Reign of Chaos 3 - Registry

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Reign of Chaos 3 is now about a week away, so please post here if you're definately joining, and some character information like this:

Name: Esponer
Position: Leader of Terrans
Characters: Casene, Blade, Esponer - you can have a few characters for some more interesting posts, but you CAN'T have any character outside your government

That's all you'll need. You can put some background on your characters if you want. Don't feel the need to have more than one character, and if you don't control a government, remember you have a main character and your other characters are in service of him/her.


Leader: Esponer


Confederate Alliance







I haven't added those who I know will be playing, but there are reserved slots - all the governments, actually.

Note - there are NO original governments, check the Discussion Topic for more information, or contact me via AIM at "Esponer"



(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-04-2001).)

I'm Sijak Leader! my Sijak! Sijak! Sijak! Sijak! SIJAK! SIJAK! ok, I'm all better now. Everyone know I'm playing Sijak now? 😉

Formerly known as

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 11-04-2001).)

Name: "Captain" Carnotaur
Position: Leader of Conderate Alliance
Other Characters: Admiral Scorcher, Admiral Firebird, Captain Specter

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-04-2001).)


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**MODERATION: Grundy, um, just not that in order to get to Holmm you'd have to go through a large Voinian defense perimeter (which includes Zanat and Tufel, but not Kitrak), and thus would have a lot of Voinian ships following you. Oh, and don't say I didn't tell you about this, because I have mentioned it quite a lot to you.


Carnotaur, are you...feeling okay? 😉


(quote)Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Carnotaur, are you...feeling okay?:)

Sorry, I was posting in both GH and this topic, and I got the windows mixed up.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Esponer ,you nasty little...member, you forgot the Skraine!

My stats;

Name:Magistrate K'Sarragh
Position:Magistrate of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds(Skraine Coalition for short)
Other characters:None as yet,but expect at least a Councillor of the WarFleet and a Councillor of Research.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Mustn't forget the Zacha as well...

Name: Sojin Whitehawk
Position: First Zacha of the Zacha Fleets
Other Characters: Still conciveing.

Techs also to come as well...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

What's up, all? Back from my self-imposed hiatus from the webboards. I had to take a break, I was doing this thing too much. Back, but I hope I'm gonna have a life outside of here now. 😄 Prepare for long-winded explanation: players do not necessarily need to read this, this is for as much my good as it is anyone else's. Need to get all my coherent ideas in one place, so...takes deeeeeep breath

Character: Rayzar
Government: Independent
Supporting Cast: Marsti, Barahkh

Rayzar, a Terran, was raised away from Sol, on the moon on Xarnes, where his parents were ambassadors to the Adzgari. When the aliens from Ross 154 came, Xarnes was bombed and his parents killed. He nurses a smoldering hatred for the Ross 154 races, especially the Prylak, whom he blames for the death of his parents. With his childhood friend, an Adzgari named Marsti, an engineering genius, he set out to make a name for himself. He brought around him a ragtag crew of malcontents from around the galaxy. They move about the systems, a nomadic band of about 50 ships, varying from medium-sized capital ships down to small fighters, attacking the Prylak whenever they can and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

Rayzar's flagship was severly damaged in a battle with the Prylak. However, Rayzar's group managed to disable a Prylak frigate. Rayzar shifted his command to the Prylak frigate, and called it the Longshot. Now a force to be reckoned with, and with Marsti constantly discovering new things in the Prylak tehcnology, Rayzar bounces around the galaxy. His favored tactic is to send probes into massive battles, in order to choose a time and place to jump in with his band to change the dynamics of the battle to his liking, then leaving once he has stirred things up enough. His loose ties lie with the Confederate Alliance, but his first priority is to ensure the survival of the Terrans. His second, a power-hungry and deceptive Igadzra named Barahkh, schemes behind his back to take over the band.

With knives from behind and lasers from the front, Rayzar rushes out to meet his destiny (requisite corny line).

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Sorry, Payback. And Whitehawk, you're not really a major government anymore. <grins>

Oh, and I just realised - Carnotaur, you can't have that Voi'nek Cruiser. You never had Voinian technology.


My character:
Name: BattleDoctor
Government: Galactica
Position: Emperor
Race: Voinian

Other important Galactica personnel:
High Admiral Fera: Experienced and highly decorated military officer. Igadzra
RMA: He's the Vice Emperor, expect a post from him soon.

Galactica techs:

•Ion Minigun: The standard armament, comes in Turret and Cannon forms. Effective against both shields and armor, this weapon is good at taking down fighters, or disabling specific systems on larger ships. It is accurate, rapid firing, but it's range is only average

•Antimatter-tipped Railgun: Using advanced gravitational field systems, an antimatter shell is launched from a railgun at extremely high velocities. When it comes in contact with armor, it causes a large explosion that can tear a ship apart. This weapon is mounted in Railgun Batteries, turrets with 3 AT Railguns in them.

•Missile Pod: All-purpose missile launcher, can load and fire missiles with great speed. Can also be equipped to launch flak on larger ships. These can be built into a ship, attached to it at weapon hardpoints, or located in space for defensive use.

•Mass Missile: The Mass Missile is Galactica's standard missile. It does not require a launcher, but if a ship is Missile Pod equipped the rate of fire increases considerably. It can have a variety of warheads in it: antimatter (for more damage), standard (a shaped charge, does massive damage but no shockwave), or EMP (disables). The missile uses a gravity drive, making it go very fast and be very accurate. When it nears its target, the Mass Missile accelerates to speeds fractional of c, tearing holes in shields and shattering armor.

•Cluster Missile: Though it shares its name with an RoC2 tech, it is not the same missile. This is simply a cluster of 6 Mass Missiles, which splits apart after launch. The missiles can target 6 separate ships, or concentrate on just one. These missiles are rather bulky.

•Sensor systems: Galactica's sensors are excellent at detecting mass, rendering most cloaking devices useless against their sensor sweeps. Other than the mass detectors, sensors are pretty average. They can, however be overpowered for a short time to increase effectiveness.

•ECM systems: Taken from an email sent by RMA: "The ECM system utilises a scattering field to create interference on enemysensors as a start, and is outfitted in some degree to all ships. It isn't very effective on its own though, so a drone system is used. Drones are launched from missle tubes, at which point they start blasting space with everything they've got, completely disrupting sensors. They only last a short time though (half an hour, if turned on at full power. They can be released but not turned on for preparation), but they can be replenished easily. They come in a few varieties, with some just packed with sensor jamming equipment, while others also have more powerful sensor suits, allowing better jamming. They all have a simple tractor grapple, that latches onto a ship if needed, and which lasts long enough for the buoy to burn itself out. The buoys also clear certain sensor frequencies, determined by the launching ship(s), allowing Galactica sensors much better function. The frequencies rotate, so the enemy cant have the advantage as well."

•Gravity Emitters: Found only on the largest of Galactica warships, these emitters creatr gravity wells in space and are able to throw large warships around the battlefield, even crashing them into each other. This weapon can also be used as a tractor beam/repulsor.

Ships to come later.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Name: Tasina
Position: Assemblage Leader of Tribunal
Characters: Tasina, Moiraine, Asriel


Scorpion blaster -- This is the Tribunal's standard primary. It fires bolts of antiparticles, which are very damaging to shields, and so-so on armor.

Scorpion rocket -- Operating on a similar principle to the blaster, this weapon has antiparticles encased in a rocket. When it hits a ship, the rocket explodes, and the antiparticles are released into the ship's shields, disrupting and damaging them.

Scorpion mine -- This is just a scorpion rocket shaped into a mine, and much more powerful. When it detects a ship's mass shadow approaching, it explodes.

Tactical bomb -- This is the Tribunal standard missile. Quite powerful, it is a modified space bomb that has had some of its explosives replaced with engines and a tracking system. It is not particularly fast, but it packs quite a punch.

Fusion beam -- Equipped only on the Phyrexia, this weapon was acquired from Galactica years ago by the I'ase. I'ase scientists massively overpowered it and fitted it to the Nedra, as it was then called. It has stayed with the BASE ship since.

Negative Plasma Emitter -- Also developed by the I'ase, this weapon fires beams of plasma in all directions. While not terribly powerful, it has a large range.

Disruption web -- This weapon can be fired at an approaching missile. When it hits, the missile explodes. While it does not need a launcher, it takes a long time to recharge. (Did I get right, Espy? ;))

Wormhole generator -- Yet another I'ase technology, this weapon must first be charged for ten minutes. It can then be fired, creating a wormhole which stays open long enough to go through. Phyrexia, the Phantoms, and Phoenixes only are equipped with this.

Cloak radius -- This is standard on Phoenixes. It emits energy that cloaks ships in a certain radius, but not the Phoenix itself.


Phantom -- Still mostly its I'ase self, this spycraft has had its engines upgraded a bit. It is permanently cloaked, but carries only a wormhole generator.

Preliator -- The Tribunal heavy fighter carries both mines and precision bombs, but no rockets. It is, as are all Tribunal ships, extremely fast (about 650 AU/h, in EVO terms).

Plasmator -- The frigate of the Tribunal forces, this ship has light loads of rockets and precision bombs, allowing it to adapt to whatever situation is needed. (Slightly slower than an EVO Crescent Fighter)

Pro'tas -- This ship is unarmed except for two scorpion turrets and two NPEs. Its main feature, however, is 15 Praying Mantis drones.

Praying Mantis -- This fighter is armed with three scorpion blasters, but goes about twice as fast as an Azdara. (Okay, maybe not that fast, but it's fast. :D) It is robotic, and must return to a Pro'tas carrier every 40 minutes.

Phoenix -- This is a support ship, armed only with two NPEs to scare renegades away. It can never cloak, itself, but has on it both a wormhole generator and a CRD (Cloak Radius Device).

Phyrexia -- This monstrous BASE ship is the home of the Tribunal, as they are nomads. It is armed with scorpion turrets, rockets, mines, precision bombs, and a massive fusion beam. 😄

OOC: Does anyone actually think "Praying Mantis" is a good name? If not, do you have another idea that starts with a "P"?

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 11-04-2001).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Sorry, Payback. And Whitehawk, you're not really a major government anymore. <grins>

Oh, and I just realised - Carnotaur, you can't have that Voi'nek Cruiser. You never had Voinian technology.

Isn't this just a TAD LATE for you to ACTUALLY notice this?? Besides, I only really used the Voinian Cruiser frame, and scrapped all the other techs (neutron weapons, rockets, and heavy fighter bays).

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Well,if he only used the Voinian Cruiser frame,I suppose that's OK.
After all,didn't the old MA,the forerunners of the CA,have a small portion of Voinian space?
Couldn't they have aqquired Voinian blueprints then?

I didn't post my techs above,so I'll put them here so people will notice them.

Plasma Cannon/Turrets: The Skraine primary weapon.Does about 2/3 of the damage of a Neutron blast,but with a corresponding increase in firing rate.

Plasma Blaster: The Skraine Heavy Weapon,outfitted on all Capital vessels(Frigate,Cruiser,Carrier).
It fires an overcharged pulse of plasma.
Same range as Plasma Cannon,but about 6 times the damage,and about 5 times slower firing speed than Neutrons.

Barrage Torpedos: The Skraine Plasma Torpedo.
Does a lot of damage to shields,not much to armour.
Fires simutaneously.

Skraine Sig. TecH:

Plasma Shields.Very good sheilding,but takes ages to recharge.


Hurricane Interceptor:
A small,one-Skraine ship outfitted with 4 Plasma Cannons.
About 5/6 of the speed of a classic Azdara.

Storm Fighter:
A two-Skraine fighter used as the basic unit in Skraine fighter wings.
About the same speed as a classic Ziddy Fighter.
Has 4 Swivel Plasma Cannons and a Barrage Torpedo launcher.

Whirlwind Frigate:
The basic patrolship and light support craft.
About the speed of a Lazira.
Outfitted with 2 Plasma Blasters,3 Plasma Turrets and 2 Barrage Torpedo Launchers.
Utilises the Skraine Plasma Shielding.

Tempest Cruiser:
The basic warship of the Skraine Warfleet.
About the speed of an Igazra.
Outfitted with 3 Plasma Blasters,5 Plasma Turrets and 5 Barrage Torpedo Launchers.
Utilises Skraine Plasma Shields.

Cyclone Carrier:
The heavy support warship of the Skraine.
VERY slow.
Outfitted with 1 Plasma Blaster(It often can't turn fast enough to use it)
8 Plasma Turrets,6 Barrage Torpedos,and a squadron of Hurricanes.

My friend here keeps going on about how she killed "Fred", a sheep.On a chat room.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Bahhh, what am I getting myself into? 😉 Carno and I can make a devestating bunch, so what not give this a try...

Name: Captain Skyblade
Position: Member of the Confederate Alliance (what are these guys up to, anyway?)
Characters: Vance Vollorium, Cleveland Vollorium, Collins Vollorium (these guys represent my brothers, and are some of their nick-names in real life)

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

I appreciate my race being erased at the last minute, esponer.

I know I haven't discussed this with you, Asriel, but since we used to be allies... do you mind?
Years ago, the Q'an were a peaceful race. Then a fleet went into the milky way, where it was destroyed by the adzgari. This was the beginning of the end.

Word got to the Q'an Empire about the destroyed scout fleet. Several leaders wanted to send a massive fleet through the wormhole and conquer the milky way. Some wanted to Ignore it, and continue to fight in their own galaxy. Only a Scant few knew and believed about the alliance with the I'ase in the milkjy way, and the leader REDchigh was included in this group. These leaders wanted to ally the I'ase, and return and repair their stolen systems. Other, more militaristic leaders wanted to kill them off and attack the milky way. REDchigh arrested them, but the soldiers refused, and half of the Q'an empire seceded. One half supported REDchigh, and the protection of the I'ase. Instead of working out the difference, rivalry and poor communiactions turned this into a massive civil war, and many, many lives were lost. The Rebels finally won, and REDchigh's family escaped into the Milky way, where they caught up and were accepted onto the Nedra. REDchigh could only watch as his once-great empire destroyed itself, and was completely nearly completely destroyed by an enormous Prylak fleet. Soon, the Government merely fizzled into nothingness, and the civilians lost everything, and eventually died from unknown causes. Generations later, the Q'an are no more, and a scant few Q'an are some of the the best pilots and scientists the I'ase have. _

(b)Characters: REDchigh (yes, just one. It's all my feeble mind can comprehend!!!)
Position: Commander in I'ase Military
Ship: (I want a I'ase ship, built as a cross of the Pheonix and Zeus, but I doubt Esponer will allow it, so my ship is whatever ship Asriel will allow. I can live with my race being gone, but I beg, please let me have one or two Q'an techs...)

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Now, for the Galactica Ships

Except for one ship, Galactica warships are all large, slow, and powerful. They rely mainly on their long ranged weapons, because if they can take ships out at a distance then their lack of maneuverability doesn't matter. Even if a Galactica ship is severely outgunned, it still has a good chance due to it's extreme weapons range. All ships have Multi-Dynamic shields and

•Galactica Fighter-Bomber: The Galactica Fighter-Bomber is a large attack fighter. It makes no pretense of being an interceptor, and can be outmaneuvered by almost any other fighter. It makes up for this, however, with it's large weapons payload. Standard armament is 3 Ion Miniguns, and the 2 weapons hardpoints on each wing can carry either Mass Missiles, Cluster Missiles, or Missile Pods. Which of these is put on the Fighter-Bomber affects it's speed and maneuverability.

•Galactica Missile Frigate: This destroyer-sized ship is equipped with 2 Ion Minigun Turrets, and 4 large Missile Pods. These pods can be dropped and used as drones, or stay secured to the ship and benefit from the ship's magazines of Missiles. The Missile Frigate carries Standard, Antimatter, and EMP warheads which can be switched into missiles as the crew desires.

•Galactica Strike Cruiser: This is the one Galactica ship that is not large and slow. It is actually suprisingly fast and maneuverable, while maintaining a good weapons load. It is armed with 4 Ion Minigun Turrets, 2 Missile Pods, a Railgun Battery, and an ECM system. It's large cargo bay can be used as extra ammunition storage, or it can hold 2 Fighter-Bombers. This ship is an excellent commerce raider.

•Galactica Support Cruiser: Used mainly as a border patrol, this huge ship is kept behind the lines where it can lay down supporting fire to the Strike Cruisers and Fighter-Bombers at the front of a battle. Equipped with 4 Ion Miniguns, 3 Railgun Batteries, 2 Fighter-Bombers, an ECM system, 4 Missile pods, and a small Gravity Emitter, this ship strikes fear into the hearts of those who dare combat the Galactica Space Navy. The Support Cruiser is extremely sluggish and slow, but very well shielded.

•Galactica Warcruiser: This fearsome warship is the most powerful ship used by the Galactica Space Navy. It employs a wide variety of weaponry. It is armed with 8 Ion Miniguns, 6 Railgun Batteries, 8 Missile pods, 6 Fighter-Bombers, a powerful ECM system, and the largest Gravity Emitter seen on any Galactica warship. The Warcruiser is found in relatively small numbers in the Galactica Fleet, though it can destroy almost any ship before it is even fired upon.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Name: "Pirate King" Thor (human, terran, whatever)
Position: Admiral of the (probably Honest Alliance)
Other Characters: Doubtful.


Crescent Pirate ships from EVO upgraded tremendously.
Lightning: A large Heavy Warship... the flagship.


Each ship has multiple tractor beams.
Each ship above fighter level is also fitted with a special docking bay. The bay acts as an EMP, and when activated, all electronics inside the bay cease working. Obviously used with the tractor beams to board ships that are not disabled.

Looks to be great fun...

If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
If you give a man money, he'll kill you and steal your money! Then he'll die and you'll inherit the money, which will become your son's money!

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Bahhh, what am I getting myself into?:) I'll make you one of my strike admirals. Just remember to follow ALL of my orders 🙂 Also, don't try and sabotage GH and RoC 2 or 3 with one of your 'Other' webstories again, okay? (speaking of which, what DID happen to that webstory of yours?)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-05-2001).)

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Glad to have you aboard Skyblade.;)

As for "When the Voinians Came," I didn't really keep up with it. The "Battle for Sol" webstory at the EV forum has been extrememly popular, which diverted my attention. Episode III will be underway soon, and will put your Golden Horizons in the dust. 😛 😉

Glad to be aboard.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url)** - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Hey, Capn. Skyblade, you even get an Alliance Command Ship! Now, let's see...those are scary.

They beat the daylights out of the Galactica Warcruiser, can take on Haorn Motherships on a good day, would most likely turn a Raiek Dreadnought into slag in about the time it takes a Raiek Dreadnought to turn anything else into slag, and would get transformed into stardust in a fight with a Prylak Starfortress.

Have fun! 🙂

(Note - the Alliance command ship is very expensive, too, and there aren't very many of them...unlike Raiek Dreadnoughts <shivers> )


Anyway, nice technologies allround. Some make me shiver in fright at the thought of coming up against them, so I'm now posting the Terran techs, just to try and comfort myself. 😉 Nah, don't worry. You guys have some really neat and somehow actually legal techs here (I must be getting soft!)

Terran Technologies

• Zeno Sensor Cloak
It's a cloaking device. Ship go fast, it seen. Bad guy ship come about four times closer than weapons range, it seen. Ship go slow, bad guy must come very very close to see it. Comprende?

• Zeno Sensor
It's a sensor. It totally 100% beats the above cloaking device, and also totally gets round interference...of practically any kind, really. No increase on "sensor range", but just allround better sensors. Can detect the presence of a cloaked Tribunal ship, but not the direction or specs.

• Antimatter Disruption Cannon/Turret
Each blast is powerful enough to blow up some of the lighter of light fighters. And of course, it's reload rate lags seriously as a cost - with one cannon or one turret, you're be lucky to have three blasts in space at a time. Turrets at just turreted versions of the cannons, and this weapon is overall more powerful than most primaries, by about 2:1, so of course Terran ships have less of them. Oh, and of course, blasts DON'T fire at a slow range, and aren't inaccurate. Just clearing that up.

• AM Lance
"The most advanced in missile technology" say the Terrans. Well, it's good, but not that good. The anti-matter lance is a modification on earlier starlance designs - it fires without a launcher, and they can be fired together. AM lances, however, have a link with their firing ship, and it's Zeno Sensor. The link, surprisingly enough, works with a camera and an infra red beamer, and can usually use a signal-link as well. AM lances are powerful, but do more damage against old Prylak-designed shields (used by Raiek and Sijak)

• Stasis Generator
Only carried aboard the Equinox, this weapon is nice enough. Creates a huge shield wall, encasing up to two hundred ships (if they are in a close formation, obviously) and preventing them from...well, doing anything. Two hundred ships could probably "break" the shield wall in about an hour. One ship would suffer from severe grey-haired-pilot problems before it got out.

Terran Ships

• Thunderhawk Strike-fighter
It's average. Average shields, average weapons, average speed - or maybe just above average speed. Just about any fighter could beat it in a head on head fight. Zeno Sensor Cloak efficiency level 5 (the efficiency level tells just how fast it can go without being detected, or how close an enemy ship can get). Thunderhawks are armed as standard with an antimatter disruption cannon, and three AM lances.

• Darkwing Spycraft
Armed with a single antimatter disruption cannon and six AM lances, it could be said to be "capable of defending itself". However, it's slower than the Thunderhawk and not quite as well shielded. That said, it's Zeno Sensor Cloak operates at efficiency level 10. If this ship hypered into a heavily guarded system, they would be left wondering what that tiny energy signal was.

• Supernova Light Warship
The Supernova is an ingenius piece of work, improved from it's brief appearance in Reign of Chaos 2. With a Zeno Sensor Cloak at efficiency level 7, it can easily disappear into crowds. They are armed with three antimatter disruption turrets, and fifteen AM lances, as well as a Thunderhawk bay or twenty more AM lances. Supernovas aren't much against full warships, like the Confederate Raven or the Galactica Strike Cruiser, but with their cloaks they can simply fade away from conflict.

• Equinox "Ark" class BASE ship
The Equinox is six miles long, four miles wide, and about a mile high (yes, deck 1036 please). It is capable of supporting 200,000 civilians, of which only 135,000 currently exist in the Terran government, total. The Equinox is armed with two hundred antimatter turrets to "defend" itself, and approximately two thousand AM lances - although only two hundred of those can be carried externally and fired without reloading. It's sensor cloak efficiency is only level 2, but it's additional armanent of Stasis Generator certainly adds to it's power.

Note - the Equinox does not have a standard bay, but rather a small dock that can carry a few Supernovas at a time.

Now, you might notice the lack of seriousness in that report. That's about as official as Blade, one of the major commanders of the Terrans, will get. 😛

