Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter I

MOD: Carnotaur, the Prylak Frigate wouldn't be able to get a proper lock on the Terran Supernova. As for your next part, revoked due to the following.

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The Terran Supernova, the Eclipse , saw straight through the Zeno cloak the Prylak frigate was using. It's captain, a daring man who took after Blade, named Captain Lauth, instantly engaged the Prylak vessel.

Two Thunderhawks swept out of the bay, and as the three ships picked up speed, their cloak withered away until the hulls of the ships were almost visible - as it picked up speed it went visually from nothing, to an energy buildup, and slowly to the ship itself.

The three ships rained terror on the Prylak frigate, showing no mercy where no mercy should be showed.

(note: a Terran Supernova is just a bit better than a Prylak frigate when visible)

- - -

Sennari III had just come across the a Phantom squadron, not even able to detect it, when, totally unknown to them, the Destiny's Edge entered the system, with Casene at the command.

She noted the sensor readings that showed a number of cloaked ships were present, and stood in awe of the Sijak. Dozens of ships that moved like lightning stormed across the stars in daring manouevres that were not orders of a military kind but merely joyful play.

"Greetings there," Casene sent a message on a widewave. "I come in something vaguely described as peace. Now, all I'm wondering about, is who are the two parties I'm communicating with here? I assume the majestic yet unnamed government knows of the presence of cloaked ships in the system? Ah, yes, cloaks..."

With Casene's words the Destiny's Edge took up full speed towards the Sijak planet, and the Sijak managed to scan it as an energy buildup on their sensors.

The Sijak, the Tribunal and the Terrans met at Sennari III, and the entire shape of the Reign of Chaos universe could change from that.

-End of Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter 1-


OOC: I'll assume that the Galactica fleet is still in Hoth III since that seems like a better exit point than Hoth V.

And SD, the Supernova was moving, which was why the Prylak saw it. But meh.


The Prylak armed its weapons but didn't fire them. Instead, it hailed the supernova. "This is Captain Daeron of the Prylak Frigate Dictator. I know this will be hard to accept but I come in peace in the name of Lythrawn. If you allow me to leave and come back with my leader, Admiral Lythrawn, he will explain. To show my good faith, I will leave 2 of my officers with you to keep until I return. If I do not return, do with them as you wish. Agreed?"


A battlefleet was assembled at Emalghion, and, now that research on the Spacial Fold Device was complete, the fleet set off along with approximately 20 other frieghters loaded with colonists, equipment, raw materials, and so on.

The fleet (approximately 80 warships) entered the Spacial Fold, and seconds later found themselves in the Hoth III system. Scanning the area, they detected a nearby system, Hoth V, and several Galactica vessels talking with another Skraine ship.

"Do we engage sir?" a lieutenant asked aboard the Alliance Flagship Executor.

The captain thought for a moment. "No, do not engage. Instead, set a course for the Hoth V system."


The Confederate fleet entered Hoth V and scanned for any colonizable planets. They detected two. One was a frozen world, another was tropical and earth like. They landed on the planet, named Hoth, and immediately began setting up a base.


In Haru'El, the Corsairs hailed the Skraine again. "Skraine vessels," the Azdgari captain said. "We are from the Confederate Alliance, a race from the Milky Way galaxy. We come in peace. Please identify yourself and state your intentions."


In Svass, Lythrawn nodded as he was beamed aboard Galactica Station. Escorted by the two guards to Battledoctor, the Galactica Emporer nodded and the guards left. Lythrawn smiled and looked at the emporer. "Well, if it is not the great military leader Battledoctor, the one who defeated my armada at Galactica but in turn lost a good deal of his fleet and his headquarters to my ships. I am quite impress that a government i left so blasted and torn has recovered so well and now stands toe-to-toe with another large and almost more powerful government."

Battledoctor nodded as Lythrawn went on. "I hope you realize that my armada was pitiful compared to the Prylak navy of Andromeda. It's only 100 ships strong, but their smallest vessel is my battlecruiser which could easily take out one of your warcruisers, and their biggest ship, the Prylak Starfortress, could easily wipe out your entire navy without too much of a fight. I don't want to condemn this whole galaxy, but I just want to warn you about the threat the Prylak in Andromeda pose to the rest of this galaxy and Ross 154. What do you say to that?"

Battledoctor spoke. "First I would like to know how you got here in the first place."

Lythrawn shrugged. "Fairly simple. After my defeat at Galactica I along with my most loyal captains used a special device of mine to leave this area and travel beyond the rim of explored Milky Way space. There I stayed and met an alien by the name of Revzan. He taught me about the rest of the galaxy and what life really meant. I realized then that the Prylak were doomed because of their inner evilness and the fact that they no life but the life of a conquerer. What do you say to that and my earlier question?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-14-2001).)

Carnotaur, Supernovas a) aren't on patrols anymore and 🆒 don't move fast enough to be seen. <grins>

But never mind those, and it's Chapter II now, although I think the moderator deleted the right one, not the wrong one...
