Reign of Chaos 3 - Registry

/realises he can't fix it and begins swearing colourfully at Shade.



Originally posted by Shade:
**Esponer,you got the map wrong AGAIN.
I have clearly stated the systems I have,as well as what bases are in them,further up this page.
They state the systems,and which one has the wormhole in it.
It is Haru'El and Haru'El has Sentinel Starbase in it!
no more of this Porthos or Skrineen stuff,if you will.

I made the map pict.
I will not change the map pict.
If you have a problem with it, I can give you 1 system if you wish.
Learn to be not so incredibly picky with everything.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Sorry.I am picky about everything.
New Skraine stuff:
The battle transporter is now the WarGate.
The Skraine WarFleet is 1750 ships,the Merchant Fleet is about 1000 ships.
I get to keep the Plasma Web and the Plasma Pulse:
The Plasma web will not however work on Haorn Spectral Armour.
And it will go away after a while.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Zacha Tech

Two decades ago, the Zacha left into exile. In the end of their three month journey, they set up a home deep in the NT Asteriod Belt on an asteroid suited to their needs. It took three years to colonize it to their needs and it became home to 250,000 people. It had been during that time that both Captain Sisay and Commander Hawk Kael both died, leaving leadership to the Zacha Council and a new First Zacha who would lead for six years before choosing another one. It was decided by the Council that new technologies were to replace old ones as their sensor cloak and whitefire beams were outdated. They also deemed it nessacary to build new classes of ships as the arada and crescent fighter were becoming more obsolete and the short-lived Sedran and older Echo destroyer were becoming outdated in comparison to the Falcon cruiser and those capital ships of the new Alliance and Galactica.

Over time they have devolped or modifyed technology and ships to a reasonable level.

Eon Pulse Turret/cannon: When it came to the knowledge that the whitefire beam was obsolete due to its increidble power demand, the Zacha R&D; decided that it would be better off to develope on another weaponry. They took a prototype weaponry that was devised twenty years ago and tinkered with it. In doing so they created a weapon that used eon energy, a form of energy that could in times past never be stablized but done so eight years ago, and combined it with the basis of sionic energy, which was used in a higher state for the whitefire beam. Its final end was a long-ranged weapon that could pack a punch against a ship but at the price of slow firing rate. Still it has fast become equal to most weaponry to date. The most recent incarnation has made it a little more heavier on shields: they managed to raise the rating by 2%!

Eon missiles: In the past, the Zacha had been dependant on aging SAD and pursuit missiles, so R&D; stepped forward after their success with the eon pulse cannon to offer eon missiles. It was soon discovered that eon energy could be placed into small warheads and set to dentonate on impact. They designed the missile to be similar in appearence to a a pursuit missile but a bit larger. The end results were a missile weapon that had slightly above average tracking systems, a long range and a good damage rating. This came at a cost of slow reloading time and by the fact that it did more damage to armour then to shielding. Still it was good to the Council.

SAE modules: Basicly an updated version of the orginal version used thirty years ago.

Sensor Cloak: The sensor cloak was at one time an actual cloak of types, hiding a ship from sensors but not actuall hiding it from veiw. Over time it became useless however and was converted into an ECM of great design that it could sway most missiles and other guided ordiance. For some reason though, it does not function against SAD or SAE modules, though. No known reason has been found.

Broadsword Fighter: Since their beginings, the Zacha have always had the best pilots in the galaxy among their ranks. Fighters were their ships of choice and many still perfer them to warships. The Crescent fighter still remains in service in a new version, but the arada has since been retired. A new fighter was commiosned, with the speed and grace of an arada but only twenty meters in length. It has the shield strenght of an arada and a bristling array of four eon cannons. As well it has been outfitted with eon missiles and is capable of a great range. This comes at a price though as the armour of Broadsword is half of what it was with the Arada. Still it has long been in service and is now the standard fighter aboard many of the Falcon cruisers.

Falcon class Monitor: For twenty years this ship has served the Zacha Council as its one warship since both the Sedran and echo classes were decommisioned. It is however getting on in age and will be retired once enough of the newer Merlin class crusiers are built. Still they are good despite their age, and are faster then many warships its size. Reaching 210 meters in lenght and having 20 decks, one of these is a sight that causes renegades to turn tale and run. It has fair shielding and armouring for a ship her size, but when compared ships today, it is hard pressed to come up modern Ravens. Still it can kick the crap out of Galactica light warships, or so it is rumored. Falcons are armed with a trio of eon pulse turrets and twin eon missile bays as well as a fighter bay holding a standard of three broadswords at most. At least it won’t explode when one hijacks least not right away. Appearence: That of a Rebel destroyer from Meowx’s Magma plug for EV.

Merlin class Cruiser: This ship was part of a five year project in the hopes the Council could create a crusier to replace the aging Falcon. For the most part it succeded. The ship reaches nearly 350 meters in length and has twenty-nine decks. Like all Zacha warships in the past, which were few in designs, she is fast and maneuverable for a ship of her size and class. She is perhaps the first true military warship created by the Zacha since the Falcon two decades ago. A Merlin’s offensive power is based on four eon pulse turrets and two eon missile launchers as well as a bay capable of holding four ships the size of a broadsword or less. It was an early idea to put shock mines as a standard armament, but said mines were proven to be more of a danger to the ship then the enemy as they tended to explode in later years before they ever made it into space. A Merlin’s shield system is rather good as is the recharge rate, but this comes to sad end as the armour is closer to that of a Falcon. Certain compromises had to be made after all. One other disadvantage to date is the number of these ships, which of are less then a dozen in service. That and they serve as the testbed of new technolgies. If enough number can be made, then they can replace the Falcons into retirement. It is rumored that one ship is to set out on a voyage to seek out Terra, but for now it is only a rumor.
Appearance: Akin to an Argosy from Meowx’s Magma plugin for EV.

Ragnarok: The pride and joy of the Zacha Council is the Ragnarok, a ship over thirty years old and still able to kick major ass. It was the last great acomplishment of the Miranu race before they were absorbed into the once mighty Galactica Empire, and was a gift to the Zacha to use against the Renegades. It never came to see battle beyond blowing a few pirate ships up, and it soon became something more: a home for refugees who did not agree with Galactica’s ways or laws. Never far from New Haven, she can be there within a few hours at most and can do serious damage. She is a beauty to behold even in the eyes of a Voinian, and she is the largest ship in their fleet. The Ragnorak is four miles long, five miles wide, and six miles high with more then 2100 decks at her call and is home to the Council and over 400,000 poeple at any given time. She also serves as a secondary port to the fleet and has a good ship facilty in cases such as war. Never seeing a major battle beyond the battle of Achlos against the Prylak invasion, she has nevertheless been outfitted for war. Her hull is graced with 270 eon pulse turrets and 30 phase turrets, the latter of which are used largely for defense. One unique surprise on this ship is a cloaking devise, given to the Zacha two decades ago by the I'ase race; it was given in exchange of technolgies and a promise was made that no other Zacha ship would be equiped with a cloak of I'ase tech. She is fast...for a ship her size at any rate. It would be wise not to upset this upset her is like to upset a mother bear who’s child has been harmed: you’d best run like hell or she’ll put a whooping on you.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 11-12-2001).)