Reign of Chaos 2

Research continued {3 posts done, 12 posts left}

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Website(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Board(/url)


Originally posted by Thunder:
**MOD - Please, people, try not to make posts for the sole purpose of advancing your research. A post should have something else besides "Research continued, X posts until completion" in it.


Originally posted by Lord Gwydion:
Research continued {3 posts done, 12 posts left}

Anyone else see the problem here?

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

I try not to do that, but I'm not exactly in the story yet, and I don't want to give anything away.

Total posts: 3
Posts left: 7

Winning is easy; losing is an art.

(This message has been edited by Sattomax (edited 07-05-2001).)

Should I list the I'ase ship and weapon tech?

Winning is easy; losing is an art.

"How exactly is this going to work?" Battledoctor asked, as he watched a pair of cameramen come in with a couple of news cameras suitable for taping the interview.

"It's really quite simple," Thunder replied. We can conduct the interview here in your office if you'd like, or wherever you want really, but here would be easiest. The cameras have a direct wireless uplink to our ship the Informer One, which will be in orbit during the interview. From there the interview will be transmitted to GNN headquarters on Kayia, where it will be broadcast across the galaxy on the GNN. It will be on a three minute tape delay, which means we'll be able to edit out any bloopers."

"That's all important information," Battledoctor replied, "but I was actually referring to the questions you'd be asking me."

"Oh, that?" Thunder said, wondering why he hadn't thought of that in the first place. "Well, I'll start off with a brief introduction, as if any is needed, I mean, you're one of the most recognizable people in the galaxy. From there we'll get right down to business. I'll ask questions like, 'Do the recent events in the Ji nebula pose any threat to the general public?', 'Do you believe there is a threat of a major war with the Azdgari and/or the Mercenary alliance?', 'What is the military doing to protect the people during these crises?', 'Are there any evacuations planned?', and so forth. You can decline to answer a question at any time, of course, we'll just edit it out and proceed like it never happened. After the questions are finished, We'll close it up by giving you a minute or two to deliver any message you want to your public - reassure them, inform them of whatever you want, etc... - but remember, GNN signals can be recieved beyond Galactica space, so don't give out any secrets."

Battledoctor nodded, obviously clear on the procedure of the interview.


OOC TO BATTLEDOCTOR - Since you're the one whose answers will matter during the interview, I'll leave the actual interview post up to you. just make sure you have me ask the four questions I posted above in my last paragraph, and if you feel like extending the interview, add any any other questions you think a reporter might ask you. At then end, have me say something like, "Well, before we close our interview, I think it's important that you have a chance to address the people of the galaxy. I'll step aside and hand the forum over to you.", and then you can go ahead with whatever (if anything) you want to tell all your civilians, plus all the civilians in the Azdgari and Mercenary worlds, plus the UE and Zidagar (they can recieve the transmission too).


(EDIT - since Battledoctor will be away for a while, we'll scratch the interview and do it when he gets back. My character will return to GNN headquarters on Kayia)

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 07-05-2001).)

OOC: Just so you all know, I will not be able to post here until Sunday the 15th of July. See you all then, have fun playing Reign of Chaos 2.

Thunder: Sorry, it looks like we won't be able to conduct the interview, unless you want to wait 10 or so days. :frown:

RMA: You are in charge of the Galactica Empire until I return. Remember to finish my weapon techs, and refit the fleet. Try not to get us all killed.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

MOD: Okay, a new rule has been introduced, I'm afraid. No post is valid if it is only "research continued". From now on, if Sattomax and Gwydion do that they do not actually lower their research time - that post simply does not count.

They may cover the research continued section within a post, such as a talk with a scientist or engineer.

Also, we have a problem. Our UE second-in-command is obviously not active, and I'll be away for two weeks starting Saturday.

Thus, we quite simply have a problem. I am willing to take Thunder, Battledoctor, RMA or Rima on as a temporary commander - if they would accept, or anyone else, I'll tell them what I'd like done. Thanks for your co-operation, and a great webstory so far.


(active post later, perhaps)

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The Emperor returned from a short vacation at his favorite resort...sorry guys I got grounded and so I haven't been on.

Yoo Oe looked at the scanner display on the Insidious's control panel. There was nothing, save his ships and the two journalists. Thinking of the news about happenings in the northwest, he sent a message to them, giving docking privileges with one of the nearby warships to rest and resupply. He then forwarded them some video images of the quick battle for the system, hoping this would somehow get into the hands of the races he had fought alongside in the past years.
Then he jumped to Molar, leaving 50 of his 500 defense flights to hold Mark.
"He has arrived!" The voices of officers on the awaiting ships called out to their crew. "Prepare for jump."
The Insidious entered the system with 300 Novas close behind.
Yoo Oe observed the 150 flights moving into position. "You may proceed."
The captains of all ships rushed to their controls and threw forward the jump levers, as did those pilots of another 50 flights in Muid......And they prepared for the battle of Plogok.

OOC: I know the impies dont have much there, but they can post a defense.

=Spread the Chaos=

As several people are going away - Battledoctor, myself, and Carnotaur still remains absent - Reign of Chaos 2 is being closed. It will be opened again in two weeks, when I come back and hopefully Carnotaur and Battledoctor will be active again. Please understand that continuing Reign of Chaos 2 while all these players are absent would seriously effect the balance of the game.

Thus, until I return, Reign of Chaos 2 is officially closed.





That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Carnotaur looked over the new design. The engineer who made it, an Azdgari named Harkin, was explaining some aspects of it. "It has multi-adaptive shielding which will not only allow it to regenerate it's shields three times as fast, they are also compact, allowing more room for other stuff, and are quite powerful. This design, called the Raven, is otherwise pretty much like a standard Crescent Warship, however it's slightly smaller, and has 4 more phase turrets, 4 more Crescent Fighters, and an improved SAD system. It is also equipped with enhanced dispersal rockets with more firepower and longer range. It is also much faster, turns faster, and accelerates faster. Overral, an excellent raiding ship, just what we need to fight Galactica."

Carnotaur smiled. "Put them into production immediately. You're dismissed Harkin."

Harkin quickly hopped happily out of the room, and then Admiral Yakuza and Admiral Hosk sat down. Yakuza was a former Voinian general who had left the Voinian Military years and years and years ago. Carnotaur found him and offered him a job as the commander of the entire Mercenary Alliance fleet. Hosk was an Emalghan and his story was pretty much the same as Yakuza's. However, he was in charge of defending Mercenary Alliance space.

"Status of the defense fleet and overral defense status?" Carnotaur asked.

"Nine Crescent Warships, 32 Laziras, 13 UE Destroyers, 22 UE Fighters, 3 Voinian Cruisers, 391 Crescent Fighters, 20 Voinian Heavy Fighters, 11 UE Carriers, and 27 Aradas," Admiral Hosk replied. "And all bases have been put on constant Level 7 Yellow Alert. We have over 5 million troops on Emalghia alone, and over 13 million other troops throughout the rest of our space. I also have a fleet of 3 Crescent warships and 2 UE Cruisers ready to escort your personal ship, the Red October (a Voinian Cruiser) out of harms way if our defenses should fail."

"Very good Hosk. Admiral Yakuza, status of armada?"

"Twenty Crescent Warships, 22 Laziras, 29 UE Destroyers, 20 UE Fighters, 12 Voinian Cruisers, 81 Crescent Fighters, 17 UE Carriers, 39 Aradas, 14 Voinian Frigates and 13 UE Cruisers," Yakuza replied. "All ready to attack on your orders. I also have an invasion fleet of 19 UE Destroyers, 31 Laziras, and 40 specially modified and enhanced Miranu Frieghters with 3.8 million troops ready to attack."

"Very good.:"

"When are we going to attack?" Yakuza asked.

"Not yet. I want 15 Ravens built first, then we can start our attacks."

"What will be our target?"

"Nothing for the moment."


"Yakuza, you don't understand. The Galactica Navy is massive and powerful. We must first use geurilla (sp?) tactics against them. Slowly weaken them bit by bit. Soon, our navy will be big enough to stand up against them, and we will begin the offensive."

"What will be our first move?" Hosk asked.

"Once 15 Raven raider cruisers are complete, we will strike at Romit, Tientu, Voinia, and Kirrim. We will slowly expand the number of systems we will raid, till eventually the entire area will be in chaos, and we will go on the offensive. Understood?"

Yakuza and Hosk nodded, then they were dismissed and walked out.

Suddenly, the door opened and Scorcher, a trusted friend of Carnotaur's, walked in. "You wanted me?" Scorcher asked.

"Yes Scorcher," Carnotaur replied and stood up. "I want you to work on a new type of turret pulse weapon. I want it to be easy to build and small, but packed with tons of power. I also want a cannon version of it. Can you do it?"

"Have I ever failed you Carno?" Scorcher asked.

"Yeah, plenty of times. Like when you said you could hijack a UE Cruiser...."

"Yeah yeah yeah, so I was a little off on that one."

"That's an understatement," Carnotaur replied, chuckling, "But, can you do it?"

"No sweat!" Scorcher said, and headed off to the research center.


Research Project Initiated
Name: Proton Turret/Cannon
Time Till Completion: 3 posts


OOC: Okay, now the story can stop. I just wanted to post this to get something in before the story closed and to keep it on the first page. 🙂

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 07-12-2001).)

Just so you all know, I'm back. Whenever SilverDragon wants to start it back up is fine with me.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

I haven't seen silverdragon..

Esponer, you know im not on these board often, IM me when you get back!

The Future never was, yet is always to be, no one ever sees it, nor ever will. And yet it is the confidence of all to live and breathe on this blue and green terrestrial ball.

Sorry, I have been on holiday and only just got back a couple of weeks ago, my computer didn't work so I haven't been on, but I am back

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

where is grunadulater(sp?)?

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
The many smileys websites that rookie can get them:(url="http://"")here(/url), (url="http://"")here(/url),(url="http://"")here(/url),and(url="http://"")here(/url).H*** froze over,it's Winter!!

Three days ago...

The Halain, a modified Crescent fighter, jumped from hyperspace. ItÂ’s pilot, a Miranu named Jaer, brought the ship to a stop. He had had an exhausing journey, having been ambushed by a renegade Lazria at his last exit. He had managed to give the slip by creating a bunch of sensor ghosts. The HalainÂ’s jump engines however had been damaged and Jaer had to exit the system using the local jumpgate. But to the Miranu, it was becming old history.

Jaer was a Zachit courier, tasked with carrying messages from ship to ship amongst the Zacha who were far from Raganorak. These messages were mostly ones that were to senstive to be transmitted via subspace, so Jaer often saw combat and was on Raganorak perhaps only three out of thirty days a month. His last trip there had been nearly a week ago, when he was given a message to take to Commander Dervin Nesin, a Kisani Zacha who was famed for being one of their greatest well as someone who was very hard to track. After three days in hyperspace, the Miranu had finally come upon this elusive commander.

Jaer looked at his sensor console and started to pick up a reading of the Sedran, the ship that Nesin commanded. Turning his ship, Jaer saw from his cockpit window the amazing ship. Only thrice before had he seen it and it had awed him every time. The Sedran was the only one of her kind, the only one ever built. Nearly 130 meters in lenght with a sleak black hull and sixteen decks, she inspired awe and commanded respect. No turrets or cannons decked her hull, though there were two pursuit missile launchers; yet the Sedran did bear weapons, four whitefire arrays. This ship bore more weapons fire then many ships her size and half those twice her size. One amazing thing was that the Sedran could not be detected on sensors in either realspace or hyperspace, giving her the surprise unknown to any other ship, including the Zacha. She was perhaps the most advanced starship to date in this galaxy, yet few knew of the SedranÂ’s existence.

Jaer snapped from his gazing and opened a com link. “Haldain to Sedran, weasel’s in the coop,” spoke the Miranu, saying the proper code phrase.

There was a response after a few seconds. “We read you Haldain. Weasel, you’ve been caught. What brings you out here, errand boy.”

Laughing a bit, Jaer replyed. “I’ve a message for our good commander, straight from the hands of First Zacha Hawk Kael. For Commander Nesin’s eyes only. Requesting permission to dock, Sedran.”

“Granted Haldain; you may dock. Bay One is free for docking; once there you’ll be escorted to the Commander’s office. Sedran out.”

Without hesitation, Jaer hit the console and set the autopilot to dock with the Sedran.

Devrin stood in his office, looking out the window at the stars beyond. The office around him was a cultural haven in its self; filled with many a Kisani relics and tapresies. Not as food as his quarters, but it offered solace for the middle aged Kisani.

Devrin had just finished a meeting with Jaer and the Miranu had left for his next assingments. Before leaving, the courier had left a data crystal, a message from Hawk Kael. Hawk was a good man and Devrin respected and even followed him, but he could not forget what the young leader had once been decades ago. Pushing aside the old memories, he turned and picked up the data crystal. Fingering it for a moment, he knew most likely what it contained.

Devrin was a Believer, a sort of faith amongst the Kisani race, which was a far older one then even the Strands themselves, and were in space long before they were. The Believers held to the thought of a holy place called Kisana, a star system holy to the Fates, yet lost when the Kisani broke into a civil war miliena ago. It was believed that the Shipyards were there; the Shipyards were held that there were litterly tens of thousands of ships within the system, some in space while others lie on three of the five habital planets and twelve of the eighteen moons in the system. They were used in a anceint war with an unknown alien race that was far more powerful then the Kisani, intent with only raiding and destroying everything in this galaxy. The details were lost in time and civil war.

He sat down at his desk and slid it into the vid monitor. Seconds later the symbol of the Zachit came up followed by a request to imput his command. Giving it, the commander wacthed as the image of Zacah fell away and HawkÂ’s image appeared. The Zacha leader seemed stern and calm at the same time, as if he chosen a course and was content at it. Hawk began to speak.

“Commander Devrin, I send this message in the hopes that you’ve recieved it safely. The time has come for the Sedran and her crew to be needed. As you knew when the ship was given to three years ago, this fate was ineviatable. She has seen little more then three major battles that have gone unrecorded by anyone, even the other Zacha. They know nothing of the Kersha or the goals they pursue, but it is time we made our prescense known. The Kisani may be a dying race, but we are a proud one and must do what we must. But I am babling.

You have no doubt seen the broadcasts on GNN, and you know that something must be done. I have sent someone on a secret goal to talk with the Adgazri. Offically he has been sent on a mission to survey their borders, but secretly he will try and talk to them. By the time you receive this, I will almost be to F-25 to do what I must. Your orders are to go there as well. I have sent some other members of the Kersha to talk to the Mercenary League and Galatica. It may be that this could be the sign heralding the return of the Dark Ones or another war will become of this. If it is the former, we know what we must do. If it is the latter however, then both the Zacha and the Kersha must choose sides. The Kisani race will inadvertly be pulled in as well, but not for some time. Your orders once you arrive at the arranged coorinates are as followed in text. The Fates be with you, old teacher.”

With that, the screen went black and text came scrolling down, written in Kisani. Reading them, DevrinÂ’s face went pale as he read the text. As he finished, he sat back and sighed. It was not his choice to judge, but Hawk was right; this must be done, one way or another.

“Commander to bridge. Prepare a course to jump to F-25, full speed. I want to leave before the next hour.”

An hour later, the SedranÂ’s engines burst to life and she turned about. A jump point opened revealing the blue and white of hyperspace. Within seconds, the sytem was empty save for asteriods.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

im here rookie.i thought we were to wait till sd comes back


- Reign of Chaos 2 opened -

UE are to be covered by either Carnotaur or Rima - they can discuss it.

I may be gone a long time, there are some problems.

Thank you,

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

RIma, if you need supplies to fix this ship, I could get it for you. All it would take is a few of your ships, and none would be destroyed.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Research Project Initiated
Name: Proton Turret/Cannon
Time Till Completion: 2 posts


Carnotaur brought in Harkin, the Azdgari technician, into his office. "Yes sir?" Harkin asked.

Carnotaur showed him the design for the Crescent fighter. "We've been using this design for a while, however, its limited in its abilities and has even more limited weapons. Can you make a better design for this?"

Harkin thought for a moment. "Actually, I had a design for an upgraded Crescent fighter. It was longer, had 5 swivel phase cannons instead of the original 4 phase cannons, and had two needle missile launchers with other 400 needle missiles. It also had 5 more units of shields and has much better shield regeneration."

Carnotaur thought for a moment. "Very good, get work on finalazing the idea immediately. How long will it take?"

"About a week (four or so posts) sir."

"Excellent. You're dismissed Harkin."

Carnotaur then got up and then walked over to look at the refit for his ship, the Red October. It was getting more armor, better engines, and a ton of other enhancements. While surveying the ship, Carnotaur saw Admiral Hosk. Walking over to him, Hosk saluted. "Hello Carnotaur."

"Hello Admiral. Status of the defense and offensive fleets?"

"Very good, on both counts. Admiral Yakuza has a very large fleet ready as well as over 50 Ravens."

"Very good. I have another assignment for you; build three more shipyards on the moon of Gurado. That way we can greatly increase the amount of ships that we can build. Also, work on setting up a station in the DSN-8209 system."

"Yes sir!"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Work on the Heavy Inferno Cannon and the Heavy Pursuit Missile has been completed, and the refit of the Galactica Fleet is in progress. The ships patrolling the blockade are the first to be refitted, followed by the ships in and around Galactica Prime, and the ships watching Azdgari space. Blueprints have been sent to the Galactica shipyards at Voinia, and all new ships are being equipped with the new weaponry.


More ships have been sent to the Galactica-Azdgari border, including another Dreadnought and several frigates, fitted with the upgraded weaponry. This leaves Voinia, the regional capital of western Galactica space, somewhat less defended. However, defenses there are still very strong and should be able to at least hold off an attack until more ships arrive.


OOC: Thunder, if you want to conduct the interview now, just tell me.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.