Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter II

Ravaer frowned and followed Esponer. "Are you a pilot?" the Haorn asked, keeping up with Esponer. "And whats your name? What do you do on the ship anyway.

Esponer stopped to look at the Haorn as Ravaer spoke again. "My name's Ravaer, I'm a Haorn. You've probably heard of me. I was... Wondering... Whether or not you'd be willing to give me a short tour of this ship? From what I've seen it looks quite interesting."


In Romit, the fleet desperately called for reinforcements as the fleet in DSN-1156. The 200 ships in Romit were quickly reduced to 150 and continued to suffer major casualties as the 100 ships from DSN-1156 and 50 ships from Kelmoan were sent to help in the battle. Extra ships in the area were also called in to aid in the battle.

Meanwhile, in the actual battle, the Confeds were working hard to protect the massive battlestation in Romti which poured long range and short range fire into the Galactica fleet, destroying ship after ship. The fleet fired back, but the heavy shielding an armor on the station were only moderately damaged by the hits.

To help protect the station, a group of three Aurora Battleships combined their shields with the stations shield grid to help protect it even more against the bombardment. Then the actual planetary shield was moved a little to help protect the station, which gave it heavily increased defensive power. Several defense pods were also tractor beamed into the shield bubble to help preserve them for a while, and the planetary shield was modified so that almost all of its availible power was just protecting the station.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-18-2001).)

"Sir, Military command has just finished it's report on the Calculated outcome of the Haorn vs Raiek War"
"Good.. Let me see it."
The Ensign hesistates... finally hands it over..
REDchigh glances at it, and his jaw drops...."There's no mistake?"
"No, sir.. it's from our best computer engineers and strategists sir..."
REDchigh just stares coldly at the report, and the ensign, and back at the report..."Well collect 4 frigates and 2 bomber/fighter squadrons..."
"They're readily available, sir."
"Ok.. send half to the Eta Cassiopea wormhole, and the rest to Jumpgate 05... Make it clear that this is a DIPLOMATIC mission"
"Also recal the ships we sent south, it WAS a sensor scramble after all, the prylak is to the north, and we're not going to chase it. Too close to our enemies, we can only hope he will answer our hail."
The ensign leaves to send the message.
REDchigh looks down at the report on last time..
The most optimistic outcome is as follows:
Hypothosized Military Outcome 00072 of Haorn vs Raiek
Our Computers find that the last battle will be in Kiran.. As the Last stronghold of Raiek is destroyed with a fleet of 3,200 Haorn warships. Battle ensues, but Raiek lose after hours of fighting, and the Raiek are enslaved and mass murdered.
REDchigh murmurs.. "We have to find some ally somewhere..."
Message to: Prylak Ship
Greetings Fellow Prylak, to our Galaxy. We are the Raiek. We are of Prylak Blood, yet we split off from the Government 20 years ago. We assume from you being so far from andromeda, that you are also a rogue from the Prylak Government. We wish to invite you to our space, to trade ideas and information. We await your response...
So soon after the assualt on the Haorn, the Raiek are once again collecting ships for an assualt, however instead of the usual fleet above Raiek Prime, the fleets are being collected in VARIOUS systems.
Work on the prototype wormhole generator is doign well, prototye will be done by next post, but will probably take much longer to be useable on a high scale.
Word is recieved from the fleet sent to jumpgate 05. The Fleet is Told to get to Eta Cassiopea. The fleet originally sent to Eta Cassiopea ir ordered to wait, and the whole fleet jump through as one. Half is ordered to pursue a way to the milky way, the other to stay in Eta Cassiopea. Both are told to send messages back often.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Esponer shrugged. "I'm not really a pilot, yet. I co-pilot on a Darkwing. My mother - Casene - says I'll get to pilot my own Thunderhawk after some more active duty. My name is Esponer. Like I said, I co-pilot on a Darkwing. I'm only on this ship because Darkwings don't have much of a crewspace."

He stood there a minute, pondering Ravaer's request, and decided it was probably okay. "Sure, Ravaer. I'll show you around. But if you even think about looking into anything that might be of tactical purpose, I'm afraid I'll have to shoot you."

Despite saying that, Esponer doubted that if it came to it he could beat the massive Haorn with his cadet's proton pistol.

Moving on, Esponer began a tour of the Destiny's Edge. Inside, the Supernova was quite simple - one main corridor led from the bridge to the engineering, with doors and hatchways along it. Near the back, two huge blast doors at either side seperated the corridor from the fighter bay, which occupied both the areas beyond the blast doors, but also the area directly below where they were standing.

"And this is engineering," he said, after showing Ravaer around the other areas. "Ughh...I forgot. I'm not allowed in. Look, I'm sorry I can't show you around properly. Maybe I could show you around my Darkwing? It's in the fighter bay right now, since the Thunderhawk pilots decided to start patrolling the system."


When the Dark Voyager reached DSN-0906, the computer spoke;
"Cloak stablized, reconfigurating....complete. Activating cloak."The viewscreen became slightly tinged with a soft teal as the cloak covered the ship. Then Grunadulater saw the jump points open and about 10 fighters and 5 warships come out of hyperspace. Grunadulater read on the commputer that the area of space he was in was being scanned. They would find nothing. The ship shot into hyperspace back to Mirava.
As Grunadulater watched the swirling space around him, he had his computer show him the plans for the missile and launcher. Using the touchpad, he began to change it a small bit so that it was just right to fit his ship. After several hours of working, he had changed the shape enough to fit into his ship, concealed. He would buy the needed parts and have the computers mobile droid creat it and install it.
As Gruandulater reached Mirava, he ran over to the place where the shady man had been. Another man was there;
"I saw your ship come in for a landing. Here's the money,"He handed Grunadulater a credit stick as Grunadulater handed him a datapad,"We might have work for you later."Grunadulater sent a message strait to the Tribunal;
Message to Tribunal
Highly encrypted

I will be with you shortly, I am at this moment going into hyperspace.
End Tranmission
The Dark Voyager shot into hyperspace toward the galexy of Eta Cassiopea.
Remodeled missile and launcher=15 posts+

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Ravaer nodded excitingly as they walked to the fighter bay...


Lythrawn nodded at what Kenra said, then returned back to what he said. "I understand that the Milky Way and Ross 154 are both filled with powerful governments that could put up a lot of resistence, but believe me; the Prylak could just send two starfortresses, which would, believe me, spell doom for both galaxies quite easily. And quite frankly, I think that just one starfortress could destroy the whole Milky Way galaxy. At least consider my warning, because I don't want the Prylak to invade any more than you do.

"I actually would be willing to sell you some of my technology, for a price of course. There are many interesting technologies in this galaxy, some of which I could find quite useful. So, tell me, is there any you would like to exchange for some Prylak technology?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

In Haru'El, many Skraine watch as a blue/white jump point opens, and 16 Raiek ships slip into realspace. The Raiek look around, and quickly power down their shield grids and weopons. The Raiek Hail the Skraine-
"Greetings. We are the Raiek. Do not be nervous, we mean no harm. This is a Diplomatic Mission. Do you accept our request to meet your government leader? Oh, and please do not be intimidated by our looks, we are descendent from the Prylak, yes, but we are not conquerers, we would fight the Prylak race if given the chance."**

The Raiek wait in the system (shields and weapons down still), while they do long-range scans of Eta Cassiopea..

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

In Haru'El,High Admiral Tereknor barked in incredulous laugter at the message on his screens.
The old saying came back to him;"Pry'lahk are untrustworthy in any guise.Trusting one is asking for a knife in your back."
Quickly he ordered several ships,Tempests and Cyclones,to bloackade the Wormhole,arriving by WarGate.
More vessels surrounded the Pry'lahk vessels in all 3 axes.
The Pry'lahk had only one message before the Skraine warships opened fire with everything they had;
"Prepare to face the wrath of the angry dead you slaughtered,Pry'lahk!"
The Pry'lahk are being hit by Plasma Torpedos and a huge amount of plasma cannon fire.The vessels which manage to get their shileds up are hit by Plasma Webs,which quickly strip away their still-charging shields.
Tereknor looked on the combat.If the Pry'lahk were as stupid as that,when war came,it would be an easy victory for the Skraine.

In Hoth V,K'Sarragh met the Galactica officials in Unity Station's largest conference room.
He got down to the point quickly.
"I feel little love towards the Confederates now.We tried to be freinds to them,but they ignored our aid.
By colonising Dandreson,Senn and Hasan,they have forefeited their gift-worlds in EC-110 and Cardasria.
I agree with you,the Confederates need to be taught their proper position in this galaxy.
But as your forces are more accustomed to fighting them,we would appreciate material help from you in the form of fleets.
We will not aim to annihilate them,but disable their vessels.
We are not murderers;we will drop them onto one of the two habitable moons of Cardasria,and a watchstation will be constructed on the other habitable moon.
If they will not take the system as a gift,they will receive it as a prison."

Skraine fleets began to appear in the Confederate systems,awaiting support by Galactica vessels,and the order to begin the lesson in humility.

In the Milky Way,the Starfire received the order to return immediately to Eta Cassiopea.Returning via the spatial fold,the vessel met an independent ship,the Dark Voyager in the Hoth III system.
The Skraine vessel quickly powered up it's weapons,prepared for the worst

In Hoth X,a suitable asteroid was selected,and it was moved into a stable orbit.
Skraine megaminer drones were dropped onto it,and began to construct the central docking bay.

ETA Until Tornado and plasma rocket ready for construction:3 posts
ETA Until Watchstone base is complete:15 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Sorry about that, Shade. I haven't been able to be on since Wednesday.


A city had been constructed on Keld, and Tribunists were starting to move in. Phantom scouts had observed the destruction of 16 Raiek ships in Haru'El, and wondered why the Skraine had not even bothered to talk with the Raiek first. The Confederates had colonized two systems against the Skraine's wishes, and were about to be under attack. Tasina had some decisions to make...


Tasina arrived at Unity Station in his personal Pro'tas. He walked through the station and entered the conference room...


Back in Hoth IV, a couple asteroids had been located as good places for secure shipyards. Plasmator work crews went out to start building...


Title: Missile Suction Field (This name makes more sense)
ETA: 2 posts

Asteroid shipyard: 2 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Researchers on Mirava were overjoyed to hear of the arrival of the specs for the Galactica Mass Missile, the one missile they had been hoping for.

Work was immediately started on reverse-engineering the missile to incorporate its design principles into Trans-Phasic Missile and Photon Torpedoes. This will take a while, at least 5 posts, also because the Alliance is already researching a lot of stuff.

Meanwhile, in Eta Cassiopea, the Alliance bases were fortified and the stations built were fully upgraded to battlestations. The Skraine were acting increasingly hostile, and the Alliance were unsure of their "Friends".

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Grundulater suddenly was told to come back to HothIV for a meeting with Moiraine. About 2 days later he landed on the planet and walked to her office. As he walked in, he spoke first;
"Hello Warcheif Moiraine. Before you say anything, I need your help. The Allience, very friendly, when they asked me on the mission, I copied some specs. I need your scientists to build them. Now, why did you call me here?"

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: Grundy, you may want to post how you got to Hoth IV, also. Just a thought.


"Lieutenant Grunadulater, I need you to go talk with the Alliance base in Dandresdon. Perhaps we can work something out. Now, I need those specs. I'll set my scientists working on them ASAP."

The asteroid shipyard was almost completed, and scorpion turret emplacements were being built to protect it. The MSF was also near completion...


Grunadulater entered his ship, and lifted off. It was only a couple systems to Dandresdon...


Title: Missile Suction Field
ETA: 1 post

Asteroid shipyard: 1 post

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC:I got there by jumping, silly!
P.S.:I've now boarded a fighter to get the missile plans<grumble>
Grunadulater landed on the planet of Dandresden and walked up to the meeting building to find an officer.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-18-2001).)

The Confederate commander in charge of Dandresdan approached Grundy, who was surrounded by heavily armed Confed guards. The commander approached, looking at Grunadulater's papers and passports. "Ah yes, Grunadulater, I have heard of you before. What brings you to hear? The Skraine or Tribunal perhaps?"


In Eta Cassiopea, they not had 150 ships in each system as the scout fleets had been called back. The new battlestation in Horon'Chars and in Dandresdan had been completed, and several new shipyards had been built. This would allow for improved building, somewhat.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-18-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-19-2001).)

"I represent the Tribunal. My superiors have sent me to talk to you about the Skraine threat.<whisper>Personally, I have no clue why the are a "threat"</whisper>. But we shall still remain neutral."
"Are you sure the powers off?"

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-18-2001).)

The Alliance was putting up a hard fight, but they were outnumbered by too large of a margin. The Galactica forces destroyed the Alliance defense fleet with just over 150 losses, and the Alliance forces managed to retreat from the system with 50 ships left.

However, the station was still standing strong. A trio of Aurora Battleships were keeping fighters at bay while the station battered the Galactica fleet from long range. Planetary shields were diverted to the station, making it a very strong target indeed. Unfortunately, one station just couldn't stand up to an entire fleet of ships. The Warcruisers in the Galactica fleet collected the battlefield debris, and then shot it into the station at high speed. After a few of these impacts, the station's sheilds failed due to the tremendous stress. Unfortunately, this took a good deal of time and many Galactica ships were lost while the Warcruisers were orchestrating this.

Once the station's shields were down, it was just a matter of time. EMP warheads disabled weapons emplacements, as Fighter-Bombers began to eat away at the armor by dropping the colossal Antimatter Bombs. After about ten minutes of all this, the station was crippled due to massive hull breaches and systems failures. A few well placed Railgun shots and the station crumbled, breaking apart and flying off into space.

The Galactica fleet now had about 375 vessels, with 150 ships in reinforcements on the way. These ships had been pulled from local border duty in anticipation of an Alliance counterattack. Missile Buoys were dropped, the the fleet waited.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

There was now a city built on Dimire, with Tribunists moving in. There were also some biodomes on Uosa'Nad. Moiraine doubted anybody would want to live there, and so decided to send prisoners and offenders to work in the newly-constructed mines.

A single asteroid in Uosa'Nad had also been discovered to be rich in an element nobody had ever seen before. However, it was quite dense. It was called tucharium. Moiraine hoped it could be used for starship hulls once they had enough...


Tribunal scientists immediately pored over every inch of the Galactica mass missile plans Grunadulater had brought back. They decided to start building mass missiles, fitted with a scorpion energy warhead. The precision bomb was now obsolete, but the mass missile could also be fitted with a warhead similar to the bomb; its adaptability was its greatest asset.

The only problem was that they didn't have a launcher, only the missiles. The mass missiles could still be used; they would just fire slower.


Title: Mass missile re-engineering
ETA: 5 posts

Shipyard complete
Asteroid mine: 2 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Carnotaur,the decision to reach the Confederates respect was made in private between Magistrate K'Sarragh and the Galactica ambassadors.
There's no way you can know about it.
Grundulator,my mod-Whirlwind Starfire met your Dark voyager in the Hoth III system.You can't just ignore that.

The Skraine fleet of two hundred and fifty vessels jumped into Horon'Chars and
attacked without warning.
Most of the Confederate ships in Eta Cassiopea were in the Confederacy's diplomatically well bloody stupid colonies in the galactic south-east.
Dozens of Cyclones launched squadrons of Hurricanes,Storm pairs flew from the bays of Tempests,Whirlwinds darted in to wrap Plasma Webs around the shields of capitol vessels.
The Skraine fleet,however,was aiming to disable the Confederate vessels,not destroy them.
The plasma pulse and new ECM proved their worth time and again in destroying or deflecting enemy missiles and torpedos.
Vessels jumped into Hoth III to stop messages getting out.
Carno,your turn.

In Hoth V,K'Sarragh turned to Lord Tasina.
"Tribunal.You know then of our destruction of a Pry'lahk scout fleet in Haru'El,and are wondering why?
The answer is simple.
Five hundred years ago,the Pry'lahk destroyed the original five Skraine worlds in Ross 154,killing over twenty billion Skraine civilians.
The Exodus Fleet brought us here,to Eta Cassiopea and now,we are ready to fight,not run from,the Pry'lahk.
These Pry'lahk who call themselves Raiek may no longer be afraid of the legends of the Senn,but we are no longer afraid of them."
"And on a different matter,in our one conversation with these Pry'lahk,they mentioned a race named the "Sijak".
Do you know anything of this race?Allies against the Pry'lahk menace would be a great boon to us."

In the Hoth X system,the main docking chamber was carved from the rock,and the megaminers began to dig the central passage into the asteroid.

ETA until Tornado Destroyer and Plocket are complete:4 posts
ETA until Watchstone is complete:14 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
**Grundulator,my mod-Whirlwind Starfire met your Dark voyager in the Hoth III system.You can't just ignore that.


I was cloaked. We couldn't have met.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: COUGH WRONG SHADE. That was an incredibly stupid statement; ALL of the ships in Eta Cassiopea are warships and are made for war. They always have their shields up, and they are always ready for an attack. You would take heavy losses.


Though 100 of the 150 ships in Horon'Chars had been disabled, the other 50 fought back with tinasity. They far outgunned and outmatched the Skraine ships, and the enemy fleet took heavy losses as 50 of the disabled ships recovered and opened fire.

As the rest of the ships came back to life, the battle raged on with the Skraine winning because of their numbers, but that changed as 50 ships from Dandresdon hyperspaced in and caught the Skraine by surprise.

The two fleets withdrew and charged again. The Skraine had lost 150 ships, and the Confeds had only lost about 100. The defense pods hammered Skraine ships and the battlestation in the system incinerated two Cyclones easily. As a group of 2 Tempest warships charged the station, a hail of proton and ion disruptor fire incinerated them.


The Confederates were regrouping in Krraali, preparing for the counterattack on Romit. Many warships were being assembled and many newly built ships were assembled. There was now a total of 300 vessels assembled with many more on the way. Deploying defense pods to help guard Krraali, the Confeds prepared...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The new Missile Defence Drones have been completed, and are now being put into service. They are too large to be dropped like Missile Pods, but are far more powerful. They have larger ammunition magazines, more shielding, and they can launch missiles faster. These are controlled remotely by Fleet command ships, and are in the process of being distributed throughout border systems.

Work on the Laser Frigate is continuing at a good pace, and it should be ready fairly soon.
ETA: 5 posts

Galactica forces in Romit now number 600, and Missile Defence Drones have been dropped to fortify the position. Station wreckage has been assembled so that it is in a convenient position for Galactica Support Cruisers and Warcruisers to throw around.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)