Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VII

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Chapter VII

Note: Andromeda map might be coming along
(url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

(url="http://"")Chapter I(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter II(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter III(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter IV(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter V(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter VI(/url)

Both Ross 154 and the Milky Way have been struck by the most deadly of weapons - a combination of nano and bio weapons created by the Prylak, and deployed by the Executioners , mysterious cloaked starships. Both of these galaxies lay in ruins, 95% of the population killed.

The Terrans were attacked by the Starfortress of the Andromedan Emperor, and the Equinox was lost in the battle. Both Casene and Esponer are reported dead. The Terrans have fled their homes, although none know where they have gone.

Meanwhile, the Watcher has made his decision to leave this plane, and no longer will Eta Cassiopea be defended from the wrath of the Prylak. However, the Watcher has bestowed upon the Skraine of Eta Cassiopea a psionic cruiser of limitless power, within which his power may live on to protect.

During all this, the Prylak are waiting...waiting, until their fleets are prepared, no longer caught up with battles against the Drakal and the indigenous races of Zone X, to make a crushing attack on their opponents, destroying once and for all the opposition of Zones V and VII.

Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter VII

Moiraine had begun to realize that the Tribunal had to expand more inside Eta Cassiopea. They had a measly five systems, while other governments like the Confederacy had ten systems in Eta Cassiopea, and more in the Milky Way. That could wait, however. Right now, they had to gear up for a possible Prylak invasion, of which Eta Cassiopea could now be a target. Just this morning, Asriel had come to her with a comprehensive upgrade plan for Tribunal weaponry; their ships had all been upgraded about a year ago.

The plan started with a major upgrade to the Precision Bomb. Currently, it was near the bottom of projectile weaponry; it was powerful, but it was slow, had bad range, and a bad guidance system. Over the past year, Asriel and his colleagues had come up with designs for an extremely good mini-engine for weaponry, along with a better computer-guidance system. That upgrade would be started immediately. Also on the list was a minor upgrade to the Anti-Gravity engines designed by the Confederacy; Asriel wanted to squeeze just a little more speed out of it. The more speed the Tribunal's warships had, the better.

Besides those two upgrades that would be started immediately, there was much more on Asriel's list. The scorpion rocket was starting to be in need of an upgrade, as were the scorpion beams themselves. The tucharium armoring that covered all Tribunal ships was also on Asriel's list; if a way could be found to make it denser, the Tribunal could put fewer layers of it on their ships, and not lose protection, making the ships much lighter.

Lastly, rumors had leaked out of the Confederate world of Dreden that the Confederacy might be willing to collaborate on two or three ship design projects with the Tribunal, for fighting the Prylak. Moiraine decided to wait, and see if the Confederates sent anybody to Station Keld, rather than taking the initiative.


Title: Precision Bomb upgrade
ETA: 6 posts

Title: Anti-Gravity engine speed upgrade
ETA: 5 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

During the one year of isolation for the Confederacy, the Confeds had worked on many new technologies to aid them against any other possible Prylak attack.

The first upgrade was to the Raven; the deadliest vessel in the Confederate arsenal.

The new upgrade included the installation of new trans-phasic turrets to replace the old ones. The Photon Torpedoes were removed, and only 5 trans-phasic turrets were put in. The Raven also had its shields and cloak enhanced with Trans-Phasic tech, allow it to stay cloaked for incredibly long periods of time, and be undetected by any sensor system in existence.

Trans-Phasic Weapons, which had a massive range and firepower (they have three times the range and a little over three times the power of anti-proton weapons), were installed on all Confederate vessels during the gap year. The Confeds were now the surpreme leaders in close-range weaponry. Barad-dűr, which now had trans-phasic technology, was now also much much more deadly.

The Confederates now began work on researching a new vessel; the Acheron Dreadnaught. The new ship would be extremely powerful, and armed with dozens of turrets and launchers. However, the Confeds would need help, even with their colonies in Eta Cassiopea still functioning perfectly.

It was decided that the Tribunal would be the best people to ask help from, seeing that they had build the Phyrexia, and knew a lot about large warship designing.

So two days later, a cloaked Raven entered the Tribunal capitol, and decloaked right next to Station Keld. The commander of the Raven, Admiral Scorcher himself, hailed the station.

"This is Admiral Scorcher. I wish to speak with Tasina or Moiraine, or both if it can be arranged. I have something very urgent to report."


With the barriers to Eta Cassiopea gone, the Confeds in the Eta galaxy immediately began pouring in supplies, materials, workers, and relief aid into the Milky Way. The ECTA sent a lot of the stuff not only to the Confeds, but to Galactica as well, seeing that they had millions of tons of extra supplies accumulated during the gap. In fact, during that year, the ECTA had gathered up a total of 29 billion tons of supplies, materials, clothes, food, relief aid, metals, industrial supplies, and luxury goods.

The Confeds also started work on new modulating shields, which would now modulate their shield frequencies so fast into so many different phases that anything that touched the shields would be vaporized. This meant increased damage during ramming, and a protection against nanoprobes, which would be vaporized upon coming into contact with the shield grid. Of course, a few might get through, and it would ware the shields down, but it would be a good enough protection.


Acheron Dreadnaught
ETA: 10 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: 6 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Asriel bolted upright. He had just thought of a brilliant new idea for a vessel. The Specter assault fighter. It was far beyond the Tribunal's capabilities to create it alone, however...

Suddenly, Moiraine and Tasina went rushing by his lab room. He ran outside to find out what was going on, and was told that Admiral Scorcher of the Confederacy had just decloaked outside of Station Keld in a Raven, asking to see both Tasina and Moiraine. Asriel stopped Moiraine for about thirty seconds and quickly described his ship idea; she briefly nodded and headed on.


Station Keld, Secret Conference Room

Scorcher had been welcomed to Station Keld, and he, Moiraine, and Tasina had retreated to the station's secret meeting room. Scorcher described the plan for the Acheron Dreadnought to the Tribunal leaders, concluding with the statement that the Confederacy had chosen the Tribunal to help because they had built a giant warship before -- Phyrexia.

Moiraine slowly nodded, and her eyes lit up. "We will help you," she said. "We will help you on one -- no, make that two conditions. Our chief scientist, Asriel, has come up with a ship idea himself -- it's called the Specter assault fighter. We will need your help in creating it. That's the first condition. The second is a bit more involved. We -- the Tribunal -- have long been thinking of making a large modification to Phyrexia itself. We obviously have no more need for living space or multipurpose fighter bays on it anymore. When the Acheron is complete, if it is the right size, we would like to carry one or two aboard Phyrexia. If it was stripped of all its current bays, and the old colonist living space, we believe that there would be enough room to carry at least one, and possibly even two, Acherons." Moiraine sat back and waited for Scorcher's response.


Title: Precision Bomb upgrade
ETA: 5 posts

Title: Anti-Gravity engine speed upgrade
ETA: 4 posts

Title: Specter-class assault fighter
ETA: 10 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

K'Sarragh was worried.
The Skraine were more powerful now, and had the Defender of Hope , but even the mighty supercruiser might not be enough.
What if the Prylak attacked in multiple places at once? What if they used several of the Starfortresses of Skraine pre-Exodus terror?
The Skraine needed a good, reliable heavier warship class.
The Sraine Raven, or Skraiven as it had quickly become known, had been exchanged from the Confederates in exchange for nanotechnology shortly before the Black Day, and it was now possibly the best light warship the Skraine posessed, with Hyperlattice Deflectors, a WarGate, Organic Armour and a large stock of WarGated Hyperlattice Warheads and EMP cannons.
The Researchers on Skrineen were happy to meet with him and dicuss the requirements of the new warship.
It would be known as the Skraine Firebrand-class Dreadnaught, and would have as much weaponry as Skraine engineers could fit in it, as well as the Organic Armour, Hyperlattice Deflectors, Plasmator Drives and Skraine ECM now standard on Skraine ships.
Another effect of this conference was the realisation that once again, Skraine primary weapons were growing out of date.
Several researchers had their own ideas about how to combat this; one suggested becoming an entirely peaceful race, which was dismissed immediately; another, wiser researcher handed K'Sarragh the specifics of all the Skraine current projects that were quietly going on in the sidelines.
The only one which seemed promising was an attempt to design a Hyperlattice mechanism which would "project" the hyperlattice crystal's distortion field in the direction desired.
Simulations of the desired effects showed a weapon of very high power, and excellent range, yet slow moving and slow to recharge.
Under WarFleet funding, the project would hopefully manage to lessen those two disadvantages, and with military-grade hyperlattice crystals the weapon's power would be greater.
K'Sarragh ordered the project taken into the military projects division, and returned to the problem of the Firebrand Dreadnaught.
Data gleaned from comms relay buoys suggested that the Tribunal and Confederates were cooperating to design a fighter and dreadnaught respectively.
K'Sarragh wondered if it would be a good idea to pool the rescources of three cultures, and sent a message.

(To:Confederates, Tribunal)
(Fr: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(I've heard that you are working together to design new warships; the Skraine would also like to join your projects, as we are currently designing a large warship of our own. Surely all our projects would benefit from a pooling of knowledge?
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

ETA Until Hyperlattice Weaponry complete: 10 posts

ETA Until Firebrand Dreadnaught complete: 10 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 01-23-2002).)

OOC: Shade, I never gave you the Raven. 🙂 I only gave you the Corsair.


Scorcher quickly agreed to the terms. The Confeds would help them as much as they could, and would also help with the refitting of the Phyrexia. Scorcher then suggested that they work on the Acheron first, then the Specter, seeing that they'd need to build up a lot of Acherons for a long while, and they should try and start immediately.

**(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederacy) **
(Yes, we could certainly use your aid in this endevour. Right now, the best thing you could provide was simply lots of ships, when we do start our offensive, but for now you can help us with designing a new warship; our new dreadnaught is good, but we need a slightly smaller warship which is quite powerful and yet can be mass produced, at least to an extent.)
(End Message)


Acheron Dreadnaught
ETA: 10 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: 6 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-24-2002).)

OOC: Carno, I talked with Esponer about the Acheron research. He says that it takes 30 posts, but if either of us posts, it counts. And it takes 6 posts to build one, I think.


Moiraine decided not to reply to the Skraine herself, but to let the Confederacy's reply speak for both of them. Her and Tasina had agreed with Scorcher, that they should complete the Acheron's research, and then research the Specter.

Asriel and his team of researchers returned to Dreden with Scorcher, so that both teams of scientists could work together.


Now, the task of expanding Tribunal space could be started. The only adjacent uncolonized system currently was New Dimire, so colonization ships were sent there, and scouts were sent to the systems of Lalande and Lalande Beta. If they were going to build Acheron Dreadnoughts, the Tribunal needed more shipyards than they had now.


Title: Precision Bomb Upgrade
ETA: 4 posts

Title: Anti-Gravity Engine Upgrade
ETA: 3 posts

Title: Acheron Dreadnought
ETA: 30 posts (remember, either mine or Carnotaur's posts count toward this)

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

OOC: Yeah, I'd said 20, but I hadn't realised it was both of you.


Kenra slowed the Ghost in front of the Portal. Now that the wall between galaxies had lifted, the Portals should work. She, and a few other ships that longed to go back to Sija, would be the first to go through the Portals. They targetted the Portal in Sija, and the ships slipped through.

Kenra blinked as she was suddenly in her home system. No time wasted with Portals, it took no time to go through. She looked around and her eyes caught on the 30 meter magnifecent that floated above the planet. "Galadriel" Kenra whispered. All the other ships had stopped too. With a grin, Kenra sped the Ghost forward, and landed on the planet.

Many improvements had been made as year had past. Improvements of almost every kind could be seen, and all were reflected in Galadriel. Kenra looked at the new Radium rockets especially admiringly. She checked out the nano tech. Because of what had happened, many improvements had been made, but everyone knew they would be dead if the plague struck again.

The Sijak had little info on what had happened with the other races, so 3 Interceptors, 3 Ghosts, and 3 Avatars were picked to scout out what had happened to the rest of Ross 154. They went into sets of three, one of each ship. Kenra set down a map, and discussed with the pilots where to go. They needed to know how widespread the damge had been.

With the first few ships gone through the Portals, soon ships were flashing back and forth between systems and galaxies, supplies shipping between them, and passengers. Reunions were made on all planets, and the Sijak minds met in discussion. There was ever an idea or a plan in the heads of the great minds.

nothing yet, soon there will be.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

A fairly large jump point opened in the New Dimire system. Suddenly, a Tribunal Cyclops appeared. The Cyclops supercarrier had been chosen as the colonization ship of choice for two reasons:
()It could defend itself from anybody who happened to be wondering a little too hard about what it was doing;
)It was the only Tribunal ship large enough to hold a reasonable amount of colonists.
Although there was not a huge amount of Cyclops in the Tribunal navy, it was a very powerful ship. Once the Specter was completed, months into the future, they would probably replace the fighters now carried on the Cyclops.

Automated construction drones were released from a hatch in the side of the Cyclops, and went hastily to the surface of the planet; they quickly constructed a small biodome, big enough for the human workers to go down. Once they were on the planet, they started building a settlement for the colonists.

The drones, having completed their surface work, then wandered around the system, scanning asteroids. Their mission: to find a few stable enough to build shipyards on. Asteroid shipyards had become a large part of the Tribunal shipbuilders: they were easy to defend, and hard to detect. They were also easier to build than shipyards on a planet, and the lack of gravity made it ideal for building ships. Two suitable asteroids were located, and construction began on shipyards there.


Meanwhile, Phantoms entered the systems of Lalande and Lalande Beta. Lalande Beta had two planets, one of which, when scanned, revealed deposits of tucharium ore. This was the fourth planet discovered to contain tucharium, and would increase the Tribunal's supply even more. This information was sent back to Station Keld, and miners would be sent out soon. The other planet was not suitable for anything; it was a barren wasteland. When scanned, it was discovered that the planet itself was giving off a huge amount of energy, in the form of radio waves. This was also sent back to headquarters, and would be investigated as soon as possible.

Lalande, meanwhile, contained one beautifully lush planet, perfect for habitation. Another colonization ship was prepared, and would be sent out in about a week (my next post).


Title: Precision Bomb Upgrade
ETA: 3 posts

Title: Anti-Gravity Engine Upgrade
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Acheron Dreadnought
ETA: 29 posts (remember, either mine or Carnotaur's posts count toward this)

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

The Raiek relaxed, and casually built as many lazerus' as they could.

It was generally agreed by just about everyone that the Lazerus' were fairly strong, but had to be stronger to fight the Prylak. It was generally agreed that the Raiek ships needed to be stronger... But how?
Finally it was mentioned that maybe positrons could be implemented into shields, but no one knew how, and then everyone was stuck by a blinding flash of the obvious! (or maybe it was the positron explosion from the Pheonix , dont know)
that positrons could be used to increase the power of shield capacitators.

Research: Upgraded positron shields
ETA: 9 posts

Javelins and space bombs would also be upgraded with positrons later, using gravatic containment methods from Galactica.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

Finally, after a year of no contact with the Confederacy, Grand Admiral Lythrawn returned to the Milky Way.

As he awed many Confeds with his powerful fleet, Lythrawn also brought with him someone the Confeds had missed greatly; Admiral Firebird, who had been staying with the Terrans at the time of the attack. Fortunately, we was on the Dark Horizon, Lythrawn's vessel, and was spared from the bio-weapon.

Lythrawn was still rather mysterious at times, but he was also very serious, and reported immediately that it was indeed the Prylak that had been the ones that unleashed the attack. The Confeds nearly went into a state of panic, but Lythrawn calmed them down, and convinced the major admirals that if the Prylak did invade, Barad-dűr would be able to hold them back. Scorcher, Carnotaur, and Firebird, however, always had faith in Lythrawns ability, and generally didn't get too worried, though Scorcher did begin writing up plans if a Prylak attack did occure.

After hearing that the Confeds had detected some survivors on Azdgari, Lythrawn dispatched two Empyrean Carriers to the Azdgari system, in hopes of trying to aid the survivors that lived on that far off world.

Meanwhil, all Confederate bases remained on high alert, and around 150 vessels were transfered from Eta Cassiopea to the Milky Way to help reinforce there. Barad-dűr was, as always, on a constant state of alert.

Confederate scientists continued to experiment with nanites and other forms of nano-technology, trying to figure out some way to stop the deadly nano-weapon, which had fortunately died out.

The Confederacy was now undertaking a rather large project; expand Dreden Station into a much larger base, which included 3 orbital colony stations, and 1 new orbital battlestation. The enlargement would take a while, but would greatly aid Confed and ECTA economics.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 18 Posts

Acheron Dreadnaught
ETA: 28 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: 4 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Grundy flew his tiny fleet into the portal system.
"Okay, lets go in." Zap. They were in the Milky was again. The fleet went to Mira to talk to the president...
New Tech: Electro-bomb
This is an object about as big as a space bomb, but in a piramid shape. Inside it billions of tiny super-conductors were embeded. One spark would be fired inside the bomb and would activate all super-conductors at the same time. This would cause a sure of power that would not only blind sensors, but it would zap any ship that was near it.
ETA=5 posts

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

(To:Confederates, Tribunal)
(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(In return for the final plans for the Acheron Dreadnaught, we will contribute our technologies towards it, if we are assured that they will not be used in anything other than the Acheron Dreadnaught.
If all three of us apply our weaponry to the Acheron Dreadnaught, it should be a very powerful ship.
Afterwards we can do the same for a smaller capital ship and the Tribunal's fighter.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

ETA until Hyperlattice Weaponry complete: 9 posts
Still seeking permission to join in the Acheron research.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederacy)
(Very well, we're transmitting the designs to you now, so that you can aid in the research of the vessel. You may add 2 Warhead Launchers with thirty hyperlattice warheads to the design, but no more. However, you can be very helpful in another way other than researching. Right now Confederate shipyards are rather overloaded, and with building the Acheron Dreadnaughts, we'll be unable to construct very many heavy warships, nor will we be able to assemble a large-enough fleet. This is where you come in. You can help us by building up your naval forces, and constructing large amounts of big, heavy warships.)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

A jump point opened in the system of Lalande, and another Cyclops appeared. It went through the same procedure as in New Dimire, letting the drones construct a biodome, and then sending down workers to start on the settlement. Meanwhile, another two asteroids were found as suitable for shipyards, and construction began.

At the same time, numerous transports arrived in Lelande Beta, and construction of a mining complex started there.


Research was going fine on the Acheron, except that it was such an immense project that the researchers weren't sure where to start. There were now a total of three factions working on the Acheron, and they all had to keep in touch about who was doing what with it. All in all, it was an extremely time-consuming process. It would be worth it in the end, however. The Acheron Dreadnought would be a ship such as the human race had never seen before.


Title: Precision Bomb Upgrade
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Anti-Grav Engine Upgrade
ETA: 1 post

Title: Acheron Dreadnought
ETA: 27 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

OOC:I've just realised that the Skraine control the largest territory of any race outside the Prylak.

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(In anticipation of the expected Prylak attack, our military shipyards are currently quite busy creating Firestorm Battlecruisers and other assorted heavy starships.
The automation of these vessels has been increased, so that they can function with less crew.
But we are happy to help in any way whatsoever.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

ETA until Hyperlattice Weaponry complete:8 posts

Acheron Dreadnaught:26 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Colonies in Lalande and New Dimire were nearly complete, and the mining operation in Lalande Beta was underway. Scouts had been sent into the three remaining systems in that section (EC-201, 205, 209), and while only EC-209 had contained a planet, it was definitely habitable. A Cyclops was prepared with colonists, and sent to the system.


Work on the Acheron was going well indeed, with three governments working on it. The Tribunal was working on the armoring for the ship, the Confederation was working on the shielding, the Skraine were figuring out how to add more weapons to it, and all three were together designing a power core for the ship. It had to be immensely large, to power such a huge ship.

Fortunately, the upgrade to the Anti-Gravity engines was complete. This upgrade was only needed for the Acheron, although the Tribunal might eventually put into their other ships. This freed up some researchers to start on a new project: upgrading the tucharium armoring that was on all Tribunal ships. This upgrade would also only be needed for the Acheron, as increasing the density of the armor would make most of the other ships too heavy.

Plans were also drawn up for a complete overhaul of Station Keld, adding more armor and shields, and more weaponry. When the Specter was complete, far in the future, a bay of them would also be added.


Title: Precision Bomb Upgrade
ETA: 1 post

Title: Acheron Dreadnought
ETA: 25 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 8 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

Jupiter Base, its immensity drawfing any sentient structure so far encountered, was in its usual state. High alert. It's sensor arrays, deployed across the system, gave warning of anything, even when systems away, the highly sensitive mass detector rendering useless almost any cloaks, especially when in Sol.

The systems defences cycled continuously, meaning anything trying a surprise attack would


(Message to:Tribunal, Skraine, Sijak, Confederacy, Raiek)
(Message from: Galactica)
(Reports from Eta cassiopea show that the Confederacy is working with the Tribunal on a new ship design, substantially larger than anything else. Galactica has plans that will intergrate several new technologies in a new ship design, but we would like help from the other races and Governments. Actual R&D; proccess' will not start for some time, due to other commitments, but initial draft proposals show great promise.)
(Message Ends)


Experiments in the year since the plague hit have showed that Galactica has the capability to produce an incredibly tough armour, when manipulating materials using gravitic technology. Named Neutronium Armour, limited material has been produced, but producing it takes far too much energy, material, and time, all of which Galactica is limited in. It looks to be possible to improve production methods enough so that ships can be plated with it. ETA:20 posts

Galactica uses Antimatter Railguns on its ships as its primary mid range weapon, but it suffers from a slow reload time. Therefore Galactica is looking to decrease the reload time. ETA:Esponer ran off before I could ask him, so I'll update this later when he gets back online.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 01-26-2002).)

So far, the scout fleets sent out had not found the others. Kenra was getting anxious, and spent much of her time training new pilots. Now that Galadriel and the Portals were done, ship builders had gone back to trying to build ships. It was slow work, but there were many pilots who had died, and many new recruits to be trained.

When the message from Galactica came, Kenra considered the idea. Then she shrugged. She saw no downsides to it. She decided to send a message to the Galactica. She wasn't sure what they were looking for, but the Sijak could probably help in someway.

(To: Galactica)
(From: Sijak)
(We the Sijak have received your message and we are intrigued by new technologies. If there is anyway we can help with your technologies, feel free to call upon us. We ask no payment for our services, we just offer to help in anyway we can.)
End message sequence

Kenra looked over the message and sent it. Then she looked up at the fighters. If they could make Radium rockets, could they perhaps make Radium Turrets and Cannons? She would have to talk it over with the Committee. They would then ask everyone, and perhaps it could be done. The fighters would be better defended with Radium Turrets and Cannons.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.