Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter II

Kenra sped through the hyperspace links, and then with a sudden rush of regular space, her Ghost sped into Sija II. She quickly hailed Merana, and after a brief conference, Merana went back to patrolling the system.

Kenra surveyed space in front of her, and then sent out a message to both ship types. "Greetings. I am Kenra, leader of the Sijak. We welcome you to our system, and we greet you in peace. If either of you would like to join me on the planet, I'm sure we cant alk more easily there. You may take as much security as you wish."

Kenra waited for a few moments, and then send some messages so that the other two races would be cleared too.She sat back, waiting to see if they would follow her down, or hail her again.

Formerly known as

Smiling, Casene brought her Supernova down to the planet, and the Darkwings followed. She was glad to see a society where it seemed women did most of the work.

Landing softly, Esponer quickly appeared from one of the Darkwings, and approached her.

"Mother!" he called out, maintaining his composure and not running. "How was your trip?"

Casene looked him in the eyes. Her son was clever, but rash, and lacking in an ordered life...after all, he was a teenager. Yet he was still the same adorable child to her. She cursed her weakness silently, and replied.

"The trip was fine, son. If you'd excuse me, I need to go to speak with the Sijak," she replied, smiling only briefly and faintly.

Esponer nodded, but didn't leave the conversation. "May I come? Many others want to look around the planet also, mother."

Casene sighed. In the case of an emergency, it would be best to have everyone in the same place, and yet...the Sijak didn't seem hostile. "Fine. You can walk around. But keep out of trouble!"

Even as she walked off, she somehow knew he wouldn't. She just hoped that he didn't engage his own "diplomacy" with the Sijak.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-15-2001).)

The leader of the Corsair group, Commander Rasken, hailed Kenra. "Hello, Kenra, leader of the Sijak. I am Rasken, an Azdgari from the Milky Way, and part of the Confederate Alliance." Rasken then breifly explained the history of the milky way, recent events, and the like. He also specifically mentioned the Prylak invasion, but did not mention Lythrawn's return. "For now i would like to stay here and explore Sija II. I'm not much for diplomacy, so one of my admirals will arrive shortly, and will take on diplomacy from there. For now all I ask in a peace agreement."


Captain Daeron quickly headed back to the Milky Way, where Lythrawn was still talking with Battledoctor...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Long-range-fleet patrol, around the system of Skri'Neth....

"Sir, I am picking something up on the long range scanner system." Reported a junior officer in charge of the radar. "What is it?" Said the captain, Kabon. "It's...oh slag! It's a giant fleet of what seems to be Raiek ships, sir!" Said the officer, fear in his voice.
"Damn! Send a long-range burst transmission to Darken'Ra! Tell them we have detected a large fleet inbound!" Shouted the captain. Then he sent a transmission to the rest of the patrol, "This is Fleet Command! We have detected a large group Raiek ships! Prepare all weapons! All ships, yellow alert!" He sent a transmission to the opposing fleet:
"This is Fleet Commander Kabon of the Haorn Empire! You are in DIRECT violation of our borders! Turn around and go back, or we will have half the fleet on you!"
Kabon waited for a reply, praying the alert would reach Darken'Ra...


Carnotaur,I need a reply to my posts regarding the Confeds in Cass.
My orders to them were:in Haru'El;power down weapons as a mark of good faith,and be escorted to Hoth V which is serving as a diplomatic center.
In Hoth V;cease construction immediately,power down your weapons,and stand by for deep-level scans and further contact.
Battledoctor,I'd also appreciate a reply from the Galactica vessels in Hoth V.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Raiek Commander (in a lead upgraded dreadnought)...
In hyperspace, about 5 minutes from Skri-Neth...
The Commander does some preliminary scans..
"There are only a few patrols.. the Haorn must be shoring up defenses in the border systems, taking away from outer patrols... This'll be a breeze. Hmm whats this? A message from the Haorn? HA! They're telling us to turn back or else. Well thats it, we better go home... dont wanna get a scratch on our DREADNOUGHTS"
Laughter rings from almost every Raiek ship.....
"Ok, Settlew down, we're getting ready to jump into Skri-Neth... 3..2..1.."
(Fighter Pilot's comm is on broad frequency.. "Ok, Let's kick some Haorn Butt!"
"Carriers, launch your fighters!"
The few Haorn Patrols are quickly overwhelmed and destroyed, with only minor damage to a few fighters.
"Ok, Carriers, are you running Empty?"
a Unified "Yes, Officer" from every Raiek carrier gives the all clear. The Raiek ships slowly pick up speed, and a pinprick of a light blue revealing hyperspace opens in front of them, and the fleet vanishes into the pale blue and white swirls of a hyperspace tunnel. The Raiek ships are Silent during their 3 hour jump, not quite sure how concentrated defenses will be when they get into
"They must have picked up our ships before we even got halfway! The System has more than 3 times the usual number of ships.. Aw well, Follow original orders, after this system we'll have to decide whether to turn back or not. "
The Raiek ships launch a portion of their mines, and soon around 120 mines are drifting towards the Haorn defense fleet.
"Ok, now all carriers and Dreadnoughts, begin warming up your thoron beams to cut through this Haorn rock armor! Fighters and Bombers, Get ready to use that itchy trigger finger! Pursure the Haorn in DELTA FORMATION, use the Javelins as soon as you have a clear shot, the Slow Haorn wont maneuver around them well, and dont skip out on the cannon and turret fire. Frigates, you have the most important job- Disperse yourselves amidst the rim of our fleet, take out as many of those pesky energy leeches as you can, as fast as you can!"
The Raiek Fleet prepares for hell's fire, in the form of the Haorn's Defensive firepower.......

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-15-2001).)

(permission cleared)

The Haorn fleet in one of their major military systems, Darken'Ra, was considerable. Ten motherships, only two of which had been in the system, the other eight being reinforcements, stood in a seemingly impenetrable line between the Raiek fleet and Darken'Ra Prime, their massive blue-purple planet.

Those motherships carried a hundred destroyers together, backed up by another two hundred destroyers in the defence force. Another hundred fleet cruisers were in the fleet, although they were not designed for combat, in all reality.

The Haorn waited until they were in close range to begin firing energy leechs, their main target being heavier vessels, like the dreadnoughts. Raiek bombers and gunships tried outflanking the Haorn and opening up with javelins, but were met by fire from a number of sub-space beamers. Half a dozen bombers were incinerated quickly, and the others were matched against a knot of fleet cruisers.

The ten motherships quickly prepared their sub-space emitters, and then the Haorn bulk, excluding the fleet cruisers, charged head on.

Raiek frigates stopped a few of the energy leechs, and were then overwhelmed by fire from rift generators as they were too busy to fire back.

Blasts of fire extended to both sides, and many Haorn destroyers fell, their spectral armour being shattered and their weaker core ripped apart by thoron beams. Sub-space emitters encompassed the Raiek force, and many were destroyed. In other cases, just a few rift generators smashed right through Raiek ships.

Meanwhile, on the Raiek's side, thoron beams were vaporising the incoming Haorn, and javelins were slowly battering them away.

In just ten minutes, of the four hundred Haorn ships, a hundred and fifty had been destroyed, and of the two hundred and eighty Raiek ships, two hundred had been destroyed.


Just then, the Raiek mines that hat been launched early in the battle finally collided with the Haorn, finishing off several of the already damaged Destroyers. The Raiek Fleet backs off slightly, reorganizes in Delta II formation with the dreadnoughts and carriers in the front, and the Entire fleet charges the Haorn fleet, with the lead ships firing their Thoron beams. The Thoron beams, being designed to cut through the crust of a planet, easily zapped away the armor of several dozen Haorn vessels, and during the charge Javelins from the gunships and bombers took out any smaller vessels that tried to slip around the beams. After Several Hours of fighting, both sides were taking high losses, but the Raiek have one more move up their sleeve. The Ships back away once more, and all the frigates get in a line behing the delta of carriers, dreadnoughts, and other raiek ships, and in a line, the frigates storm forward, launch their mines, and join the delta fleet. To an ignorant observer, it almost resembled a beam of mines, having several dozen in a straight line, and the Delta'd force right behind-
The mines hit the Haorn fleet extremely hard, but a bunch of mines are taken out with a sub-space rift a attentive haorn left.The Delta force charges through the weak spot the mines made, with the fleet using their defense webs concentrated on the ships in the front of the triangle (blocks 35% of weopon's fire). Even though the Raiek are using their best strategy, its not to say that the fleet didn't take massive damage both by Energy leeches that passed through, and by a few sub-space rifts place in the line of sight. The Raiek fleet literally blows a hole in the Haorn fleet, and charges through, running the gauntlet of concentrated fire of the rest of the fleet, but by increasing their speed right before they slipped through, most of the turrets couldn't readjust soon enough, and then most of the Haorn fire hit the lead ships. The Raiek ships lost 9 carriers while they were trying this, but it was still worth it, as they made it through the Haorn blockade, and were looking down on the purplish planet below... the carriers fire their thoron beams, frying several ground bases, while the dreadnoughts and remaining ships concentrate on holding off the Haorn fleet for just 3 more hours...

Haorn losses: 95 (19 motherships, 27 cruisers)
Raiek losses: 75 (11 carriers, 7 dreadnoughts)

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Lythrawn finished up his conversation with Battledoctor, saying that he would return later (I can't stay there forever waiting for BD to return). Then he met up with Daeron, who told him about his encounter with the Terrans.

Lythrawn nodded, and then set off for Ross 154, hoping to find the Sijak and even more hopefully; Casene, Lythrawn's key to meeting the Terrans...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-16-2001).)

MOD: Redchigh, all planets and stations have shields.

- - -

The Raiek fleet was vaporised by another barrage of energy leechs, and the Haorn, badly battered, having lost two hundred and fifty vessels, slowly came down to land at Darken'Ra Prime.

The planet's shielding had been badly damaged, and would take some time to repair. Meanwhile, the Haorn were considering what revenge they would take on this mysterious race.

The identity of this race, however, had been revealed. Not only by the similarities in the looks of these ships, but also in a few slaves that had been successfully taken. They were fighting the Prylak, or some descendant of them.

The Haorn had perhaps been licking their wounds long ago. The Prylak had been given enough time to recover themselves, and they must be taught again...


OOC: Shade, I already claimed Hoth V and, if I were you, I wouldn't go around making threats, especially if you want to continue good diplomacy. 😛 😉


Title: Anti-Graviton Field
ETA: 3 Posts


As research continued on the Anti-Graviton post, all border systems were finally fully reinforced, and the Confeds now had 125 some ships in Eta Cassiopea and another 25 in Ross 154.

In Eta Cassiopea, the Confederate commander surveyed the situation. A small Galactica fleet was in Hoth III, they were working on a base in Hoth V, and the Skraine were ordering them to back down.

The Commander, named Firestorm, laughed. He sent a message back to the Skraine as the Corsair group in Haru'El made its way back to Hoth V. "We will withdraw to the Hoth IV system, but be warned we don't tolerate people who boss others around. I don't care if you like it or not, and though I'd rather stay at Hoth V, we will move in the interest of peace with your government. This isn't only your personal galaxy to do with as you wish, it's open to everyone. Commander Firestorm out."

The Confederate fleet moved to Hoth IV where they quickly set up and fortified their base. Soon after scouts were sent out to chart the area, including a scout fleet sent to the south-east, where not even the Skraine had visited...


Lythrawn continued on, through the jumpgate, and into Ross 154. Evading contact with the Raiek and not responding to hails, the Prylak Admiral's fleet continued on to Wosak, where they detected on their long range scanners some ion trails. Following them, the Prylak knew that the Sijak were nearby...

Jumping into the Sija system, shields to full and primary weapons armed, Lythrawn noticed the Confederate Corsairs and smiled. "These Confederates work quickly I see..."

He hailed Sija II, Kenra, and all Sijak ships in the system. "Greetings Sijak people. I am former Prylak Fleet Admiral Lythrawn. About 20 years ago, I invaded the Milky Way with a large Prylak fleet. I was defeated, and during my time of isolation after that I changed. I now come back in peace. All slaves I have I treat as if they were one of my best commanders, and I would now like to visit you, the Sijak, the people that for so long suffered under my government. I would like to visit your leader, Kenra. I can transport here directly to my breifing room, but I will talk with her and her alone. Understood?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-16-2001).)

Kenra tapped thoughtfully at her console as Lyrthrawn sent his message. She knew that everyone would never let her even go near a Prylak alone, especially after what happened to the Interceptor. So she quickly sent a message out to Lyrthrawn, not identifying herself purposely.

"At the moment, Kenra can not see you alone. We will try to arrange it, our perhaps we can agree to a comprimise. We don't trust Prylak lightly, because of an icident that happened lately."

Quickly Kenra send on a tightbeam for one of the officers to explain what was happening lately. Then she landed on the planet, for her officers would convey whatever Lyrthrawns response was.

Then, thoughtfully looking at the report about the Terrans, she sent a message to the governer their. The governer looked at the message and nodded. She quickly sent a message towards the Terrans, saying:

"Our leader Kenra is in the system of Sija II, and since many new races have appeared there, we would like to request that you also transport yourselves there, so that she can have experience in meeting you all, and so we do not have to send messages back and forth."

The governer sighed and nodded. This should do it, and hopefully Kenra wouldn't do something stupid in the middle of a meeting. Well, she wouldn't ever try jumping off a cliff into a lake ever again at least. Though that hadn't turned out so bad. The governer shrugged.

Kenra waited to hear the reponses from Casene and Lyrthrawn.

Formerly known as

Lythrawn sighed. "I don't blame them for being suspicious..."

He hailed Kenra directly. "Greetings Kenra, and believe me I know who you are. Prylak sensors are great, even more so with some modifications of mine. To the point; if you want, I'll let you bring one of your more trusted friends along, as well as a few guards. But, of course, the guards will have to stay outside while we talk. Also, you might want to meet of one my friends. He's name is Trethek. I'll explain why you might want to meet him when you come onboard. I know you don't trust the Prylak, so I'll lower my ships and power down my weapons. Now, do we have a deal?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The attack force that had retreated from Azdgari ahd been spending its time in mark, repairing and getting new reinforcements, while not up to the size it had been, it was actually more powerful, due to the introduction of the Standoff missle. Its bombardment power was far greater.

Then the news of the major attack on Zidigar came in. The attacks on its neighbouring systems didnt help matters much.
Orders went out to the other border systems near the attack. Their defence fleets began to move out, while at the same time fleets from systems further behind the border took their place. The border remained unweakened, while reinforcements headed for the battles.
The Confederates arrived in Saffear and Neholl. The should have arrived just outside missle range. As it was, they found themselves sqaurely in the middle of the standoff missles attack range. A barrage of missles exploded in the middle of their formation, the gravitonic warheads causing peculiar effects, in that the closest ships found themselves spread over and compressed into large and small distances. The ones further away found themselves being tossed about. The damage to the fleet was minimal, apart from a few warships being completely destroyed. Collateral damage was rather low. That was when the second barrage hit, composed of antimatter warheads. The damage was spread about, severely weakening the Confederates shields. By now, the Confederates where at the outlimit of their quantum engine missles, and they began to engage the missle drones in range. This was not helped by the 5 groups of ships, all emitting very large amounts of sensors noise, converging on the Confederates, luckily none of them where firing missles. At least, that was what the Confederates thought. Standoff missles had been firing into space, just inactive, since the Confederates arrived. They would all activate when the ECM drones that had been shot ahead reached the Confederate fleet. Then the spots of sensors disruption split, one slowing down, the other going straight at the Confederate fleet.

A similar tale repeated itself in Neholl.
In Zidagar, however, the tale was rather different. The size of the Confederate fleet was twice as large as the defence fleet, and composed of heavier ships than those attacking the other system. A similar tactic had been employed, but the much bigger size of the fleet was a problem. A big problem. For now, the missle barrages where being concentrated on every ship one size down from the Confederate Flagship class ships. The Flasgships where too tough to get easily, and sionce they where well protected, Galactica was obliging by oblitering the ships that wheren't escorting. ECM drones littered the system, drones shooting everywhere, confusing Confederate targeting sensors.

The edges of the Confederate fleet began to vanish. The toll was being taken on the Galactica fleet howveer. It wouldnt last for too long. Its job was to blow as many smaller ships up as possible, to thin the enemy lines out.
The fleet in Mark wasnt heading for Zidigar, it was heading for Namot. Its forces would be a good sight weaker, since the Confederates had drawn their forces to attack Saffera and Neholl. Galactica would pay back what it was dealt. The systems mobile defences jumped with it, the system being reinforced by fleets further behind. The next fleet in would stop either, but move onto Neholl. By then, the Mark fleet would have dealt with the enemy forces in Neholl, and attacked Namot. It would come as a nasty surprise to the Confederates, seeing as they fleet would look to be heading towards Zidagar. Of course, the ships already in Neholl would be going for Zidagar as soon as possible.

A stab in the enemies back was always good.
In Hoth III, the Galactica fleet hailed the Skraine

'The Confederates have shown how diplomatic they are, and we hope you can understand our quarrel with them. They do not care for the wishes of others, nor respect their homes. They attacked us when we had defended our home galaxy, so it is obvious how they repay help. We will ignore them in this galaxy, as long as they do not attack us here. We would welcome an escort to our new colony in this Galaxy, to prove our intentions. We look forward to further talks.'


The Confederate fleet moved into close range, never letting Galactica get far enough away to get the advantage of missile range. The battle raged on, but Galactica was obviously doomed as reinforcements from Twyus arrived. Galactica was simply loosing too many ships to the Confeds as their massive ion disruptor beams tore through ship after ship.

In Neholl, the fleet had retreated to Thiaman, were it was reinforced from ships from Molar and Plogok, and jumped back into the system. The same happened at Saffera, except in Saffera the raids were a lot heavier as ships from Blaga arrived to help in the assault. There was now a total of 125 ships attacking Saffera.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

RMA,the Galactica and Skriane fleets are in Hoth V.
The Confederates have just moved to Hoth IV(Carno,the Tribunal already have a colony there).

Haru'El System
The Confederate vessels were escorted to Hoth V by a large fleet of two hundred and fifty Skraine warships.
K'Sarragh also travelled with them.

Hoth IV System
As the fleet passed through the Hoth IV system,they saw the Tribunal colony,several uncloaked Tribunal ships-and the Confederate fleet.
K'sarragh opened a secure hailing channel to the Tribunal.
"Tibunal forces,as you are aware the Confederates have entered your space.As this faction has already shown it's disregard for courtesy and diplomacy,I would suggest you mantain a high state of alert."
The fleet then jumped out,into the Hoth V system.

Hoth V System
In the Hoth V system,K'Sarragh met up with Karaze,and the two of them quickly assessed the situation.
K'Sarragh then opened a channel to the Galactica forces.
"This is Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine Coalition.
We now see what you mean by the disrespect of the Confederates;we will not aid you to fight them,but we honour your desicion of nonviolence in Eta Cassiopea.
We would also be interested in any current schematics you have of Confederate vessels,as we were unable to secure a lock on them for deep-level scans while they were in this system.
As for colonies,we grant you the right to begin colonies in the Deneba and Q'ros systems,as well as one other site of your choosing.
The Q'ros system has a small barren planetoid rich in the heavier elements,and a thick asteriod belt,while the Deneba system has one eminently terracompatible world.
We cannot yet offer you more than that as yet,for the status of these new factions in our Galaxy has yet to be ascertained,but we hope you will be happy with our choice."

Hoth III System
The Whirlwind Starfire had been extensively refitted from it's frigate beginnings.
It's speed had been massively upgraded,it's generators increased.
It's sensors now approached the level of a Science Vessel.
But the main increase was the installation of two more WarGate generators;the Starfire could now make three jumps in quick sucssession.
Commander Rii'kash looked over his bridge and smiled.
All was ready for the jump into the Milky Way.
The familiar whine of the FTL drives increased.
Suddenly the ship's speed approached near-lightspeeds,and it vanished into hyperspace.

Jumpgate 02 System
Commander Thraize entered the Jumpgate 02 system.
The system was filled with Raiek and Confederate vessels.
Ignoring all hails,the fleet slipped through the traffic,and entered the Jumpgate.

Haru'El System
The other half of the fleet returned to Haru'El.
When Tereknor read their report he swore.
They could not spare the vessels to take punitive action on the Pry'lahk while they policed this Galaxy,in particular keeping tabs on the position of Confederate ships.
Several vessels were following,at a discreet distance,the Confederate scouts which had moved off to the South-East.

ETA Until ECM refit complete:3 posts
ETA Until Unity Station complete:4 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Shae; Really? Ouch. Okay, change plans. 🙂


The Confederates, realizing that the Tribunal were already in Hoth IV, quickly apologized for the intrusion and moved off to Horon'Chars to set up their base...

Chimaera Station in Mirava was completed, aiding shipbuilding efforts somewhat and providing an excellent amount of protection for one of the Confederate capitols. The four massive heavy Ion Disruptor Turrets had yet to be installed though, and Corsair Station was nearing completion.

At the same time, the major refit on all stations was nearing completion. ALL stations, no matter where, had been upgraded to battlestation status. They were now equipped with anti-proton turrets, trans-phasic missiles, photon torpedoes, and many border stations were equipped with Ion Disruptor Beam Turrets. A lot of extra armor was installed, and now the only thing left was extra shielding.


<Message to Skraine>
<From Admiral Scorcher>
<I am sorry for the way Commander Firestorm acted; he's not very diplomatic and gets angered easily. I would ask, however, that you try not to boss the Confederate fleet around too much. We understand that you have lived in this galaxy for a long time, but we are still free to explore as we like. I hope we can live in peace for a long time to come. Scorcher out.>
<End Message>


OOC: Now, why do I use "< >" brackets instead of "( )". I dunno. 🙂 Just wanted to see what it was like when the "< >" type brackets were used. 🙂

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-16-2001).)

Galactica forces to the Skraine:
'We accept your offer of these systems. We will begin construction of a mining colony in Q'ros, as well as construction of armenants, and missle defence bouys to protect our systems. We will also begin colonisation of Deneba. The system of Ecrosneson looks favourable, with its 2 habitable moons orbiting a heavy metal planet. We will begin construction of a fleet base in the system. You are welcome to visit.

'You are welcome to our scans of Confederate ships. Their ships are generally high tech, and well crafted, but the construction time is long. We suggest you keep an eye on them, since they will turn on you if they believe they can win, or come out better than you.

'We will summon more ships to this galaxy, so we can settle our new systems. With your permission, our scouts will begin to scout this area. We will keep an eye on the Confederates, since we know their treachery.'
The fleet from Mark was getting close to Neholl. The battle their was a good way done, and the Galactica force was winning, albiet with losses. Not only did the Galactcia ships ahve numbers parity, the fixed defences had blasted the Confederate fleet, and the standoff missles had allowed far greater bombardment before they Confederates got into range wth their own weapons. The fleet would wipe them up quickly, and then head for Zidagar. It had been decided it was a far too important system to risk losing. The arrival of over 250 fresh ships, against the battered ships of the confederacy, numbering les than the fleet fromn Mark now. The fleet already in Zidagar was crumbling though. It wouldnt last much longer. It had dealt a fair exchange to the Confederate fleet though.


The Confederate fleet in Neholl, at that moment, decided to change it's plans a little and hyperspaced out to aid the battle in Zidagar. Of which, was going quite well for the Confederates.

The Galactica fleet had been blasted to pieces, and the remaining ships were being cleaned up as the finaly ships defending Twyus moved to Zidagar. As the remaining ships were blown apart, and the planetary shield was knocked out via bombardment, the Confederates sent in land troops which quickly took control of the planet and the moon.

At the same time, the fleet in Saffera retreated back to Vethair, where the system was reinforced by newly build warships. There was now 150+ ships in the system, with more on the way once the shipyards were finished.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"RED, Sir!!! We've lost all contact with our Warfleet!"
"Damn.. Pick up our memory signals, find out what happened to them..."
"Yes, Sir.."

Recorded memory from Raiek computers on-board the last surviving ship ****Was sent right as the hull ruptured ****
--Jumped into Darken'Ra--
--Met extremely large defense fleet. Save on file that Darken'Ra is a MILITARY base--
--Initiated Delta pattern--( recieved heavy losses - 80% )
--Initiated Delta II pattern--(recieved heavy losses 94% )
--Reached orbit of Darken'Ra Prime, fired thoron beams at planet, knocked out planet's shields, and hit a few ground bases-- (99%, finished by a large salvo of Energy Leeches)
--This ship's Escape pods are launched--
--Contact Lost with Esca--
End of Memory

"Ahhh yes... the Energy Leeches. We have to do something about that, ya know."
"Shore up Defenses in border systems, make sure all military vessels are in the air and loaded with ammo. Make sure Raiek Prime and Zeno III bases continually do long range scans so we know where the Haorn are aiming for, to get as much prep time as we can, but continue the scans until the exact second the Haorn jump in. there's no doubt in my mind that they will retaliate, and no doubt that it will hurt when they do..."
"Yes, Sir.."
"Oh, how are our scientists doing on the Wormhole research?"
"Almost done sir, we've started on a prototype, though it is impossible to know how long it will take...."
"Well get on it. Tell the scientists to take as much money as they need."
"Yes... of course..."

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)