Golden Horizon - Part 3

MOD: Um, Red, Lars just hyperspaced out instantly. You wouldn't have time to disable him, and he also has 2 CWs and 3 Aradas guarding him constantly.


The Akrahd, furious at being assaulted by the RA, decide to launch a retaliatory strike. Though the Igadzra are pushing against them, the Akrahd quest for vengeance overrides their safety instincts.

The Akrahd assemble a fleet of 100 ships and set off for RA space. Soon, they arrive in the system of Regula Minor, and open fire on the RA ships. Once the ships are destroyed, the Akrahd hope to commence a quick but heavy planetary bombardment...


The Pirates, though outnumbered and outgunned, continue to fight on and request more reinforcements. Both sides continue to battle, weapons flying, ships exploding, fighters colliding. It's total chaos.

The Pirates have been delt extreme losses, but the RA fair no better. Their fleet has been horridly torn apart, but the two sides continue fighting, rage and hate fueling the two.

As the RA charge, the Pirates charge as well, using special tactics to break up the RA line and cause confusion among them. They also use their superior close-range weapon to great advantage over the RA. Though Glimmer Missiles and Silver Darts may be powerful and long range, they do not have adequate recharge. The Pirates thus use their modified Thoron Beams, which are powerful but short range, to blast apart RA ship after RA ship. Even the Silverstone is badly damaged. However, the Pirates will still probably end up loosing, so Lars orders the troops on the planet to begin preparation for the destruction of every major city and base on Cetax. If the Pirate fleet is destroyed, the soldiers on Cetax will activate a chain of detonators which will have over 10,000 tons of explosives detonate, turning Cetax into a burning wreck.

Meanwhile, Lars Magna escaped to his stronghold in NSI-009X. There, he prepared for the next phase of his plan, and also ordered increased shipyard production, which would be aided by the three new colonies the Pirates had set up.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

A jump point formed in Kayia's system, a silver prinpoint of ligth among a thousand stars. As it expanded, a lone Lazria jumped from slipstream and right into the security check that was common within the inner borders of Federation space. On the outside as three ships came to intercept and scan it, all seemed calm. The inside was a little different.

Sojin jumped down the ladder, not bothering to take the lifts deck by deck. He was sweating and for a good reason; the sensor scrambler in cargo bay two was on auto-shutdown and needed to be started manualy. As he went, the commander jumped down the last ladder as the deck's AG field had been modified to such for this occasion. From the ship, the computer's voice said, "Fifty seconds until they're within scanning range, Commander. Should I plot evasive?"

As Sojin heard it, he didn't so much as stop but quickly ran on. As he did he shouted out, "Negative, Merlin. There's still some time left and I'm damn well getting my cargo to Kayia one way or another. Besides I've never been caught and that's not about to change now." Sojin reached the cargo bay door and it quickly read his DNA before opening. At that moment there was 15 seconds left. At that, the commander picked up a small object from the floor of the bay suited just for such needs and hurled it at the sensor scrambler. It flew with accuracy to hit the device and it reactivated. At that time Merlin said, "Five seconds left, Commander. Your record for speed is indeed improving."

Sojin was about to respond when the sound of an incoming transmission was recieved. "Independant vessel Merlin, please standby for securtity scan. Resistance will be met with disablement or destruction of your ship. Do you recieve?"

"We recieve, Securtiy Squadron. Merlin halt speed and make sure all is well for our friends." The Lazria stopped and was thourougly scanned. What they picked up was a normal food run instead of contraband that was illegal in Federation space. "This is Secuirty, you are free to pass. Welcome to Kayia and enjoy your stay as long as you break no rules." The link went dead at that.

Sojin wiped a hand across his forhead and said, "Merlin, plot a course for Kayia's main starport and make sure no unwanted people are intrested in us." At that the Lazria sped towards the planet at best speed. It requested clearence and was granted and the Merlin speed towards Kayia's starport. After landing was complete, Sojin walked out of the ship's gangplank and said, "Merlin, make sure no one gets past your force fields and put auto-snippers on until you get word from me otherwise." At that, Sojin walked down and into the city port towards a lower town bar.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Miella and her assistant went to meet Psack in the Parliament, which had been constructed on one of Sladerias' surrounding hills. Miella anounced to Psack that the scpace farm prototype was under construction. Mister Grailn, former administrator of the farming policies on Grenits and about the Savior, stated that more than two hundred farms would be needed. the real number would be of a thousand. Psack gasped. It would take three years to build all those mini-stations. Mister Grailn suggested that bioengineers explore a new avenue that would make the plants grow faster or be more nutritious. The word was sent to the department and all the actions were taken to progress as fast as they could.
The next day, mister Fandril came to Psack office to tell him that it would be possible to creat vegetal life more nuttritious:the fertilizer they used abort the Savior would have to be more efficient. The Green Booster, as the department called it, was borned. By incresing the concentration of fertilizer ingested by the plant, the nutritive elements of the plant would be more concentrated. The same mass of plant would give about two or three times more food than the normal plant. In three weeks, Green Booster could be used in every space farm.

In Psack's head, everything was going on for the best, he could relaxe and forget international and regional politic since the majority of the Sladerei accepted his work and they were working on a planet that was their own..

Salutations ŕ la vie

OOC: Carnotaur has authorized me to be the Adzgari leader. Apparently, there hasn't been an Adzgari post since Part 1, so...


As predicted by his lieutenants, Arada Pilot had finally resigned. This left Tasina in charge. A capable leader, he was revered by most of his comrades, and was ready to lead the New Adzgari Raiders to greatness. For now, he was in his administrative quarters on Deneba, about to head to a meeting...


The Adzgari Warchief, Moiraine, was the head of the Council. After AP's resignation, all then-current members of the Council had been thrown out, and new ones put into place by Emperor Tasina. Moiraine left her quarters on Deneba, and headed towards the Council meeting...


Aboard Rune (the Supercruiser), Gaborn, chief Adzgari ship and weapon designer, was scrawling some arcane design on a piece of paper. It appeared to be some sort of escort carrier, which would be reasonably fast, and almost unarmed. It would carry a lot of fighters, though...10 each of Azdaras and Azdara Bombers. Right now, the only ship the Adzgari had that could carry fighters was Rune, and they obviously needed another one.


Title: Viper-class carrier
ETA: 7 posts (is this reasonable? I don't really know the time scale in this webstory.)

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 10-24-2001).)

(Not counting Merchant Vessels)

Total:30 Million
Total In Milky Way: 1.75 Million in Milky Way
-Igadzra - 68,000
-Azdgari - 1,500,000
-Zidagar - 200,000
-Crescent - 450,000
-Miranu - 90,000

Rarkyl - 12.5 Million
Horosk - 1.8 Million
Sladerei - 360 (Counting merchant vessels)

Voinian - 800,000
Federation - 800,000
Pirates (Milky Way) - 200
Igadzra Republic - 65
Kiran - 600

Pirates (New Galaxy) - 520
Igadzra Union - 90
Renegade - 300
Horoth - 500
Akrahd - 900
Miranu - 390
Zidagar - 450
Kayan - 430
Azdgari - 600


A massive Federation fleet had been assembled in Notil. Now, after many months of inactivity, the Federation would strike fear into the Ediens once again. This particular fleet was one of great important; the 7th Fleet, commanded by Scorcher himself, and composed of 100,000 vessels.

Their target; Threefrog.

The Federation fleet, accompanied by a small Kayan fleet as well as a small Miranu fleet (who had voulenteered to aid the Feds and take a small bit of revenge against the Ediens), hyperspaced out towards Threefrog...


The research on the Federation Juggernaught, a design originally implimented by Vice President Benden, was finally resumed. The project had been halted due to budget cuts and more important research goals. The Federation hoped to have the Juggernaught ready within a few weeks (7 posts).

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Sojin wacthed as his buyer turned the data crystal around in his fingers. The bury human was like all others in the bar, near-drunk and somewhat strong in oder; so were the two humans behind him as well. The two body-guards were armed with what looked like rip-offs of quantum pistols and Sojin was sure they had more as well. As for the commander himself, he was armed with two old blaze pistols that could still do alot of good damage. The dirty contact finally set down the data crystal on the rickety table and said, "I'll give you 100 for this and 50 for the rest of your cargo. I mean it seems like a fair deal to me, after all." He gave a gap-toothed smile and placed a cred chip on the table.

Sojin shook his head and set down a half empty glass of Zario Ale. "My dear good Taro, it took me to call in three very big favors and 200 for all that. I'm not about to throw it away for 150,000 credits. Looks like Vanstra will be a more profitable buyer." With that, he snachted up the data crystal and his glass with both hands. He gulped the ale down and placed the crystal into his pocket.

Taro grinned evily and snapped his fingers. Before Sojin could react, two blasters were aimed at him. Taro stood up, drew a phase pistol and said, "You should have taken my money, Commander. Now I will have to take it by force. Boys..."

They were to late as Sojin went into action. Before they knew it the table was lifted up and both body guards were on the floor. At that time the tavern went into a riot and many fights started up. As Sojin headed for the door, a bolt of golden enegy hit entry point and charred it. He whipped around to see all pirates ready to fire. With a speed that could rival many people, Sojin Whitehawk whipped out both blaze pistols and started firing. Five rounds later, all three men were dead on the ground and the pistols were in the holsters. Sojin ran towards the table and picked up the fallen cred chip and then ran out the door...and into an incoming Fed soldier. "You there..."

A fist caught the soldier in the face and dropped him like a bad fly. The commander was out the door and running for the landing pads when he caught the words, "Command we have a problem. I need a security squad down here stat..."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

A whole platoon of Federate security guards rushed out and started firing on Sojin as he tried to escape. Meanwhile, at the other end of the spaceport in the military section, three Fed patrol ships lifted off and flew over to Sojin's vessel. Next; they aimed their weapons at it and prepared to fire.

However, they were not necissary, for Sojin was hit in the leg and fell down, as he tried to get back up, two Igadzra moved forward and stunned him. Security quickly took him to the nearby security facility, took his data chip, and boarded his ship...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OCC: Carno, im going to pull some of my ships back. I don't care what happens to the andromeda galaxy at the moment , so don't revoke my post.
Grunadulater was really at the breaking point with these annoying races trying to break his conquest. He sent a message to Andrameda, saying that he wanted 5M vessels to the Milky way, all from the core worlds, where attack was unlikely.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Psack went abord the Savior for the first time in three weeks and nothing had changed, the docks were still under activities, some of the lab were still housing scientists, and most of all 5 and a half millions Sladerei were living there. Psack went abort the most populated ship in the galaxy only to have a look at the new space farm. I he had been younger, he would probably worked on the propulsion of those mini-stations or the structure. But today was his day of tourist in the exterior labs of the Savior.

The space farm had been completed when he arrived in the dock/lab 5, where scientsits and engineers had worked. All of them where anxious about the probability of failure of this endavour. The farm had to spend a week isolated at thirty thousand kilometers from Grenits to analyse wether it was safer to plant and if it could resist to debris. Everyone looked at the space farme being towed by a shuttle towards it orbit.

Half an hour later, those scientists were already working on the next one, in order to have one that would house plants when the Green Booster would be completed and safe to be digested by any alive being. Psack tooke this moment to have an eye on the bioengineering lab of the Savior. Since the Green Booster had to be perfectly efficient in space or in micorgravity the biologists had to test it abord the Savior. The work had been done well since the final tests were to be done in less than a week from now. The only problem was mass production, since it required to be solid as long as possible, otherwise it effects diminished rapidly. By being solid, no compression could be undertaken.

He also when to see the squadron based in the Savior. He wanted to pilot one of these beauties, but he lacked the training and was tired. He went back home nad dreamed about the space flights he had done in the past... and the upcoming ones.

Salutations ŕ la vie

REDchoigh curses loudly.. two battles raging at one time, both with heavy losses unavoidable...
ship counts are in, and are low... and dropping as the battles rage..
The SS silverstone calls for reinforcements from the nearby systems, and makes one decision, that, though immoral, will ultimately save lives.... He Initiates an emergency self-destruct, that will kill most of the pirate ground troops, mostly make their plan a lot harder, and unfortuantely kill whatever amount of population doesn't make it to cover........

Another wave of RA reinforcements from a nearby system warps in, this time it's the 8th Warship regiment, and the 10 Warships and 15 Laziras vastly improve the RA's firepower in the system... the ships also concentrate more at staying out of range of the forward firing beam weopons of the Pirates, and using Silver darts whenever possible...

Also the Cruiser begins to use one more advantage... and launches a few prototype horoth mines from it's launcher, doing more heavy damage to the pirates..
in Regula minor, the Akrahd begin launching rockets toward the planet, right as a fleet of RA ships jumps in... a litle more than a hundred... the exact number calculated to be able to run off the Akrahd fleet, plus a fighter or two. as always, the SDM's are the first thing out, and do moderate damage on the Akrahd fleet, considering they didn't even notice the backup Ra until they were already in..
only a scant hundred remain to guard the core worlds, and are in constant state of paniced patrol around the RA border...
another msg is sent to the horoth begging for military support...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 10-24-2001).)

MOD: Red, you don't have that many ships. You can't have 100 ships guarding the systems, 100 ships engaging the Pirates, and 100 ships engaging the Akrahd. You'd be creamed in Cetax if you did that.

Grundy; okay, but not my fault if your enemies totally take over both M33 and Ursa Minor (the two other other galaxies you own), or if the Rarkyl make a major surprise attack. 🙂 😉 I'll talk to you about this later on AIM.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

As the soldiers boarded the Merlin, there was a rather distant boom on another deck. Then there was another problem as they split up. Many slammed into force fields as they seemingly appeared. From behind the force fields many of the internal defenses popped out and started taking targeting of them. They did not fire but held their aim. After a few seconds there was a flash of light and a holographic image of Sojin appeared.

"Greetings, invaders, my name is Sojin Whitehawk. First off, I want to congradulate you because not many people have made it passed where you've been. All those are either dead or rather crippled in life. Despite your rather incovinent way of costing me nearly 40,000 creds in weapons cargo, you seem to be almost good at your job. If you are seeing this message, then I must either be away at the moment or caught, which needless to say, is not much. Seeing as to how I must have caused a lot of commontion, my plan has worked rather well. I've come to Kayia to deal with some trobule makers who have of light become rather annoying to the effort. I may be a smuggler but I am also a very good one at that.

The event that I blasted one Taro and his two chumps called body guards, know that I've done a good favor. They have been giving information on trading routes to pirates along with all escorts and such. I am not one to weep over the life of innocents, but I would hate to see all that cargo go to my competetion. Also I have a message for your president, one that is in a data crystal that holds plans for Fed inhibitor mines, or so it seems. Just some knock off of some rather idiot looking fire flares with no use beyond simple missle determent. Now it would be wise to do so before I have to blast my way out of a infirmary. Now please get out of my ship. Merlin has a bad habbit when her decks are invaded without permission. What can you expect from a sentient ship..." With that the holo-image disolved.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

After a week in space, the prototype space farm had worked well: no failure in the cooling and heating systems, neither in the shielding one that protects the station from collision with small asteroids. The second space farm was waiting to be upgraded with the needed ajustments, to receive the plants and the Green Booster. The same day the shuttle towed the two farms with plants in it.

They had done a good job, and Psack thanked them. The production of these farms would start in less than a week to let enough time to the transition worker to bring down part of th eAlliance frigate shipyards that were replaced by bigger ones that would construct the farms. They had over five hundred to build over the next year and a half.

On Grenits, the decontamination of the Jaleis site was finished. Since it had been decontaminated by digging an immense hole, the workers were now refilling it with the cleaner earth. In a week, Jaleis would receive a special attention: it would be the first city engineered by Sladerei for the last two century. Architects, anthropologists had worked abort the Savior the perfect the model of city. This was even more important since they hadless space than previously thought. In a single day, 10 000 new citizens workers would be added to the thousand already there.

Even smaller budgets, the scientist were working: a new type of shielding device was in preparation on a smaller scale shuttle, a torpedo and multiple enhancements for all spaceships. No time frame had been chosen for one those projects but they were one their way.

Salutations ŕ la vie

Commander Livingston walked over to the unconscious Sojin being treated at the infirmary (sp?) at security headquarters. "Who is he?"

"Sojin, smuggler, highly dangerous, got into a fight with a few Pirates down at the bar. All the Pirates have been taken care of, but it took a while to stun him. Security has also run into some problems while boarding his ship; auto-defenses and a message to stay off. They got off, but only because of lack of orders. Three of our patrol boats are ready to blow his Lazira out of the sky, but they wanted to clear it with you first," a lieutenant replied.

Livingston thought for a moment. "No, wake him up."

The doctor nodded and soon Sojin was revived, if not restrained with a few handcuffs, and being aimed at by 12 security guards. "Deactivate the autodefenses on your ship and I won't put you in prison," Livingston said bluntly. "If you cooperate, you'll be fined, and released."


The Pirates continue to fight on, though their fleet is severely weakened. Finally, in a last valiant charge, the Pirate fleet is totally incinerated. However, all is not well for the RA; they've lost over half of their fleet, only 50 ships remain, and the Silverstone is destroyed. To add to their problems, the Pirates were finally successful in destroying most of the major cities and bases, leaving Cetax a smoldering ruin. Only 20% of the major cities are left, and only 15% of the military bases on Cetax are left. Casualties are in the thousands, and there is still the problem of the Akrahd raiders...


The Akrahd raiders in Regula Minor were quickly reinforced by another 50 ships which had been following them in case of trouble. The RA and the Akrahd battle it out, but the Akrahd have a slight advantage, and the RA take heavy damage...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-25-2001).)

REDchigh can't enjoy the won battle over the pirates, and even though he knows how much he is asking for it, he orders every fleet, patrol, and individual fighter to the war-front...

The Salvaged Horoth mines do moderate damage, but the fact that the RA have used 85% of their SDMs, show how unlikely the chances are for a wanted outcome.

several outer worlds prepare for a retreat to the core worlds, just in case the remains of the RA can't hold up. (they wont hold up unless I get some backup)

MSG to All allies of the RA, plus the adzgari

a successful assualt from both the pirates and Akrahd have annihalated most of my fleet, and I have to have backup, or else be forced to retreat, which will more than likely get most of my fleet to kamikaze with honor, leaving me with even less of my good men and firepower. so in other words, HELP!

end message

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

The space farm shipyard was running like hell, four new farms had been constructed and plants were growing like if they had been on Grenits. They only had a minimal impact on the food production but during the next following year, many hundred will populate the system, and feed the planet.

The Jaleis site was under heavy construction and many building had been erected and from the distant valeys. The new city was built under new standarts: since the site was small, building were constructed half under ground half in the sky. Tree were to be seen everywhere, a river had been planed to transport citizans and for the beauty. Industries would be constructed underground where the could be more spacious. It would take more time but the city will be ready to evoluate more and have more space to house Sladerei.

The six other sites that were under decontamination were almost ready to welcome Sladerei from the Savior. The site of Sietlet was completed and the engineers and biologists were moving to other site to accelerate the job done at other places.

On Sladeria, the life could have been considerated as normal, the only difference was the amplitude of the work done at the edges of the city: trains were to connect major inhabited part of the city to recreational or industrialized one. The spaceport had been enlarged and spaceage industrial complexes were constructed nearby. Other trains were connecting the city with mines, small industrial cities and small army bases.

In a few months, the Sladerei could sustain all their actions and raise their importance in the galaxy. Well probably not in the Galaxy, but at least in the nearby systems.

Salutations ŕ la vie

Sojin sat up, very much aware that a good few guns were pointed his way. When he heard the solider's words, he moved to tap his wristlink only to find it missing. Looking at the commander he smiled and said, "Commander, it would seem to me that you are rather dense headed. My ship, while she may listen to my commands, is sentient and has a mind of her own. She is also quite stubborn and won't give up without a fight. As well, I want to talk to someone with a higher level then yours, Commander. All you get from me until then is Sojin Whitehawk, Commander, Inpendant pilot."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

"Then you can talk to me," everyone in the room turned to see Navy Cheif-of-Staff Gerard Jackson standing in the doorway, flanked by two armed guards. "And Mr. Sojin, if I were your ship, I would very much decline going up against a few Federation military vessels, especially if they were..." Jackson turned to his aid. "Order the Ionizer and Republic to move into position with the other three patrol boats, prepare to fire." He then turned back to Sojin. "...Two Federation Battlecruisers. Now, care to say anything?"


The cleanup effort continued on Mira. However, everyone was being evacuated now that a new atmospheric cleansing device was soon to be tested. It worked by firing multiple torpedo-like warheads into the upper atmosphere, and detonating them all at the same time. The special kind of warhead would start a chemical chain reaction which would end up getting rid of most of the smoke. This, of course, would take a bit to set up...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-26-2001).)

Sojin smiled and looked the Cheif up and down. "I was expecting someone higher, Cheif. Then again you are a man who calls a bluff and I do admire that in people. Very well, I will ask Merlin to stand down defenses. As for what she does afterwards when someone tries to board her without either her or my permission is something only fate can say." Sojin closed his mind and accessing the nerual cybernetic in his mind, sent a message for Merlin to stand down defense. She did, albiet reluctantly, and soon auto-snipers and defense fields were offline.

Opening his eyes, Sojin smiled and said, "Call off your junkyard art and all will be done. As to formal tidings, I hate them and really can't abide on formalities. I am Commander Sojin Whitehawk, captain of the Merlin and smuggler. I'm the best you'll ever find in my field of work because I've never been caught, well until now. If you happen to have a data crystal, it holds some information and a message; that and a shody remake of a space flare posed to look like one of your mines. I would like it back or do I have to shoot my way to it?"

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Jackson grinned and walked forward. "If you really think that I wouldn't have blown up your ship, then you're sadly mistaken. I would have blown it up at the first sign that you were going to disobey my orders. But enough of that now.

"A smuggler eh? We have run into a few of them. Actually, we may call upon your services; we're always on the lookout for a good mercenary pilot in case we ever wanted to plant a commando raiding party near an Edien base.

"Of course, this doesn't come with a little compensation; we'll be willing to forget this whole incident if you pay us 500 credits, and agree to farry two or three commando teams to an Edien base in the future. What do you say?"


A report was handed to cheif Federation Sub-Space and Wormhole scientist, Jonathan Smith, who was working at his workstation on South Tip Station II. Jonathan looked at the report; it stated that the sub-space rift to the New Galaxy could be opened in a few days. "Perfect," Jonathan thought to himself. Ever since the first opening of the Sub-Space Rift a few weeks back Jonathan and his team of scientists had been working on a way to open the rift at will using a special beam emitter on South Tip Station II. It was a long shot, but he thought that he could make it work...


Lars Magna looked at his personal fleet in NSI-009X. The Pirates had suffered heavily in their fight against the RA, but they had accomplished one major goal; the weakening of the Renegade Alliance, which would pave the way for the ultimate domination of the weakened government.

Though weakened, the Pirates continued on. Shipyards poured out ships as even more shipyards will built to help boost the rate of production. Soon, Lars would have a second fleet with which he could conquer the RA...


Meanwhile, tensions were heating up in Zidagar space. The military buildup had starved the Zidagar people of much needed food and resources, and Titan couldn't really do anything about it. There were too many general to general squabbles and fights, the council of elders was in chaos, caught up in all the buracracy (sp?). Nothing effective could be done.

Of course, the media was broadcasting this to everyone else in the Milky Way. The Miranu ambassador to the Zidagar was under heavy pressure from the press about what the Miranu would be doing in this situation. Also under some pressure were the Azdgari, and to a lesser degree the Igadzra. Both of them were rather large military powers, the Azdgari having one of the biggest fleets of anyone.

As the famine continued, the military buildup increased, and tensions mounted, people waited to see what others would do...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-26-2001).)