South Tip Station Bar

Captaintripps returns to the bar after picking up his drycleaning and a new head, scotch guarded of course. "Anyone for a round of Pinochle?" He then orders a gin and tonic and sits in his favourite booth.

I AM AN X-MAN...wait, that doesn't sound quite right...

Mirrorman suddenly declares, "I'm an assisstant bartender. He then kills Lord Gwydion, steals all the drinks says, "I'm a Voinan and my bounty is 53 credits," insults evryone in the bar, gets in his ship , bombs the bar, then totally anihilates everything.

That's breaking every rule, isn't it? 😄

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

Captaintripps thinks that a small, leather trimmed booth floating through space in the burnt out wreckage of a bar is quite a wonderful experience. He sips his gin and tonic, wonders whether the dry-cleaners in Hatuli system can get out scorch marks, and then bemoans his lack of spaceship in which to fly to another bar. <hiccoughs>

I AM AN X-MAN...wait, that doesn't sound quite right...

Phoenix attacks him.


The troublemaker is eliminated.

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."
"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead."


Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**He sips his gin and tonic.


Ah, G&T;, atleast there is some normal people at the bars 😉


Unfortunately I'm still floating around space and now, apparently, with the recorpsified Mirrorman...even though his spaceship.

I only put out for girls who appreciate a good book.

Hmm, the eternal question, what to do with a recorpsified Mirrorman?


"Ok, I'm sorry about all that." Mirrorman waves his magic wand and the bar, along with the rest of the universe, comes back into existance.
"I just had the urge to break all of the rules all of the sudden... Oh, well. Hey, can I get something very alcoholic to drink?"

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

"You can have the rest of my gin and tonic," says Captaintripps. "Floating about in space made me desirous of a Guiness."

I only put out for girls who appreciate a good book.

"Oh, by the way, Pheonix, even if you went into your ship (which didn't exist at the time because I had totally eliminated evrything except my ship and apparently Captaintripps), you wouldn't have been able to find me because I had my cloaking device on. In fact, I don't think I ever took it off in the first place after I did that Urgent delivery to First Centauri... Which makes me wonder how I found my ship to fly away to bomb the bar and destroy everything... Oh, well. Hey, I'm still waiting for a drink."

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

(This message has been edited by Mirrorman (edited 05-27-2001).)

'Eat him?' Lord Gwydion suggests after regenerating himself, and fixing everything that was broken by Mirrorman. He then proceeds to put him into an oven, and then puts him on the specials menu. Lord Gwydion then notices that there isn't much time before this topic is locked (because of the post limit), and that someone should start up a new bar soon.


Originally posted by Captaintripps:
... <hiccoughs>...

PS-Captaintripps: I was just looking through the Oxford English Dictionary ( THE ultimate authority on the English language), and found that {shudder} the correct spelling of {hic} is 'hiccup.' HOWEVER, the earliest record of the word has it spelled 'hickop,' and directly before that word in the record is 'yexing.' When I looked 'yexing' up (in the process finding that 'yfycched' means 'fastened'), I found that it meant 'hiccuping.' So, what I'd do is spell it 'hickop,' because, A. the OED is never incorrect, and B. I hate the spelling 'hiccup.'

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

Dang it... My post took too long to type! Now it doesn't make sense.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

Mirrorman walks into the bar and looks at the specials menu.
"Oh Goody!" he exclaims with joy, "Clone meat is the best kind I can thing of, especially on tacos. Could you make me another taco, please? 😄 Oh yeah, still waiting for that drink, too."

If I take a cookie, and you take a cookie, how long will it take me to beat you down for stealing my cookie?

Lord Gwydion hands him his drink and a taco, and then asks him if he could start up the new bar, and when he does, make Lord Gwydion the assistant bartender.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

Captaintripps looks at his OED Colour Dictionary and Thesaurus and finds that hiccup is indeed correct. Sips Guiness. Wonders why he's always seen it spelled hiccough.

I only put out for girls who appreciate a good book.

Rima drinks her drink finally.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die.

Captaintripps watches Hackers 19 on the old RGB screen in place at the bar. "It's a wonder they keep making these movies after 170 years. They just keep getting worse."

I only put out for girls who appreciate a good book.

(This message has been edited by Captaintripps (edited 05-27-2001).)

Phaedrus De Fang walks into the bar. Seeing that things are going pretty slow, he returns to his ship, looks at a book, looks back at the station, and the small part of it where the bar is, looks at his ship, and gets out his torch. He cuts out his ships engines and goes over to where the bar is, cuts it out of the rest of the station, attaches his ship engines to it, cuts a plaque out of his ship siding, and using his acid brush etches out the name "S.S. Dougles Adams". He then takes the engine controls and gives them to Lord Gwydion, and tells him, "Looks like you better rename this bar because it doesn't have to stay at South Tip Station any more." Phaedrus then orders 20 drinks per person on himself, buys a new engine for his ship, and sits down in the bar to see where it goes.

Life: Terminal, unrecoverable, completely useless phenomonon - Me

Esponer looks around.

"All right you fast posting members. You have two posts to get out."

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Lord Gwydion, in desparation because the bar is about to end, throws his entire stock of drinks out into the bar in barrels, and tosses three thousand explosive glasses into the fray!

Someone! Quick! Start up the North Tip Station Bar!

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)