Shrike Close-Attack Fighters to
your systems as soon as you wish. Further forces will arrive when they are
freed up. If you wish, I will also command the carriers to begin ferrying
more Shrike Fighters to your systems.

"Do you accept these terms?"


Armour placement: 1 Posts

Armour Upgrade Research: 1 Posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 22 Posts


OOC: Okay, now for my post...


Carnotaur thought for a moment. "Very well, but first I don't want you bossing around my forces. You can coordinate the defense effort, but I don't want you acting like the Confederate President. Second, I'll allow you to land on Confederate planets to get refueled if you want, but yes, I'll allow for the temporary asteroid bases. That sound good to you?"


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 6 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 20 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 16 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

REDchigh recieves the message from the Skraine, and a coldness begins to glow in his eye where happiness was before. He stares at the message, before finally beginning a reply.

Message to: Skraine- Scourge of Eta Cassiopea
From: Raiek Imperium
Think back.
Our ancestors have fought you for decades, and we were against their violence.
We Rebelled, and did our part to force the loyal Prylak from this Galaxy. The Skraine and Raiek are _not)/I) brothers.
We used to wish it.
**The Raiek sent ships to your space transmitting a beacon of peace.
Do you remember what happened?
A Massacre. **
My ships were shot out of the sky by a fleet many times more powerful.
In a hope of peace, I sent yet another stronger fleet, with the peace beacon again, hoping to survive against your navy long enough to prove our will for peace.
The Diplomats were once again killed.
Skraine, the time for peace is past. The Raiek would die before they would fight alongside scum like you. We agree with everyone that the Prylak must be concentrated on, for we know more than anyone the true power of the Prylak. However, We will never fight alongside you. We know if the Raiek were to attack the Skraine, we would both die at the hands of the Prylak, so we will not attack you... yet. The Skraine are banned from our space, and will be destroyed on sight.
We will treat you as you treated us.

We will ignore all offers of peace, like you did to us.

We will shoot your vessels on sight, exactly like you did.

The Skraine had better hope this war against the Prylak lasts, for after it's over, the Skraine will be no more.

This might as well have been written with my own blood, for this how it will always be.**_


Redchigh sent the message, and suddenly a chill swept over him... He brushed it off, and changed his thoughts over to the Dreadnought Galactica and Raiek were building together, and noted as an afterthought the shield upgrades are progressing awfully slow.

Shield Upgrade:7 posts
Dreadnought -1 post (I cant keep up)

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."