Reign of Chaos - Cont. again

sry, well, since sts no longer exist i redirect shockwaves to the station.

and battledoctor, the azdgari have been there too, and we survived.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

That was different, Arada Pilot. It was the whole galaxy against you, but for different reasons.
The reason everyone is against me is because Paladin suddenly decided to attack me, and both my allies seemingly quit, and everyone sort of forgot about killing you & your allies...

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

NOTE on that above:
4 shockwaves are overkill for a station, so i'm only sending 1. it will shatter the frame of the station.
ooooo 3 more, what to do with them. hmmmm...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Battledoctor, In the beginning I offered an alliance, but you went UE instead...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Battledoctor, my continuation of the battle is on page 3 just before you

And please continue soon!

Also, Thunder's still playing. I talk to him quite a lot, and he hasn't mentioned
anything about quitting. And remember that even if I win at Pokoren and begin
moving to Svass and then Voinia (that's my plan) Thunder will attack UE space and
meet nearly no resistance at all.

And RMA? Well, probably.

PS: I lost 1 supercruiser, your Kelmaon is nearly down (1/4 armour).

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-08-2001).)

Rima: Don't know, you're just always in the right spot to get captured, and you're not resistence and thus easy to hold prisoner/hostage (no offense).

Arada Pilot: Who are you friends and enemies with? Because I like you and the Voinains.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Rima hears about the battle in Pokeren and decides to ask Paladin whats his status.

To Paladin,encrypted
I have heard about you fighting the Voinians.How is the battle going.The Zidagar do not get much information.Do you need any reinforcements?
From Rima,out

Rima goes In the Z.S.S. Savior to Vlagos.The scientists show her the plans for the next ship.This time there redoing everything and making it slightly larger for more space.Not much but there redoing the whole ship.She approves and then goes out with the Z.S.S. Savior.She goes to Querid and explores the top systems looking for a specific planet.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

(This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-08-2001).)

Thunder gasped as he entered the Igadzra system. Plumes of smoke could be seen rising from the surface at multiple points, mostly in the northern continent. He immediately radioed the surface.

"What happened here?"

"A mercenary pilot with a large fleet decloaked in system and attacked us. Our military bases were badly damaged on the surface, but the underground and bunker areas are mostly intact. Repairs shouldn't take too long."


"Two Igazras, one destroyer, and four aradas. We managed to destroy one Azdgari Warship from the enemy fleet before they retreated to UE space."

"Do you think the UE is behind this?"

"It's likely. Our long range scans have detected signs that a mine field might be going up along the Igadzra-UE border."

"I never expected this from the UE... they seemed like a reasonable race. Well, we'll soon see about this."

Message to Battledoctor, Voinian, and RMA, IA, encryption sequence lambda-4 confirmed<<

I regret to inform you that the Igadzra have suffered a surprise attack on our home system. There was some major damage to some of our military bases, but repairs will be completed quickly. A mercenary fleet entered our system and opened fire with firebombs. I'm sending specifications of the ships involved along with this message. Also, we have reason to believe that the mercenary was hired by the UE. I suggest swift and forceful retaliation. Also, be aware that we have detected activity that is consistent with a mine laying pattern along the UE-Igadzra border. Travel through border systems is not recommended until we have had a chance to check our suspicions.

-Thunder out

End Message<<

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

The V.E.S. Borb finished repairs just in time to jump into the system and destroy the Sephiroth. One of BattleDoctor's most trusted Admirals is on the bridge. He surveys the battle scene. He sees the gigantic UE and Zidagar force. He sees the ruins of Pokoren station, which managed to get off one last Neutron beam blast before it was destroyed. He sees the dwindling Voinian fleet, hopelessly outgunned. And he smiles.
He opens a channel to the fleet,"Attention all ships of the Voinian Empire. This is Fleet Admiral Gokran. Do not worry, we will prevail."
At that moment, the Voinian reinforcement fleet warps in, a truly gigantic fleet of Cruisers, Frigates, Minelayers, and Fighters. And at the front of it... the V.E.S. Voinia. The Voinia stays away from battle for the moment, but it's charging it's neutron beam. The new Voinian ships rush forward and start combatting the UE warships.
The bridge of the Kelmaon is in disarray. The admiral on board is realizing that as the autmated computer voice says "armor, 25% and dropping", he is seconds away from death. He walks over to his pilot and whispers an order in his ear.
The bridge crew of the U.E.S. Paladin is thinking that they are about to destroy a Voinian Dreadnought. They are not doing so well, and they are at very low shields due to that last Neutron beam balst from the station, but they are proud that many murderous Voinians are about to die. But as they look up from their control stations, they see something they don't like at all. The huge wedge of the Kelmaon is pointed straight at them, and they can see that it's thrusters are going full blast.
The V.E.S. Kelmaon smashed into the U.E.S. Paladin, destroying both ships. Two UE Cruisers and 11 Voinian ships are destroyed in the blast. Now, there are 2 huge Voinian ships, and a massive force of Cruisers anbd Frigates, versus 1 Zidagar supercruiser, a few Zidagar ships, and 50 or so UE Warships.
Fleet Admiral Gokran on the V.E.S. Borb opens a channel to the Zidagar ship Marathon.
"The neutron beams of the 2 Voinian supercruisers are locked on to your ship. They are enough to destroy you at this moment. We outnumber and outgun your fleet. You are now encouraged to surrender, or die."


"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

<message, Sigma-1 encrypted>
To: Arada Pilot, Azdgari
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(The Voinian people are in a time of need. We have been betrayed by someone who was almot our ally. Once before you offered to make an alliance with the Voinian Empire. Will you do this once more? I would like to enter into an alliance with your people. I think it would benefit us both. This far, not one Voinian has ever fired one shot at an Azdgari ship. I hope you realize that we do not mean to fight you. The Voinians would like to befriend you, so we can someday conquer all others who do not ally with us. I hope you agree with me.)
<end message>

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

Well, after doing a few thousand other things, reading an odd 40 books (few more if you count books that are in comic format), I decided to look back here. Seems things arent going to well for my allies. As such, I may as well come back.
In IA HQ system:
A dark shape, looking as if it has been slightly melted orbits IA HQ station. Heavy work is being done on it. Armour is being ripped out and replaced.

Dark lettering covers the front of the ship. I.A.S. Triad.

The massive blast in Priat demolished the armour cage and secondry shield systems, but the primary hull of the ship only got slightly melted before the I.A.S. Traid phased out. systems are being replaced and upgraded, but a rebuilt armour cage will take some time.

The resources the IA has are being devoted almost entirely to deploying RIM pods, and spacemine railgun bouys. Tachyon sensor bouys are also being deployed to provide more information on any ships that enter IA systems. Swarms of IA Fighters patrol the borders, with Light Cruisers in sensitive positions. The Heavy Cruisers are ready to deploy heavy firepower on anything that is in the wrong place.

IA space is closed to all but those who are invited. Tachyon sensors provide full coverage of every square planck in the system. Nothing can pass. IA space is now fortified.


Alright, now I know that both of my allies are back in the game.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

Thanks doc, this is about when I come in...
My fleet jumps in under cloak, then uncloaks.

Carno, heres the alliances, they may change soon:
Azd-Odine (Samurai), Miranu (Jade), UE (Paladin, REDchigh is a spy for UE), and we're on friendly terms with the zids.
Voinians-IA (RMA, he might have quit), Igadzra (Thunder)
Thats it I think...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

(This message has been edited by Arada Pilot (edited 04-08-2001).)

2 Heavy Cruisers, 8 Light Cruisers, and 200 IA Fighters enter DSN-1810 and fire their weaponry. The UE outpost their is devastated, as well as several UE ships. The IA ships jump straight back out before the UE can even start for the IA ships. The UE needs to learn not to break its treaties.
OOC:For those who ask about the I.A.S. Triad, it survived. The armour cage got demolished by the shockwave, and the I.A.S. Triad phased out of local space before anything more could happen to it.


Arada Pilot, did you agree to or reject my offer of an alliance?

<message, Beta-33 encrypted>
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(I see that you have been raiding the UE a bit lately. I must say that I support your actions 110.6443%. The UE will pay for what is has done to our alliance.)
<end message>

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-08-2001).)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-08-2001).)

The IA activates some of the spies it has in the UE. The information gathering begins.


I did not say, battledoctor, I did not say...

The voinian ships begin to close on my ship, but hten they realize that I do not fire back...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

I open a channel to all Voinian fleet ships;
"Do not, repeat DO NOT fire on any Azdgari or Odine ships unless they fire upon you first."

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

This is beginning to get VERY interresting.

Surprising the UE fleet, the Azdgari ships open fire upon them, sending this message to paladin: "We just can't trust you, seeing what you did to the voinians. AP Out."

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

BattleDoctor is surprised at what he sees on the big screen in the war room in the government complex on Voinia. Apparently the Azdgari are attacking the UE! He's gotta investigate...

<message, Phi-8 encrypted>
To: Arada Pilot, Azdgari
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(I noticed that your ships are aiding me in the battle at Pokoren. Can I take this as a sign that you accept our alliance? It would certaintly make sense at this point.
Death to the UE.)
<end message>

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer