Reign of Chaos 2

REDchigh gazes at the menu for a while, then gets some river eels, some oblong green fruit, and a sweet Zidigar beer.
a few minutes later RED starts spilling the information between bites.
"Well, the Galactica empire rules most of the galaxy, they aren't that strong, but the have three times the ships of most other races.
Galactica hasn't invented many weopons, they mostly upgrade the ones you remember. They still use a better Blaze cannon, a stronger pursuit missile, they stole a Neutron beam and made it much more powerful, oh, they did design one weopon, I like it a lot. Its a missile, escept it works kind of like a Dispy rocket.. no, more like flak. It explodes right before it hits the target. good against armor.. now lets see.... You remember Carnotaur? He has his own government up close to where the Emalgha used to be. I worked with them a while back, but I quit.. needed more adventure.. The Adzgari revolted.. if you can put aside your strand hatred, You might be able to contact them, a joint Adzgari-Zidigar alliance would be enough to break the blockade i bet... Well, the best thing i can tell you is to turn on the GNN. its a news network, usually gives good information.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
~Mark Twain
"The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes."

The Zephyr broke from hyperspace into the DSN-6160, one system further then expected. Earlier on, Hawk had decided to investigate the system where the initial problem had come up. Might be intresting to see what happened.

Hawk made a guesture, slowling the ship to a halt at the edge of the inner system. Swooping his hand, he activated the scanners to see what he most expected. Ships of both UE and Zidagar design were in-system. The Kisani conteplated on what to do next. Should of thought this far ahead. Then again, getting into this system was hard enough. Shrugging, Hawk made another guesture, opening a link to the vessels in the systems. Due to the Zephyr’s sensor cloak, it would be nigh-impossible to locate her postion.

After taking a deep breath, Hawk stated, “To all United Earth and Zidagar vessels, this is Zacha Hawk of the city-ship Raganok. I come here on the behalf of the Zacha to deliever a message; you’re all under arrest. In accordance with Galactica Law, you have fired on military ships and destroyed them, and under authority given to me by Zachit C&C;, I must arrest you. I give you three choices: Leave back to where yo came, surrender to the Galactica forces outside this system. Your third choice is to fight me, and right now I’m in a mood not even the Fates can hope to match. If I’m willing to disable two military frigates to get to you, then I’m dead serious on taking you out. I await your decission within five minutes.”

With that Hawk cut the link and tapped the air, bringing into veiw the entire fleet and carefully made his movements. He tapped the air again, this time to power his weapons. If he was right, then there would be some heavy fighting soon.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

OOC: Red, Galactica techs are actually a lot better than they sound. We have a lot more than numbers going for us, you know. And we didn't steal the Neutron beam. When the former Voinian Empire became a part of the Galactica Empire, all Voinian technologies became property of Galactica.

I just felt the need to correct you.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

Continuing research on Scrambler...

I didn't know these animals could use computers.


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**OOC: Red, Galactica techs are actually a lot better than they sound. We have a lot more than numbers going for us, you know. And we didn't steal the Neutron beam. When the former Voinian Empire became a part of the Galactica Empire, all Voinian technologies became property of Galactica.

I just felt the need to correct you.

OOC: I know that the Galactica is quite strong. I'm just not really a pro-Galactica person, and everything I said was true. Remember, I'm an independant fighter pilot, not a Galactica pilot, I only know what I hear in bars and such.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
~Mark Twain
"The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes."

The Heavy Pursuit Missile is nearly finished now. It was a much simpler build than scientists had thought, and all that is left is the fuel cells. These could prove to be a problem, delaying the work, but this is highly unlikely.

The Heavy Inferno Cannon is taking much longer. The new power cores are so powerful that they constantly overload cooling systems, and the power of the shots from the cannon makes the cannon shake considerably, subtracting from accuracy. This means that the cannons will have to be fitted with special casings to reduce motion. Luckily, the new casings will also be able to house the cooling systems, and space will be saved. If the problem with the shaking persists, the power cores will have to be traded for less powerful ones so as not to force the cannon to become overly bulky with stability casings.

A large fleet of Freighters has been assembled, and they are ready to begin transporting the new supplies to the Galactica Space Navy as soon as the new weapon systems are completed. A detachment of Carriers has been diverted from southern Galactica space to carry construction ships to assist in the refit.



Originally posted by Sattomax:
Continuing research on Scrambler...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 07-03-2001).)

Espilot stood, looking out into space, from the bridge of his heavily souped-up Zidara, the Z.S.S. Finale, which would be utterly outstripped by most ships its size had it not been for the advanced upgrades on such an old ship. The Finale patrolled around the station at F-25. He was often called insubordinate for constantly patrolling the system in his outdated ship instead of being on the station or the Savior, since he was a high-ranking officer. He checked the fuel meter, and saw they had about 3/5ths of a full tank. He said to the pilot "Dock at the station; we need to stock up on various supplies before our next patrol." The pilot responded "Yes sir." and the Z.S.S. Finale made its way to the station.

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground —Goku

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 07-03-2001).)

Thunder looked on through a portal as Informer One dissolved into realspace and headed for Galactica prime. Several small fightercraft buzzed the ship, obviously checking security clearance. At the control tower on the surface, the landing staff recieved a transmission.

"This is the GNN ship Informer One, requesting permission to dock." The control tower staff checked their clearance logs, then responded.

"Control tower to Informer One, you are cleared to land in docking port 15-C. Welcome to Galactica Prime."

"Thank you, control tower."

As soon as the ship had docked, Thunder had the comm officer inform Emperor Battledoctor that he had arrived. "Now to find his office..." Thunder thought to himself as he disembarked.

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

Hawk sighed at the lack of response he got. Kisani were known as a patient race, due to both being a long-lived race and having a rich culture. Hawk however never gained that trait of patience; indeed his skills came from that part of him. At the age of fifty-six, which when compared to humans was around twenty-one, the Kisani had gone through twenty years of training in many things, piloting and combat tactics were his specialties. Many maneuvers had won him battles against renegades, and the was mainly the reason why he had been chosen as the next leader of the Zacha.

Gesturing, Hawk thrust ahead towards the nearest Zidara, his head abuzz with a plan. A suicidal plan, maybe, one that would get their attention, deffentintly, but that was what Hawk wanted. He wanted their attention. The Zephyr streaked across space like a bright blue streak, and as the Arada got closer to its chosen prey, Hawk made two gestures. He fired a pursuit missile followed by a dispersal rocket, which hit the Zidagar ship full on. Deactivating his sensor cloak, Hawk zoomed in on the ship...and under it. During his early days as a Zacha pilot, Hawk had come face to face with a renegade Crescent Warship, and while its’ fighters were busy with other Zachit ships, the Kisani had dealt with the warship. After some fighting, the warship was disabled while Hawk’s ship fared little better. Hawk planned on reenacting that same scenario.

As the Zephyr got underneath the bigger ship, she turned upwards so that the cockpit was facing the Zidara’s underbelly. The Zachit Arada then started spinning across towards the end of the ship. Hawk moved his hands with speed, making intricate gestures and firing the Zephyr’s whitefire beam as he went. The Zidara returned fire of course but the Zephyr still went along, firing a white-blue beam and badly damaging shields. Hawk made some more gestures and stopped firing. The Zephyr did a 360 degree flip and headed straight down and the flipped 180 degrees, heading away from the Zidara forces, racing towards the edge of the inner system.

That should get their attention...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

BattleDoctor was practicing playing a complicated Voinian string instrument which he had taken up shortly after the founding of the Galactica Empire. In the middle of one of his favorite songs, he was rudely interrupted by the buzzer on his intercom.

"Sir? Hello? Sir, did I catch you at a bad ti-"

"No. Now is just fine," Replied BattleDoctor. "This is the Emperor speaking"

"Ok, Sir. We just had the GNN news crew arrive here in Docking Port 15-C. The head anchor... What was his name? I know I wrote it down somewhere..."


"Yeah, that was it. He's coming up to your office."

"Great. When he arrives I'll buzz him in."

BattleDoctor returned to his instrument and awaited Thunder's arrival.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

Paladin frowned.

"Damage taken?" he asked the officer, Admiral Leios, who had brought him the report.

"Considerable. 50 Dragons, and...." Leios began, but Paladin stopped him.

"Yes, I heard," Paladin replied. "The main energy coil for the Garland was fried, and we can't replace it. Well, how is she?"

Leios sighed. "Weapons are not operational, including our best weapon, the Amrageddon Beamer. We can't replace those in this galaxy at all. Getting the Garland mobile might be possible, but for now it's trapped on F-25. We've started to set up our military defences, and the Zidagar are defending. We've maintained radio silence for now, as you know, and are watching."

"The blockade?" Paladin asked.

"Considerably large - larger than expected. 400 Galactica frigates per entry way, and seveal much larger ships. We're guessing three dozen of those dreadnought ships, too, which is disturbing..." Leios replied.

"Pity the Garland is down - it could take an entire entry way on it's own, 400 frigates or not. Okay, I've been recording all news we've heard, and this GNN is extremely interesting. It doesn't seem possible to leave the blockade right now, or come into contact with the GNN, Azdgari or the Mercenary Alliance that were mentioned in the smaller minor parts of the GNN news."

"However, we will not sit here and watch. I want fifty Dragons, which I will lead personally with my dragon, the Renzokuken, to prepare for a raid on Hrekka, where Galactica has assembled forces. Only those fifty Dragons, no support ships other than their three Wyvern fighters," Paladin explained.

"When we enter the system, I intend to launch every Starlance we have at them, and then see what we can do. This will not be a major attack, just a testing of their strength. We cannot afford to waste too many starlances, either, all things considering. If worst comes to worst we'll lose maybe ten Dragons, but I doubt it. We'll probably each lose a ship or two, nothing more."

"On another note....."

A siren started bleeping loudly. A message from the the receiver on one wall of the meeting room Paladin stood in: "we have received a report - we are under attack by a lone Zacha Arada, apparently with cloaking capabilities, combat rating estimated at surpassed Ultimate. Unit is attempting to place us under arrest."

Paladin could but laugh. "The fool. Have a group of twenty Dragons move around him this instant, and disable his ship. We'll talk to him, soon enough."


A score of Dragons - all the Dragons in that system, in fact, due to the lack of ships available to the UE - moveda around the unnamed Zacha Arada. The Zacha Arada stood passive for the moment, but it was otherwise that the incredible pilot of it was weighing up the situation.

The Dragons moved quicker than the Arada expected, quickly moving in around the Arada completely, surrounding it. Wyverns moved behind, weapons charged.

The lead Dragon sent out a message:

"Zacha pilot, the UE will not accept. We will not surrender, nor will we leave this galaxy. We are here simply to take back our own land, not on a reign of conquest. My you know that our ships can incinerate your vessel in less than a second, and that the artifical gravity created by our vessels around you is too strong for you to escape our bind. You are trapped. Surrender to us, or die."

Meanwhile, the Renzokuken, a heavily upgraded Dragon - modified from being the leader's ship of an alien race called the Moazshaka - flew quickly into the system where the Zachit Arada rested, intent only on finding out whatever was necessary, including information on the sensor cloak.


At around this time, UE perimeter networks were set up in F-25, but few scouts were sent out. The UE would wait, for now, to see if Galactica attacked. And if they did, Galactica would feel the might of the UE - and they would fear the Dragon, the prime ship of the United Earth Federation, a ship capable of near matching a Galactica Dreadnought on it's own.

The time would come - eventually - where war would rage, but for now, all was silent on the Garland, which currently remained on F-25, and the UE efficiently began to set up all their necessary defences, such as silos, shields, and so forth.

Galactica both underestimated them, and misunderstood them. All Paladin, now in his early sixties, wanted was to take back his old homeworld, and use a device they had found far away known as the Genesis Device to bring Earth back to life. That was all he, and his followers, wanted. Galactic conquest was not among his list...


MOD: No moderation whatsoever - I'm impressed.

OOC: Technology times are really just estimates. You may do it how you like, although the current easiest is posts by you , not by everybody. Please stick to this, RMA. Also, Battledoctor, your technology research might be going a little hastily - I'll tell you if you need to slow it, but for now it's fine.

Also, the various trinkets mentioned, such as the Genesis Device and Armageddon Beamer, will likely never be used. The Genesis Device, perhaps, but the various deadly weapons on the Garland are simply stolen technologies, and are all broken down. All the UE really have is the proton cannon and turret, the seeker missile, and the Starlances. I've been quite easily on everybody here, giving the UE no special technologies.

On another note, nice work to everybody! Would Galactica please remember the Mercenary Alliance - they need to allocate ships to that front. If you send all your ships to the Azdgari or blockade, I won't moderate if Carnotaur attacks Voinia and wins, so be careful there.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Fates help me on this one. Not the kind of attention I exactly wanted. As the score of the so-called crusiers quickly got around him, Hawk almost thought of thrusting the Zephyr towards the outer system. Then he heard the meaasge. "Might as well see this through." Amongst Hawk's more daring ideals was the self-destruct of his ship. Only once had he needed to do so and it had been in an old fighter when he collided with a Crescent Warship. He had ejected of course.

"Activate Self-destruct twelve minute silent count down. Code Hawk Kisan Three, go." "Self-destrcut armed. Twelve minutes and dropping. This is the only warning."

Hawk made a guesture and opened a comlink to the ships that surronded him and vessel that had just jumped in. "To all UE ships surronding me, nice move. My compliments to your leader, but I have no intention of surrenedering. I am willing to talk however, but I will not leave this ship under any situation. Also note that Zachit ships know where I am, but I have given the order so that none may come after me; if your hopes are to aquire my technology and study it, then don't count on anymore coming. But my actions stand firm; until I speak with your leader, you're still all under arrest."

With that Hawk cut the transmission. He could now only wait.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

OOC: SilverDragon, I'm not sending all of my ships to the Blockade and to Azdgari space. Almost half of the ships there were taken from defense fleets in central Galactica space, and various other spots where they were not needed. The borders, while not as well defended as the sometimes are, are still defended enough to at least hold off an attack until reinforcements get through. Also, several key points (such as shipyards or large staging areas), for example Voinia, still have over half of their ships. If the Blockade grows any larger than there will be a serious drain on resources from other parts of Galactica space, but the numbers are not growing anymore for the time being. The Mercenary Alliance is close enough to Galactica Prime and Voinia that ships could quickly be sent if any invasion began. The thing is, SilverDragon, Carno just isn't here right now.


Work on the Heavy Pursuit Missile has stalled out. The fuel cells have turned out to be problematic, due to their small size. The plan is for range to be extended with more fuel, but not to increase fuel tank size. The original tanks worked well when fuel pressure was increased 35%, but the goal was to be able to fit 1.75 times the original amount of fuel in the old fuel tanks. On the coomputer simulation this worked fine, but in prototype simulations the tanks tended to explode from the pressure. New materials for stronger tanks will have to be brought in from factories on Saalia. This will cause delays.

Heavy Inferno Cannons are still presenting various problems to the researchers. The project may have to be scaled down or even scrapped altogether if the cannon can't be made to work right.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 07-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 07-04-2001).)

The Renzokuken swiftly continued it's journey to find the invader, a full three hours away from getting there...

...and the timer on the Zephyr went down. It went past five minutes, and the Dragons around the ship maintained radio silence. Finally, they sent a message.

"Paladin himself is moving swiftly to greet you. His vessel, the Renzokuken, will be here in three hours. We request that your ship remains in place until then. Any efforts to escape this bind will only result in your ship being torn apart by the various gravitational pulls. That counts for escape pods, also."

"Your ship will be targetted and disabled in five minutes if you do not respond, and all systems, including emergency ones, will be knocked offline."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

"Very well, but fire one shot at me and you'll be knocking on the gates of whichever gods you worship. Zephyr out." With that, Hawk cut the link. "Computer stand down self-destruct." "Self destruct off."

Hawk's hands worked the interface with speed, quickly formulating a plan. Should they fire, one word from the Kisani and the Zephyr's plasma core would drop and be detonated. In that he and at least three of the behemonth ships closest to him would be blasted into oblivion.

With but a sigh and shrug he waited for the bloody ship to arrive.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Thunder stepped into a large hallway, and walked down until he reached the second corridor on the right. The guard at the entrace to the government complex told him he'd find Battledoctor's office at the end of that corridor. He walked down, until he reached a somewhat fancy door, at least moreso than most of the doors in the government complex, marked "Office of the Emperor". Just the door he was looking for. Stepping inside, he looked around, then moved forward to greet the secretary sitting behind a desk in what appeared to be a waiting room of sorts. "Hi, I'm Thunder from the GNN, here to see the Emperor"

"He told me he was expecting you," the secretary replied, checking Thunder's security pass. "His office is right behind that door. Go ahead in."

"Thank you, ma'am," Thunder responded politely, and walked forward. He was a bit nervous - anyone in his position would probably be, meeting the leader of most of the known galaxy was enough to inspire at least a twinge of intimidation in pretty much anybody - but then again, he knew he had years of GNN experience and was bringing an important story to the people, and that far outweighed any nervousness he might have felt.

Walking forward, he grabbed hold of the doorknob, turned it, and quietly stepped inside.


MOD - Please, people, try not to make posts for the sole purpose of advancing your research. A post should have something else besides "Research continued, X posts until completion" in it.

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 07-04-2001).)

ooc: by the way, I do have 2 new ships.They haven't been mentioned so far because I didn't see the need.The Zidagar also have new shields that are a lot better but mostly they just have everything uptaded.Also one new weapon.Isiki cannon,turret. It's better on armor than shields but it's still pretty strong even for todays tech. The problem is it's a natural resource so hard to get. If you've forgotten the other techs go find Reign of Chaos 1. The new ships are both bigger but still fast.Ones slightly bigger than the CW.Thats the Zakith.The other is in between that and a Zidara.A circular ship, the Kizat.

IC: Rima listened to RED until she got the news of a damaged Zidara. She swore under her breath and then went to see how badly damaged it was. It could be repaired but it would take awhile. They'd need more supplies too. There weren't that many asteriods out here either and they needed them. Rima sighed. She simply wanted to take her people home. Rima sent 2 Kizats too get the Zidara. Then she went back to RED. "Tell me about the Zachit.As much as you can.Obviously they now have a smart leader."

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

"Hmmm let me think a minute.. They are Nomadic, always cluster around a huge ship, the Ragnarak or something, that they use like a planet for docking and upgrading, they use a scrambler, covers ship from sensors and tracking weopons, the still use their Arada and Fighter, they are upgraded to be even, hmm the have a new ship, thats a cruiser class, its pretty tough, carries 3 fighters... The still use the P. Missile, the have a beam weopon, called the Whitefire beam, its kind of strong...
they have other ships, but I dont really know much, I've never even been to their space, I just got this information from a couple of drunk zacha when I was carrying cargo to the Ragnorac..."

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
~Mark Twain
"The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes."


The sound of something beeping awoke Chief Designer Kindisy. The grumpy human growled and was about to through his pillow at whatever had caused him to waken. However, he thought better of it; sitting up, Kindisy saw that the beeping was coming from his desk at the far end of the room. The computer blared and Kindisy winced at the sound. “You have one message. Need to display now.”

“Can’t I get any sleep around here. Do this, do that. And when I finally get some sleep, it’s wake up Kindisy.”

Getting out of bed, the engineer stumbled across the room, triping over many things and cursing enough to make even a renegade blanch. Kindisy had worked a double shift and was glad to get some sleep; he had went to sleep three hours ago and was not a happy person when woken. Reaching the desk and said, “Veiwer on; show me this message that woke me.”

The desk computer blinked to show the crest of the Zacha, followed by the face of Hawk. The two had known each other since they both joined the Zachit together many, many years ago and were close friends.

“Sorry to wake you old friend, but even though you hate to be woken from your beauty sleep, I have a job for you. The reason why I chose this hour is because I can neither talk to you in person and because you would be the only person in. As you know, the Zacha have longed lacked a true warship, save for your brainchild, the Echo Destroyer. Yet we lack something that can go head to head with a crusiser and win; over the past few months I have been drawing up plans and ideas and the like, along with the athourizeation needed. However, I need to have the best shid designer in the Crescent, and that’s you my friend. I have aloted the resources, the plans, everything needed to complete the project. The monetary transaction had also been seen to as well; two years ago, the Zacha recieved an annomys donation of nearly fifty million credits. Although we tried to track it, it was no use and the credits seem legal. Yet the Council decided to keep it hidden until needed for a purpose; I have authourised this as the purpose. I know you can do this, Kindisy; Fates know you can pull this off. Best of wishes, old friend.”

The screen went blank for a second, only to light up with plans and files for the ship. Kindisy was awed by it; at the ship’s beauty, capabilites and other things. For nearly half an hour he studied it. He hit the swicht and turned off the deskcomn. “This project will wait until I get some sleep.” Before the engineer could get up though, his head was on the desk, asleep.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

BattleDoctor had become quite the music lover since the founding of Galactica. The years of relative peace had given him much time to learn many instruments. BattleDoctor was playing a few simple chords on a Terran instrument, the "Guitar", one which he had never been able to really get the hang of. He was interrupted from his practicing when a man wearing a GNN reporter's uniform walked into his office. The man looked somewhat scared and intimidated.

"Hello. You must be Thunder."

"That would be me, Emperor BattleDoctor. Pleased to meet you." greeted Thunder, in a slightly wavering voice.

"Pleased to meet you too, Thunder. Now, let's get to the business at hand. The interview?"

"Ah yes." replied Thunder, rapidly regaining composure. "Let's begin now."

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.