Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

duke then tells DE he is a fan of A&W, one of the best root beers in the world. DE says thats fine. duk orders an A&W for everyone in the barto celebrate his new friendship.

Dash doesn't roleplay, but lies, and does, anyway. He reexplodes, although, having not previously exploded, he causes a logic error and the universe restarts. The familiar and loveable linux penguin pops into view in the middle of the universe. He is suddenly fighting with windows and OSX and Linspire in an arena. They all blow up, and then in no time (by universal standards, 5 billion years is the blink of an eye) at all, We're back to the present. Dash's pieces disappear, being replaced by a whole him walking out of the regenerator across the room. Luckily the regenerator cleans out one's system before regenerating things, so the drugs are gons, as are the flying fists.

Dash then goes and gets himself a root beer in a frosty, frozen glass mug, just for the fun of the cold foam drip effect.

duke reappears in the middle of nowhere. he decides to walk North until he hits the bar. The bar is always in the direction of North. duke gets there 1 million years later. Nothing much has changed except that the bar is back to the same way it was before he got here: fun. He orders a root beer and decides to grab a martini sword to see what he can do with it. It works just as well as the Miricle Blade 3 Seris by Chef Tony. Don't ask how I know. It was an infomercial duke had seen a week earlier.

I think it is now time to lock this topic and/or start a new bar or not start a new bar. We need to move on to new subjects. It has lasted long enough. Please consider locking this now.

This post has been edited by duke_juker : 13 January 2005 - 02:08 AM

Only gets locked at 2000 posts. Then we start a new one. It's tradition. And nobody comes here anymore. If you want to move on to different subjects already, then you should just leave or something. Nobody said that you absolutely HAD to post in here and only in here. There are several thousand forum topics on this site, I'm sure there's one you'd like better.

emainiac crawls out from under the bar and dusts himself off.
"It's been a while."
He then picks up a decorative coral and hurls it at Dash_Merc. He walks over to his body.
"Where's UR been?" I then stab Dash with the decorative coral PIECE AND THEN TURNS OFf his caps lock.

Oh and duke, people automatically get regenerated by the "regenerator"

Ok. I'm was just saying not too many people have been visiting lately. Just was worried. I'm ok with making it to 2000 posts. duke helps by posting a new post. He then decides to go to the bathroom and wait for more of the patrons to return.

Mackilroy returns after a short absence in orbit, where he was contemplating destroying the bar. He orders a root beer.

Dash_Merc, on Jan 13 2005, 09:44 AM, said:

Only gets locked at 2000 posts. Then we start a new one. It's tradition. And nobody comes here anymore. If you want to move on to different subjects already, then you should just leave or something. Nobody said that you absolutely HAD to post in here and only in here. There are several thousand forum topics on this site, I'm sure there's one you'd like better.
View Post

The last 3 were 1000. Boozy: NE was the last one to reach 2,000. So let's see how this goes. I do like having a Boozy with my initials though. 😉

DE gets a root beer.

EVWeb shoots DE for not making a real post, then gets a drink. The drink turns out to be Hydrochloric Acid. EVWeb dies, and then regenerates and shoots DE again for good measure.

duke is still board. He decides to find some action. He throws some acid on the bartender who disinigrates instantly. Then, he steals a root beer from a nearby patron.

k190cs wakes up, then leaves the bar and walks directly North. as soon as he reaches the northernmost corner of the building, he is at the southernmost corner because the bar is always to the North. k190cs has a brief panic attack, and walks slowly back inside.

k190cs orders a #-1 root beer.

duke slaps k190cs in the face with a wet fish. k190cs drops to the floor and starts flopping like a fish. Such are his alergic reactions. duke laughs at him as he turns his German Shepard on him. duke is having too much fun watching people suffer. He decides to stop watching to order a #3, root beer with ice. It is a very lame drink.

Rickton returns in an explodesion.

duke welcomes Rickton by ordering him a #4, root beer float. Then, he goes outside to play toss-up with a Fusion ball.

This post has been edited by duke_juker : 14 January 2005 - 10:32 PM

The ball fuses to duke's face.

DE regenerates the poor bartender and himself. 'For it is the bartenders that this bar is true, and they shall inherit the bar!' That is, after it closes.

DE ties EVWeb to the bottom of the acid pit.

EVWeb wonders why he started this battle with DE. EVWeb then charges his BFG and kills all the patrons in the bar. Then gets a drink and tries to figure out why he attacked DE.

duke jumps into the acid pit to rub the fusion ball off his face. Luckily, it comes off and falls into a hole in the earth 22,000 ft. down. The acid is still eating away. duke jumps out and throws a baseball at all the patrons to annoy them. Then he orders a #2.

Unfortunately, the acid dissolves duke's face. They're doing wonderful things with plastic surgery I hear.

duke's face regenerates luckily so he doesn't have to look like Michael Jackson. Even thinking about it he sticks two laxitivs in his drink and goes to the bathroom to get the acid out of his system.