GTW Game 18 if JacaByte was an IA...

then Mackilroy must have been a terrorist!!

@mrxak, on Feb 10 2008, 01:32 PM, said in GTW Game 18:

Oh dangit, I almost forgot again. JacaByte was an intelligence agent. I'm going back to sleep, I already feel better, but I still haven't gotten a full night's rest. Anyway, I'll see you all later tonight.

I know my grammar is horrible, but doesn't an intelligence agent imply there's more then one? If it was just jacabyte shouldn't have been the intelligence agent?

Looks like there might be another IA.

This post has been edited by Hypochondriac : 10 February 2008 - 03:37 PM

@soitbegins, on Feb 10 2008, 01:55 PM, said in GTW Game 18: if JacaByte was an IA...

then Mackilroy must have been a terrorist!!

Indeed. I'm glad this round was extended in time. Mackilroy , you gunna die.

Hmm, the whole "Arms Trader" thing still doesn't match up.

This post has been edited by Rickton : 10 February 2008 - 04:40 PM

Uh, I have no time to figure out what is going on this turn and analyze everything. But you people seem convinced that Mackilroy is a guilty one. So until I have a better target, I vote for Mackilroy.

@rickton, on Feb 10 2008, 03:37 PM, said in GTW Game 18:

Hmm, the whole "Arms Trader" thing still doesn't match up.

That's what I said, but it seems SoItBegins is convinced come hell or high water that I'm evil.

Because it's the only way of survival at the moment I see open to me, I vote for 1Eevee1.

Meanie. I hope you can sleep at night. That way the assassian can get ya.

3 hours remain.

_The Big Board reads:

darth_vader - Mackilroy
1Eevee1 - Hypochondriac
GutlessWonder - Mackilroy
Hypochondriac - 1Eevee1
kickme - 1Eevee1
Mackilroy - 1Eevee1
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - Hypochondriac
RJC Ultra - Mackilroy
Shlimazel - Mackilroy
SoItBegins - Mackilroy_

_"So, the time has come to tally the votes once again," mrxak said as he reached the podium. "Please enjoy your End of the Round Soup and if there are any last minute vote changes, now's the time."

SoItBegins changes his vote to kickme.

The Big Board reads:

darth_vader - Mackilroy
1Eevee1 - Hypochondriac
GutlessWonder - Mackilroy
Hypochondriac - 1Eevee1
kickme - 1Eevee1
Mackilroy - 1Eevee1
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - Hypochondriac
RJC Ultra - Mackilroy
Shlimazel - Mackilroy
SoItBegins - kickme

"I see we have Mackilroy at four votes, 1Eevee1 at three, and Hypochondriac at two. Very well, Mackilroy will be executed immediately."

Buffalo the Kid comes in and takes Mackilroy away.

"Now, as always, the next round will begin immediately. This time you have 60 hours to vote. And hey, Hypochondriac, pay attention," mrxak indicates to GutlessWonder to poke him, but sure enough he quickly discovers that Hypochondriac is dead. After close examination, no cause of death is found. The End of the Round Soup is checked, but there is no detectable poison in it. As far as anyone can tell, he simply stopped living.

"Well, this is quite unusual, our medical examiner will no doubt provide us with a full report after the autopsy, in the meantime, it seems the rogue members have struck again," mrxak explained. "Hypochondriac's nation was nuked several minutes ago."

Suddenly from the darkness a large black insect flew up behind 1Eevee1's chair. But it wasn't an insect at all, it was a tiny robot modeled after one. A slight hiss and a tiny needle flew out of it. Hearing the buzz of the robot's motor, 1Eevee1 started to turn, but the needle was too fast, and it imbedded itself into the back of his neck, directly into his spinal cord. The poison on the needle followed the spinal cavity in both directions, doing its deadly work. 1Eevee1 found himself unable to breathe as his autonomic functions became paralyzed. His heart stopped, he lost consciousness, and the rest of his body shut down quite quickly. It was over in mere seconds, and after a single and final gasping breath, he fell out of his seat onto the ground. Having completed its task, the robot shut down and fell next to 1Eevee1's body, just as lifeless.

_There are currently 8 players in this game:
RJC Ultra
SoItBegins _

It is later discovered that the robot was controlled by a remote operator with radio signals, and the tiny camera on the thing helped such a remote operator conduct the assassination of a specific target. Security is unable to discover who the remote operator was, only finding a small radio relay in an air duct._

Well, we seem to be finally making some progress in cutting down your numbers. Should be over in four rounds at the most, I should think. As I said, this next round will be 60 hours.

Attention mystery vote-changer: You will not survive make your time.

This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 11 February 2008 - 12:17 AM

@soitbegins, on Feb 11 2008, 12:17 AM, said in GTW Game 18:

Attention mystery vote-changer: You will not survive make your time.

Will you give that a rest already? The only reason you even care is because it's your own vote that's getting changed, and like I said there are probably at least two vote changers out there anyway.
We have much bigger fish to fry since there's at least one more Terrorist around out there.

The warning I'm trying to convey holds true for several games after this one; it's not just some petty thing.

But yes, that's why I care.


Let it go. For all you know, the vote changer could end up being a terrorist and you could end up being a IA in the next game and end up getting bumped off first round.

So... yeah, just get over it.

Or else I'll post the duck picture again.

If you post another duck, it had better be an undead duck.

With a zombie burrito in its mouth.

So. How did I kill em?

@1eevee1, on Feb 10 2008, 11:53 PM, said in GTW Game 18:


Let it go. For all you know, the vote changer could end up being a terrorist and you could end up being a IA in the next game and end up getting bumped off first round.

So... yeah, just get over it.

Or else I'll post the duck picture again.

Ok, I'll drop it. Mostly.

I'm dead:( so doesn't effect me, but Since 3 people are dead it will normally take 72 hours to reveal their roles. I request the roles be revealed before the round ends.

We could also just don't vote for at least 72 hours, but I'm afraid that won't do the game any good.

Nevermind, I think I get it. So, we got two terrorists, hopefully?

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 11 February 2008 - 01:07 PM

Hopefully. Assuming we did, there's probably only one more out there.

If we didn't, we are in big trouble.