Reign of Chaos 3 - Registry

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Sounds good. Be forwarned: I do have a slight tendency to "change" orders a bit every now and then, since Cap'n Kirk rubbed off on me.. Anyway, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Carnotaur himself doesn't always stick to the plan, and Scorcher oftentimes drives him nuts with spur-of-the-moment and off-plan decisions.

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**As for "When the Voinians Came," I didn't really keep up with it. The "Battle for Sol" webstory at the EV forum has been extrememly popular, which diverted my attention. Episode III will be underway soon, and will put your Golden Horizons in the dust.

I see.

Don't joke about GH. It isn't funny to me.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"Minor" changes:


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**(i)(b)Of course, it's Esponer's decision.


Hey, leave ~ME~ out of this! 😉

Give him a Pro'tas Carrier. With military-style upgrades, they'll be good enough. Obviously, Q'an techs are to be mostly avoided.


My tech list seems somewhat small compared to those of other factions.
Can I add Slicer Rockets(High speed,good firing rate,low damage,availiable in turret and standard form)?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**I see.
Okay, just as you don't mind being turned from "High Admiral" to "Lowly Ensign" . Anyway, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Carnotaur himself doesn't always stick to the plan, and Scorcher oftentimes drives him nuts with spur-of-the-moment and off-plan decisions.

Heh, just don't be a tyrant, and I won't threaten to become a renegade. 😉 Thanks for the command position.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**I see.

Don't joke about GH. It isn't funny to me.


Hmmm... Well, I do understand the time that goes into planning a webstory. Battle for Sol III has been under "construction" for the past three or four months, and probably won't be starting for another few weeks. Believe me, I can relate. 😉

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Anyone remember Flashpoint, by Thunder and I? It took less than two hours from first theory to the actual topic. Really. 😉



I first registered right before Flashpoint was created. I remember reading it, but I never participated. That was when I was Sattomax, not Lord Asriel.

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

And now, all my beautiful Sijak techs. Ah, lovely Ghost.


Sijak Interceptor
This interceptor is the most common ship in Sijak space, and for a fighter of it’s class and size, it is a remarkable vessel. Armed with a small number of Shock missiles, it can cause great damage to any vessel when used right. This interceptor proves to all of the galaxies that the Sijak are a nation of fighter pilots, and tht they are not to be reckoned with.

Sijak Ghost
Death to all who would oppose the Ghost Heavy Fighter, many Sijak have said, and it is as true as they get. The Ghost, for a fighter, is the best. Almost twice as fast as regular fighters, it is easily to most manouevrable ship in existance, and it’s shape - a long, thin tube barely a metre across - makes it possible for a good Ghost pilot to evade up to 30% of all fire directed at it. On top of that, Ghosts are armed with Shock missiles, Neutrino rockets and standard neutrino cannons. Never underestimate the Ghost - three are hell on a warship, pure hell.

Sijak Avatar
For a fighter, the Avatar is huge - thirty metres in length. However, the Sijak still classify it as a fighter. The Avatar is the support vessel of the Sijak, carrying a Ghost externally. Armed with shock missiles and neutrino rockets in large amounts, it has quite a payload. Avatars are not usually the ships of high ranking officers - most high ranking officers use the Ghost - but they have heavy firepower, and, for the Sijak, are the equivalent of a warship. The Sijak Navy just won’t build a larger ship than this.


Neutrino Cannon
The standard weapon of Sijak vessels, this cannon is swivel, with a 90 degree arc of turn. It launches accelerated neutrinos at a high speed. It’s effect on shielding is incredible. It wrecks shield recharge, each blast slowly the process down. As well as that, the effects are spuradic. Sometimes, one bolt will do almost no damage, and other times it can do incredible damage.

Neutrino Rocket
The neutrino rocket is a powerful unguided rocket that does serious damage to shielding. It’s effect on armour is slightly disappointing - the exception being Spectral Armour, which it does a fairly average amount of damage. The rocket is slightly unstable, and can cause some damage to the user, but it makes it up in pure damage - one rocket could knock a Qan Zeus down by 20% shielding.

Shock Missile
When it comes to large scale destruction, the shock missile isn’t what you want. This missile has a blast radius of near zero, and does not exactly do a huge amount of damage - nay, it’s only just stronger than the needle missile was long ago. However, shock missiles are 100% impossible to evade, not even from a Ghost. And as well as that, shock missiles are the missiles of the tacical man. A well aimed shock missile can bring a ship’s turrets down, slow their engines, give a warship a jump when one smashes into their bridge - their are almost no limits. When, say, eight of these target the same part of shielding, there’s a good chance one will get through, too.


Site to site Portal
The Sijak don’t have the same number of vessels the Haorn do, nay, they are quite outnumbered. It is this technology, however, a secret project the Prylak worked on, that give the Sijak a chance in the terrors of Ross 154. The STS Portal allows them to teleport whole fleets across their space in zero-time. STS Portals are terribly expensive, the cost and time to build around that of a whole station. Currently, only a handful exist. Also, STS Portals only work on cleared ships, and cannot be "hacked" to allow any other ships through.

Formerly known as

Descriptions of Sijak technologies by yours truly.

Haorn also by yours truly. Amazingly, Raiek is quite open, other than their mediumly devastating dreadnoughts. 😛



Haorn Fleet Cruiser
A fairly fast ship - most notably with it’s one day jump tines - that carries a large number of Energy Leechs, more than the Destroyer. They are best used as cheap artillery, or heavy duty scoutships.

Haorn Destroyer
A large vessel, for a destroyer, this ship is “supposedly” a match for most warships, with it’s heavy firepower and stunning durability. It’s a bit of a Voinian Frigate, however, and it’s lack of speed often leaves it in trouble. It will need to be upgraded, or otherwise more Motherships built to support it.

Haorn Mothership
This vessel is absolutely HUGE. It’s not a BASE ship, but despite that it is over a mile long, and armed to the teeth with Energy Leechs, Rift Generators, and two Sub-Space beamers. It also has a Destroyer bay, and carries ten Destroyers, as well as carrying and supporting a single Sub-Space emitter. This ship is to be feared, but luckily there aren’t too many of them - only about 5% of the Haorn Navy is comprised of these ships.


Sub-Space Emitter
This is the Haorn’s most significant technology. The sub-space emitter, when used, creates a ring of sub-space around it (it being a deployable unit). This sub-space literally crushes anything that tries to enter within it’s position due to the change in state between normal space and sub-space. The range of the emitter is curretnyl at ten kilometres, and when large numbers of these are used, they can create total chaos.

Sub-Space Beamer
The weapon is the “sidearm” of most Haorn vessels. It fires a beam of sub-space towards the target, melding the space around it. The beam passes straight through shields, but can penetrate through a ship’s armour by around a metre, which means destruction for most fighters. The ship’s shields move back into position after the beam has dissipated, thoguh, so no shield damage is incurred.

Rift Generator
The Haorn have always used specialised weapons, and the Rift Generator is one of them. All Haorn vessels use them, in different amounts. Rift Generators push shields apart, attemping to cause so much stress to the shields that they either fall or are literally ripped from the ship itself. These Rift Generators strugle with extremely powerful shielding, but the more powerful the shield matrix the more damage is causes to the ship’s hull when the Rift Generator finally takes it down.

Energy Leech
This device is used by the Haorn not just to supply protection against enemy fire, but also to prevent the vital functions of enemy ships. These “Energy Leechs” are like torpedoes, but are covered in an energy absorbant tissued. They are launched against shielding in the early stages of battle, draining the shields by an impressive amount before exploding. These Energy Leechs CAN be destroyed even as they are used, but they are difficult to destroy, as they simply absorb most of the energy anyway. Generally, once it attaches to a ship, it’ll drain a certain amount of energy, one way or another. When an enemy’s shields are down, the Energy Leechs can be used to block energy weapons or even a ship’s thrusters! A dangerous weapon, especially when used against armour-based targets.

  • Note that all Haorn weapons are invisible to sight, as they are either “nothing” or they absorb energy, including light.


Spectral Armour
A layer of armour that is created instead of shielding. This layer is matter based, despite being simply “called up” from nowhere. Spectral Armour draws from fuel tanks slowly, and takes a second or two to be put up, but it is still an extremely effective defence.

---there's a reason they beat the Prylak


Those sub-space beamers are going to be DEATH to the Skraine.
Those Rift Generators also,if they can get the Plasma Shields down.
I'll have to invest in more heavy weaponry,waste the Haorn before they cann wreck my shields.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
They beat the daylights out of the Galactica Warcruiser,

Not exactly... the weapons range on a Galactica Warcruiser is such that it could probably make an even match for a Command ship if it wasn't surprised. Not to mention that I have tons more Warcruisers than you do command ships... 😛

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Yay. I'm going to be an independent.

"Are you sure the powers off?"


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**Yay. I'm going to be an independent.


Heh everyone, we got an independant here. Who wants first beatings on him?

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

🙂 Which galaxy is he in?

Formerly known as

/me sends a large raiding fleet after grunadulater. 😛

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Second thought... Esponer.. is is the Raiek still open? I know it was probably meant as a background govt, but c'mon....

Oh and Asriel, I dont think so to the carrier. if I can't be raiek, What ship would you personally pilot?

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Red, what do you mean "You don't think so to the carrier"? I'm your leader. You listen to what I do. 😄 Tasina pilots a superhypermodified Phantom. I don't think you have the reflexes to handle one of those, so I'm giving you a Pro'tas carrier.

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**Second thought... Esponer.. is is the Raiek still open? I know it was probably meant as a background govt, but c'mon....

Oh and Asriel, I dont think so to the carrier. if I can't be raiek, What ship would you personally pilot?


No, sorry, you can't be the Raiek the Raiek. 😉

I think...

Yes, I thought we'd already agreed you played Raiek...



Hangon,now I'm confused.
Is or is not Redchigh the Raiek?
Oh yeah,K'Sarragh captains a modified Tempest.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Oh yea 😉

Esponer.. Email or IM me so we can decide what techs there will be.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen