Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter II


Originally posted by Shade:
Jumpgate 02 System
Commander Thraize entered the Jumpgate 02 system.
The system was filled with Raiek and Confederate vessels.
Ignoring all hails,the fleet slipped through the traffic,and entered the Jumpgate.


Huh? Raiek and confeds wont be in the same system... At least not peacefully...

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

The ground battle on Zidagar had begun, and the Confederacy was finding it hard work. Galactica was well dug in, and the planetary shield had only been breached in localised areas.

The Mark fleet, hot on the tails of the Confederacy fleet jumping from Neholl, arrived in the Zidagar system. The Confederacy fleet now numbered 200 ships, including the reinforcements from Neholl. The newly arrived Galactica fleet outnumbered them badly. Standoff missles smashed towards the Confederate fleet, blowing up countless ships. The Confederate fleet was weakened and damaged, while the Galactica fleet was composed mainly of ships that where at full power. The initial bombardments spelled doom for the Confederacy. Ontop of that, more Galactica ships where on the way, in the form of 6 Warcruisers, and all the escorts they had.
The Missle Bouy is a great defence tool, except soemthing heavier is needed. Research is begun in the Missle Defence Drone, a collection of Missle Bouys, and a larger ECM drone complement. It will have a greater insystem speed, as well as the ability to throw even larger amounts of missles.
NOTE;Carnotaur upgraded all his stations. I'm upgrading the missle drones.

The mass missle, now of a much shorter range than the Standoff missle, is not as useful in combat, so an upgrade is in order. Instead of upgrading the engine, a new warhead is to be developed. It will use an antimatter reaction to power a burst laser(burnt out in the process), to allow a longer range. While less damaging than a basic antimatter reaction, it is far more focused and accurate, and the missle does not have to get anywhere as near to hit a ship.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-16-2001).)

"Well," Said High Commander Espona to his assembled commanders, "thanks to the efforts of our exceptional commanders, the entire attack fleet was destroyed. However, I do not want this to happen again. Thus, all ships will patrol our borders, 'round the clock. Also, I have ordered constructuion of 60 Destroyers, and three Motherships to boot. I am planning my own assault but will take time to put together. Mass production of the Corvettes will soon begin, and serve as backup planetary defense in case of another attack. Another weapon is being created by our slave scientists. It's called the Armor Leech. Instead of destroying a ship's shields, this weapon secretes a chemical that eats away at the hull, and can break through armor, effectively gutting the ship. Also, another project has begun on another weapon. The Battle Station. It will be fully stocked with Energy Leeches and Armor Leeches, and two Rift Generators, and one Subspace Beamer. Obviously, it will be big. But, it will be capable of holding off several ships when deployed in numbers. That is all gentelman. Stay frosty."

Armor Leech:5 posts
Battle Station: 7 posts
Destroyers:7 posts
Mothreships:9 posts

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 11-16-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 11-16-2001).)

After having researched the jumpgate destabilizer, Zak had a small fleet, equipped with on of the devices, travel to DSN-8789 and Jumpgate 02, just beyond.

Using it, he was able to close the jumpgate, meaning that no ships could pass through it from either side. The device had been a success, and only he had the key to open it again.

Meanwhile, he gathered four hundred pirate ships at the Nest, and began scouting the area around Hrekka in preparation of an attack. Hopefully, a few more pirates would be recruited, many of which would need new ships which were slowly being processed at the Nest.

Things were gearing up for Zak's assualt now, and if things went according to his plan, soon the North Tip would bow to him.


(Sorry,RED.I thought there were Confeds in that system for some reason.I must be thinking curvy today.Anyways,Commander Thraize is now in the Milky Way)
(Esponer,I wrote this at the same time you were writing your post just above it.Anyways,Thraize entered the jumpgate before Zak shut it off,so Thraize's fleet is now in the Milky Way)

Haru'El System
There being nothing else the Skraine could do,Tereknor improved the defenses in Haru'El,and informed Magistrate K'Sarragh of the news.

Hoth V System
K'Sarragh looks at the Galactica request,then replies.
"You are of course permitted to allow your vessels into these systems.
We look forward to visiting your colonies someday.
On a different note,have you ever heard of a race named the "Sijak"?
A recent scouting fleet into Ross 154 encountered a small Raiek fleet,which offered them terms of an alliance,one of which was that we would not have peaceful relations with two races named the "Sijak" and "Haorn".
We have never heard of either of these two races.
As if we would ally with the decendants of the Pry'lahk anyway!"
He then sent a message to the Confederates:
"It seems that we may have both moved to rashly in this matter;your Commander Firestorm to critisise us,and us to condemn you.
The Skraine are a terratorial race;we simply felt insulted that you did not consult us.
We extend to you our apologies,and the offer we made to the Galactica:
You may claim the EC-110 system,with it's thick asteroid belts,and the Cardasria system,with it's gas giant in the habitable zone.Reports indicate that this planet has several habitable moons.
We are constructing a diplomatic station in the Hoth V system;when it is complete,we would be honoured if you would attend a meeting between the factions now present in this galaxy."

Jumpgate 02 System,Milky Way
Commander Thraize exited the Jumpgate to see the brilliant golden glow of a vast nebula.
Very few vessels were in the system of the jumpgate,and Thraize led the fleet out,to explore the nebula and the systems beyond.
(Whitehawk,where is Zachit space?I want Thraize to meet the Zacha)

Eta Cassiopea Access System,Milky Way
Commander Rii'kash piloted the Starfire into the new galaxy.
Several Galactica vessels were in the system,assembling to begin colonisation of the new Galactica worlds in Eta Cassiopea,most likely.
Rii'kash ordered his ship to head north,into the unknown.

ETA Until ECM refit complete:2 posts
ETA Until Unity Station complete:3 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 11-16-2001).)

The pilot of the Terran Explorer Eternity swept into The Pocket, just as a patrol of Darkwings left. The area was quickly cleared for the task ahead.

It's captain, a man named Iosa Kane, was alone on the Eternity , in the end the only man who had volunteered to make the journey through the wormhole with the new device.

Charging the device, Iosa Kane took a deep breath as he stared out to the twirling blue wormhole, tinged with red and green. Beyond, anything could lie.

"Well..." Iosa said to himself quietly. "I might as well get on with it."

Turning the sensor log on, and deploying the scan drone that would float behind and take advanced sensor readings, Iosa brought the Eternity slowly towards the swirling wormhole.

With the wormhole device activated, creating a grey aura around the ship, the Eternity dived into the mass...

...and was swallowed in energy, the ship being completed incinerated before it even entered the energy mass. However, from that range, it did pick up a single point of note, which it managed to transfer to the scan drone.

Within the swirling mass of sub-space energy was a vessel, which seemed uneffected by the force which destroyed the Eternity. A long, slightly triangular vessel, with a blue power core and a sleek, grey hull, seemingly sat within the nothingness.

Posted Image

A few days later Blade received word of us. Shocked, he commanded that no more devices be built until more research could be attempted. Explorers would go as close as they could to the wormhole, to see what this vessel was and why it apparently hung in the middle of a wormhole entrance.

- - -

Casene sighed deeply. "No, Esponer, you CAN'T come into the meeting."

"But mother!" Esponer complained, grinning broadly, knowing that she wouldn't give way.

Casene, however, saw no humour in this. "Esponer, you're not even a full Terran Militia cadet yet. Get back to your training."

Esponer sighed deeply, but retreated.

They had just entered Sija III, to meet with Kenra, leader of the Sijak. However, they were very much surprised by what they found.

The newly adapted Zeno sensors picked up a number of Prylak vessels easily, including one of a type never before seen. On the bridge of the Destiny's Edge , only Casene managed to remain calm.

"If they were hostile, they would be firing already," she pointed out dryly, but as a precaution she still made sure all weapons were charged. "Open a"

A was quickly opened. "This is the Destiny's Edge , a Supernova in the Terran Free League, and commander of this cloaked fleet. I am Casene, leader of the Terrans. We are enemies of the Prylak, and have thus identified you. You have two minutes to make some form of explanation before we open fire."

Casene frowned slightly. She was relying on the bluff that the Prylak would believe an entire fleet was present.


Lythrawn looked at Trethek, who shrugged. He turned back to the viewscreen. "I am former Prylak Fleet Admiral Lythrawn, the one who invaded the Milky Way 20 years ago. However, I am changed now. An outcast among the Prylak government, I have come back in peace. I know you don't trust me, but just ask one of my other crewman, like Commander Tareth, a Sijak and one of my brightest officers. They'll tell you the same thing. I would like you to come aboard. You can even bring some guards if you want, but I would prefer that only one be in the conference room at a time.

"I know you don't trust me, but if I were really an enemy, why are my weapons and shields powered down and at the same time are surrounded by dozens upon dozens of ships which could easily turn half my fleet to dust in seconds?

"If you are willing, you can come aboard, or better yet, I and two of my officers will beam aboard your ship along with Kenra, the Sijak leader. Then I can explain more about what has happened to me. Besides, I think I have something that you want. Something which concerns you, the Terrans, and the future and safety of this galaxy. If you don't want to hear what I have to say, then I have to stress that you WILL be putting this galaxy and the Milky Way in danger.

"I await your response."


The Confederate fleet in Zidagar, however, was nowhere near being exhausted and during the time the Galactica fleet was gone had rearmed and repaired, and was now back to full fighting strength. They charged the Galactica fleet, tearing into them as multiple beams lanced out and tore apart ship after ship.

As 100 reinforcement ships arrived from marauder fleets in the area (that had been dispatched at the beginning of the initial battle) and began to pound the Galactica fleet from behind. Galactica no longer had such a great advantage over them, and Quantum Engines not only helped with range, but they also sped up the missiles incredibly, allowing them to cover the distance between ship to target in nearly half the time. This also improved accuracy now that ECM systems had less time to take effect.

The two fleets met in a raging battle, with the Confederates using their larger numbers and superior close-combat weapons to great advantage over the Galactica fleet. They had around 300 ships, but Galactica had only around 200, 225 at the most.

As another Alliance flagship and its escorts arrived, the land battle for Zidagar was being aided by large amounts of Renegade Fighters which were capable of flying over troop locations and bombarding them into the dust while troops quickly advanced...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-16-2001).)

Casene laughed softly, absolutely amazed, at Lythrawn's comment.

"Two hundred and fifty seven billion, three hundred and fifty nine million, one hundred and three thousand and sixty eight have lost their lives to you, Prylak. I remember that figure, that figure GNN reported in, their signals even stretching to New Sol, where we the Terrans reside."

"All those people lost their lives to you, and now you say you have CHANGED? Prylak, I am disgusted by your very being."

" However , you may bring yourself and two officers aboard my ship, but be warned, my crew hate your kind more than I do."

Turning the link off, she sacrificed a lone tear for those lives, and turned to her other duties...


Lythrawn was rather taken aback by Casene's statement. He sighed. After all those years, after all that thinking, after all the reconsidering, the most thanks I get is accusations about me not changing? Are these really the peaceful and compassionate people I came to visit? Or am I just an unliked outcast...

Lythrawn shook off these doubts and then turned to Captain Tretheck and Commander Ravaer. "You two will beam aboard with me to the Terran ship."

The two officers nodded, and soon the three were beamed aboard Casene's supernova. Upon seeing Casene, Lythrawn smiled slightly and saluted. "Greetings Casene of the Terrans. It is a great honor to meet you. I introduce to you my two best aids; Captain Tretheck and Commander Ravaer.

"Tretheck is actually half-Sijak. His father was Prylak Renegade who hated the Prylak government and saved a Sijak woman from death. The two were married and Tretheck was born. Years after his parents died I found Tretheck and was amazed by his excellent piloting and tactical skills. He is now almost like a brother to me..." Lythrawn looked down. "You have no idea how happy that makes me. I have no brother. A sister, yes, but she and I had only a small friendship. I believe she's now in Andromeda."

Lythrawn shook away the thoughts and then turned to Commander Ravaer. "Ravaer is one of my newer but still most trusted friends. He's a Haorn, abandoned by his own race at the age of 3 and was from then on brought up by my uncle. When my uncle died shortly before the attack on the Milky Way, he came with me. He's now around 19, just like that person over there..."

Lythrawn said, pointing to Esponer who was standing back a little ways. Lythrawn paused for a moment before turning to Casene. "He looks a lot like you. Is he your... Son? I have no children, sadly..." Lythrawn said, a tear forming in his eye, which was rare for a Prylak.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"All clear so far, the Haorn are not going to attack us anytime soon..."
"Very well, keep the sensors up for good measure."
"Yes s.. Umm.. Sir? I'm picking up something odd... must be a flawed circuit or something..."
"What is it?"
"I.. I'm not sure.. can't be..."
"What do you THINK you see?"
"Umm.. I think I'm picking up a single ship..."
"You're this worried over one ship? is it massive or something?"
"No, sir.... It's Prylak... seems to be just to the south of us..."
"Yessir.. What do you want to do?"
"Hmm... this is a hard decision... We broke off from the Prylak government a while back, but then again, a loyal prylak wouldn't be out this far... Send it a Message.."
"Omm.. ok.."
"Tell him... that we are of prylak blood, yet we split off from the government as a whole 20 odd years ago... Tell him.. He's welcome in our space... Oh, what is he doing? Just haging in space?"
"Umm.. Seems like it, yes..."
"Hmm See if we can send a warfrigate down there to him. To hail him personally."
"Ok... We're on it."
"Update on the Wormhole design?"
"Prototype is almost done..."
"Great. You're Excused."

REDchigh writes an Email to the engineer department to increase ship production- mostly carriers and dreadnoughts.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Skraine University of Stellar Technologies,Skrineen System
Researcher K'raia pulled her long coat tighter around her to shield from the icy wind,and ran towards the waiting Speed-Transport.
"Welcome aboard."The pilot said,giving her a hand up into the body of the little ship.
The vessel lifted on it's hoverlifts,and shot up through Skrineen's atmophere
K'raia was a cousin of the Councillor for Science,Karaze,and was known as one of the best civilian ship designers in Skraine space.
When her aunt had contacted her with a request for a new warship-relayed from Magistrate K'Sarragh,no less!-K'raia had been happy to oblige.
The design had taken months of work,but K'raia was satisfied that the vessel was worth it.
Working with the SUST weapons designers,she had come up with a "Plasma Rocket",which the new warship would be fitted with.
In order to preform hit-and-run attacks,the ship was fitted with two WarGates-one to jump into close range of the enemy,and the other to get out fast once the ship's weaponry had been fired.
Now all that needed doing was getting the Magistrate's stamp of approval on the new Tornado Destroyer

Hoth V System
Somehow a civilian mail managed to get through K'Sarragh's vigilant firewalls.
K'Sarragh read it with interest.
A strongly patriotic civilian group,concerned about the increase of alien-held systems in Eta Cassiopea,wished to begin a new colony,partly subsidised by Council funds,in the Del'As'Mir system.
The would-be-colonists had done their research well,and K'Sarragh decided that he would back the colony proposal.
He then turned back to the matter he was supposed to be dealing with;the proportions of alien faction gift-holdings in Eta Cassiopea.
While the two larger groups appeared to be satisfied with the Skraine offers,the mysterious Tribunal had only a third of the other's system rights,and K'Sarragh had decided to redress that.
He quickly composed and sent the message to the Tribunal BASE ship,Phyrexia.
"To Lord Tasina,of the Tribunal,from Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine.
As the other forces now in this Galaxy have all been granted gift-holdings of three systems,I have decided to adress this uneven balance.
It is my pleasure to announce that the Skraine High Council has decided to gift to you the system of Uosa'Nad(which holds one world perpetually shrouded in toxic gases,but with substantial ore and mineral deposits),and the system of Dimire(the one solid planet of Dimire is currently exiting an ice age,but is still eminently habitable).
We hope that these gift-holdings please you,and that our relationships in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy continue to be amicable."

DSN-8789 System,Milky Way Galaxy
Thraize's reduced fleet entered the DSN-8789 system,finding few traces of star travel.
After giving the system a thorough scanning,the fleet moved west through DSN-4689 to DSN-6008,where they were suprised to find heavy ship concentrations

DSN-7617 System
The Stormfire had come across nothing of interest in recent systems,save Confederate and Galactica vessels.
They had watched the ensuing combat for some time,gathering information on the tactics and weaponry of both sides,before moving on.
The modified Whirlwind began to move north again,heading further towards the distant golden nebula that sat like a beacon on the star charts

ETA until ECM refit project complete:1 post
ETA until Unity Station complete:2 posts
ETA until Tornado Destroyer has undergone final checks:6 posts(the Plasma Rocket will also become availiable at this time).

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Galactica fleet, which ahd arrived hot on the heals of the Confederate fleet from Neholl, allowing no time for the Confederate fleet to repair properly, in Zidagar was taking a beating. The Confederate fleet was not finding it easy however. Reinforcements arrived from the outer Galactica worlds, fresh and ready to defend its space. A task group sped towards the planet, bombarding the outer atmosphere with graviton warheads. The effect couldnt reach the ground, but anything flying in the atmosphere found itself being effected by several large and localised gravity wells, tearing the Renagade fighters to pieces. Some smaller mass missles exploded right above Confederate troop positions, their EMP warheads disabling and destroying every piece of technology they had. The shockwave produced caused more physical damage. The effect of the warheads has caused the atmosphere to become heavily ionised, cutting off most communications, and making accurate targetin impossible. The Galactica troops are expected to succeed, due to the fact that they have lived and worked in a heavier gravity, whereas the Confederate troops are having trouble without powered armour. With the superior inate strength of the Galactcia troops, plus the fact their technology still works, The Confederates will find things arent as easy when you cant call on an airstrike.

In space, the Galactica fleet now outnumbered the Confederates, once again, by a good number. The ECM drones made targeting a nightmare for the Confederates, the missles unable to get locks even before they where shot. Galactica ECM didnt rely on trickery to confuse the enemy, it relied on brute power, overhwelming most sensors, burning out the weaker sensor packages about. The Standoff Missles, while the new fleet was out of range of the Confederates, blasted those ships engaged in combat with Galactcia ships in close quarters.

The Confederacy had 4 Alliance Flagships in the battle, but Galactcia had 6 WarCruisers, and a lot of escorts for each. The Flagships escorts had been beaten down repeatedly over the course of the battle, and the damage was showing. 6 Warcruisers and a multitude of their escorts all aimed at a single Flagship. The Standoff Missles raced towards it, the lesser mass missles heading for its escorts, all armed with EMP warheads. The second wave of antimatter warheads would obliterate the armour of the escorts. The Flagship was powerful, but it had not yet been subjected to the Standoff Missle.

A group of Strike Cruisers sped towards where the battle was thickest, their cargo bay doors now open and empty. They had dropped several missle bouys into space, which where now porividing long range cover fire, as well as splitting the amount of targets by sending ECm drones all over the system. A second group of Strike Cruisers covered the first group, their cargo bays also open, but not empty. They where loaded with missle pods, all loaded with flak, for that close in fighting. The initial volley obliterated several of the heaviest Confederate ships, the antimatter railguns having torn holes in the shields already.

The Confederates, having sent most of their remaining fighters to Zidagar, and having lost them, now had very light fighter cover. The Galactica fighters used this to their advantage, speeding into range of the heavier Confederate ships, and unleasing extremely heavy loads of flak. Unused to Galactcia fighters coming in so close, so quickly, the Confederates found themselves spinning space debris. The survivors then found themselves pelted by jettisoned missle pods, the fighters returning to be remared with fresh pods, at a far higher speed than they had arrived.

The tide of the battle had turned once again, this time heavily in favour of Galactica. More Galactica reinforcements sped towards Zidagar, newly built ships replacing the ships taken from border systems. The superior numbers of Galactica would hold the day, as would the ability to smash the Confederate fleets to more easily dealt with numbers at long range.
In Eta Cassiopea, the Galactica forces were busy setting up bases. A colonies infrastructure had already been built on Deneba, and now it awaited the arrival of colonists before it could expand further. The defences in the system where extremely heavy for fixed defences, this area being further away from help than most.
In Q'ros, automated miners had begun to mine the asteroid belt, and the begginings of a mine on the metal rich planet where in evidence. Several asteroids had been collected, and missle bouys where being fitted, as were shields generators. They would provide a much heavier defence than normal, as well as being easy to produce, the framework already 'built'. The onyl problem would be they could not be transfered to another system.
In Ecrosneson, construction had begun on the 2 moons. One would be the primary fleet base in the area, as well as the shipyard, while the other would provide weapon components and be more of a normal colony. The heavy metal planet below would provide all that was needed for a ships hull.

-Galactica forces to the Skraine-
While you have granted us 3 systems, we look to prevent the Confederacy from gaining a large hold in this galaxy. Therefore, with your permission, we will station a force in Ecrosedna, for expansion at a later date.
-Message Ends-
The Galactica forces trailing the Confederate scout fleets had split up. While the Confederate fleet had been larger on initial entry into Eta Cassiopea, Galactica had brought more scout forces in after initial contact. The Confederate fleet couldnt cover as many systems as Galactica was. However, both forces continued to head to the galactic southwest.
The laser warhead for missles is proceding well, and is expected to be ready soon. The current problem is whether to go for a longer range on the laser, or a heavier hitting power.

The Missle Defence Drone is nearing production, and versions of it are already being produced by using asteroids as the framework. The real version however will have real engines, and be far more compact. The simplicity of it is making for short work.


The battle had been won in Saffera, the reinforcements that ahd arrived long ago finishing the Confederate forces of easily. Now repaired and rearmed, the fleet heard of the ships that had entered Zidagar to boost the Confederate fleet. The fleet set sail, knowing the rebuilt system defences could destroy any raiding fleet, and that the reinforcements from Stror would arrive soon.

125 ships entered hyperspace.
In hyperspace, a reinforced fleet headed for Vethair, then onto Saffera. It was headed by yet more WarCruisers, escorted by three times the normal amount of support cruisers, and even more Strike Cruisers. The amount of Missle Frigates was humongous. Unlike the Confederacy, Galactica was always ready to move its ships around, preventing weak gaps from appearing. Galactica was also ready to use more force.

The fleet entered Vethair, and found decaying Confederate emissions. It appeared the Confederacy had been keeping a force here. It explained where the ships that had reinforced Zidagar had come from.

The fleet split. The lighter ships, plus a few support cruisers continued onto Saffera, where they began to reinforce the fixed defences, as well as scatter ECM drones, deactivated, about the system.

The heavier ships went for Twyus. Reports from Zidagar had shown ships arriving from that direction. And unlike Galactica, the Confederacy was extremely lax in reinforcing its frontier if it beleived it could win. The fleet would prove winning wasnt as easy as they thought.


K'Sarragh shook his head sadly at the Galactica message,and composed his repy.
"Galactica freinds,the Confederates have been granted three systems in Eta Cassiopea,as have the Tribunal.
As I have stated,the Skraine do not wish to affect the balance of your conflict;should you or the Confederates colonise more worlds,the other factions will be granted an increase in their gift-holdings.
You may of course keep a fleet in the Ecrosneson system if you wish;this fleet may be used for scouting or for self-defense should another faction attack you,but the Skraine will take punitive measures against any faction which initiates conflict in Eta Cassiopea."

From his office on the commanding Cyclone,K'Sarragh could see the docking ring and habitation disc of Unity Station.
The station was very nearly finished,undergoing painting,carpenting,and the decoration of diplomatic suites and meeting rooms.

The report on the top of the list on his handscreen was good news;the ECM refit project was now complete.All WarFleet vessels,save the half of the Return Project fleet now presumably in the Milky Way,were outfitted with the new ECM,which had a 60% chance of confusing the guidance on any torpedo(40% on Energy Leeches,but the Skraine don't know that,of course).
Second was a mail from the group wishing to colonise Del'As'Mir,thanking him for his support,and informing him that the civilian colony ships would be chartered soon.
The colony would get underway very soon.

(Waiting for a post from the Renegades,whose system I'm in,before Thraize does anything.
Rii'Kash continues to move north)

ECM Refit complete
ETA Until Unity Station complete:1 post
ETA Until Tornado Destroyer and Plasma Rocket are ready for military production:5 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

In Zidagar, the battle raged on. One Warcruiser, battered, and about to go down soon, slowed, and turned back to the pursuing fleet. It bored down on the fleet, its armour crumbling, systems failing. It was doing its best to ram the Alliance Flagship. then its engines failed, and it drifted, heading to miss the Flagship. Then a lucky shot hit the missle magazines. With conventional explosives, this would ahve just whecked the missles. However, these had antimatter warheads. The containment fields failed, and the ship expoloded, mostly beign vaporised. The Alliance flagship was just too close. Its remaining shields where wiped out, and the armour didnt stand a chance. 22 seconds after the containment fields failed on the missles, the flagship exploded. Its escorts where a mere footnote in the destruction.

Galactica forces where winning. The enemy now had less than half the amount of ships Glactica did, and reinforcements where still on the way. Then again, the Confederacy could get reinforced as well. If they wherent about to be attacked at home as well that was.
The Stror fleet entered the hyperlink to Twyus. They would be a nasty surprise to the Confederates.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-17-2001).)

Kenra looked on, slightly amused as the Council members in this system fought about whether or not she should go. Of course, they hadn't asked her opinion yet. With a sigh, she caught Celenia's eye, and grinned.

The argueing Sijak didn't notice as both of the girls slipped out. They stopped once in awhile, and gathered up a few people. After a half hour of this, they had gathered around 100 Sijak. Celenia and Kenra exchanged mischeivous glances.

The quietly discussed what they should do about the Prylak, Lyrthrawn. Celenia finally stood up. "Why don't we just message the Prylak back that she can meet him, as long as she can bring some weapons in?"

Kenra looked around and finally stood up. "Well, have we all settled it now?" Everyone looked around, a few grimaced, many grinned, but they all nodded or gave murmurs of yes. Kenra nodded and then sent the message to Lyrthrawn.

"After much discussion, I have decided to take up your offer to talk, but I will be bringing a friend to the meeting room, along with a hundred guards outside the room. I will also bring a few weapons, just incase."

She stopped the message there, and then, looking around at everyone, she went to her ship.Everyone went to their various ships, or went on someone elses, but they all went up together. They orbited around the planet, waiting for a message back at all.

Formerly known as

Casene turned round, to see Esponer still on the bridge of the Destiny's Edge , and then turned back to Lythrawn.

"Yes, he's my son," Casene stated icily. "And he shouldn't be here."

Her words had a seemingly magical effect on Esponer, who dived out of the bridge. Casene smiled only faintly, and then continued talking to Lythrawn.

"How can this change what you've done, Prylak? How can this change it? How?"

"You caused much pain to us, all of this. Tell me this, Prylak. What do you really want out of this conversation anyway?"


In Twyus, The Galactica fleet entered the system, and found only fixed defences waiting. Its Standoff Missles shot off, bracketing the fixed defence bouys. The defence bouys in range of the fleet managed to get several shots off, all nicely positioned, wiping out one of the few missle frigates in the fleet. The nearest bouys destroeyd, the standoff missles obliterated the rest of the fixed defences, all out of range of the fleet. Bombardement of the planet then began, the object to destroy the mines on the planet, burying them beneath millions of tons of rubble. Nothing was in the system to oppose it. Just in case, however, the fleet shot out numerous ECM drones, and deposited Standoff Missle as it shot att he planet. Any ships entering the system would have a lot of targets, a lot of them firing back.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-17-2001).)

Grundulater starts pounding on the door to the office :)(Carno, come on!)

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: Now, I'm no mod, but I think RMA's last few posts are TOTAL CRUD!!!

All stuff in post cleared by Esponer.


A fleet of 100 newly built ships hyperspaced into Twyus, catching the Galactica fleet by surprise and hailing them with massive long range and then close range gunfire. The Galactica fleet was exhausted and needed repair, but the Confeds gave them none.

Just a few short hours later, the Galactica fleet attacking Twyus had been incinerated, and the Confeds had lost only 50 vessels.


But the Confederate fleet that had been attacking Saffera had not been destroyed.

Instead, they had simply gone to Grivok to refuel and rearm. Jumping back into Vethair, they hailed the Galactica fleet with hoards of gunfire and pure energy, forcing them to withdraw quickly. The Alliance fleet had sustained a 50 ship loss, and were requesting some reinforcements if possible to hold their position.


Meanwhile, in Zidagar, the battle raged on but the Confeds had suffered heavy casualties. Finally, the Galactica fleet was starting to crumble as 4 of their warcruisers were incinerated by the compined power of multiple Alliance flagships.

The Confeds kept on Galacticas tail, never letting them get very far away, and making the use of Gravity Wells extreme difficult because the Confeds were always too close to them, and they couldn't get away because Confederate ships were usually faster. The Galactica fleet was pounded and pounded, not being able to use their main advantage.

The Galactica fleet regrouped and charged, with about 200 damaged ships. The Confeds had about the same, but the 50 ships that had been in Twyus were now returning to Zidagar to help reinforce it, and they would be there quite soon...


Lythrawn frowned as Esponer left. "There was no reason for that, but your decision is your decision.

"Look at this way, Casene. If I hadn't changed, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be off in Andromeda helping the Prylak prepare for the next invasion of both the Milky Way AND Ross 154. I don't think you want that to happen, and I'm glad that that didn't happen either. I want to HELP with the damage I caused, but that's hard when no one likes you, so that is why I am trying to show everyone that I really have changed and am willing to help them."

Lythrawn chuckled at Casenes last statement, then got deathly serious. "Well, I have a number of reasons for being here, but I have one that is more urgent than any other..." He got close to Casene, really close. "Ever heard of Andromeda?"


"It's a Prylak Galaxy, a BIG Prylak galaxy."

Casene said nothing.

"I've been telling everybody else that there is no way into Andromeda from here, but I forgot to mention that there is a small wormhole that leads to Andromeda that was not sealed off by the Prylak when the Haorn attacked. It is located in a rift in part of Jumpgate 01. It leads to Andromeda, the place of the largest warship in existence; the Prylak Supercruiser.

"Believe me when I tell you that just one of these ships could easily annihilate all of Ross 154 and the Milky Way. These ships are massive, over 20 kilometers long, and carry a group of 6 Prylak Dreadnaughts, massive vessels even stronger than my ship. They also carry a MASSIVE amount of firepower including 24 Prylak Battlecruisers. My ship is a Battlecruiser actually, and a powerful one.

"Now, you can see how much a threat these ships prove. Unfortunately, I don't know how or if the jumpgate can be closed, but I do know that the Prylak can easily travel through it UNLESS a black hole or something has disrupted the jumpgate."

While Lythrawn was talking, Captain Tretheck had Kenra, her friend and the 100 guards beamed aboard (in small portions of course 🙂 ).

What Lythrawn, Casene, Tretheck, and everyone else didn't notice however was that Commander Ravaer had sneaked out to where Esponer had gone...


Following Esponer quickly, the Haorn followed him to his quarters, and knocked. As Esponer opened the door as gasped when he saw Ravaer, the Haorn backed off a little and crouched down. "Sorry, I-I just wanted to say hello to you. Isn't too often I get to meet a person in the military my age, most of the men in Lythrawns fleet are veterans or non-Prylak..."


Meanwhile, on Mirava, Grundulator was met by a cloaked character which gave him a message from the Federation...

Capture a Galactica Missile, any version. Either that or give us the specs. Return to Mira with cargo intact and you will be paided heavily.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-17-2001).)