Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter II

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Chapter II
Moderated by Esponer, BattleDoctor and Rima

(url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

Tensions between the Galactica Imperium and the Confederate Alliance Worlds have risen. Galactica attacked both Zanat and Azdgari itself, although was forced to retreat from both conflicts. Everyone knew that soon things would come to a head.

And that was only fuelling the power of the pirate leader Zak Vilda and Thor, who once controlled the now destroyed North Tip Station. Zak Vilda is now gaining more soldiers and turncoats by the day, and soon he will strike his revenge on the galaxy.

Meanwhile, in Ross 154 two cloaked parties, belonging to different races, have entered the Sennari system to meet the alien race the Sijak, while other races meet with the Skraine in far away Eta Cassiopea.

And all the time, the Haorn are watching, and waiting, for their next crusade...

Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter 2

One of Zak's ships recovered Thor, in his escape pod, after a few days.

The Mjollnir was brought back to the Nest, and patched up into operation quickly.

Zak approached Thor. "Yo man, that was a close one. I patched your ship up, and improved it here and there, shields, speed, 'ya know the basics. It's not a bad ship, but I prefer Crescent Warships. Faster, 'ya know."


"I owe you one," Thor says with a smile and a hearty laugh. "Just ask for something, and I'll do it." Then he looks at Zak, and adds, "Okay, anything that is reasonable. No suicide bombings here. Look where that got me last time."

(edit)see next post :(/edit)

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

(This message has been edited by draco_2488 (edited 11-14-2001).)

OOC: Draco, I'm trying to convince Carnotaur to come and fall for the mines still. 😉


Haru'El System
This time the translators were ready when the alien next spoke.
K'Sarragh thought for a while,considering his reply.
"Open a hailing channel to the alien vessels."he said."Voice only."
"But Magistrate!" Tereknor protested."What about the contact courtesies?"
"The Pry'lahk can take the contact courtesies for all I care.This is first contact,not a meeting between rival clans!"
The channel was opened,and K'Sarragh spoke.
"We are the Skraine.Why should we explain our intentions to you?We are the rightful owners of this galaxy.You will stand down your weapons and allow yourselves to be escorted into dock.
Should you cooperate,all will go well.
Should you not do so there are several dozen warships within 'Gating distance of you."

Hoth V System
Karaze looked at the words on her screens,and thought.
The Galactica Imperium,then,did not control a galaxy.Pride,and possibly hubris.
But the Pry'lahk-
"Galactica vessels,hear me.Five hundred years ago our ancestors fled the Pry'lahk in the Ross 154 galaxy.Now we have built a grand Coalition in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy.
We will not tolerate agression.
You may construct a base in this galaxy,as long as it is not used for agression.
We wish to be neutral in your conflict;we hate only the Pry'lahk."
While she spoke,several vessels had entered the system.
They were neither Galactica or Skraine,but their IFFs matched those of the aliens whom Magistrate K'Sarragh had met in the Haru'El system.
Karaze opened a channel to these new aliens also.
"We are the Skraine.You will desist from construction on Hoth and disarm your weapons.You will stand ready for deep-level scanning and further contact."
Meanwhile,the science vessels had completed their scans of the Spatial Fold in the Hoth III system.
Karaze decided that to regulate the sudden increase of traffic through Hoth III,a station would be needed to keep watch on the nearby systems.
It would be constructed in the Hoth V system.
Hoth V would be declared a neutral point for diplomatic relations;if the Skraine could help it,no other colony was to be made in Hoth V.
A Whirlwind would be outfitted with a device capable of harnessing the Spatial Fold,and it would go forth into the Milky Way galaxy.

Zeno III System
(I got tired of waiting for something to happen)
The ion trails in this system were quite thick,and Commander Thraize was amazed that they had not yet come across any alien vessels.
She ordered the fleet to move through the RC-108 system into O'Di'Kro,where they would pause to consider their next move.

ECM Refit programme:ETA 4 posts
Unity Station construction,Hoth V:6 posts
Refit of Whirlwind for Spatial Fold transit:2 posts
(Return Project scouting fleet is now in the O'Di'Kro system)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The fleet was assembled; 110 ships from Twyus and Namot, along with another 100 ships from Himgro and Leita. First, the 100 ships in Leita would move into Dislor and begin construction of a battlestation. At the same time the two fleets would set out, and the Himgro fleet would move into Grivok and also start work on a new battlestation.

Meanwhile, the two fleets from Twyus and Namot would assault and capture Zidagar. If needed a fleet of 50 ships from Plogok would be waiting in Mecha, and would join the other fleets. Raids on Neholl and Saffera would be occuring during this as to keep reinforcements from being sent.

The large fleet of 270 ships hyperspaced into Zidagar, Galactica was not too surprised to see them and hit the fleet hard with a massive barrage of missiles. Though many warships were heavily damaged, the alliance fought on, charging Galactica and making use of the improved range of their missiles and torpedoes.

As the Alliance fleet closed into the close weapons range, they exacted revenge upon Galactica by streaming pure energy in every direction, turning some ships to pure liquid metal.

Two Alliance Flagships took part in the battle, with a third in reserve, but this time they were extremely well defended, over 50 ships each. The the two of them clumped together, forming a massive wall of gunfire which no Galactica ship could approach.

Meanwhile, the Leita and Himgro fleets had moved into position, and raids were occuring on Saffera and Himgro to prevent reinforcements from being sent...


Meanwhile, Hrekka was reinforced, as was Kelmoan and DSN-1469. Only 25 ships were added, and just to help give extra protection to the two battlestations already in each system.

At the same time, work on Chimaera and Corsair Station continued, as did work on the Anti-Gravity Device. It would take another 4 posts to complete the device, but the Confederates didn't worry too much. It would be worth it to have the device and protect against Galactica Warcruisers better.


The Corsairs in Haru'El did not disarm their weapons, but the Azdgari captain did speak. "Do not worry, we come in peace. It's part of our rules that while in non-Confederate space to have weapons armed at all times. We are the Confederate Alliance, as I said before. We come from the Milky Way, a galaxy far away. About 20 years ago we fought a Prylak invasion force. We won, but the Galactica Empire, another evil and cruel government in our galaxy, suffered badly in damages. We took advantage of this to rid the Milky Way of the evil Galactica, but we have yet to succeed."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Reports were in of an alien fleet in O'Di'Kro
Their race was "skraine", REDchigh wanted ot ignore them, but then they jumped into O'Di'Kro, a little too close to Raiek space.
REDchigh was getting tired of all these new races...

He sends 10 warfrigates and 2 carriers O'Di'Kro, and gives them a message to send the skraine.

The Skraine are slightly worried when 12 large raiek ships jumps in, and the two carriers start pouring out bombers and gunships, but before the skraine react, they get a message.

Msg to: Skraine fleet in O'Di'Kro
We are the Raiek. We are not used to all of these strange new races, but we are stil in no position to start another war. We wish to have a ceasefire agreement with you, the only conditions would be you not have peaceful relations with the Sijak or Haorn, and you would be able to colonize any uninhabited planets in our space, and use our space as a haven. We usually dont have alliances, but considering our current condition, we're willing to try.
If you refuse, you will be escorted out of our space (suuure..), if you accept, a meeting will be planned for you to meet our dictator. Raiek out.

the Raiek power their shields and power up their weopons, but they stay a good way across the system from the skraine so they have no reason to worry.
"Sir, we've just recieved message from our intelligence that the CA have contacted the Sijak.... and made peace with them."
"Very well, the confederates shall learn. Tell our fleets to shoot confederates on sight, but shoot to disable their electric systems, we could use some more slaves...."
"Yes, Sir"
"Oh, and if things go well with the Skraine, make sure they dont notice our slave camps."
"Yes... of course....."

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Hey, I can't post until weekends. If you wanna talk, look for me then.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: Um, cough you wouldn't know about what the CA had done till a while later, Red.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The governer of Sija II sighed. Why did people always want to see the leader, and why did they have such a wayward leader? He shrugged, and sent a message to Kenra to get to Sija II and then sent a message to an officer in space to relay his message to the Confeds.

"Greetings Confederate vessel, I am Merana of the Ghost Firebright. At the moment, our leader is unavailable. We have sent her a message, and she should be here soon." Merana stopped for a second and said under her breath, "hopefully."

"Here is also some data on her ship, so you can contact her when she gets here, and not have to wait anymore." She sent the information on the ships profile and then waited, hoping Kenra appeared soon.

In Sennari III the governer of the system blinked in surprise. She sent a quick report
to Kenra, and then with a few clicks of some buttons, she had contacted a officer in a Ghost, to relay the message to there ships, on a wide wave so they would actually get to them.

"Greeting to you both. We are the Sijak, and we have many questions. So that both of our questions may be answered in person, we offer you the peace of the planet. There will of course be security, but you can bring as many people down as you want. We await your response." The Ghost who was relaying the message floated in space, waiting patiently.

Kenra got a message from Sija II, and then the report from Sennari III. She frowned, but set a course to Sija II. They had requested her presence there, and it seemed as if everything was under control on Sennari III. It would be more interesting in Sija II.

Formerly known as

The Phantom pilots in Sennari III heard the Sijak's message, and ten of them glided down to the planet. To the astonished Sijak, it looked as if the Phantoms materialized out of thin air when they landed. Ten Tribunal pilots stepped out of their ships, and were met by Sijak officials...


The other ten Phantoms had decided to explore Sijak space more thoroughly. After traveling a couple systems, they ended in a system with both Sijak and Confederate Alliance vessels in it! The Phantoms hailed both. "Greetings. We come from the Tribunal. Though you cannot see us, be aware that we have no weapons and bear you no harm. We have questions for you, as you likely have for us."


An uncloaked Plasmator frigate glided into the Hoth V system. It was met by both Galactica and Skraine forces. The captain hailed Galactica first. "Greetings, Galactica. You should know that the Tribunal BASE, Phyrexia, is one system away. It would not be advisable to attack me. I bear you no harm, however."

The captain then hailed the Skraine. "Skraine. We have been observing you for some time, and are starting a colony one system from here. We believe you call the system 'Hoth IV.' We were chased out of our galaxy by merciless pirates; that is the reason we have come here. We bear you no harm, and would like to talk."

Colonists were being unloaded onto the surface of Keld, and were starting to build a city. The climate and atmosphere of Keld was absolutely perfect for life of any kind.

Title: Anti-Missile Energy Field
ETA: 3 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC: Um, Asriel, the Confederates are in Hoth V. Galactica is in Hoth IV. There was a mixup about system names and where the jumpgate lead.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

After Espona recieved the report of testing at Ho Norus with the Corvette, he sent Fleet Admiral Remos of the 18th Imperial fleet, The Black Death, being all his ships were fast and jet black, to the station for another project to deliver. Espona was busy with something confidential.

"So you say this ship has the manuverability of a large gunship (above average) and can carry several Energy Leeches?" Said Remos. "Yes, fleetlord," replied the scientist, "it has a fair amount of shielding, and can also carry a fair amount of Energy Leeches, about 15 .
This ship has good armoring, and could best be used as escorts for the other larger craft and fighter interception. However, complete destruction of medium sized fighter groups is garaunteed. Ah, the testing of its fighting capabilities are beginning." As Remos watched, he saw a small group of five Corvettes move out of a bay and form a wide wedgev formation. Drones with great manuverability and decent shielding spewed out of another bay. They began firing test lasers, low frequency ones that send data to a computer that would simulate the damage of a Thoron cannon on the craft. The shields of the Corvettes held up a decent amount of time, but were quickly brought down.
The armor held up very well, but under the withering fire of so many drones, the simulated destruction of the Corvettes was inevitable. Next, the Corvettes were allowed to move and shoot back. Several Leeches were immediatley launched, and brought down the shields of the drones, and the following self destruct explosions impressive annihalting the drones. "Self-destruct?" Said Remos. "Yes, we came up with something new," replied the scientist, "A more powerful self destruct mechanism implanted in the leeches instead of the simple hand grenade poewrful one in the earlier models. This should help greatly with fighter destruction. A mere two per ship to bring down the most powerful of fighters." "Hmmmm..." Said Remos. "I think more research is needed. Another weapon. One like the Sub-Space Beamer, but smaller so that this ship can support one." Then he backhanded the scientist, sending him sprawling. "That is for never notifying us of this little self-destruct. You know the rules. Whenever something comes up you cantact us immediatley!" It seemed silly to punish the scientist, but when did a Leech race become forgiving of infractions of rules? "Uhhh.. Y-yes, fleetlord. I beg forgiveness. We shall start research immediatley." Said the scientist.
"For your sake I hope you develop a good weapon. And soon."


Carno,the Tribs are in Hoth IV.The Confederates,Skraine and Galactica are in Hoth V.
The Spatial Fold is in Hoth III.
Haru'El System
K'Sarragh,recently alerted to the developments in Hoth V,responded to the Confederates with unease.This race was clearly the Galactica's enemy,and furthermore,they had begun a colony in the Hoth V system without so much as consulting the Skraine.
"I state again that you power down your weapons,as a mark of good faith.
You will then be escorted to the Hoth V system,which is serving as a diplomatic center between the new races we have met."

Hoth V System
Karaze ordered a portion of the Skraine fleet to head to Hoth V,to enforce anything the Skraine might find nessecary.
She then opened a channel to the "Tribunal".
"Greetings,Tribunal.We are,as you know,the Skraine.
How you passed into our space without our knowledge is unknown,but we ask that if you begin a colony in our galaxy,you treat the Skraine Coalition with courtesy and respect.We will not aid you in your war against the Pirates,however;we seek to remain neutral in the battles of the races we have met so soon.
A diplomatic station is being constructed in the Hoth V system;when this is complete,we would be honoured if you would attend a meeting of the races who have contacted us."

O'Di'Kro System
Commander Thraize looked in shock at the image of the alien which appeared on the viewscreens.
It might call itself Raiek,but every neuron in her mind screamed "Pry'lahk!"
She had never heard of the Sijak or Haorn.
Grimly,she opened a return hailing channel and sent a terse message.

"We are the Skraine.We do not,will not,ally with the scum Pry'lahk!"

The Raiek fleet began to fire.
Thraize screamed "WarGates!Now now now!" into the ship-to-ship band,and thumped the white button which would activate the WarGate generators.

The Raiek commander was suprised when the Skraine fleet disappeared,reappearing several seconds later beyond firing range.
Minutes later,they vanished into hyperspace.
Half the fleet headed to Jumpgate 02,while the other half headed back into RC-108.
They had to warn the Skraine the Pry'lahk had been found.

ETA Until ECM Refit project complete:3 posts
ETA Until Unity Station is complete:5 posts
ETA Until Whirlwind Starfire is ready to utilise Spatial Fold:1 post

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

MOD: Mostly good, Espona. I'll let the fact that Haorn would NEVER build a small ship pass. Just note that Haorn vessels don't have shielding, they have Spectral Armour and standard armour.


<Double Post>

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-15-2001).)

The Prylak fleet is angered, but still returns to Raiek prime to rejoin the growing fleet. The fleet is ready.
The Powerful warfleet consisted of:
25 dreadnoughts
45 carriers
80 warfrigates
65 gunships
70 bombers
(many more fighters within the carriers)
The Fleet is ordered to take an inconspicous route up between Haorn and Sijak space to skri'neth, launch all it's fighters,, and attack Darken'Ra from the north, destroy the planet with a planetary bombardment, then proceed to Ren, do the same, and the remaining ships will high-tail it back to Raiek spaces, where border patrol will be bumbed up substantially.

Every Raiek, even the slaves, have a moment of silence....
and the fleet sets off... (will have shields and weopons powered the whole time they are out of raiek space.)

Every raiek ships also has orders to fire on any non-raiek ship seen, unless hailed by a formerly unknown race.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Captain Lauth of the Eclipse was shocked by this message, and had a quick conference with Blade, the current commander, stationed at New Centauri.

He responded to the Prylak Frigate a few minutes later.

"We, the Terrans, do not confer with Prylak, not after what we've seen and been through. However, in a good will we doubt you share, we will allow you to escape. However , the following terms exist. All your non-Prylak crew, presumably slaves, are to come aboard this vessel. And note that I hold no promises as to the reaction upon your return - that's none of my business."


Daeron thought for a moment. "I would like to inform you firstly that we do not carry 'Slaves', neither aboard my ship nor by any ship under the command of Admiral Lythrawn. I will, however, be willing to transport over 2 of my Prylak officers, and another 10 of my Sijak and some other species crewman. I would note, however, that they are crewman, and I will want them back when I return. I have more Sijak and other species aboard, but they are all vital crewmembers and cannot be spared at this time."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-15-2001).)

Captain Lauth replied without confering.

"The non-Prylak may come aboard. I don't think I trust any Prylak on this ship right now. I've seen with my own eyes what you do..."

Captain Lauth waited for the people to be transferred, then sped off, back to New Sol, as fast as he could.

Meanwhile, he made sure the "slaves" work comfortable, and wondered about giving them new homes if necessary.
