Reign of Chaos 2

"I think it would be best if we conducted our interview as a special edition of this evening's Nightly Breifing. It's the most widely viewed GNN program, and it will give us ample time to prepare the studio and work out the specifics of the interview. Since the interview won't be until this evening, you and any crew you might have are welcome to stay at the GNN headquarters until the time of the interview. I'm sure you must have had a long journey to Kayia - we're not exactly in the center of the galaxy or anything. How about some lunch?"

(OOC to Whitehawk - Since you'll be the one coming up with the answers to the questions, I think you should probably be the one to write the interview post itself. Have a breif introduction, then have me ask questions about the Zacha, what it's like being nomads, your views on current events, and whatever else you deem appropriate. No doubt this way will be a lot easier than me asking the questions and waiting for you to answer each one :))

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

The refit of the Galactica Fleet is nearly finished. The Blockade and all ships in western Galactica space have been refitted with the Heavy Inferno Cannon and the Heavy Pursuit Missile. The ships patrolling the Galactica-Azdgari border have been fitted with launchers, but the shipment of Heavy Pursuit Missiles was delayed, so at the moment they are not fully armed. The remainder of the Fleet, stationed in less vulnerable parts of Galactica space, still needs to be worked on. Select parts of it have been rearmed, but the vast majority is still using the old technology. Soon enough the entire Fleet will be up to date.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

This GNN Nightly Report with Thunder as your host:

Thunder: “Greetings and hello to all our veiwers. Tonight we have a special guest here live with us. He is a warship captain and Second Commander of the Zacha. I give you Captain Sisay of the Mira.”

The camera came to focus on Sisay and the half-Miranu waved and smiled. “It’s great to be here, Thunder. I would like to thank you for this interveiw.”

Thunder: “No problem, Captain. Now my first question of the night is what is it like to be nomadic?”

Sisay thought on the question for a moment, then answered. “It has its ups and downs. Before Galactica took over Miranu territory, the Miranu gave us what was to be our best and last gift: the Ragnorak. Over ten years ago when we were expelled from Zacha Station, we chose to be nomadic and Ragnorak became our home. We see this as an oppurtuinty to explore and to go where needed the most. We’ve been able to thrawt more renegades and because of that there are indeed few left. We can go into hiding if need be and our spirits are free. The dowm part of this is that we lack a ready place of supplies and as such have to do with what we got; little in the ways of ship building materials and weaponry are wasted and the Ragnorak has good power supplies which power the hydroponics garden and the replicator systems indeffenitly. Yet even the Ragnorak has her limits; there are dozens of Zacha ships gathered in small loose bands who do their jobs. That’s all I can say about it personally.”

Thunder nodded and said, “Thank you, Captain. My second question is: What is the Ragnorak exactly? Is it a massive warship or refuge?”

Sisay answered that one immeadiatly. “As I’ve said, Ragnorak was the Miranu’s final gift to us before their ‘transion.’ It was also their most proudest accomplishment, considering her size. Ragnorak is what had been designated a city-ship; she is four miles long and nearly a mile wide with nearly 300 decks. She is home to 500000 thousand people, 200000 of which are Zacha; the rest are civillian families or those who were unhappy with Galactica rule. She holds docking bays, gardens, a few bars, commerce areas, and much more; orginally she was built for battle and is thus outfitted like that. Yet we don’t take the Ragnorak into battle because of her civillian population; but she is well armed and can defend herself. Her armaments include over 120 whitefire beam arrays and anti-ship missiles; her shields are beyond that of even three dreadnaughts and the regeneration is remarkable. Her hull was made of the strongest metals and alloys, making her nearly indestructable. Ragnorak is very slow though and was meant as a carrier and support ship, and as such she will never ever be taken into battle.”

Thunder: “It is good to hear that the Zacha are a people who look after their own. My last question is a double one. Where do the Zacha stand at in the coming conflict and what do they stand for?”

This one put Sisay into a deep thought as he chose his words. “First, that answer on where we stand will be answered by Hawk Kael. He is our leader and we follow him. To answer what we stand for, it is simply this. The Zacha have always standed for honor and protection. Since our founding nearly a thousand years ago, we have kept the Miranu core worlds from Renegade threat. In a sense we took after the Kisani’s old Kiran Guard, which is long dead. We defended those who sought out aid and blew to bits any renegade a warrant was put out for. Over time we have captured many renegades and gotten rid of those who proved impossible of capturing. Under Jam’lin’s leadership two centuries past, we drove off a formulated plan of every major renegade faction uniting, thus ending a major threat before it started. Under Tisshaim the Azdgari, we learned leadership and the use of chaos as our ally in battle; under Cho’ja we destroyed the threat that was the Rock. Under Tashen we learned wisdom before action; and under Hawk Kael, we learn compassion and the need to strike only when necessary. That is what we stand for.”

Thunder thought on the last answer and said, “Thank you for your answers, Captain Sisay. We hope to see you sometime in the future.” He turned and continued, “Before we go to the nightly sports events, Hawk Kael has given us a prerecording of an announcement. Here we play it.”

An image of Hawk Kael, leader of the Zacha appeared. In the background was his office aboard the four mile long city-ship Ragnorak, which lay at the moment in some hidden star system, undetectable by any scans except for very close range...within twelve meters.

He sat calmly and started speaking. “Greetings citizens of the galaxy. As you may already know, I am Hawk Kael, leader and pilot of the Zacha. We have safely patroled the routes about the trade routes, weeding out what little remains of renegades and pirates. We do this for free for this why we were formed; to protect those who needed aid. Before I get to my point, a liitle about myself. I am Kisani, or most of me is anyways, a proud and ancient race with a culture about a two thousand years older then the forming of the Strands. We populate many worlds now, as our people suffered a massive civil war, but enough of that. I am what some would call a rouge; fifteen years before I joined the Zacha I was a renegade who raided all Strand, Miranu, human, and Voinian space. I disabled merchant vessels and took all they had, but left their ships intact but disabled; if their ships were in critical situations, I would externelly fix it then vanish. I destroyed few ships save for Voinian warships, and with that I was merciless; I do regret it but would do it again in a heart beat.

I was also a hunter of other renegades and hunted down all who seek to threaten innocent civillians. After a time I came back into the grace of Miranu and Strand space, and joined the Zacha after hunting down and destroyed three of the most vile renegade vessels who lived; that I don’t regret for they killed over ten thousand innocents: women, elderly, infirmed, and childern. Because of all those I raided, I made a massive amount of money, which I invested some of it; today my total ammount is well over 300 million credits, which I’ve devoted entirely to the Zacha.”

He paused for a moment and took a drink from a coffee mug before starting again. “Now for my main points. First, what I say very few would dare to speak of openly. What I speak of is Galactica, who controls more then three quarters of this galaxy. We all know of their rise to power, but this power is unjustly earned. They hold its’ citizens in check with their massive navy and countless soldiers, and they rule through the use of fear and even slaughter. They have destroyed entire populated worlds, some containing thousands, even millions of civillians; Kitrak is but one of them and that world held more then one and half million people. Dissention is met with torture and even slow and agonizing death; many more innocents have been killed just for being suspected.

Galactica furthermore condones people to death by forbidding any civillians to own armed ships; this may have cut crime down, yes, but those civillians still die because of those remaining renegades in south Crescent space. I also have proof that certain high ranking officers and officals within the Galactiaca Navy and government have dealings with these renegades; their names and deals are contained within this crystal which will be displayed at the end of this message. To all who listen to this, know that there are many among who who are not truly loyal to the Galactica Imperium. They will rise up unknown to the navy and government and rebel, no matter how wacthful they may be.

My bext point concerns the Zacha colonization of the Sirabor system. As of this message, it is fully set up and all surface defenses set. We have all legal things done and have a fully authorized charter to the moons and system and even planet of Sirabor. We have set these colonies up as a free haven which will not recognize Galactica law or rule; armed conflict of any kind while in system will be dealt with consierable force and any renegade who steps foot in Sirabor will be given the chance to surrender or leave or else be blown from space. The moons of Sirabor will become home to any Kisani, Miranu, and Strand refugees, and other alien races as well; we fully intend to do background checks on those suspected to be loyalists of Galactica and will be wacthed carefully.

Any Galactica warship or fighter presence will not be tolerated within the system and will be escorted out of the system or else be disabled and towed out of the system. Sirabor’s government is formally known as Haven and is closely governed by a very close friend of mine, a Miranu named Calas Jessi. She shall do what is necessary and ensure the peace within the system. Sirabor has a defense force of 150 Zachit aradas, 160 Zacha fighters, six echo destroyers, and many assorted civillian Crescent warships heavly armed.”

Hawk paused once more, and his voice became very serious. “As my last issue, many of you know of the return of the tattered Zidagar and UE fleets. This is largely due to the Galactic News Network’s great skill and because of Thunder’s organized efforts in keeping it going. What I am about to say will not in anyway involve those civillians who will come to dwell in Sirabor, those who guard the system, or those civillians living on Ragnorak. As of today, the Zacha fleets have officaly declared war on Galactica. We will not stand by to see innocents killed anymore and we will aid Paladin and Rima, leaders of the United Earth and Zidagar forces in any way. Remember that it was Galactica who drove these two proud civilizations away beyond this galaxy. The Zacha were formed to combat any threat against civilization, and we see Galactica as a threat. So after ten long years, we act now! If Galactiaca dares to open fire on any Zacha civillian or unarmed ship or moves hostilely on Sirabor this action will be met with devesting results. We will however not result to their level in blowing up civillian ships.”

“This is Hawk Kael out.”

The screen went black and many names and dealings and events appeared. These were the promised records of those involved in highly illegal dealings with renegades and other outlaws. The list was very, very, very long.

As Sisay listened and watched, his only words were, “Alei perserve us all...”

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 08-12-2001).)

OOC to Whitehawk: Uh, Whitehawk, since when did Galactica commit the atrocities that you mentioned in your post? As far as I know, Galactica doesn't rule by intimidation and such... Even if your character was just spouting crap to get the masses all fired up and confrontational, I think that the general populace of the galaxy would know whether Galactica did those kind of things, and therefore he would not be believed. If you actually think that, in the game, all that stuff happened, I believe you are mistaken. Would you care to clarify this?

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

OOC: I'm gonna be gone a few days at most. Oh and BattleDoc, a little propaganda goes a long ways.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 08-12-2001).)

Ok, I was just wondering whether you yourself actually thought that that was true in the game, or whether you were, as you said, just making some propaganda.


BattleDoctor was definetely not happy when he finished watching the GNN broadcast of Hawk's message. Before, the Zachit position on the current state of affairs had been rather ambiguous; now, it was painfully clear where the Zachit stood.

"Who the hell does this guy think he is? That was a complete load of crap!" yelled BattleDoctor, speaking to nobody in particular. He then shooed all of his aides out of his office, grumbling and seething with anger. "This is not what I need right now."

After about 10 minutes had passed, BattleDoctor called up his Chief of Intelligence.
"I assume you saw the latest GNN broadcast," stated BattleDoctor, now considerably calmer.

"Yes, sir," replied the Chief of Intelligence.

"That last section particularly disturbed me. Get some people on it, right away. We can't afford to have our people conferring with the renegades at a time like this"

"Right away, sir. I'll have a task force on it by tomorrow morning. Goodnight sir."

BattleDoctor cut the commlink, and dozed off to sleep in his office.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

---Dateline: Kayia---

"For those of you who didn't tune in for our special edition of the Nightly Breifing yesterday night, Hawk Kael, leader of the Zacha, has declared war on the Galactica empire. To recap, the Zacha have colonized the Sirabor system, and declared the region a Galactica-free zone. He stated that any Galactica ship to enter the system will be asked to leave - by force if necessary. He also accused the Galactica Empire of conspiring with the renegades of the South Tip. The GNN does not believe in transmission of propoganda or unconfirmed facts - our duty is to the truth. We have not been able to confirm these reports - if there was any evidence to support these claims, then it no longer exists. No records exist anywhere that support Hawk's claims. It is the official opinion of the GNN, after consulting correspondands familiar with the reneagdes, as well as records here on Kayia and in the surrounding systems, that it can't be proven that Galactica has ever had any dealings with the renegades. We will continue to look into this issue. As for the alleged massacres on Kitrak and other worlds, our correspondants strongly believe this is merely propaganda. We can't conclusively prove this yet, as we still have many, many records to sort through, but we will bring you the best information we can find as soon as we can get our hands on it.

The Zacha colonization of Sirabor is a major event in our galaxy, and we have sent the GNN flagship, the crescent warship Informer One, to the Sirabor system to offer a report on the goings-on there. It is currently en-route, and we will offer you live reports from Sirabor as soon as Informer One arrives.

This has been GNN cheif reporter Thunder, reporting live from GNN studios on Kayia. Now back to your regular programming."


Having finished his news flash broadcast, Thunder turned to his comm panel. He knew that it was important to offer both sides of a story - and let the people decide where they fell. To this end, he would contact Galactica Emperor Battledoctor once again -

Message to Emperor Battledoctor, encryption active

Greetings, Emperor. This is Thunder of the GNN speaking. As you no doubt are aware, we have recently broadcast a live interview with a Zacha official, as well as a pre-recorded message from their leader. The GNN is dedicated to bring all sides of stories to light - and to that end I offer you the chance to broadcast a pre-recorded response to the Zacha statement, allowing you a chance to voice your opinion on current events, and address their accusations against the Galactica empire. If you'd be interested, record a message on a data crystal, and have it delivered to Akrayhek - the GNN will do the rest.

Thanks again for your time -
- Thunder, Head (and cheif reporter) of the GNN

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

MOD: Sojin, Sisay could only travel in an unnamed Arada, as I said, and you should have given Galactica chance to decide what they wanted to do - let it pass or destroy it. So, the Destroyer is an Arada, otherwise I'll let it pass.

Also, I'm sorry, but Galactica does rules by fear and intimidation, and everything Whitehawk said was correct. Check the map, and ask yourself why those systems here and there are uninhabited. Kitrak, for example. It's because Galactica was forced to take action. This may not have been entirely clear before, so just keep playing as you were before.

On another note, the second moderator is Thunder. Carnotaur has no moderator rights in this story, he's just a player. I just wanted to make that clear. No economy reports exist, but double researching is impossible for all except the Prylak and the Galactica (it still slows progress, but they can jut about handle it) I'ase or other races can handle one research project at a time without horrid drops in money. However, this all depends on the research.

Finally, RoC 2 is really speeding ahead. Nice work, but I can't keep up! I'll post the battle against the blockade soon, but I'm praying Rima sends reinforcements soon... <smiles> You'll get your first battle post later today.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

OOC: All that was true? Ehh, whatever. Just disregard any parts of my last post that don't apply if we actually do rule by fear and intimidation.


(Message, Gamma-5 encrypted)
To: Hawk, Zachit
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

We do not consider you an enemy, and we have no interest in fighting you. I have conferred with my advisors and we have come to the consensus that your colonization of Sirabor is acceptable. However, should you or your people partake in further any action that we perceive as hostile, I will be forced to take action

(End Message)


(Message, Phi-3 encrypted)
To: Thunder, GNN
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

I am interested in showing the people of the galaxy the truth. Therefore, I agree to send you a message which you can play on your network. I will begin composing it shortly.

(End message)


Galactica Fleet Command realizes that the Mercenary alliance could be a serious threat to the capital, and therefore has decided to better equip the station to defend itself. Galactica Prime already has numerous defenses including both types of Galactica missiles, Heavy Inferno Turrets, and an impressive Multi-Dynamic Shield array. For the most part, the station relies on assistance from warships to defend itself. Because enough warships to properly defend the station may not always be available, Fleet weapons developers are currently working on a large, overpowered Fusion Beam, similar to those found on all Galactica Dreadnoughts. This weapon should not take very long at all, since it is but an enlargement of a current weapon.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-12-2001).)

"We must have more forces than one fleet in this other galaxy. We must send in another."

"Sir, this may leave Tokiy rather undefended."

"I believe Tokiy is doomed no matter what. Send in another fleet, complete with a Carrier prototype."

"Yes, my Leader."


This time, the fleet entered the DSN-682 system, and quickly jumped from there into Fluron. Admiral Alt Ma'ose, in the prototype Carrier, hailed the first patrol it saw.

"We must speak with Emperor Battledoctor (I believe that is his name) of the Galactica Empire. It is of the highest priority."


"So, one fleet wants to know where Paladin is, and the other where Battledoctor is. This should prove to be very interesting," spoke the Leader.

"Yes, my Leader. The Carrier is almost in production. It should take about a week (3 posts) more to smooth out some minor power difficulties, and then we will be producing them. "

"We will, of course, need to send out a few to each fleet, to put their ships on. A few Carriers will look far less intimidating then a warfleet. I must call a Council meeting. Get the other members at once."

Carrier: 3 posts


I can, in fact, research two things at once? Also, Thunder, you haven't answered my question about Paladin's location yet. I'm assuming F-25, but I could be wrong...

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

<go away you bad bad post!>

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-13-2001).)

Paladin's forces moved into the DSN-2791 system. The cubes from the Garland prompty exploded in the system, creating such a huge shockwave that the energy signals could be picked up as far as 10 systems away.

The forces moved in in one sweeping movement, deploying and launching the StarLances and launching them at Carriers and Cruisers. The combined force of StarLances took down a lot of Carriers and Cruisers in the area.

The UE forces then pushed back, about twice as far as maximum firing range for any weapons, and waiting for Galactica to come to them, if they would.

(note that UE ships are quite fast due to their technology, and wouldn't have suffered too heavy damage)

In the first assualt:

Galactica Losses -
20 Cruisers
27 Carriers

UE Losses -
9 Drakes
17 Wyverns
(No Dragons)

Also note that over 150 StarLances have been used, depleting StarLance numbers in the UE ranks by over 50%.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Carnotaur shook his head. "I'm afraid he don't possess the technology to do so and it would take a while to research.

"I say that you go back and try to make contact with the UE and Zidagar. Have them make some sort of a signal to tell us..."

All of a sudden, a lieutenant ran up to Carnotaur, reporting that the Zacha were making an announcement on GNN. Carnotaur left to watch the report. Once he had finished, Carnotaur went back to James, the Zacha who had come to offer the alliance proposal. Carnotaur approached him. "I have just heard on the news that the Zacha have declared war on Galactica. Is there anything we can do to help you?"

Suddenly, yet another lieutenant ran up to Carnotaur, reporting that they had just detected a rather large energy burst from the Ji Nebula. To be exact, the DSN-2791 system. "Hmmmm... This may be the signal that we have been waiting for. Get the fleet under way, we're going to DSN-2791."

OFF STORY NOTE: A MA lieutenant will stay with James to answer his requests for assistence, and Red will also be notified of what the MA is doing.


Within two hours, 100 Ravens had been assembled and were now heading off to DSN-2791 as fast as they could. Not stopping in any system for more than 5 seconds, the Ravens speedily moved towards DSN-2791 and the battle between the UE and the Galactica Empire...


20 Ravens Built
2 Planetary Defense Cannons* Built on Emalghia - Total: 24
4 New Planetary Defense Cannons Built for Other Planets
2 New Shipyards Under Construction in Emalghion

Total Credits: 16 million
Credits per day: 2 million

Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
Time Till Completion: 2 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-13-2001).)

OOC: Carnotaur, just so you know, Galactica does have a fleet in the DSN-4647 system, which you will have to get through to reach DSN-2791.


Fleet Admiral Dorg, a slim middle-aged Voinian, stood on the bridge of G.E.S. Isled, the command ship of the forces in the DSN-2791 system.

He belted out an order, "Fleet Status report!"

One of the bridge crew quickly replied, "The forces directly around the jumpoint have been hit by an unidentified weapon... energy readings are off the charts. 20 Cruisers, 27 carriers lost, sir. 67 fighters managed to escape from the carriers, and have joined Carrier Groups 17 and 21. No other ships were harmed; they were able to raise their Multi-Dynamic shields."

"UE losses?"

"26 ships in total. They launched a lot of missiles at us... they are probably fairly low on ammunition. The UE fleet hs pulled back beyond weapons range."

"Order the fleet to hold position, but to fire at will as soon as the UE fleet comes back in range. My orders are to hold our position, not to pursue. And get me a commlink to the Emperor."

"Yes, sir."


A few minutes later...

"So they're holding position out of weapons range?" asked BattleDoctor.

Admiral Dorg replied, "Yes, sir. They are much to far to be reached by anything. Shall I pursue them?"

"No, no, your order stands. Just don't let them get past DSN-2791."

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-13-2001).)

Rima studied a few reports on the table. The Ue were moving and it was time for them to move too. She sent out a few quick messages to the fleet. She sent 100 ships of each type, and of course the Humrugar bays would provide plenty more ships too. She had the rest of the ships hovering right behind the fleet, to jump in if needed. Hopefully the blockade would break with so many ships against them.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

Alt Ma'ose was growing very tired of waiting. He had, after all, been given orders. "Fine, you will not answer me? I will go, then." And with that, his fleet jumped out of the Fluron system...

...And into the Mecha system, where it merged with the other fleet. The fleet then left the system. Going through Zidagar cloaked, the fleet made it to Grivok, where it was discovered that fuel was running out. There was no choice except to wait for the fuel scoops to recharge.


"Mats! Come over here." Mats went over to Vaten. "I need another weapon to be put on the Carrier. Some weapons techs came to me and told me that they have been working on something called the 'Negative Plasma Emitter' (NPE). Ring any bells?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, it does," answered Mats.

"Good. We will need NPE's put on the Carrier. I realize it does mean delaying Carrier production by a few weeks, but we need this weapon."

"I can develop it for the Carrier in about three weeks (five posts)

Carrier: 2 posts

Negative Plasma Emitter: 5 posts

OOC: I will explain this weapon and its ship on the info page when they're ready.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

OOC: I'm back and ready to post


There where three Galatica frigates doing a rotuine patrol in Kitrak. The system was empty, but at one time a decade past it had held a world full of life and joy. Now it was so much asteriods and space debris. The three frigates found it boring out here but mandatory, consdiering there were reports of renegades. The Zacha had been taking care of them of late, but with the latest declartion of war, the commander of the small fleet thought it necessary.

Suddenly their day became a whole more exciting...too bad it was to be their last. One second the system was empty save for asteroids and the three frigates...the next several jump points opened and five ships emerged into realspace. They appeared to be silvery-grey in appearence and nearly a hundered meters long. Sensors picked nothing up beyond jump points and an old renegade IIF well as weapons powering up. The frigates were caught totaling off guard. As the five ships emerged, three fighters each were launched, all bearing the same IFF codes; and all bore down with missiles and blazing white beams. After about six minutes, three frigates and six fighters were burning. The fighter pilots were recovered and no trace of the fighters existed. Three minutes later the system was empty save for asteroids and dying flamed debris of what used to be three Galactica frigates. The war had begun.

In the Sirabor system, as the GNN ship jumped in, it was swarmed by four Zacha Aradas and two Lazrias. All weapons were trained on the ship's bridge and engines; these were not people to be messed with. A comlink opened up to the vessel and a voice sounded.

"GNN vessel, we welcome you to Haven. Please forgive our aburt greetings, but we take no chances. Keep all weapons systems cold and we hope you enjoy your stay. GNN is always welcome within our borders. The govenrer is busy at this time, but she has set aside someone just returned from Kayia. Captain Sisay is at your disposal for the time being. Again welcome to Haven."

Hawk walked about his quarters onboard the Sedran, thinking heavly. He had not partaken in the battle but had obsereve from hyperspace via hidden drone. He had veiwed the tactics of the UE and hadn't bothered with Galactiaca; he was well versed in their battle manuvers and tactics. The UE were good, specificly Paladin; yet they lacked the skill needed if they wanted to gain major ground.

The Kisani was by decades of skill, very good at battle. He had overcome and destroyed slow Voinian crusiers and blown renegade Igadzras from space. In all that he kept every event and litte tactic down in written journals and stored databases. His mind contained many dozen major tactics to use in an instant. These were human, Kisani, various Strand, and even Voinians, amongst many others. He had personalized many himself and could teach any within a second. Hawk shook his head and tapped his wristlink, sending a voice message to Paladin.

"Paladin, this is Hawk. When you get the time to receive this, I would like for you to consider this offer. Since this new alliance is offical and I have declared war on Galactica, I've decided something. We will offer to you plans for our ships and weapons for use in the future as well as our sensor cloak; consider this an exchange of technolgies; I may have something to offer you as a gift. Take no offense in what I say next; I have been wacthing your forces' battle tactics from hyperspace and while good, they are not good enough against BattleDoctor's forces. I have at my disposal many records on battle tactics from almost every race and organization on record and personally know at least half myself. I am offering to teach your pilots and captains these tactics. I hope you except this gift. Hawk Kael out."

After a cacth of a breath, Hawk sent a similar message to Rima...

James nodded and said, "Not at the moment, good Captain. I would however give you this." He pulled another data crystal from his vest and handed it to Carnotaur as he left. "It contains skematics to our whitefire beam cannons and emitters as well as our sensor cloak. It was to be deemed necessary in case such a thing suddenly happened. If I need anything, I will call one of your aids. Until then I shall be staying at my ship; the payment for three days has been logged into the Guild's accounts, a total sum of 250,000 credits. Another gift from the Zacha." With that James bowed his respects and headed back to the arada he had come by.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Sigh... They're all out to get me.

Anyway, just so you all know I am going to be going until Sunday. I've notified RMA, he should be taking over soon.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**Sigh... They're all out to get me.

Anyway, just so you all know I am going to be going until Sunday. I've notified RMA, he should be taking over soon.

Pity I'm off tonight for a bit. Esponer will keep Galactica going till BD gets back.


So he's playing both sides? Oh well, doesn't matter to me yet...


The ships had rested for hours in the Grivok system. The scoops had finally recharged their fuel. During that time, about two renegade Laziras and a Crescent Warship had entered the system, and were blown to bits by the warfleet before they could respond. The fleet set course for DSN-8209, and were soon on their way...


"So you say that the Carrier is almost ready. How much fuel will it have? More than ten jumps? I hadn't even expected that, Mats."

"I know, my Leader. The Carrier will be equipped with Negative Plasma Emitters, a couple Flak Turrets, and will be able to hold many, many ships. About fifteen will be sent out, accompanying a small warfleet, which should be able to fit on about three Carriers. We will not send them out, however, until the NPEs are finished."

"Very well. Mats, you are dismissed. Rest assured, you will get a promotion for this."

Some time later

A messenger boy knocked on Senator Vaten's office. "Come in."

The courier entered the office, wondering at the size of it. "Um, sir, a Admiral Tasina is waiting outside. Says he wishes to see you. Also, Mats wants you to come to the shipyard ASAP."

Admiral Tasina entered without any further warning. "Senator, I wish to accompany the Carriers to the new galaxy, when they go."

"Yes, Tasina. I was going to call you to ask you to go, anyways. It would appear that I won't have to order you. You realize that this will be a tough mission."

"Yes, sir. I just wish to see these other cultures..."

Carrier: 1 post
Negative Plasma Emitter: 4 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept