Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter II

Grunadulater strode to his ship after hearing his order. The Dark Voyager shot into hyperspace.
Grunadulater flew the ship all the way down to DSN-0906, and turned his cloak on. His ship entered Tientu and no one could see it. It made its way down to the planet. The Dark Voyager landed on the planet near the outskirts of a city. Loading his blaster carbine, he set off to the nearest factory.
As he neared the factory, he ran in. The guards looked at him as he ran.
"Show your ID buddy." Grundulater showed the fake ID he had gotten from the cloaked man.
"Okay, what do you want."
"I'm Captain Mindule and I have come to inspect this factory."The guard pulled out a blaster;
"We weren't expecting any inspection."
Grunadulater sighed and spoke;
"This is an emergency, there is an escaped criminal from the jail in this city. We think he may be hiding out in one of your factories."
"I'm sorry, please leave."grumbling, Grunadulater left for his ship.
Grunadulater flew back to DSN-0906. He there stumbled upon a fighter with barly any armour left. One shot knocked it out. Grunadulater boarded, got the plans, and ran to Mira.
"Are you sure the powers off?"

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-18-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-18-2001).)

MODERATION: Haha. You've got to be kidding, grunny.

1. Galactica has advanced sensor technologies. You would have been detected.
2. Assuming you somehow landed, one guy on a speeder couldn't break into a heavily guarded munitions factory. The guard wouldn't be standing right next to a door that leads directly to the warehouse.
3. Assuming you somehow managed to get back to your ship, right after it decloaked planetary defenses would have shot the hell out of you if you hadn't already been detected.

Post revoked. Find a better way.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

BattleDoctor,Grundulater has a Tribunal cloaking system.
He got it for scouting out North Tip Station or something.
So technically,NOTHING should have been able to detect him,even as a spatial anomaly.
But I agree with your other two points.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Don't you ever call me grunny again. If you must call me something its Grundy. I do have a cloak but fine, Ill edit my post.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

"But sir, we can't just sit around..." "Kordon is right! We must counterattack!" "SILENCE!" Shouted Espona above the arguing officers. "I know that it seems strange that we cannot attack, but we are in NO CONDITION! We cannot make any effort to counter this move, until new construction and the latest projects are complet! That is final!" Espona gave them an icy glare, and left the room. He thought as he went back to his quarters. "It bothers me just as much, but I cannot risk attacking right now. But soon..." he thought, "Soon we will again lash out, and our enemies will be crushed." He continued walking, formulating plans of domination....

Let's just hope they come in peace.....

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 11-17-2001).)

Espona decided to check on the Battle Station progress.
"Well, how far are you into the project?" Asked Espona. "Well, we have figured the total size of this defensive platform you thought up, and it will be around 300 feet long. It will carry 50 Energy Leeches, 20 Armor Leeches, and one Sub-space Beamer with three Rift Generators. It will be some time before we can figure appropiate placement of the weapons. Of course, we will have it done in the time required. As for the Armor Leech pproject it is 30 percent complete. Excellent progress if I do say so myself." "Really..." He learned that construction was going equally well, he would be waiting.


Ah, sorry, I wasn't aware about your cloak, grunadulator. Post is still revoked however. The missiles would still be heavily guarded, not just in some hall. There would be several security checkpoints. If you shot a guard you would have 20 large Voinians leveling rifles at your head faster than you could say "My trigger finger slipped." If you did manage to get out of the atmosphere, which I suppose you could, you wouldn't get far. This is Voinia, remember, one of the most heavily defended systems in the Galactica Empire. A poor choice of targets. Sorry about the name thing. I apologize.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 11-18-2001).)

Re Carnotaurs post(OR you should really read the posts in more detail):
Your post before, you said the fleets nearby had been called to Zidagar. If the fleet that attacked Saffera wasnt one of those fleets, the fleet that had moved up from Stror would have run into them. If, somehow, the fleet from Stror managed to get past them, they would not have been caught by surprise in Twyus. My post made the fact very clear that they where ready for anyone that jumped in. the fleet was about 95 ships in size, and it had already littered the system with ECM drones, and it would have been able to obliterate a good portion of the reinforcements that jumped in before you could find them. It would then have outnumbered your reinforcements.

The fleet in Zidagar outnumbered the Confederate fleet by a large number. You would not have been able to pull back from it with no reinforcements. On top of that, your ships where more badly damaged than the Galactica ones.

Seeing some of the things I've been told to put up with, or told 'you cant do that', your post would rank as one of those. Understandably, I'm rather annoyed. Your ships seem to be able to obliterate Galactica forces, with minimal losses. If the position is reveresed, Galactica forces take massive losses, while you always manage to escape. As for the rate of my posts, well, you tend to something similar. You wrap the battle up, when the enemy still ahd a very good chance of winning, or somehow manage to obliterate thousands of enemy ships in a single stroke. Or build more/bigger ships than you feasibly can. It's all happened before, I'm just not letting it happen this time.


The new version of the Mass Missile has been completed, and it now has greater accuracy and damage. A refit has begun, and it should be relatively quick and easy to switch out ammuniton. The laser warhead has worked out well, and Galactica weapons researchers have seen even more possibilities in this technology.

The Confederate Alliance has a marked advantage over the Galactica Imperium in short ranged space combat. However, researchers from the Mass Missile team have used what they learned recently and teamed up with shipbuilders to work to lessen the Alliance's advantage. A new ship called the Galactica Laser Frigate is being designed, which should prove devastating in short range combat.

The Laser Frigate will have a large central detonation chamber. This heavily shielded chamber will contain antimatter bombs, which will be set off when needed. The explosion could then be channeled into one of several laser conduits, which would focus the energy into a medium ranged and extremely powerful laser. The Laser Frigate would be able to select one conduit, use all of them at once for a pincushion effect, or any combination of different conduits. This would be extremely effective at destroying Alliance ships.

The Laser Frigate would be fast, and have insanely high shields for a ship of its size. Plans are not final, but a pair of Ion Miniguns may be added to the design. All command and control functions will be able to be carried out from a small command module in the rear of the ship. If the Laser Frigate is going on a "suicide mission," the crew could instruct it to overload and then jettison from the ship in their command module. The command module can speed back the Galactica ship at extremely high speeds.

The ship will be expensive to maintain, but not prohibitively so. It is expected to take a moderate amount of time to research and test.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)


Originally posted by RMA:
**< snip>

Seeing some of the things I've been told to put up with, or told 'you cant do that', your post would rank as one of those. Understandably, I'm rather annoyed. Your ships seem to be able to obliterate Galactica forces, with minimal losses. If the position is reveresed, Galactica forces take massive losses, while you always manage to escape. As for the rate of my posts, well, you tend to something similar. You wrap the battle up, when the enemy still ahd a very good chance of winning, or somehow manage to obliterate thousands of enemy ships in a single stroke. Or build more/bigger ships than you feasibly can. It's all happened before, I'm just not letting it happen this time.

OOC: Okay, fine. Tell my little buddy called "SilverDragon", who just happens to be creator of this webstory, that, and then we can work this out. 😛 Seriously, I cleared that post with Espner. If you have a problem with it, then you delete your last 4 posts and I delete my battle post. However, that will insanely screw up the story, so lets just leave it as it is.


Title: Anti-Graviton Field


The new Anti-Graviton Field was quickly installed on all Aurora Battleships, some Ravens, and all Alliance flagships. The new device would give them a nice edge over Galactica's Gravity Well which had caused so much problems.

As work continued throughout Confederate space, research was begun on a new type of technology; the Stasis Field. The device would create a sort of superpowerful energy shield around a ship, absorbing 98% of all damage taken to the ship, as well as repulsing ships that might try to ram it. The device would allow for whole fleets, with each ship activating a field, to escape a battle with little or no losses. The only disadvantage is that you cannot fire while the field is activated.

At the same time, Confederate scientists began work on studying Anti-Graviton Fields and Physics, which would help them work on more technologies in the future.


Title: Anti-Graviton Physics
ETA: 4 Posts

Title: Stasis Field
ETA: 6 Posts


In Eta Cassiopea, the Confederate base sent out scouts to colonize Dandresdon, seeing that is was full of mineral rich planets and asteroids. As more reinforcements from the Milky Way arrived (newly built ships), Horon'Chars and Dandresdan soon had 80 ships each. They had, in the meantime, continued scouting to the south-east...

There was now a total of 225 ships total in Eta Cassiopea, and another 25 in Ross 154.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-18-2001).)

Work on the Galactica Laser Frigate is going well. Armor plating strong enough to line the detonation chamber is proving hard to produce, but it should be worked out using gravity technology. When armor is produced under several g's, it is pronouncedly stronger. Shielding the mechanisms which open to hatch to the ammunition stores is also a problem, as existing ones are prone to fail under the high stress conditions on the Laser Frigate.

Gravity has proven to work well for the Galactica Space Navy as a weapon, and scientists are looking into its possibilities for applications in other areas. This includes shielding, advanced drive systems, and possibly improving existing Gravity Warheads.

Over 250 newly built Galactica warships slowly began to gather in the Tientu system, using ECM to avoid long range scans.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

K'Sarragh was confused at the manner in which the Confederates had ignored the systems gifted to them,and sent them a message.
"Confederates;we heve gifted you two systems beyond Horon'Chars,the Cardasria and EC-110 systems.
EC-110 contains many valuable asteroids,as do many systems in the Hoth sector,and Cardasria has several habitable moons.
These two systems eliminate the need for both Hasan and Dandreson,both of which are somewhat far from your original base in the Horon'Chars system.
Also,if you have discovered the "Senn" system,I suggest you vacate it immediately for your own protection,as it is probably the homeworld of the mythical Senn race,and there is no knowing what could happen.
As the Senn once destroyed an entire Pry'lahk inasionary force before the force could get a message off to their brethren in Ross 154,you would be wise to be cautious.
Note that we are not ordering you to do anything;however,should you claim the Dandreson and Hasan systems,you will forfeit your claims on the EC-110 and Cardasria systems.
The Skraine do not seek to rigidly enforce the controlled colonisation of this Galaxy;we seek only to preserve an equal balance between factions.
The Unity Station in the Hoth V system has now been completed,and you are requested to attend a meeting of the factional leaders in Eta Cassiopea.
As future colonisation guidelines will almost certainly be decided at this conference,you would be wise to attend,should you wish to continue your colonisation efforts in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy."

K'Sarragh then sent a message to the Galactica;
"Galactica friends,the diplomatic Unity Station in the Hoth V system has now been completed,and you are requested to attend a meeting of the factional leaders in Eta Cassiopea.
As future colonisation guidelines will almost certainly be decided at this conference,you would be wise to attend,should you wish to continue your colonisation efforts in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy."

And then repeated the message to the Tribunal;
"Tribunal.The Unity Station in the Hoth V system has now been completed,and you are requested to attend a meeting of the factional leaders in Eta Cassiopea.
As future colonisation guidelines will almost certainly be decided at this conference,you would be wise to attend,should you wish to continue your colonisation efforts in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy."

On his handscreen mail was an image of several hundred Skraine colonists in front of the prefabricated first city on Del'As'Mir.
The colonists thanked him again for his help,and informed him that robot mining drones had been dropped at ore deposits on the central continent;by the time the colonists made their way to the sites,a sizeable stockpile would have accumulated.

K'Sarragh also decided that,due to the increase in traffic through the Hoth Sector,a military base would be required to provide backup for WarFleet vessels in the area.
As there were many asteroids in the Hoth X system,an asteroid would be selected to be turned into a base;when it was complete,the base,named Watchstone,would be able to repair and rearm any Skraine vessels,as well as constructing Hurricanes,Storms,Whirlwinds and the new Tornados(when Tornados entered military construction).
Prospecting vessels began to comb the belts of Hoth X for a suitable asteroid.

Unity Station complete(all Eta Cassiopea faction leaders are requested to attend a diplomatic meeting there)
ETA Until Tornado and Plasma Rocket ready for military construction:4 posts
ETA until Watchstone military base complete:16 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Permission granted for following post.


The battle in Zidagar raged on as the Alliance pulled out their troops and began to bombard Galactica positions. Soon Zidagar was a blasted ruin and both sides had pretty much annihilated the other fleets. The Alliance pulled back to Twyus, while Galactica pulled back to Neholl and Saffera. Twyus was repaired and reinforced, and Grivok was also reinforced.

The Battle of Zidagar had ended in a stalemate.


The Confederates ignored the Skraine's demands, saying that the sector they had been given was too small for any useful colonization. EC-110 and Cardasria would be colonized later. The Confeds said that they would try and obey Skraine requests, but this one was simply one they could not do.


Research has begun into a new type of weapon; the Trans-Phasic High-Yield Precision Bomb. The new bomb would have some guidance thrusters to help aim it, but would be more powerful than both the Galactica Anti-Matter Bomb and Tribunal Precision Bomb.

The carrier for the weapon would be the new Styx Attack Bomber. Carrying 4 Bomb Racks with 8 of these superpowerful bombs, the Styx would also be armed with 1 trans-phasic missile rack - 3 trans-phasic missiles and 2 anti-proton cannons.

Research would take a while (7 posts) but it would be worth the effort.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Alliance Fleet - 3400 ships

Galactica Fleet - 3400 ships

That's with ship production. : ) Ironic, isn't it?

BD, if you don't post ESTs for your technologies now, I'll revoke it when you say it's completed. Laser Frigate - 8 posts now.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-18-2001).)

Zidagar was destroyed. Its surface was a boiling frenze of magma, testament to the Confederacies policy of destroying what it could not take. What chaos this would cause within the Zidagar population of the Confederacy was not known yet. Galactica waited to see the outcome.

Galactica had bombarded Twyus, but it had aimed specifically for the mines, civilian centers being avoided. The Confederacy had shown its true colours at last.
In Eta Cassiopea, Galactica forces arrived in Hoth V, and hailed the Skraine:
'We are ready to dock, and proceed with the conference, although our hopes are not high, with the blockading of a large amount of space and habitable worlds by the Confederacy. We will follow your guidelines, but if the Confederacy continue to flaunt their disregard for others, we will, understandably, ask that you remind them they are not the only ones in this galaxy.

We are recieving reports of a battle in our home galaxy, and it would appear that the Confederacy has bombarded one of our major habitable planets, killing billions. We accept bombardement of military targets, or those places which supply the military, having bombarded a complex of mines ourselves recently, but killing civilians is not acceptable. We hope you realise the true nature of the Confederacy soon. They hide behind a web of lies and deciet. We're at least trueful about what we do.
-End Message-
Work on the Laser Frigate is going well, with the introduction of internal shielding devices. Like normal Galactica shields, several layers will be projected. They will channel the energy initially, then relinquish the energy into more solid channels, although those will also be backed up by shielded layers. The best thing is, the energy which controls the internal shields can be diverted to the outer shields, if needed, although the problem then is it increases the chance of containment rupturing, making the whole ship explode. Also, going back several generations in shield technology, a simple magnetic field will be used to fine tune the laser as it leaves the ship.
ETA:7 turns

Scientists in systems deep with Galactica are having great fun seeing what they can make a gravity well generator do before it either burns out or explodes. Hopefully this further research will lead to something, sometime in the future. That, or they'll end up killing themselves.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-18-2001).)

Kenra, Lythrawn and Casene all met in the official meeting room aboard the Destiny's Edge. Casene directed the other two to sit at different sides of the strange triangular table in the room, and that their officers and advisors sit either side of them.

Once everyone was seated, she continued her conversation with Lythrawn. "This...vessel...sounds formidable, but I believe you underestimate the resistance among Ross 154 and the Milky Way. Your battlecruiser, yes, is an impressive sight, but it would be swallowed under the fire of just a few dozen warships. The threat of the Prylak is great..." Trying to search for an end to that sentence, she broke off, and turned to Kenra.

"Greetings, Kenra of the Sijak. As you already know, I am Casene, co-commander of the Terran Free League. We would be interested in knowing more about your race, if you would care to explain?"

- - -

Esponer was walking along back to his quarters when he heard a sound beyond him. Turning round, he was met by the huge figure of Ravaer, one of Lythrawn's officers.

Esponer looked the Haorn up and down. A quick summary showed a powerful tail, large, sharp claws, what appeared to be a very thick armour-like hide, and large slits from which blood red eyes stared out.

Not entirely sure what to think of this beast, Esponer turned swiftly on his heel, waving an uncaring hand in the direction of the Haorn, and began to walk off.


Fine, not Vonia.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Kenra paused, gathering her thoughts about her own race before speaking. It was a both long and short story.

"Our race was taken over by the Prylak a long time ago. We were slaves until around 20 years ago, when in the confusion of everything that was happening, some of our race escaped, and settled on one of our planets we now have. The Hoarn and the Prylak were to busy fighting to see if we survived. So we build fighters, and we settled the planets around us. We don't want to conquer or start a war, we just want to prosper in our own right."

She stops for a minute and then shrugs, continueing onto some of the more recent events.

"Last year I became Leader of the Sijak, mostly by default, since the other canidate was in no condition to continue his campaign." She grinned for a moment, her amusement at that welling up. She coughed to hide her laughter and then went on.

"Now, in the last few weeks, many things have happened. I sent out some scouting fleets, 2 have returned, and the other two are still exploring. But, one of our Interceptors was disabled, by the Raiek, who are the remanments of the Prylak. Which is why my people were so suspicious of Lyrthrawn, and why I had to sneak out."

She pauses, adding an "again." under her breath. "So, thats the story of the Sijak, well, most of it. And what about you, the Terrans? never even heard a whisper about your race."

Formerly known as

Casene shrugged. "Well..."

"We started off our epic of the stars as the United Earth Federation. We suffered many rebellions back before then, many disputes, until we formed into the U.E government. However, out newfound peace was broken by the appearance of the Voinian Empire. A sickeningly long story short, they forced us to flee from our homes."

"When we returned, they had melded together other governments into Galactica, and they repelled us once more, killing thousands. With help from the Mercenary Alliance, we sealed ourselves away from them. We don't want to be involved with Galactica or the Prylak anymore...although that might be too much to ask for."


The New shielding systems in the Laser Frigate are working well, but there are a few kinks that still need to be ironed out. When the Frigate is directing a laser blast out of each one of its ports, the magnetic shield systems have a tendency to overheat. Work on the Command Module section of the Laser Frigate is progressing well, but certain things still need to be resolved. A quick-release coupling for the necessary cables is still in the works, and various methods of accelerating the module are still being discussed. 6 Posts remaining.

The scientists are still toying around with new types of Gravity emitters. They have come up with an interesting idea... project a shield of gravity around a ship. Any projectiles would be deflected or destroyed by the shield. Gravity warheads are also being looked into.

550 ships were now assembled in Tientu. Most of them were newly built ships. the other newly built ships had been assigned throughout the Imperium to strengthen border systems. The plan had originally been for these ships to attack DSN-1156, but further analysis showed that Romit was both more important and less likely to receive reinforcements in a timely manner due to its isolated postion.

The ships began to move quickly and stealthily from system to system, employing their ECM systems to avoid attracting long range scans. A scout flight of Fighter-Bombers had assessed Romit's defense fleet as somewhere between one hundred and one hundred fifty ships strong. In Svass, the fleet picked up its commander, Fleet Admiral Darshra, an experienced Azdgari officer.

The Confederate Alliance ships in Romit had little time to react as over 500 Galactica ships jumped in at the edge of the system. Employing standard Galactica tactics, they dropped Missile Buoys and launched ECM drones, making them a very tough target indeed. Standoff Missiles were launched, and caused chaos and destruction among the Alliance forces when their gravity warheads detonated and sent unwary Alliance ships crashing into each other. The Galactica forces continued to launch salvoes of missiles at the Alliance, severly weakening them and all but destroying standard system defenses. The Galactica fleet did notice something odd, however. When the missiles exploded near certain large ships, the warheads seemed to have less effect, as if something was dampening the effects of the gravity warhead.

As the Alliance forces began to rush Galactica positions, Mass Missiles were launched. The Alliance forces continued the charge, but they were hit hard as the new Laser Warheads in Mass Missiles exploded in their midst. These terrifying new missiles exploded with a bright light, causing massive damage to Alliance forces as they tore through their shields with their amazing speed. A multitude of these devastating missiles were launched, tearing up the Alliance defense fleet. Cluster missiles were launched as well, with the same effects.

As the first fighters reached weapons range, Missile Frigates continued to hammer them with missiles. The Alliance fighters got a few missiles off and destroyed a Fighter-Bomber squadron before some Support Cruisers near the front lines began to set their gravity emitters to work, stopping the fighters' advance and then smashing them into one another.

Meanwhile, what was left of the Alliance fleet continued to advance, and the station loomed in the background...

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)