Reign of Chaos - Cont. again

No. Join the Voinians. We will build you any ship you want, and if we don't have exactly what you want, I could borrow some parts from my allies, the Igadzra and the IA.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**No. Join the Voinians. We will build you any ship you want, and if we don't have exactly what you want, I could borrow some parts from my allies, the Igadzra and the IA.

(Private Message to: BattleDoctor)
<Enc., of course!>
Ok then. I will join the Voinians. Catch me up to date on yo' outfits and ships! oh, and I brought my own cloaking device..
(End message)

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Rima puts to work on another ship.It will be like the Z.S.S. Savior with the self-sustaining ship.(if this war gets over I can retire them to tour ships 🙂 ) She had also equipped all the UE cruisers that she had with a Zuchra turret each.She added 6 to the Z.S.s. Gryphon.The next ship will be named the Z.S.S. Marathon.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Red, thank you, but I can't be here to post Thursday-Saturday. I think RMA will be taking care of the Voinians for me... Oufits:
Enhanced Neutron stuff: Lots o' damage, good accuracy, speed of blaze cannons
Buckyball armor: strong armor. Very strong.
Meteor missiles: larger, faster, more powerful and better targeting than UE Hunter Missiles
RIMs: IA technology, get RMA to explain
Neutron beam: Huge beam weapon, won't foit on anything smaller than a Dreadnought
I also have improved space mines and railguns to launch them. Ask RMA or Thunder fpr other techs you can get, They are my allies.

Okay, here's a list of diplomatic stances:

UE,Zidagar-----------1st Alliance
Voinian, IA, Redchigh, Igadzra, (Entropy, never posted)----------2nd Alliance
Azdgari, Odine, Jade--------3rd Alliance

Alliances 1 and 2 have a non-violence pact, and the UE and Igadzra are working
together on a weapon that they will all share.

Miranu land is controlled by Jade, but the Miranu military has been destroyed.


RMA, you lost 1 ship. Big deal. You call me a cheat, you say all these other things.
I haven't done anything bias for either Jade or Paladin, and will make sure both
sides are sufficiently damaged in battles.

You lost a big ship, and you get angry about it, and break off between us what was
verging on a friendship - friendly enough for you to be one of the three people who
know I'm Jade, the others being one of my best friends and my own brother. I've
lost both Earth and the U.E.S Hades, and despite laying down the problems to Arada
Pilot and Samurai, I HAVE accepted it. And I've also constantly weakened myself to
make this game fair.

Which one of us is striving to win, then? You, who have designed for yourself techs
that when added together mean a) energy attacks can't hurt you, 🆒 missiles can't
hurt you, c) your stations could destroy almost anything, d) you can see into the
future and work out how to evade ship, e) you have a speed that allows you to evade
anything, f) you have primary weapons that can outrange anything else, g) you have
a cloaking device nothing can get around.

And me, who's scrapped 1 Omega ship and 4 Alpha ships, as well as some techs, put
the U.E.S Sephiroth's construction line back constantly, and has allowed posts where
important ships and planets have been destroyed. All to make the game fair and fun
for all.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

An Odine spying unit returns to Meagh.

"How'd it go?"
"Very well... the UE are busting their budget to create supercruisers, while the IA are focusing mainly on technology. I think the UE and Voinians might be planning some sort of attack on us, not sure though."
"Hmm... did you get the location of the supercruiser that's still being built?"
"Yeah, I got it. They call it the U.E.S. Sephiroth."
"Good. Mobilize the main fleet, it's time we paid the Sephiroth a call."

*To: Paladin. You are aware of increased odine activity in your space. However, you don't know what they are here for or why.

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

OOC: To Samurai

Did I not make it clear? The Matter Density Detector can detect the shape of ships.
It can't detect type, but using it as a guide I could fire upon you upon your
entering of systems. It's a difficult to use system, as I don't know who I'm firing
on, but it would work. I don't mind you spying, though, as long as you realise that
soon the U.E.S Sephiroth will be moving out of UE space to prepare to attack you.

I hope you don't expect to blow it up, because it CAN detect you and will have other
ships attack you if you try. Also, everything but the Zuchra turrets and other weapons
are ready, that includes the shielding, horde of armour, engines and MDD cloak detector.


IN CONFERENCE: Paladin suggests that the combined forces of the two alliances attack
the Azdgari and Odine together, as he expects the Odine will have some incredible
weapons that they can use. He suggests striking off from Terapin and Mark once all the
other forces are ready, and says that the U.E.S Garland, to come after the Sephiroth,
will be made while the battle rages on, not before. He also displays his trust by
telling his personal guards in the conference room to hand their weapons over to Thunder.

Message to Thunder: "I am sure that I can trust you. The Imperium Alliance, and the Voinians, I don't know about, but I'll work with them through you."

Message to RMA: "Some of my recon ships detected a massive energy burst north of your
area. Despite our lack of trust, I must ask if there is anything I can do to help."

Message to Rima: "Be careful of RMA - he's the only person in the non-aggression pact
we hold who has not made any comment about not fighting, with Thunder agreeing with me
and Battledoctor suggesting the non-aggression pact in the first place."

Message to Battledoctor: "Years of war between our peoples has created much distrust, but
I realise that you are perhaps more reasonable than most Voinians. Thus, I would like to
tell you that I am willing to give to you as a sign of our friendship fifty StarLances.
They are specially rigged, so you can't reverse engineer them, I'm afraid. And don't worry, they don't need a launcher."

<<Message to Miranu, ? Jade ?, No encryption active>>

I have recently heard of massive energy bursts in your space. What has been going on?

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

Just to make sure everyone's up to date:

I now control the Miranu, and I will try and keep them as suggested.

There army is pretty much incinerated. A couple of Seiken fighters (Crescent fighters)
are being built now.

The economy of Miranu is very good, and has not been effected by much at all, as it
has been widely ignored up until now, and Priat had nothing to do with trade anyway.

Money is being sent to Arada Pilot, and the Miranu land is open to build any specific
ships or weapons that any allies desire.

Defences in Miranu lands are being thought up, and the current plan is to set up
freighters with large arrays of weapons.


No new technologies in mind, and the second Arc probably won't be built anytime soon.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.


Everyone is dismissed at a break. As Paladin is walking to his private chambers, a
United Earth fighter pilot named Rio approaches him.

"Sir, I was wondering if you'd be interested in an idea some of us have thought up."
Rio said.

"I'm listening." Paladin said.

"This is a great opportunity to kill off some of our opponents, and......." Rio

"What? What are you on about?"

"Well, we could plant a......"

"Shut up!" Paladin grabs the cadet and drags him away to Thunder's prison. "It's
worrying that so many of the UE feel this way." he murmurs.


I know that since I'm Jade also it's not fair for me to continue with actual posts
and tech advancements, but I'll summarise the current UE position:

Military forces are escorting Voinian ships around, most other UE ships are in

The Omega ships are in Paaren.

The U.E.S Sephiroth is on New Taranto, where all major ships will be built, and is
nearing completion. It is having weapons put on it now.

The Z.S.S Topaz is currently in the Sol system, but I am on Histiri Station at the

Research is being done on the Pulse Laser, a planetary defence.

UE ships are being outfitted with Zuchra weapons, including the Omega ships, on
Paaren Station.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

The Odine fleet hyperjumps into the New Taranto system and attacks the U.E.S. Sephiroth. The O.E.S. Pestilence fires off the Enflux, causing an explosive overload in the Sephiroth's shields systems. With the shields down, Odine craft swoop in, preparing to attack, when the Sephiroth returns fire and launches fighters.

"Hey, that thing's operational!"

Odine ships are pummeled by the powerful weapons of the Sephiroth, but then the Warships angle into range.

"Fire all Tachyonic Lasers! NOW!!"

Purple beams lance out of the Odine warhsips and the Pestilence causing heavy damage to the ship's armor.

"Still at 47% armor? No way! Launch all Fighters!"
"Yes sir!"

The Fighters and Destroyers swarm the Sephiroth, dodging turret fire, dishing out powerful damage with their Dark Shrapnel Launchers.

"Get away, she's going to blow!"
"Yes sir!"

The U.E.S. Sephiroth's structure shudders. Suddenly, the entire ship bursts into a towering fireball. The Odine fleet hypers out of the system, and heads back toward Odine space.

Odine casualties: 3 Warships, 1 Destroyer, and 14 Fighters.
UE casualties: The U.E.S. Sephiroth, it's complement of fighters.

I think that was a legitamate encounter, sorry bout not giving you a chance to respond, Paladin. however, my fleet is still journeying, so you could attack them.

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

I don't quite understand, Samurai.

I have cloak detectors that can detect you when you begin to enter my space. At
that point I'd move to engage you straight off, way before you got to New Taranto.

Plus, scores of StarLances are prepared in every system and can hit their target
within a few seconds. You'd have to fight past those, and even if my main fleet
wasn't fast enough to engage you early on, they'd still get to New Taranto to meet
you there in time.

And even if you just appeared near the U.E.S Sephiroth, there would still be a
huge number of StarLances there, as I mentioned earlier.

To round it off, I don't like the idea of you destroying the U.E.S Sephiroth. And,
you also forgot one more thing:

The nature of the U.E.S Sephiroth. You'd have to destroy it cube by cube, not blow it
up in one big firefight. Each cube works on it's own, and they would come apart if it
suffered very heavy attack and some would escape while others fought back.

I'm NOT saying I'm going to argue abuot this forever, I would just like you to explain
how you did it.

FINALLY: Did I ever say the U.E.S Sephiroth has fighters? It's not supposed to, it's
supposed to go for it's own heavy firepower.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-05-2001).)

Samurai, revoke it, paladin's right. We could plan together, as my techs would help you kill it fairly.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

An tall Igazra pilot Thunder recognized entered the conference room and delivered a report to Thunder, then left. Thunder excused himself from the conference affairs long enough to read through the report; it must have been important to interrupt the conference. It stated that the Igadzra Destroyer had now been fully integrated into the space fleet, with more than three hundred already produced, and since they were relatively small ships that quite a few more of them could be produced. The report then went on to say that technicians working on the research facility on Reban IV had increased the power, range, and accuracy of the Igadzra sensor array by 45%, and that they were working to achieve an even larger increase.

Once he had finished reading the report, he erased the memory of the data-pad it had come on, and turned back to the conference.

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

The 2 Omega ships are now fully outfitted with Zuchra Turrets, and work on outfitting
all the standard ships is continuing.


OOC: Message to Arada Pilot, Samurai

How are you with the game so far? If you are particulary upset with how it is going
<you being outnumbered> then I will see what I can do to even things up.

However, I think the weakest side is the UE - Zidagar alliance, as it is now the
only side with only two players

OOC: Message to RMA

I will ask you simply. If I sent every ship I had to attack one of your systems, do
you think you'd win or I would?

If you think that you would win, then I'm kicking you out of this game, because that
would mean that EVERYBODY could fight you and you'd hold them off easily.

ALSO: If there are any problems - if anyone thinks that the game isn't any fun, please
tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

I think everyone should have their strengths:
Miranu- Commerce, interesting weaps brought by jade
Azdgari-Speed (engines and recharge), science
Odine-cloak, good weapons
Voinians-Armor, huge crews, good weapons
Igadzra-powerful ships, good weapons
Zidagar-Small and numerous, phased beams
UE-beta ships, nice techs

supercruisers produced by: Azdgari-Odine, UE, Voinians

If any one race is too far above fairness, they should back down a bit.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Am I secound in command of the Odin?

"Life is like a trade ship going to JamesTown, you never know what you gona get."-Escape from Monkey island

I've reviewed the story line, and I think my abilities would be better used with the UE, since the Voinians already have a strong military presence. Ok. What kinda ship do i get, and what will my first mission be?

Oh, and how many credits do i start with? like 7M?

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-05-2001).)

With no big project besides the Z.S.S. Marathon Rima takes the Z.S.S. Savior out and explores a few systems that are habitable but have not been inhabitated.She makes notes and decides to test the living capabilities of the Savior.Besides the Crew members she picks up 1000 civilians and tells the crew to go about Zidgar space and chech how the Food growing and how the people think of the Z.S.S. Savior.With the four types of ships it is now time to focus on weapons.She starts drawing up plans for weapons but none seem suitable.She shrugs and knows an idea will come in time.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Paladin hears of Redchigh's entrance to the UE, and smiles.

"Tell him we'll custom build him a ship." Paladin says to the UE High Command from
Histiri Station. "Look over the blueprints we have for the Arada when we were allied
with the Miranu, and begin work on a unnamed ship for him straight away."

"Yes, sir." one admiral says over the video conferencing. "What shall we make the
ship like?"

"Give it a Matter Density Detector, enhanced ECM systems - make a new ECM system for
it - StarLances, since they don't need a launcher, and TWO Hirogen Blazes."

"Two, sir? Our UE Fighters can cause enough devastation with one."

"Make it two. Incorporate it into the design to save space."

"Anything else?" the admiral asked.

"Yes. Divert 6 UE Cruisers to his control now - ones with Zuchra turrets, and with
their full complement of UE Fighters with deadly Hirogen Blazes."

"I'll do that right away."


The U.E.S Sephiroth is now complete! It has been sent to meet the V.E.S Voinia.

The 8 Cube Rockets on it are each 1/64 of the whole thing, so if all 8 Cube Rockets
are launched the U.E.S Sephiroth will have only 56 cubes. Cube Rockets are huge -
larger than warships and 1km long, 1km wide, and deep. They have armour and shielding,
crew cabins and life support to support 10 people, and hyperdrive engines that can
take them 3 jumps away. Their speed isn't extremely fast, but when they intend to
hit a target they activate a huge number of afterburners to increase their normal
cruise speed, 50, up to 700 for a few seconds. This makes it faster than an Azdara
for a moment, but they can't hit Odine ships or advanced Azdgari ships without plans


REDCHIGH, your first mission:
Wait for your ship to be completed, and then I'll see what I can do. Remember, I trust
you to make good decisions, so don't always ask for missions.

At the moment you control those 6 UE Cruisers. They have StarLances, and the UE Fighters
have Hirogen Blazes and a few StarLances. Remember - Hirogen Blazes aren't suited to
warships due to their long range.

I'll make your souped up Arada as fast as possible, and it will have enhanced shields,
shield recharge, speed and have more free space than normal Aradas, as well as having
the things I mentioned earlier on in this post.

Also, I might need you to control the UE in about a week, for 3 days.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

Jade continues building up her fleet of Seiken Fighters, and adds Seiken Aradas
to the list. She places the Zachit commanders in charge of most military operations,
and decides to concentrate on fighters for the most part.

However, 20 Seiken Warships will also be built, with high fuel supplies, to provide
shield support to the fighters. These warships will have enough fuel to travel about
50 jumps, and will be lightly armed.

The Arc is on Mira and the ASS Beatrix in on Outpost Zachit, which will soon be one
of the Miranu's most important bases. Miranu patrols are very light at the moment,
but with the Zachit in full control the Miranu are ready to make a move. However,
as of yet they only have about 30 fighter type ships.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.