Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter I

(Hello, we have heard of your skills and we currently need them in a rather dangerous but extremely well paying mission. Details will be given to you once you come. A basic idea of the mission is this; we're going to steal a Galactica Mass Missile or Cluster Missile. Come ASAP.)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Over 250 ships were assembled in the Mark system waiting to begin the attack on the Azdgari system. Among them were 5 Warcruisers, including the G.E.S. Voit, the fleet's command ship. On the bridge of the Voit, Admiral Gyr Harip, a middle-aged Miranu, asked one of his crew, "Are all the ships here?"

The Communications Officer typed at his console for a few seconds then replied, "Almost, sir. The G.E.S. Mor out of Vorik and its escorts aren't here yet. They should be arriving any minute."

"Good. Put all ships on standby so that we can begin the attack as soon as the Mor arrives."

The ships turned in the direction that they would jump in, and charged their engines. After a little over a minute, the Support Cruiser G.E.S. Mor arrived and joined formation. The fleet was in a cone-shaped formation like a 3-dimensional V. Admiral Harip gave the order, and with a bright flash of bluish-white light, the ships disappeared into hyperspace.

"All ships, this is Admiral Harip, load Missile Pods and prepare to break hyperspace. Maintain Formation SA-9."

As the Galactica attack fleet left hyperspace, all hell broke loose. Every single ship, from Warcruiser to Fighter-Bomber, began to launch Mass and Cluster Missiles at any target they could find. Larger ships, with AT Railguns, began to take pot shots into the middle of the Alliance forces. Within seconds, many Alliance ships had been made into scrap.

The Galactica ships advanced slowly, taking advantage of their superior range as long as they could. Toe to toe, one Alliance ship could take down a comparable Galactica ship, but at long range it was anyone's fight. However, the Alliance forces knew this as well, and jetted towards the Galactica fleet at high speed, working to close the gap and take the fight to them.

"Predictable. They're rushing us." said Admiral Harip dryly. "Weapons Officer, fire the Emitter at will."

The 5 Warcruisers, and some of the Support Cruisers, began working together to smash the Alliance craft into each other. This worked well, and the Galactica forces were soon barricaded by a field of twisted hulls. This slowed the advance of the Alliance forces, at least for a little while. Soon enough, a massive Flagship began to work its way toward the Galactica fleet, sweeping aside the buckled starship hulls like dust.

Zanat system

Galactica forces under the command of Rear Admiral Hak'li had begun to attack the Zanat system about a half-hour after the attack on Azdgari had begun. The battle had gone much the same way, with Galactica forces initially trashing the Alliance, and the Alliance working hard to get rid of Galactica's long-ranged advantages. The battle raged on, and now the Alliance forces were almost within weapons range of the Galactica fleet...

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

"Grunadulater, your ship has been outfitted with a Tribunal cloak. We're sending you to Mira, in your ship, to do the Confeds' mission. Do not let yourself be caught by Galactica. We are giving you a small container with a pill in it. If you are caught, take the pill. You will not feel any pain, and we cannot allow our information to fall into Galactica's hands.

"When you complete the mission, go to our system, which we are calling Hoth IV, in Eta Cassiopea. I trust you'll find it; just fly around for awhile." Grunadulater headed to his ship...


Phyrexia left the Milky Way, possibly forever. It cloaked entering Jumpgate 05, avoiding Raiek patrols. It headed towards the Eta Cassiopea wormhole...

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Azdgari System

It was then that the Ravens in the system decloaked in the middle of the Galactica fleet, causing massive chaos within their lines and allowing dozens more alliance ships to pour in and use their superior close range weapons. The Flagship Repulse opened fire with its several massive Ion Disruptor cannons, quickly turning many a Galactica ship into space debris.

The Alliance knew of the value of the flagship and thus protected it with a near impenetrable ring of warships including several Aurora Battleships. As reinforcements were called in from Chak and Molar, and as the Alliance Flagships Rubicon and Hell Demon sped towards Azdgari, the battle raged on in the system.

While the Alliance fleet kept Galactica busy with close range fighting, the many defense pods in the system were opening up with damaging barrages of missiles. However, the Galactica fleet was too busy with the enemy fleet to worry about them, so most of the defense pods remained untouched.

Then, as a barrage of missiles smashed into an Aurora battleship, fatally damaging it, it began to fall back towards a nearby Galactica warcruiser. Slamming into the larger vessel, the battleship exploded in a massive fireball, nearly cutting the warcruiser in two. The vessel was then pummelled by a quick barrage from the Repulse , and exploded in a massive fireball...

Zanat System

The story in this system was pretty much the same as it was in Azdgari. The Alliance charged the Galactica, causing mass chaos as Ravens decloaked, catching the enemy by surprise. At the same time reinforcements from Mirava, Priat, and Leita were being sent, including two Alliance flagships.

Meanwhile, work on Chimaera Station in the Mirava system continued at a quick pace. It was almost operational. By the time the battle was over in Zanat, it would be ready for a fight and equipped with a rather large inventory of weapons, including two especially large and enhanced Ion Disruptor Beam Turrets.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Grunadulaters ship flew cloaked right past pirate patrols. Now that he could stand the pressure, he turned his Gs to 7, making the ship much faster and more agile. The ship shot into hyperspace.
The Dark Voyager arived at Mira and landed. Grunadulater walked to the main office biulding to see the leader.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: Erm, carno, Galactica has very advanced sensor systems. I think they would have detected the Ravens. It's okay though, I'll let it pass for now.

Azdgari System

Things were not looking good for the Galactica fleet. At the moment they still outnumbered the Confederate Alliance fleet, but that could soon change. "Engage reverse thrusters and get the Voit about a kilometer from the battle." ordered Admiral Harip. "And order the fleet to switch their Miniguns into Point Defense mode... those missiles are hitting us hard."

As the G.E.S. Voit gained some distance from the battle, a few other ships followed it and formed up around it. One of these was the G.E.S. Tempest, a Warcruiser. The captain of the Tempest opened a channel to the Voit and said, "Sir! This is Captain Gerai of the Tempest! I have an idea!"

The two officers spoke for a minute, then cut the channel and activated their gravity emitters. The Tempest's Weapons Officer noted, "Plenty of usable debris out there, Captain Gerai. This will work perfectly." At that, the two ships began to work together to create a large gravity well. The Galactica ships were notified and fired their thrusters, but a few unwary Alliance ships were pulled in and crumpled up together like paper. Debris from the battle around them began to fly into the well, and soon there was a giant mass of wreckage, nearly the size of a Support Cruiser. Then the Warcruisers drew the mass of wreckage away from the battlefield a bit, and charged their Emitters even further.

"Now!" yelled Captain Gerai on the Tempest. At his word, the two colossal ships hurled the collected wreckage at the Alliance Flagship. The already weakened shields were unable to withstand such an impact, and the projectile smashed into the armor, nearly splitting the ship in two. "Right, we weakened it. Keep following the plan!" ordered Gerai.

The two ships then stopped combining their Gravity Emitters, and split the large one apart to create two wells. One was positioned at the Flagship's bow, one at its stern. With a great noise of tortured, twisting metal the ship tore in two, the front half smashing forward into the Alliance forces and the other half flying off into space. The two Warcruisers then circled around the back of the now encircled Alliance Forces, and began to pummel the fleet with weapons fire.

Admiral Harip turned to his Communications Officer and said, "Call for reinforcements. We'll need more than this if we are to hold this system."

Zanat System

The Galactica forces in Zanat were doing much better than they had been doing in Azdgari. The Ravens had produced much chaos, but when the Galactica forces organized themselves they surrounded and wreaked havoc upon the Alliance ships. A few well placed gravity wells shot a few Ravens into the Alliance fleet, where they exploded under a Galactica missile barrage. The Alliance forces were being beaten back, but the battle wasn't over yet.

The Antimatter Bomb is completed, and is being fitted to all new Galactica ships. It can be mounted on all ships, and requires no launcher. If it is put in a Missile Pod, the Bomb can be fitted with a short ranged propulsion system to help get it going.

The multiple stage missile, still unnamed, is progressing well in development.

Galactica shipyards have started working overtime, bolstered with forced labor from Saalia prisoners. Galactica ships are much cheaper and easier to mass produce than Alliance ships, and soon Galactica should have a large numerical advantage over the Confederate Alliance.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

double post

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 11-12-2001).)

Sojin awoke from a deep sleep, face sweating heavily. For the last few nights he had had dreams of the Akira being blown from the sky by an unknown force. Every night he had awoken with great dread only to find himself in his cabin. He sat up and shaked his head, sighing heavily. His right arm reached out to rub the back of his neck when he caught sight of the selar on his forearm. It was a smooth weapon that was bound to his forearm by an advanced form of molecular bonding and could not be removed without either killing Sojin. Said to be a weapon of mass power, Sojin had never had need of it but for a few times; usually it was on a few boarding raids to pirate ships but never more then that as he usualy used a normal weapon. Still the weapon was a gift...and a curse.

With a shake of his head, Sojin stood up and walked over to a comm. console to contact the bridge. "Captain to the bridge. Commander, what is our status?"

The response came right away in the form of Lt. Commader Monroe's voice. "We'll be reaching the jumpgate within twelve hours sir. Did you want me to wake you when we arrive, Captain?"

Sojin smiled faintly, as he had had the oppurtuinty to get to know his first officer better over the last few days. Just like any othe XO, almost as worst as a CMO but with alot more authority. "That would be ideal, Commander. Thank you." With that he cut the link and headed back to bed.

At least we're not going into war... That was the captain's last thought as he fell asleep.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

The Raiek ships arm their weopons and target the confederate ships, and the carrier launches all of it's carried ships..
"Ok, Confederates. We dont want another firefight, but if you do ANYthing else that we take to be hostile, about 60 Raiek ships will jump into this sytem within minutes. We are the Raiek. You intruded into our space with weapons armed, and now you've targeted our ships. Are you trying to commit suicide or what?
We have no need to waste our resorces on you, and we want a ceasefire agreement. We Raiek rarely if ever ally, but we DO want a ceasefire agreement. Agree?

Oh, and if you say no, your ships will be dust in seconds.
Raiek out"

The fighters and ships get into formation around the cruisers, and await their response, the backup fleets already have their engines warmed up...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Note to RoC3 Players:Carnotaur is a wonderful Mod.

(And I finally remembered the name of my Councillor for the WarFleet)

High Admiral Tereknor accessed the next status report through his nanite implants.
It was a routine report on the Wormhole's status;often,nothing out of the ordainary happenened to it,but as the only known link to the Ross 154 Galaxy,all of Magistate K'Sarragh's hopes for the Return rested upon it.
What Tereknor read made him grunt in suprise and consult the sensor logs for the period of time the report covered.
He rechecked them;they seemed to be in perfect order.
Then he activated his Hypermail terminal,and placed a link to the Councillor for Science,Karaze.

Karaze blinked sleepily at the flashing light on her Hypermail terminal.
Realising she was awake,she swore and picked up the handscreen.
High Admiral Tereknor's voice came through the link.
"Sorry about waknig you up,Councillor.I know what the time is on Ka'Skria."
Karaze was grateful that he had bothered t oconsider that.
"Whatever it is had better be important."
"It is."Tereknor's voice sounded as if it was echoing down a pipe.She'd have to get a technician to fix the link processors.
"Well?"she asked him,annoyed at his waste of time.
"I've found an anomaly in the Wormhole's basic fluctuation pattern."he told her.
"From files preserved from the Exodus Fleet,as well as the more recent departure of the Return Project scouting fleet,we've managed to build up a good idea of the Wormhole's fluctuation patterns while a ship is passing through it."
Karaze nodded;she knew that,of course.She'd helped create the pattern logs.
"Well,six standard days ago,sensors read a ship coming through.Thing is,nothing was there.I thought that occurence was a freak in the sensors,but this morning,my time,the sensors recorded a second such instance.Naturally I thought the sensors were at fault,and had them checked,but they read clear on all tests."
Karaze was annoyed that he'd woken her up over this.
"The Wormhole's fluctuations do vary a little,Admiral." she said. "Getting some readings which appear to be jump traces is not unexpected.
Next time,check with your own scientists before referring the case to me."
Karaze slammed the handscreen down on the terminal,rolled over,and tried to get back to sleep.

Millions of light years away,in the Ross 154 Galaxy,the Return Project Scouting Fleet sat in the Wormhole's terminus system.
Nothing of interest had happened recently,and the fleet was preparing to jump into the system beyond.
Slowly,lights on Thraize's control boards went blue(the colour that represents what our use of green does to the Skraine.White is used for our red warning lights,since white is a mix of all colours and therefore seen to be chaotic).
The fleet was ready to jump.
Thraize picked up the handscreen and gave the order

ETA until ECM complete:4 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Shade: Carnotaur isn't a mod here. 😉

Everyone: Wowa wowa, slow down!

Well, there are loads of little parts I would have moderated on, but other people have adapted around that, so I can't now. BattleDoctor, remember that you're a moderator!

Moderated on Thor's knowing about a spy.

I'll read through the rest later. <grins>


"Hmm..." Zak muttered. "Our plans, you ask? Well, listen. The Alliance and Galactica both are trying to break their stalemate in attacks against each other, and it seems the Tribunal, as they are called, are mostly concentrating on us. Also, Jumpgate 02 has been quite popular lately."

"My first plan is of a strange kind. I'm developing a certain device here at the Nest. I think a more simple title would be a Jumpgate Destabilizer," Zak grins.

"For now, however, if you don't mind...would you go to DSN-4647 and guard a bombing fleet for me? I don't want my operation to be ruined."


Jumpgate Destabilizer
EST: 4 posts


Thor nods. "Sure. Why, need someone else to do your dirty work?"

His small fleet lifted off fifteen minutes later, and sped towards DSN-4647.

(ooc)I'm sorry about the spy thing. I meant some ships to 'notice' grunadulater's ship, and spy was the best word that would fit. Sorry again.(/ooc)

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

"Sir! Seems there has been a recent flood of races through the various warpgates! We've picked up an energy residue from a ship called the "Phyrexia" but nothing more could be obtained."
"Hmmm What about those patrols I asked for in the Jumpgates?"
"Oh, uh, they're on their way."
"Give them orders to STAY in the warpgates, hail messages, and try not to be TOO militariestic. :wink wink: "
"Yes, Sir."
As of now, there are 15 assorted Raiek ships in every warpgate, or at least patrolling through that ones near haorn space.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Near Jumpgate 02 Hey, you try being exact on locations like jumpgates.

In the void of space that was near Jumpgate 02, a jump point formed to reveal the infite of hyperspace. A warship dropped from hyperspace, her emerald and silver hull gleaming in the night of space. The Akira's thrusters came to full bear as they slowed down from the innintal thrust of exiting hyperspace.

Aboard the Merlin crusier, Sojin sat in his command chair examining the void of space and the jumpgate. He had awaited this moment his entire career, to go into uncharted space and in search of what had happened to Paladin's people. Before hand he had preped the Broadsword pilots to ready their fighters in case hostiles were to be encountered but weapons would remain offline in a show of peace. Shields were another matter as they were not least not to the extent of those fools who had approved the mission in the first place.

Sojin turned to Alexa, who sat at the helm. With a silent nod from her, he sat back and said, "Take us in, Commander. Terra awaits us all. Engage thrusters and enter the jumpgate...Now!" The Akira engaged her primary thrusters and with a grace not usually seen on a ship her size, flew into the jumpgate and vanished...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

ETA: 1 Post


Azdgari System

Though the Repulse had been destroyed, two other Alliance Flagships (the Hell Demon and the Rubicon) jumped in along with 85 ships from Chak in the general area of the Voit and Tempest. The two fleet groups engaged each other, but the far superior weapons load of the two flagships far outgunned the Tempest and Voit. While the fleet worried about the Voit, the two flagships pummelled the Warcruiser Tempest with their massive ion disruptor turrets. Soon the Tempest was a smoldering hulk and quickly disintigrated by another barrage of gunfire.

The flagships then turned to the Voit and the rest of the fleet, just as another 85 ships from Chak arrived and sped to help attack the Voit. The battle raged on, but in this case the Voit and its escort fleet was doomed. The vessel, hit in the aft section with a heavy barrage of disruptor fire, imploded then exploded as the power core overloaded.

The two flagships and their escorts then headed off to the main part of the battle and quickly gave Alliance forces the advantage, blasting through debris easily. Another warcruiser was destroyed, leaving only two left, and those were under heavy fire. What was even worse for Galactica was the Alliance Flagship Vengeance on route to Azdgari with 50 ships from Plogok. They would arrive soon.

As a Corsair spun out of control and blasted into the front section of a Galactica warcruiser, fatally damaging it, the battle in Azdgari looked more and more like the Alliance would win...

Zanat System

In Zanat, however, it was a different story. The Alliance was loosing badly, so to conserve ships the fleet split up. About ten ships would distract Galactica while the other remaining 50 ships turned away and headed off for Tufel where 100 ships from Mirava including two Alliance Flagships already where. About 80 ships from Priat and another 80 ships from Leita were also heading to Tufel, which would make a total of 310 ships in the system. Once they were assembled, they would make a counterattack against the Galactica fleet.


The Corsairs did not disarm their weapons, but did deactivate the target lock on the Raiek ships. "Yes, we accept the cease fire agreement, and I hope we will keep this cease fire for much time to come. Now, if you don't mind, we have a lot of exploring to do. We bid you farewell."

The battlegroup then turned around and headed off in a northern direction...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-13-2001).)

Zanat System

As the bulk of the Alliance forces peeled away from combat and jumped in the direction of Tufel, Rear Admirl Hak'li was left wondering what kind of idiot they thought he was. It was fairly obvious that he was going to Mirava, but anyone with a scrap of military sense would know that the Alliance had piled every almost evey ship stationed in former Miranu space in the Tufel system.

As the last few Alliance ships were dealt with by the 5 Warcruisers in the Galactica fleet, Rear Admiral Hak'li said, "Communications officer, call for our reinforcements from DSN-8619. We will hold this position. Order Missile Frigates to being setting spare Missile Pods as defenses, and begin sending troops over onto the stations."

Azdgari System

The Voit had been destroyed, and command of the Fleet had fallen to Rear Admiral Det onboard the Warcruiser G.E.S. Brimstone. "Communications Officer! Open a channel to the fleet!" he yelled frantically. "All ships, this is Rear Admiral Det of the G.E.S. Brimstone. Retreat! I repeat, retreat to Mark!"

Over half of the Galactica fleet had been destroyed, and though many Alliance ships had been destroyed, including a Flagship, they just had too many forces in the area. Galactica would pull out, and live to fight another day. The ships jumped out to Mark, where reinforcements and defenses were waiting.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

What was now known as the Shale-Beyond passage was to be breached. Darkwings had discovered that it was almost 100% definite that the passage actually existed, from Raiek patrols around that area.

Casene had voted to take a Terran Supernova, the Destiny's Edge , which had a slightly improved cloak efficiency rating, along with two Darkwings through the Shale-Beyond passage. Her decision came with great surprise from Blade and many others, who saw this as "too daring an act for an officer of her rank". Her son, the young Esponer, eighteen years of age and with a wild heart, was equally shocked, and more shocked to hear he would be coming -- one of the two Darkwings would be the ship he co-piloted in.

Whatever lay beyond, they would soon see.

In a few days, and without any problems, they made it through to the Aquari system. In just a few more days, they expected to leave the bulk of Raiek space. All Terran ships were now moving at 10% of their maximum speed. Detection was nigh on impossible.

- - -

A scientific breakthrough had been made on the planet of Terra, where the Equinox had been forged and a new hope had been for humanity had been made.

The wormhole in The Pocket might be able to be used.

A Terrran Surveyer Scoutship would be the first to test this, in but a few days. The experimental device was being fitted to it, and it's crew was being diminished to just a skeleton crew who had volunteered...perhaps their lives.


Thraize's small fleet found nothing in the H-015 system,although several ion trails revealed that there had been ships in the system previously.
The fleet jumped through the system to Zeno III.

ETA until ECM complete:3 posts

(Esponer,what wormhole are you talking about?Are you activating the Cassie access from the Milky?)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Azdgari System

The Alliance pursued Galactica, destroying several more ships in the Tolb system (Alliance ships are faster than Galactica's in hyperspace, or at least that's what I was told). But at Tolb, the Alliance stopped.

The Alliance fleet stopped at Tolb, however, where they began work on constructing a new station to help guard Azdgari. The station frame was done rather quickly but it would take a few more days to fully complete.

Zanat System

All was not over for the Galactica fleet. They had been severely damaged, and the Alliance was preparing for a swift and decisive counterattack.

Ships were assembled at both Priat and Tufel, numbering a total of 310 vessels to Galactica's 150 ships (that's what I'm assuming was left of Galactica's fleet). The two Alliance fleets jumped into Zanat at the same time, causing a little bit of confusion in Galactica ranks as the two fleets then split up and charged from all vectors. The Galactica fleet got off two barrages of missiles, but it wasn't enough, and the Alliance charged the enemy fleet.

Weapons fire flew as the two fleets engaged each other. Among the combatants were three Alliance Flagships which were being used to take out Galactica Warcruisers one by one. First one fell, then another, then the flagships started to work on the third one as Galactica reinforcements arrived.

The Alliance were hit hard by a volley of missiles but the reinforcements were soon being hammered by intense close range fighting as Corsairs and Ravens blew apart all of the enemy missile pods in the system.


Meanwhile, Corsair Station in Azdgari and Chimaera Station in Mirava were going well. Both stations were now operation but still required many more days of refitting and work done. At the same time refits on all CA stations was going well and even more armor plating, turrets, and missile pods had been added. Next would come even more guns and extra shielding.

Admiral Scorcher had also organized a fleet of 150 vessels from the Tribunal border to move into Hrekka and begin constructing a series of three military stations, all of which would be heavily armed and guarded by 150 ships. All Tribunal and Zachit ships would be let through, though.


On Mira, the Zacha diplomat was taken to President Carnotaur himself. Carnotaur looked up then stood up from some paperwork he was doing. "I am President Carnotaur. What do you want?"


In Ross 154, the Corsair battlegroup had reached HC-015 when they detected an unusual sub-space anomoly to the galactic east. Fifteen ships went in that direction while the other 20 went to the galactic west.

The western fleet continued on towards the Wosak system, while the other fleet encountered an odd wormhole. Deciding to investigate, the fleet entered...

...Next thing they knew, they found themselves in the Haru'El system, with several Skraine warships watching them with weapons locked. The lead Corsair hailed the Skraine. "Alien vessels, I am Captain Jackson of the Confederate Alliance Corsair 'Ravenhook'. We come from a galaxy called the Milky Way. Who are you?"

Meanwhile, the other group of Corsairs had reached Wosak, and were continuing west...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Shade:
(Esponer,what wormhole are you talking about?Are you activating the Cassie access from the Milky?)


The "passage" is just a regular hyperlink, Shadey boy.
