Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter I

DSN-4647 was filled with Miranu-style freighters. Thor quickly saw that it was being mined against incursion. Mines were being layed within proven high points in interference, to hopefully be unseen. It didn't take a astrophysicist or a first class military tactician (ironically, both of which Zak was) to realise that the mining strategy here would be enough to cause havoc among even the largest of fleets.

How these mines had been come across was unknown, but considering that Zak was one of the most prominent pirates in the galaxy, up there with Thor, it could but be assumed he had his ways.

A message from Zak came in from DSN-2322.

"Hey, Thor, how's it going? Look, me and my ships just detected a buildup in Hrekka. Damn 'Feds, I know it. Okay, well, I've organised another hundred ships to come to me. Mostly civilians who decided that Miranu and Azdgari didn't look so comfy anymore with the Galactica incursions. Well, once I'm ready, I'll be assualting Hrekka head on. Get your ships ready, and I'll contact you. Feel up to a quick raid on Kelmaon? Remember, these mines are designed to be used - drag 'em back to here. And GODDAM, keep track of where those mines are!!!"


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-13-2001).)

In the Mirava system, suddenly, Lythrawn and his escort ships came out of hyperspace, seemingly from nowhere. It was practically impossible for them to have snuck past Fed patrols, but never the less, here they were.

Lythrawn hailed Carnotaur directly. "Greetings President Carnotaur. I am former Prylak Fleet Admiral Lythrawn, leader of the Prylak force which invaded the Milky Way 20 years ago. I have changed over the years, however, and now I come in peace. I demand to see you immediately."


Though the Confederates were suspicious of Lythrawn, Carnotaur granted the Prylak admiral a private meeting with himself. After entering the conference room and the guards leaving, Lythrawn walked around the room a little, eying its contents, then he walked over to Carnotaur, and shook his hand. "It's an honor to meet with you, President Carnotaur," the Prylak said, putting both hands behind his back. "Pardon the strong handshake, I'm just getting used to human culture."

The Prylak admiral then walked over to where Carnotaur kept all his medals and decorations during his career. "You have a very honored space navy career I see," Lythrawn says. "I happen to even notice the medal you got from fighting the Prylak." Carnotaur didn't say anything. "Oh come now, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I admire a person who can stand up to such a great force as the Prylak Navy."

"Indeed," Carnotaur replied, smiling a little. "The Prylak navy is a strong enemy, and a worthy one. The Prylak themselves seem quite strong and resiliant."

Lythrawn slowly turned to and walked over to Carnotaur. "You have no idea how strong, Carnotaur. The Prylak have wiped out trillions of people in massive wars which raged not only throughout Ross 154 but accross the galaxy. Did you know that while I was in the Milky Way another evil alien race, the Haorn Empire, attacked and devasted Pria, the Prylak homeworld? Sure, the Prylak then abandoned Ross, but they still live on. I'm sure you've heard of them; the Raiek. Sure they act a lot more benevolent but in the hear they're still the same devious, evil, murderers called Prylak."

Carnotaur was taken aback by the last statement. "My gosh, one of our scout fleets ran into the Raiek. I'll order them to steer clear of anymore of their ships."

Lythrawn nodded. "Indeed, and you might also want to tell them to steer clear of any Haorn ships that arrive. They may look like pieces of junk but they annihilated thousands of Prylak ships easily."

Then Lythrawn looked closer, just inches from Carnotaur's face. "But let me tell you something, President. Ross 154 was, by all standards, a SMALL galaxy. There are others, like Andromeda, that are defended by a mere 100 vessels, and yet their navies are more powerful than the old Prylak navy of Ross 154 and my invason force combined.

"One of the ships in Andromeda is the Prylak Battlecruiser, my personal ship, which is capable of annihilating a Galactica Warcruiser easily. Then there is the Prylak Dreadnaught, an even larged and more powerful ship of destruction. Then, finally, there is the Prylak Starfortreess. Over 30 kilometers in length, these dreadnaughts make your base ships seem like Krait fighters. Believe me, just ONE of these ships, which carries 8 dreadnaughts and 24 Battlecruisers, could doom your entire fleet. If they invade, you will most likely loose, and very quickly I might add."

"And how on earth is that supposed to help us except for making us going into a superpanicked state?" Carnotaur asked.

"Believe me, President, at this moment the Prylak have no real plans to invade the Milky Way at the moment. The Prylak don't even have a way into the Milky Way as far as I know. All the old jumpgates from Ross 154 to Andromeda were destroyed by the Haorn.

"Besides, there is a lot to see of this galaxy and of others. So tell me," Lythrawn asked, backing away and looking out a window at the horizon. "What has happened in this galaxy of yours?"

Carnotaur smiled and joined Lythrawn. "Well, there is still the alliance and Galactica, and they are still fighting each other. But now, instead of the small Mercenary Alliance, there is now the Confederate Alliance; a strong government which will someday bring an end to this reign of chaos which has plagued the Milky Way for so long.

"But we have also found other ways to other galaxies. We've found a jumpgate to Ross 154, but fortunately we've mostly contained it and so we're pretty sure about being safe from a Raiek attack. We've been exploring it and another wormhole we found."

Lythrawn spoke. "That wormhole leads to Eta Cassiopea, a galaxy we once tried to invade. Unfortunately, our warfleet was destroyed by a race call the Senn, or at least that is what I and some others believe. It should be peaceful now, but don't try making enemies of the Senn, if they even exist anymore."

"Might I ask, what are you doing back in the Milky Way?" Carnotaur asked.

Lythrawn sighed. "To see the galaxy, to see other peoples, other ways of life. Being a Prylak usually excludes one from enjoying the other aspects and comfort of so rich a galaxy. Since my isolation, away from the Prylak, away from outer influences, I came upon an alien ship. There was only one person aboard. Didn't give his race name, but he did give his name; Revzan. He knew much about the galaxy, and helped me learn about how to enjoy other parts of a galaxy insteading of just consontrating on your own people and conquering anyone and everyone you came accross. Than man changed me. Now, I want to live out my life like it was meant to be lived, not as a military commander massacering millions, but as an explorer."

Carnotaur smiled. "I highly agree with all you have to say. I too was once an explorer, before his bloody war started. I will probably someday return to that way of life when I am old and tired out with running a government spanning dozens of star systems. Maybe you could even join me," Carnotaur said, laughing slightly as Lythrawn smiled.

"Yes, I would like that very much." Then he paused and looked at Carnotaur. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"For your 'Can I have some of your technology?' question."

Carnotaur laughed. "Ah yes, so I would like some of your technology. Care to part with some." Lythrawn shook his head. "Not at the moment, I want to remain neutral and see the galaxy. Then, maybe, I will return and help you out."

Carnotaur smiled and Lythrawn turned to leave. "Now I must go, great president. I wish you luck on your conquest against the Galactica Empire."

"Before you go," Carnotaur interrupted, "Who are you siding with in this war?"

Lythrawn shook his head. "That is not for me to say." He paused. "But, reconsidering the situation, I would have to say that the Confederate Alliance seems to have a sizable advantage over Galactica. But, as to who will win, no one knows."

Lyhtrawn then was beamed up, as Carnotaur big him farewell... Shortly after, the Prylak fleet moved away and departed into the depths of space...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Deep within the endless depths of space west of DSN-7617, a company neutral to the major galactic war efforts was carrying out research into a certain technology.

This company, known as Unitech Inc., were a major developer of small arms, robotic equipment and had even marketed their own spacecraft, the Amazon Light Fighter, which, despite being an impressive vessel, never got off it's feet due to a lack of funding.

Unitech Inc., however, went beyond those little projects they were involved in. No-one knew that Unitech was actually the same company as one of the major independant combat ships, and was also the same as an organsation called ARAGONITE - an anti-pirate and sometimes even anti-government mercenary organisation.

Unitech was so rich they had developed their own research station, and using some designs found from an ancient Council Research Log, they had begun research into a device which would change the way of the entire galaxy.

The device was called the Spacial Fold.

And it had been a success.

A huge spacial fold had been made in space, so far beyond normal systems that the only way to reach there in any time was to make a hyperjump there, which required specific co-ordinates. This fold could be made there and only there, for it was the only point in the Milky Way where the interference was low enough.

This spacial fold had been sent to open in the galaxy of Andromeda (the designers ceasing the closest galaxy to the Milky Way as their target) but due to an incredible miscalculation - which, considering the Prylak forces in Andromeda, was extraordinarily lucky - the spacial fold was calculated to open up instead deep within another galaxy much further away.

Eta Cassiopea.

Unitech prepared a caravan of spacecraft, even including some Amazons, to go through the spacial fold.

However, their dreams were crushed.

"This is the S.S Nightmare, we've found the source of that energy reading."

"Take 'em out, and get 'yer hands on those plans!"

"Affirmitive, sir. We're sending the rookies in first."

"Who are these guys anyway?"

"Keep quiet. Let's just do this, and Zak'll pay us a whole bunch."

"Alert, alert! Scramble the Amazons! All defensive units, attack! Charge system defences..."

"System defences down, sir. We can't hold up. We're----------------------

One hundred newly formed pirate ships crushed Unitech's station and ships within minutes, and the "rookies", most not even in combat ships, suffered 50% losses. Sixty ships quickly began cooling down their weapons, disabling anything unacceptable, destroying anything suspicious, and then began their way back through Confederate space - in groups of three or so, all with permits if necessary, to avoid suspicion.

Meanwhile, a few Unitech ships had escaped, moving out, one towards Galactica space, another towards Confederate space. Yet another had been captured Within a few weeks, almost all of the galaxy would be able to make use of the spacial fold, once they had built their own spacial fold device (2 posts).


Thor jumped into Kelmoan by himself first. Seeing a lone fighter patrolling around the perimeter, he targetted his tractor beams on it. He had suffered only minimal losses by the time the fighter was inside the special bay, and had been shut down.

Unfortunately, the rest of the system had noticed him by now. The rest of his fleet jumped in, including 100 of Zak's ships. The planet's defenses lifted off. Thor and his fleet fled back to DSN-4647, where the mines were waiting.

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

Zak grimaced. "Does that guy really have a clue what he's doing? Thor, eh? Just some punk ass pirate."

The officers in the Nest were used to Zak's near constant wittering and ego boosts.

"Well, let's hope he does the job. Mines are set?"

"Aye sir," one officer replied, grinning.

"Great job, great job. Let's see how many of those 'Federate bastards we can kill with this scheme."


The 4 scouting fleets went in their diffrent directions, each wondering what the others would find. The first fleet went southward, there scanners at maximum, and their weapons always on the ready. The Sijak barely came out of their few worlds, and now they were nervous that they did.

The second fleet went to the east, but it wasn't meant to go very far, and neither was the southbound ones. They had a faint idea of where the Haorn and Raiek were, so both would turn after a few systems out, just to make sure they did not encounter them.

The third scouting fleet went out and then down the middle, willy nilly, but avoiding where they though the other races would be. They were exploring, not announcing themselves to the the galaxy. Each of the ships in every scout fleets had some of the best pilots, and each had there orders to stear clear from the Haorn and Raiek.

The fourth fleet didn't have a particular direction, they just flew around, wherever they thought might be interesting. It was this fleet that Kenra had stored the most hope of finding something to brighten up her life with. The other fleets went along mosty explored routes, but the fourth fleet had the best route, according to Kenra. It didn't really have aroute.

Formerly known as

It took several days for Skraine long-range patrols with the technologies to detect the fold to report to the Skraine Councillors.
The ship which first found it was a Cyclone Carrier,and the massive ship took over a week to get back to Skraine Command.
The Skraine High Council went into session,and,despite the votes of isolationists like the Councillor for Ri'aal,a fleet of civilian science vessels,guarded by a squadron of Tempests and a Hurricane wing,were dipatched to the fold to investigate.

ETA until ECM complete:2 Posts
(Esponer,this spatial fold exits in Hoth IV,right?)
(As the Return Project scouting fleet has currently not met anything,I'm leaving it in the Zeno 3 system until something happens.We really ought to come across a Raiek ship by now)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 11-13-2001).)

A message is sent to the Confederate ships as they jump out, telling them of the Haorn "Conquerers"and Sijak "Pirates", pointing out that if the confederates make any peaceful contact with those races, the ceasefire agreement will be no more.
a patrol bomber/gunship squadron is scouting above known Raiek space, when they wonder into Wo'Rak'Don...
"Bomber 05 to Gunship Alpha, come in... come in."
"This is Gunship Alpha, what do you want?"
"Just scan this side of the system.. You'll see.."
"Ok... Well, Well, what do we have here? Escaped Sijak slaves?"
"Dont think so, their ships dont look Raiek.. or prylak."
"Hmmm... We'll just have to find out. Squadron, arm your weopons."
"but sir, It's a lone interceptor.. It has no chance.."
"So? They're Sijak. You gonna get guilty over disabling a sijak ship?"
"Heh... of course not."
"Ok, Be sure not to destroy this fighter... One, we can get information.. two, the slaves will fetch a hefty price on Raiek."
The Interceptor spots the Raiek ships before the Raiek get within range, and no doubt sends a message to Sijak space. The interceptor launches it's shock missiles, and manages to actually knock out the gunship's javelin launcher. The Raiek are impressed for a few split seconds, but then their thoron cannons overwhelm whe poor fighter, and soon it is disabled. The Raiek board the ship, and as soon as they step through the hatch, a Raiek is nearly shot by a Sijak holding a tiny pistol. The Raiek leap forward, and a Sijak arm is thrown across the ship, and the Raiek use every bit of their self control to just knock out the screaming Sijak and carry it back on the ship. A Sijak copilot is found after a bioscan, huddled in a crate below the cockpit of the fighter. after an hour, the sijak prisoners are on the way to Raiek for interrogation/torturing (not just for info.. entertainment 😄 ) A few hours later they arrive, the gunship is repaired, and the Sijak are sent to bunkers on Raiek.
Turns out most of the Raiek escaped years ago, and thought to be dead. A fleet of 1 carrier, 4 warfrigates, 9 gunships and 11 bombers are sent up to scout around the place the Sijak fighter was found, and find out if many other Sijak survived. Meanwhile, the Gunship captain that found the Sijak, along with other high ranking military officials meet REDchigh personally, and begin discussing an offensive vs the Haorn. They decide to have the offensive as soon as enough ships are organized. They plan on using about 250 ships. (3 posts) The military minds leave ot their ships, and as they leave REDchigh gets a message from the scientists on Zeno. They have recovered most of the old texts on wormhole development, and they are being applied to building a prototype.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-13-2001).)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-13-2001).)

Kenra blinked, as a quick message from the beaten interceptor came in. She blinked, for they had even recoreded a bot of what the ships looked like before they sent the message. She frowns thoughtfully, and then sends messages to all the ships in the systems to be on alert. She spent a special alert to the 1000 fighters in Qo'Ross to be ready for more attacks.

The scouting fleet that had gone south had turned back now, and was coming up again. The 3rd scouting fleet had most likely reached Keekran and would start down it's willy nilly middle route.

Kenra looked thoughtfully out, wondering idly how much security would follow her if she went to Qo'Ross. She shrugged, and quickly checked in where she was going, just so they would know. Within a few minutes she had shoved a few things in her Ghost, and had lifted off.

With a few seconds wait for security personel, she jumped into Qo'Ross, afire with curiousity, and wondering if anything would actually happen.

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 11-13-2001).)

Phyrexia went through the wormhole, coming out cloaked in a system that appeared to have Confederate Alliance vessels in, strangely enough. Moiraine hissed. "What are they doing here?" There were also alien vessels. On scan, they were identified as "Skraine."

Phyrexia proceeded to Hoth IV, dropping Phantoms as it went. When it arrived, it found about 15 Phantoms waiting in Hoth IV. They were brought aboard for refueling and to tell what they had seen...

A special Plasmator squadron left Phyrexia and went to the surface of the Planet to check it out. The planet had been named Keld, after the I'ase's first home in the Milky Way decades ago.


A Phantom that had been left in the system with the Confederates observed what was happening. Tai, the pilot, hailed an Alliance ship.

"Hail, Alliance. This is Tai of the Tribunal. What brings you here?"


Aboard Phyrexia, Asriel had been figuring. He knew that the Disruption Web worked by expanding until it blew up the missile. He wondered if it could be changed a little. He wanted to be able to use it to contain a missile, instead of exploding it. Then, it could be brought aboard for study, to find a weakness. He ran to Moiraine to tell his idea...

OOC: Esponer, your Spatial Fold opens into Hoth V, right? And what Eta Cassiopea system are the Alliance Corsairs in, anyway?

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

The Galactica fleet which attacked Azdgari is now in Mark, and it is being repaired and reinforced. Mark is a heavily defended system, and an Alliance counter-attack would be most unwise due to the heavily armed station.

Galactica ships pulled out of Zanat, suffering heavy losses but taking down a good deal of Alliance ships with them. Two Alliance Flagships were severely damaged.

Galactica Research teams are working on reverse engineering the Spatial Fold device and fitting to 5 of Galactica's Support Cruisers. Soon, the ships will be ready to enter the new Galaxy to the west of former Voinian Empire space.

The new Galactica missile, now designated the Standoff Missile, has been completed. It fits in a Missile Pod, but is too large for the ammunition banks on any ship smaller than a Support Cruiser. A Fighter-Bomber technically could carry 2 of these missiles, but there would be no real advantage as its maneuverability would be deplorable. They can be used in defensive Missile Pods.

Ship production is going well, and many of the losses suffered in the recent failed attacks have been rebuilt already. Soon Galactica will be runniing at full strength again, and at that point ship construction will continue at its present rate.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 11-13-2001).)

OOC: Asriel, the exit point of the spatial fold is uncertain at this time.

Shade, you need to reply to the Corsairs which entered Haru'El.

The Confederate Corsairs are in Haru'El, the exit point for the Eta Cassiopea Wormhole.

And, um, cough BD; the second battle of Zanat was 1 sided, and I highly doubt you could take out one of my flagships and a lot of my ships very easily. The first battle beat you up a bit, then I came in with 310 ships and blasted you apart. 🙂


The Confederates instantly began reinforcement efforts along the border. All stations were nearly completely refited, and Zanat had been completely reinforced from ships from Mirava, as work continued on the new major stations. However, the two alliance flagships that had been damaged would take a while to full repair.

Meanwhile, research on Quantum Engines was complete, giving Trans-Phasic Missiles and Photon Torpedoes greatly extended range, though still not as good (though very close to) the range of Galactica Missiles.

Research then proceeded on Anti-Graviton emitters. The purpose for these generators was to counter the effects of the Gravity Well decives used by larger Galactica warships. Though it wouldn't counter it completely, it would dampen the effects moderately. The devices were to be put on Aurora Battleships, Chimaera Carriers, and Alliance Flagships. Some Ravens would be equipped with it, but not many. The more ships in the area, the less effective the gravity well would be.


Title: Anti-Graviton Field
ETA: 6 Posts

Title: Spacial Field Module
ETA: 2 Posts

OOC: Does that sound good as to research times?


In Svass, just as he had done in the other appearances, Lythrawn's small fleet jumped into the Galactica Capitol system. Although their turret and beam weapons were armed, they had not targetted anyone. Lythrawn sent a message to Galactica station and Battledoctor.

"Emporer Battledoctor of the Galactica Imperium, I am former Prylak Fleet Admiral Lythrawn. I come in peace and will not open fire. I request a private meeting with Emporer Battledoctor himself, no guards."


As Thor took the Renegade Fighter off to be analyzed or who knows what, little did he know that a special self-destruct sub-system had not been deactivated. It had been started by the pilot, and ran off a separate power system than the rest that was protected from EM fields and pulses, and thus was not turned off.

5...4...3...2...1...0...Activate Security System: Destruct 1 - DETONATING

The Renegade Fighter exploded in a massive fireball inside the hull of Thor's ship. The Trition Reactor inside overloaded, creating a massive explosion which blasted through the fighter bay doors and outer hull, sending flames into the nearby crew compartments and weapon magazines.

As crewmen rushed to contain the fires, flames spread to the missile banks. Just one missile was detonated, but that set off a chain reaction, causing the whole magazine to blow. Tearing away a massive chunk in the forward section, wreckage flung into the rest of the tear, gausing gaping holes.

A secondary weapons magazine then went off in the aft sections, causing the engine section to implode then disintigrate in a ball of fire. The main generator was ejected as power surges nearly caused a core meltdown. The vessel, now just a burning and scorched hulk, was flung to the outer edges of the system when the ejected core detonated. Thor was left on the bridge of his ship, the bridge crew and over 3/4 of the rest of the crew dead, hyperspace and sub-light engines gone, power gone, no weapons operable. The sitaution looked bleak...


The Corsair battlegroup continued on heading off into the western area of Ross 154. Making a course change which set their heading into the upper left corner of the galaxy, the Corsairs kept an eye out for any Haorn or Sijak ship. They found none, except for three Haorn Destroyers ambushing a Raiek Carrier at the edge of the system. They avoided that battle and continued on, hoping to find some Sijak...

Suddenly, they entered the Inuca II system, and came across a group of Sijak Avatars under attack by six Raiek Frigates. The Ghosts were off somewhere else and could not assist. The Sijak sent out a distress call begging for help. The Corsairs were, obviously, angered by this and opened fire on the Raiek ships. This was also because the lead captain had reckognized the Raiek as looking exactly like Prylak.

The 20 Corsairs opened fire with a barrage of Trans-Phasic missiles which blasted apart one Raiek Frigate almost instantly. The other 5 turned to open fire, but there were much more Corsairs and the Raiek were soon no more than space junk.

The Corsairs tractored beamed the disabled Avatars (all of them were knocked out due to Raiek Plasma Bombs) to help them back to a nearby Sijak port. They brought them to Sija II, but along the way did not identify themselves. Once they got to Sija II, they were intercepted by Sijak patrols and released the disabled vessels. The lead Corsair hailed the Sijak lead vessel. "Sijak vessel, I am Captain Dorensk of the Confederate Alliance Corsair Attack Cruiser Republic. We come in peace and wish a meeting with your leader."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-13-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-13-2001).)

OOC: Sorry, I had the old version of the Eta Cassiopea map.

Asriel was telling Moiraine about his idea. After he had described it, Moiraine sat in thought for a while.

"This shouldn't take too long; all you have to do is rebuild the Disruption Web."

"Yes, Moiraine."

"Well, don't just sit there! Get started!"


20 Phantoms cruised silently into the Sennari III system. After looking around for awhile, they noticed a fighter that seemed to be even faster then they were. The lead pilot, an Adzgari named Rat'cha, scanned it, revealing it to be a "Ghost," and the race was called the "Sijak." Rat'cha hailed this alien ship.

"Greetings, Sijak. We come in peace. I realize that you cannot see my ship, but do not worry; it is unarmed. We have questions for you, and I am sure that you have some for us."


Meanwhile, in the Hoth IV system, the pack of Plasmators descended into the atmosphere, to discover that the planet would not even need biodomes for them to live on it. It was that conducive to life. The lead pilot radioed back to Phyrexia, to bring more work crews down...

Title: Anti-Missile Energy Field (AMEF)
ETA: 4 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC: I won't be posting here for a while. Just thought I would make my case here. Esponer, any question why this sudden notice, I'll explain over AIM.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

Sorry Carno!That bit was below all the stuff about the battle in the Azdgari system,so I just skimmed it at the time and did not notice.Shows you how observant I am. 🙂

Here's my response,although it is belated;

Commander Chirakka of the Skraine Warfleet Tempest Khau Tarazon was amazed as several unknown vessels appeared through the wormhole.
His second officer quickly scanned the databases and came to the conclusion that the ships did not match the hull specifications of any WarFleet or civilian vessels.
They were aliens.
Chirakka was further astounded when one of the vessels hailed him.
The image of an exceedingly ugly hairless alien-almost as ugly as old holos of the Pry'lahk he'd seen-appeared on the viewscreen.
It's mouth moved,and a collection of alien words were spoken.
Chirakka had no translator programs on his ship(After all,who would have thought that a system defense Commander would ever need them)so he was unable to decipher the creature's speech.
He was,however,worried.In a clear show of threat in the ancient rules of contact courtesy,the alien had shown it's image.Chirakka knew what it looked like,and that meant that traditionally he would have been able to hunt it down,had he wished to.
Hurriedly he patched the hailing channel through a closed-link to High Admiral Tereknor,who brought Sentinel Starbase's translators online.
Yet the alien said nothing more,clearly waiting for a response.
Tereknor and Chirakka came to the conclusion that it was best to obey the ancient rules of contact courtesy,even if the alien did not.
Chirakka replied with a still image of the Skraine serrated cresent,ringed by it's eight stars.
Magistrate K'Sarragh was asked to urgently attend to matters.

Two hours later,K'Sarragh's personal Speed-Transporter,the same model used by media companies to get to disaster scenes quickly,jumped into the Haru'El system.
K'Sarragh was ushered into Sentinel Starbase's command chambers,where Tereknor was waiting,and linked himself into the comm band via his nanites.

As Commander Chirakka,High Admiral Tereknor,and Magistrate K'Sarragh waited for the aliens to act,several media Speed-Transporters arrived on the scene and were forced into dock with the Starbase.
A good portion of Haru'El's patrolling fleet was ordered to use WarGates to converge on the alien's location,in preperation for their response.

ETA until ECM complete:1 post.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The 5 Support Cruisers have been equipped with the new Spatial Folding technology. They have been equipped with special transmitters that transmit the message, "We are of the Galactica Imperium, in the Milky Way. We come in peace on a mission of exploration. We are not hostile." on every available frequency, in all known languages and dialects.

The ships headed towards the linking system, carefully avoiding any Confederate Alliance scum who were near. They were to report on anything in the system, and look into possibilities of colonization.

As they neared the rift, they began to prep for whatever would be on the other side. The commander of the small fleet, the Azdgari Admiral Retaurk, ordered the ships to raise shields and prepare for a possible attack, but not arm weapons. Then, when the commanders had collected themselves and readied themselves to step where no Galactica officer had ever gone before, they made the jump.

"All ships, report on transmitter status. We're breaking hyperspace in 30 seconds."

"G.E.S. Retort, transmitter charged and on standby."

"G.E.S. Executive, all is go."

"G.E.S. Atra, we're ready Admiral."

"G.E.S. Hadya, same here. We're good to go."

"Excellent." replied Admiral Retaurk, "The G.E.S. Inquisition stands ready."

As the infinite blue light of hyperspace faded from their viewports, the ships entered the Hoth V system and began transmitting the message continually.

"We are of the Galactica Imperium, in the Milky Way. We come in peace on a mission of exploration. We are not hostile..."

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Hoth V System
On board the civilian science vessel Jaa'ru H'lii ,Councillor for Science Karaze rocked back in her couch.
The Eta Cassiopea galaxy was being flooded by strange things;the anomalies High Admiral Tereknor had reported,the aliens which had appeared through the Wormhole,the strange Spatial Fold,and now
More aliens.
There were five alien ships,far different to the ones Magistrate K'Sarragh had met in the Haru'El system.
They were broadcasting a simple audio message,which Karaze deciphered with the science vessel's modern translator programs.
"We are of the Galactica Imperium, in the Milky Way. We come in peace on a mission of exploration. We are not hostile..."
Karaze thought through the message.
"Galactica Imperium" clearly meant an empire,controlling a galaxy.
From the depths of Skraine conciousness the name rose unbidden: Pry'lahk.
Yet the next section, "In the Milky Way",denoted an area of space.
A group of galaxies?It did not seem possible.If these beings were Pry'lahk the Skraine ships would have been dust by now.
Therefore,the "Milky Way" was a single galaxy,or a nebula.
Karaze suspected that the "Milky Way" was a galaxy,judging by the "Galactica Imperium".
A race that controls a galaxy.They could prove powerful allies or powerful foes.
The next section of the message was easy,and was heartening.
"We come in peace on a mission of exploration. We are not hostile..."
Explorers,then.Nonhostile explorers seldom armed exploration vessels so heavily.
The Return Project scouting fleet was composed entirely of warships. She remembered.
But we are not nonhostile!We are searching for the Pry'lahk and we will eliminate them!
Karaze did not share High Admiral Tereknor's view on the old contact courtesies;
she openend the ship-to-ship hail,and spoke.
"We are the Skraine.No harm will be rendered to nonhostile vessels.We ask that you power down your weapons systems and stand ready for deep-level scan.
How did you come to be here?"

Central Research Laboratories,Skrineen System
With a cry of delight,Elder Haaru'yan entered the final of his forms,and sent a message to Councillor for Science Karaze.
His brainchild,his ECM,was complete!
If the Councillor were to approve it,the design could be given to the WarFleet,and the plans sold to a reliable outfitting corporation for sale to civilians.

New project;ECM Refit.
Will give all Skraine WarFleet vessels ECM systems(torpedo jamming capabilities 60%,Haorn Energy Leech jamming capabilities 40%)
ETA:5 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

"Dictator, the Prototype design is completed, and while we still have a long way to go, we're making great progress."
"Great. Try to get the wormhole generators completed as soon as possible so maybe we'll be able to use it when we attack the Haorn."
"Yes, Sir"
REDchigh looks out his viewscreen, and he can only see about 90 of the 150 vessels in orbit, but all is well, he knows they're out there. The Warfleet is almost ready to head towards Haorn space... the Warfleet will be completely decked out with javelins and bombs, and also will have the raiek defense web installed. REDchigh wishes he could outfit the web on all raiek ships, but it is just too expensive...

Current Fleet Above Raiek:
12 dreadnoughts
23 carriers
45 warfrigates
35 gunships
40 bombers

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

OOC: Whoa whoa whoa... Hey, I may not be a mod, but I sure do make the maps. I wasn't even positive about where the jumplink would lead, and I was then considering Hoth III. That sound okay? Just a slight modification.

Also, BD, when will you reply to Lythrawn?


Construction of the base and station in Tolb was complete after a lot of rush constructing. The base was now fully classified as a border system and ships were now returning to their original border points.

Meanwhile, forces were assembling on all Federate borders near Zidagar sector. The Alliance was gearing up for something, no one knew exactly what yet...


Title: Anti-Graviton Field
ETA: 5 Posts

Title: Spacial Field Module
ETA: 1 Post


A cloaked Prylak Frigate glided through the Odine system. The Prylak vessel, the Dictator had been sent by Lythrawn to scout out the Ross 154 galaxy while he was busy meeting Galactica...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-14-2001).)

Emperor BattleDoctor thought long and hard. It certainly seemed that Lythrawn was coming in peace... but just 20 years before he had decimated the North Tip and killed millions of innocent civilians. BattleDoctor supposed he would give the fellow one last chance.

"Lythrawn, you have permission to beam aboard Galactica Station at Pad 5C. You will be escorted to my office."

Admiral Retaurk turned to an officer and said, "Cut the transmitters and open me a channel to these ships." He waited a few seconds then said, "Of course. We will power down weapons and allow you to scan us. While you are doing this, let me explain a little about out situation. Twenty year ago, the Galactica Imperium defeated an invasion force of a race called 'Prylak.' However, in a despicable and deplorable act of ingratitude, an evil force called the Confederate Alliance attacked us in our weakened state. We fought hard to save the Milky Way, and they promptly turned their back on us. Though you are not obliged to help us fight this evil, this is why we ask that we may use some of your galaxy to live and construct a base."

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)