Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VII

General Tacara called the Azd Confederate fleet to a halt, although they surrounded the two Empyreans, and were watchful. Tacara sent a hail.

"It has been long since the welcome of your lot has stayed. It's been a year, and we received not a word from you. We've been left to fend against approaching death, and not only that, but you would not sent us the reinforcements we needed when Galactica was ready to crush us!"

"I am not interested in diplomatic relations with a government only interested in helping themselves. The Alliance holds it's own council now."

Tacara sent out the hail, and sighed. He did not want to have to go to war with these "Confederates", whomever they may be. He knew Admiral Scorcher, a man he had once respected. But the Azd Confederates had gone through much in the year, and they blamed it on the rest of the Confederacy.


Jeranor nodded to the Admiral slowly. "The Kayans (and I am 75% Kayan) appear to have a device which protects them from the plague. We've undergone serious research into Kayan DNA over the past year, and have found some startling things."

"The Kayan DNA appears to differ from the DNA of most races in several areas - immune systems, and the like. Several of these differences appear to be relatively new, and I do not believe they are entirely an act of evolution. I'd say they are no more than 5,000 years old."

"What do you mean?" asked High Admiral Fith.

"The Kayans, Admiral, are less than 5,000 years old. That goes against Kayan history. I don't believe that my race is..." Jeranor faltered, and turned away. "There is an extensive historical library on Old South Tip Station. We tried to breach it, but we don't have the equipment - much was destroyed by this nano-weapon. If you could send a few science vessels, we'd appreciate it. We'll need a fusion array to break through to the library - the nano-weapon sealed all the blast gates shut."


Flight of the Dragons

From deep within Andromeda, in the Zone capital system of Dromede, the Prylak were gathering.

Dromede was a fortress system unmatched, it's might a hundred times greater than Barad-dür of the Confederates, in the poor unready galaxy of the Milky Way. It sat almost at the brink of Andromeda's supermassive black hole, and there, in Dromede, the entire anti-grav network of Andromeda was maintained. If it were to be destroyed, the supermassive black hole would be suck in all the Prylak's colonised systems. Energy swirled everywhere within Dromede. The starfield was not black, but white, as the anti-grav network still allowed the black hole Dromax to suck in some energy from the stars of Andromeda.

All across were huge battle platforms, hundreds of miles across, and many were linked by gravetic transport tubes, built over hundreds of years by nanites. In Dromede, and Dromede only, could the Starfortresses dock, within the twelve titanic stardocks that rested in the centre of the complex.

Dromede as a system had no planets, not anywhere. They had been swept away, unwanted.

At Dromede the Prylak would begin their invasion. Their Emperor had died, but the Divinity himself had sent word that the attack should begin. The Drakal's last fastness, in the Terakhor system, should be assualted, and the system's grav. inhibitors eliminated. Terakhor would be fed to Dromax.

And thus, eleven Starfortresses came to Dromede, to prepare for the assualt, which would begin at Terakhor...

...and not end until the seat of the Prylak, Ross 154, was retaken, and the pitiful creatures of the Milky Way and Eta Cassiopea were scoured from the universe forever.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-01-2002).)

The Prylak commander growled. "First off, I would like to say that we haven't been in this galaxy for the past 10 months. Only recently did we return from the Ross 154 galaxy, where we had been staying.

"Second, the confederates would have sent you reinforcements, but the Leka system blocked off any possibility of doing that. Thirdly, we would have contacted you, but the Confederacy was quite strained while constructing Barad-dur, and didn't even know that you even existed; we thought you had all been killed. So, we were sent here when Confederate scouts detected that there was still life in this system. We come in peace; not for war."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"Then peace you have, but we would not merge with your Confederacy, for we well know that then we would become nothing, and the councils we have strove to build would be lost utterly. We have peace, but as of yet nothing further. This conversation is over." Tacara turned the off, and the fleet returned to Xarnes.

Business went back to normal. Freighters that had stopped dead while the battle ensued now continued on passes between the three moons, and several began flight to the planet Azdgari, which still held some minerals that could be safely mined. Small fighters zipped around the system on patrol, and Scorcher was shocked to see that they were not Renegade Battlefighters, the standard fighter of the Confederate Alliance, but appeared to be highly upgraded Azdaras. Indeed, now it became obvious that several Athenas and Adrenas were in the system, Azdgari vessels used twenty years back. They were all obviously enhanced.

It seemed that the Azdgari Confederates, or the Alliance, as they mainly called themselves, had indeed adapted. They appeared to have their own fleet of Azdaras, Adrenas and Athenas, supplanted by a smaller number of Corsairs, Ravens and Auroras. The Alliance Flagship that Tacara commanded appeared to be the flagship of the Alliance's small navy.

The Alliance had apparently forgotten the Confederates in the system. They were in fact waiting upon their move, wondering what they would indeed do.


gah, my post got wiped, so this is just a summary.

Colony on Mars is now a fully fledged planet, and it is booming. It's 2 moons have been turned into weapon platforms and custom outposts.

The systems around Sol have been fitted with large sensor arrays, on continuous data stream to Jupiter Base. Several systems also have small outposts to ensure any 'friendly' ships, really are friendly.

Jupiter base has been seeded with more drones fitted with grav well projectors, so that entry and exit paths can be opened and closed more easily, without ships having a grav well projector. They can also be used to block enemy ships from creating an entrance.


Neutronium Armor: 5 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 40 posts

(edit:i was just rereading some posts, and I noticed a bit of miscounting on research.
If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 02-02-2002).)

REDchigh looks out into space, and his mind wanders.

He knows more than anyone that the Prylak dont revolve around bioterrorism. The Nanites were a preemptive action, there will definately be an attack. The only question is when? The Drakal have held the Prylak off so far, but if the Prylak can spare the time to send a nanite to two different galaxies, the war has to have shifted, even slightly, in favor of the Prylak...


Redchigh turns to face the ensign... seemingly about 28 years old. "Yea? What."

"We have word that the Confederates are working on a gigantic station, that they call Barador or something. We doubt we got the translation right. It seems to be mostly military."

"How much power does it have?"

"Could take out about 35 lazerus, from out current reports."

"Very well. You're excused."

REDchigh looks away, and loses himself in his thoughts again...
Take out 30-something lazerus'? Sure, it's strong, but that station will probably fall under any serious prylak invasion. We can only hope it doesn't happen. Hrmm.. Starfortresses are incredibly strong, it's highly unlikely that any galaxy could hold off more than a few of them. My Lazerus' are strong, and even though their shields are being upgraded, they still wint do much against the prylak. Something else is needed.... Something.... more. My people have had bombs for years, but they are too weak. Positrons? Nah, they're way too unstable. I know I can come up with something.... but what... Suddenly his mind flashes back to his first battle with the Skraine... Turrets arcs across open space, blinding aura around the Thoron beamers as they go off, Why didn't I think of it before? Thorons! Our Thoron beamers are incredibly strong, and using primitive techniques, we could probably make a bomb-type weapon much, much more powerful than our bombs, and several times stronger than even the most powerful warheads... of course, it would take time to build them. as many as 2 posts per bomb, and the research would take a while... It would be better to finish the shielding work first..

Dreadnought- ETA 39 posts.
Shielding- ETA 3 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

The Prylak Commander Heraan growled under his breath, then turned to Admiral Specter. "What do you want me to do?"

Specter paused for a moment, thinking. "Open a channel."

"Channel open."

"Admiral Tacara, we will accept a peace, but only if you don't fire on our ships. We don't exactly take well to trigger-happy neighbors which shoot at our ships at the first sign of a small threat. We only wish to be friends; not enemies." Specter turned to Commander Heraan. "Send them data updating them on current events, as well as new treaties and the like."

Meanwhile, in Barad-dur, a scout fleet of Corsairs and Ravens was being readied for a long-range scouting mission. Their objective; scout out what lay immediately ahead in the Andromeda galaxy after going through The Pocket. When the Confeds sent in their main force, they had to know where they were going. This fleet would figure that part out.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 12 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 29 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 22 Posts

OOC: I fixed my post ETAs. Asriel, Shade; you watch out on your research posts, and I'll watch out on mine. 😉

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Emperor BattleDoctor, despite Moiraine skipping around more indepth treaties, decided to accept Moiraines acceptance of a peace treay. Their would be time to do more later.


5 Heavy Beam Cruiser where orbiting Mercury. They all set into a orbits close to each other, and firing commenced. Mercurys surface began to boil, and soon deep trenches had been dug under the surface. The Heavy Beam Cruisers changed orbit, and commenced firing from a different angle. Soon, a segment tens of kilometers across had been seperated from the rest of the planet. The gases boiled off by the Thoron Beams had begun to push the chunk away from the rest of Mercury. When it was far enough away, stabilising motors would be attached, and mining operations would begin. The materials mined would be going to enhance Mars' defences for the most part, although other resources would be going to Pluto and Charon in order to enhance the early warning system emplaced on the pair.


Neutronium Armor: 4 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 38 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 02-03-2002).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 02-03-2002).)

A small group of science vessels and a Support Cruiser have been sent by High Admiral Fith to South Tip Station, as per President Jeranor's request. The Kayans are free to use them as they see fit.

Neutronium Armor: 4 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 37 posts

My state bird is the finger.

The Galactica science fleet entered Akrayhek to find the system undergoing serious reconstruction. While this area of had been cut off from communications, they had been in a rush to upgrade their defences as best they could. Thus, in addition to Old South Tip Station, and New South Tip Station (built in the last ten years) there was now a defence platform overlooking the planet, and a buildup of missile buoys scattered around the system.

Old South Tip Station had long been abandoned. With the science equipment available, the blockaded sectors were cleared without damage, and both Kayan and Galactica scientists poured in to investigate. However, there was little there, at least, nothing that said much.

The historical library told of Kayan history back for thousands of years, but at the very beginning, it was particularly vague. Apparently, the library had been constructed in 1704 CE, and followed the events as back to -3000 CE, or 1 IF on the Kayan calender. Before then, it appeared, no records could be gathered. There was nothing to suggest the Kayans first existed then, and in fact, there were minor details to suggest the otherwise.

However, a visit to Dora Yaondari , an ancient Kayan city built in 1705 IF, had shown that Kayan history held a number of gaps. The records here were often blacked out, and some of them conflicted with the records of the the newer library at Old South Tip Station.

It was one reference to the Strandless which, although vague, appeared to hold the greatest clue:


In the Ancient Library of Dora Yaondari :
They have come from the north, and they call themselves many names, and none. In their tongue they are simply people , but they are called Strandless by some. We have made friends with their kind, and have learnt of three warring powers further north, and east as well. It seems strange that some of our oldest artefacts and landmarks seem to co-ordinate with some of their records, of a world known as Gadzair. We should investigate this matter.

No other records elsewhere mentioned the similarities in artefacts, although there were images taken of the artefacts found, and some quotes of descriptions of artefacts found on Gadzair.

The next step, it would appear, would be to look within the old Strand worlds - Zidagar, Igadzra, and Azdgari - to find the same markings. Igadzra and Zidagar are within reach of a Galactica taskforce, but Azdgari, last they heard, was a Confederate world, and that may still be so.


OOC: BattleDoctor, RMA, you need to investigate the Strands and their own religious landmarks, temples, artefacts. And you may also want to take your investigations further.


ooc: more character development along with a a few statements about what's happening in the Sijak goverment while I wait eternally in my out of the way corner of the galaxy.

Kenra watched the scientists working on the Radium primaries quietly. The project was interesting, and she usually wasn't able to watch them working, and testing diffrent things. She looked at her watch and sighed. A few more minutes she would have to give a speech to the green pilots. A few of them knew enough now they didn't need to here her safety speeches, and her speeches on the diffrent systems, but most of them were still having problems. The academies were still undermanned.

She sighed, and started to get ready to get up when she felt a light touch on her cheek. She smiled as she got up and turned around. Sopeno smiled down at her and kissed her lightly. "Ready for your big speech Kenra?" Kenra grimaces. "The speech I've been ready for, it's the questions afterwards That I hate. Glad you'll be there, I need the morale support."


In Eta a scientist was frowning as he studied something he had in front of him. It appeared that if he could figure out how to make it stable, it might be useable on a ship. He sent to his superiours and they told him to wait, they would send it to Sija, and perhaps they could make something out of it.


Primary Radium- 6 posts.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

High above Kayia, in one of the numerous labs on the Galactica science vessel G.S.S. Transom, Captain Herani sat with the other captains of the small Galactica task force which had been sent to Kayia. Herani had the most experience of any of the science vessel captains, and thus was regarded as the leader of this expedition.

The captains, 6 of them there were, were huddled around a table, reading over documents and examining pictures of the Kayan artifacts and temples. Eventually one of the captains spoke up. "I'll take my ship to Igadzra if the Kayians will give me a Missile Frigate for escort. I can search for any signs of artifacts and temples, and report back here."

"Don't we already have orbital photos of such things? We could just look at what we already have..." piped up another captain.

"Wiped, in the attack. We wouldn't be here if our old data files of orbital photos were still around." replied Herani. She turned to the first captain to speak and said, "Good idea. I'm sure I can arrange for an escort for you." She then turned to another captain and said, "You, take your ship to Zidagar. I'll get you an escort. The rest of us will remain here and wait for you to report your findings."

The two captains saluted and walked out, getting ready to depart as soon as possible. The Support Cruiser captain, a scruffy young Zidagar leaning against the wall behind Captain Herani, began to speak. "I could escort a ship to Azdgari. The 'Feds might decide to let us in."

Herani pondered this suggestion for a moment, then asked, "Any volunteers?"

One of the captains volunteered, and was soon prepping his ship to leave, and head for Azdgari. Soon after the meeting adjourned.

Neutronium Armor: 2 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 36 posts

My state bird is the finger.

The science teams sent to Zidagar and Igadzra took extensive images of all major landmarks. Abandoned museums were scoured for original Igadzran or Zidagar artifacts. Finally, among some of the most ancient relics, a runic symbol was found on both planets. It was dated back thousands of years.

The same rune had been found on Kayia. Indeed, there appeared to be an entire language. It was one of the human officers on the Zidagar expedition that first noticed something shocking.

They were hieroglyphics - identical, to his memory, to the hieroglyphs of the Egyptians, an ancient Earth race!

There was a connection linking the Zidagar and the Igadzra. They were now waiting for the reports from the Azdgari research team.

From the hunches already gathering, their next target would be Gadzair - and it might also be worthwhile to scan the computer archives, to see whether this form of writing was indeed the same as the writing used by the Egyptians.

And also, Miranu and Voinian culture should perhaps be investigated.

Azdgari System
A Galactica science vessel and support cruiser entered the Azdgari system, although they had been seen two systems away by Alliance patrols. They had not been stopped.

Galactica sent down a hail to the Alliance, requesting that they be permitted to search the planet Azdgari for certain signs; relics, artifacts and such.

The Alliance replied that this may be possible, but that they would have to know everything about why this was necessary first.


The captain of the Support Cruiser G.S.S. Peak looked at the young Azdgari traffic control officer, who was looking annoyed as he waited for a response to his question. Finally the captain said, "We are here investigating something that may prove very useful in fighting possible future Prylak attacks. My ship is serving as an escort to this lightly armed science vessel, and we request permission to study the planet Azdgari. It shouldn't inconvenience the Alliance too much, as it is uninhabitable."

The captain waited for a response from the Azdgari officer.

The science ships that had been out investigating the surfaces of Igadzra and Zidagar had returned to Kayia, and after thanking the Kayans for their escorts they headed to Voinia do to some surveying there. They would be looking for any evidence of similar items to the Strand artifacts, the Heiroglyphics, and the Kayan documents on Voinia.

Meanwhile, the rest of the science team will remain and Kayia and try to find some information about the Heiroglyphics. Unfortunately, all evidence of them on Earth was destroyed. One ship has been sent to Gadzair to investigate the planet.

Neutronium Armor: 1 post

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 35 posts

My state bird is the finger.

It had been over a year since any word from the Haorn had gotten through to anyone, and the only thought on REDchigh's mind was... 'The Prylak nanites must have struck them harder than everyone else... they could still be suffering from it right now.. We can't lose them as an ally.We need their support. (Even though deep inside his heart he was hoping they were all dead so he could loot their space and be more free to colonise systems in Ross 154) He opts to send a specialized medical quarentine ship, specially designed to handle epidemics of any sort. It also has on board all info he's gotten from the Alliance and Skraine. The medical ship is escorted by a few assorted old model-ships, frigates and such.

A message is sent to Galactica, reminding them of the deal about their armor.
(Espy, can lazerus' get armor? C'mon...)

Galactica/Raiek dreadnought (nemisis? (I dont know the name)) ETC: I forgot... you know to minus a post.

Shields (I guess) 2 posts.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

Galactcia scientists are going through old UE historical records for records of Egyptian artifacts. The colony on Mars has an unusually large Terran database, and it should prove useful.

Another small expedition has been sent off to Mirava to scan the planet in the system. It is hoped the Confederates will allow scans to proceed.


Neutronium Armor: Completed

Current production will barely enable current Galactcia ships to be plated with a thin layer of Neutronium Armour, so Galactica is looking to increase its supply so it may replace all armour, as well as have enough stockpiled for Nemesis-class Dreadnaughts.
Neutronium Production Upgrade: Eta 4 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: ETA 33 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
(B)The captain of the Support Cruiser G.S.S. Peak looked at the young Azdgari traffic control officer, who was looking annoyed as he waited for a response to his question. Finally the captain said, "We are here investigating something that may prove very useful in fighting possible future Prylak attacks. My ship is serving as an escort to this lightly armed science vessel, and we request permission to study the planet Azdgari. It shouldn't inconvenience the Alliance too much, as it is uninhabitable."

The captain waited for a response from the Azdgari officer.

"That's hardly a specific explanation of your actions," replied the officer. "You should know that our leader is an Azdgari, and there is much support of the old Azdgari way among us. Azdgari is thus sacred, and we will not allow you to defile it." The officer cut the communication, and a wing of Azdaras swept into space, and made a threatening patrol around the area. It appeared the Alliance were not being entirely helpful.


The search in Voinian territory had been unsuccessful. There was no similarity in the cultures whatsoever - nothing at all, in fact, save for the diaries of an old Voinian drunkard, which were found in a museum and proved mostless useless. They mostly explained this Voinian's adventures into a hidden underworld within the planet Voinia, coming across an alien city, learning that the Voinians had been created by this race, and a considerable amount of flying around on magic carpets. Other than a shocking similarity in Voinian and human fantasy novels, nothing was of any use.

Mira did not seem to yield much, either. There wasn't much culture left in the Miranu, as over time most of their museums had been replaced with beautiful and yet very production-oriented factories.

However, the human's hunch seemed correct - the hieroglyphics matched perfectly with records on Mars. So far, the link seemed to include Kayans, humans, Zidagar and Igadzra - and probably Azdgari.


The captain of the Support Cruiser G.S.S. Peak sighed at the Azdgaris response, and sent out another hail.

'We are here to perform scans of Azdgari to search for ruins that will most likely match similar ruins on several other planets, all far apart, and with ruins far older than ay known contact between them. We believe these are related to the Kayan races immunity to the Prylak bio weapon. If your leader will not let us perform scans of Azdgari, we ask that you send us your scans of Azdgari so that we may compare. If you wish, we will send sample pictures of other ruins and relicts, so that you may compare them and tell us if anything similar exists on Azdgari.

Meanwhile, the science vehicles and escorts settled into orbit of Gadzair, and began to probe the planet.


Neutronium Production Upgrade: Eta 3 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: ETA 32 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

OOC: I haven't been on for awhile because my computer went kaput, and I had to reinstall everything. Sorry.

Espona looked out the viewport of his flagship, an upgunned and upgraded Mothership called the Archangel. He was tired. He had a grown weary of simply waiting around for the enemy to come. The fleet was back to its original numbers and then some, and the Fallen Wraith was just days away from completion. He also knew his people still wanted death to any who proved a threat to the Haorn, and complete obliteration to the ones who so flagrantly attacked with the nano virus. Sighing, Esopna pushed any such thoughts out of his mind. When the enemy came, he would be ready. He then ordered a new project. This would create a tech that would make an upgraded Battle Station of sorts, except alot bigger. A LOT bigger. It could even hold an entire system, provided it had a small suport fleet. After he completed the call, a message came onto the speakers. "All personnel go to your stations. "As of now we are on a state of yellow alert, repeat, yellow alert." Espona went to the bridge. "What's the problem?" He asked. The ensign briefed him. "A small fleet of ships has just entered the system sir. They look to be old model Raiek. Looks like a large medical frigate, heavy freighters, and support frigates. They have asked for a cease-fire, and say they were sent to give medical supplies." Espona nodded. "As if simple medical stuffs could help with what we were hit with last year." He said quietly. "Tell them to head back to their home, and to tell the Raiek leader that we wish to... wish," the word had caught in his throat, " make a... treaty.. with them, one of non-aggression so that we can hunt down an apparently common enemy." He finished the last part fast and with much reluctance, though it was obvioulsy necessary. Many cries of dissension came up form the crew. "Quiet!" Esopna shouted. "If the enemy is strong wnough to wipe out exactly 58% of our entire population in an instant, we are obviously not strong enough to fight them alone!" This quieted the others. "Now, ensign, of you would please tell them." The ensign relayed the request to the Raiek ships.


(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 02-06-2002).)

The Raiek fleet is shocked at the message, but accepts it. (esponer...?)

"Haorn, these are not just standard medical supplies, these are designed to
handle the nanites. We accept the treaty."

The fleet heads back after dropping off the medical supplies.

Work on shields advances as planned.

Message to: Galactica
From: Raiek
From your previous projections, your armor should be completed by now, yet we haven't gotten any shipments from you. We're waiting.

PS. Haorn has joined the alliance, yet seem to be... whats the word.. unsure.


"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."