GTW Game 11

Well, I hope people start voting soon. We could end this round in 7 hours if people get a move on.

This is bad. I don't have much to go on, and I'm not looking too good myself either. This game style is confusing. All I know is that I'm not a dictator, but stuff isn't looking good because I have no idea which of the other three could be a dictator. I know mrxak wants to end this, but I wouldn't mind having as much time as possible to figure stuff out.

Edit: Oh, and kickme is out, right?

This post has been edited by darth_vader : 05 November 2007 - 06:16 PM

You cannot vote for kickme. He is not the UN ambassador of his nation, and the guards weren't able to catch him anyway.

haunts kickme

...Hang on...

If he isn't the ambassador for his nation... who is? You? Darwinian? A paper jet?

And one last question, for anybody. Did Anon really have military experience? And if he does, mind elaborating a little?

kickme's nation's UN ambassador is actually nfreader, but as an assassin of some international repute, kickme is a free agent, with no loyalties to any government, he merely works for the highest bidder. He's actually wanted in Nfreadery for several political assassinations and miscellaneous crimes, but since that country got nuked into the stone age several days ago, it's of only academic interest.

Anon was a general in the rebel army that eventually seized power in his country, and when the new government received UN recognition he was sent as ambassador. I'm not entirely sure how Mackilroy knew that though, he might just have made it up.

(Edit: Oh, Mackilroy meant actual real-life military background. Well I still like my story.)

This post has been edited by mrxak : 06 November 2007 - 12:25 AM

Since I am always wrong, Eugene Chin is probably a terr'rst. Unless I am wrong about always being wrong. I have a two out of three shot of being correct, anyway.

I figure there's a roughly even chance this will get me lynched this round.

@1eevee1, on Nov 5 2007, 09:50 PM, said in GTW Game 11:

Did Anon really have military experience? And if he does, mind elaborating a little?

Yes. I was in the Air Force for a few years.

... the hell, you say?

(Edit) Oh Fsck!

Now that I'm looking, your posts here have been few and far between, haven't they? You've only made three posts this game, and they've all been to cast votes. Just enough activity to not get called out for lurking.

I'll admit, I'm the last person who should be throwing down the "Lurker == Evil" card... But then, that only makes your strategy more effective against me, doesn't it?

I still remember clearly what cost us the first game I was in, when presented with the choice of kickme and GutlessWonder:
Even with extremely long night-kill delays to point to the quiet and inactive kickme as the dictator, I foolishly locked on to GutlessWonder's Evil-flavored RP to choose my target for me.

And, as that turned out, kickme was the dictator.

But now, here you are, waiting for the last moment to cast a vote?


This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 05 November 2007 - 11:46 PM

He's just taking a shot in the dark. Nobody has anything to go on. However, for the admittedly weak reason that he accused first, I'll accuse Anon.

Hmm... I'm taking a risk here, but I'm gonna follow darth_vader's lead and vote for Anon.

Okay, the vote is over. I'll be revealing the MASSIVELY AWESOME CONCLUSION of the round soon.

Eugene Chin looks around to see that no one else it watching. It seems like everybody's watching, though. They've ALL _been watching him, all the time.

It's hard being one of the last sane men.

Oh well. Such it the burden of mind-rending knowledge.

He brings his wristwatch- or, what _seemed _like a wristwatch- near his face.

"Commander Suzumiya, you and the S.O.S.S.F. may proceed at will."

"Understood, sir." comes back the reply.

"Did I just hear your watch talk?" asks darth_vader.

"I didn't hear anything." Eugene Chin responds, pulling a laser pistol out of his coat holster, and hiding it under his desk._

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 06 November 2007 - 12:05 AM

Eugene Chin's italic text isn't canon!!!

"Well, it seems that the council has decided on killing Anon," mrxak said, as guards came in to lead Anon away. "Well, the important thing is that the rest of us get to go to the beach! Everyone grab your swimsuits and head to the motorcade!"

Anon has been eliminated.

_mrxak lead the remaining three security council delegates down to the beach, where a grill was set up as well as a few tables and chairs with towels and drinks on them. mrxak was pleased when he saw that Mackilroy had brought along Mrs. McShark and some hot dog buns. There was also a volleyball net set up and several frisbees.

"Too bad you guys killed GutlessWonder a couple days ago, we could all be eating delicious hot dogs. But never fear, I have ketchup and mustard," mrxak said enthusiastically. "Well, enjoy yourselves. Grab some buns and put in some condiment of your choice. Remember not to go swimming until you've had some time to digest!"

The three UN delegates and mrxak go about making some food up for themselves. mrxak has ketchup and mustard on his hot dog bun. darth_vader has his the same way. Mackilroy just eats his bun plain. Eugene Chin has only ketchup on his bun.

They sit around enjoying their meal, knowing it's likely that for at least one of them, it is their last.

After eating, and proper time for digestion, as well as some delightful conversation about Anon's nation being razed by nuclear fire, mrxak receives a message from an aide.

"Oh dear, it seems Anon was completely blameless. No shady connections at all. Two of you last remaining delegates are terrorist cell leaders, and the third is something else," he told them. "So, who wants to play some volleyball?"

The three security council members eye each other suspiciously for a moment, then go to the volleyball net where mrxak was getting ready to serve. darth_vader joins mrxak's team, and Eugene Chin and Mackilroy take positions on the other side of the net. mrxak's serve is volleyed back by Eugene Chin to darth_vader, who hits it back to Mackilroy. Mackilroy jumps up and tries to spike it, but mrxak leaps in front and knocks it back onto Eugene Chin and Mackilroy's side of the net. It hits the sand.

"BOOYAH!" mrxak screams, and begins strutting up and down along the net, picking up the volleyball and pretending to hump it. "You like that? You like that?"

In the commotion, kickme springs out of the sand directly behind darth_vader and sticks a blade through the side of his neck. He gurgles, then falls to the ground. The sand starts turning red. Eugene Chin and Mackilroy look at darth_vader's body, then turn to smile at each other. mrxak stops humping the volleyball, and looks through darth_vader's front shirt pocket. He finds an envelope and reads the paper inside. Mackilroy and Eugene Chin congratulate each other for being being the leaders of the two terrorist cells, as they had until now not known who the other was. mrxak hands the paper to kickme.

"You're late you know," mrxak tells kickme.

kickme smiles, and steps up to mrxak. "I had to pick up some hot dogs."

"Sweet!" mrxak says, taking them. "Let's get them on the grill. Come on, Eugene Chin and Mackilroy."

kickme lags behind them a ways, but neither of the two terrorist leaders pay much attention. Suddenly, pink mist erupts from the front of Eugene Chin's head. He falls to the ground dead as well, making another expanding patch of red sand. mrxak keeps walking, but Mackilroy wheels around to see kickme putting away a silenced pistol.

"Wait a second," Mackilroy says. "I know mrxak hired you to kill whoever me and the other cell agreed on to eliminate, but we decided on darth_vader. I figured out when Anon was innocent and darth_vader died, that Eugene Chin had to be the other cell leader. So why did you kill him too? He was the other cell, right?"

"darth_vader was a very rich, and very _paranoid _man. He was sure that somebody was out to get him, and so he gave me some money to ensure somebody would check his desk as soon as he died. He was going to leave a sealed envelope there with a name in it. On the way over in the car, he told me that he was keeping the envelope on him, just in case it happened at the beach. Whoever's name was on the paper inside, well..." mrxak looked down at Eugene Chin.

"I see. But then that's it, right?" Mackilroy asked. "I'm all that's left."

kickme passed them as they talked and started the hot dogs.

"Yes, it's all over now. And as my only surviving lieutenant, you shall be my viceroy," mrxak said, patting Mackilroy on the back. "kickme, what on mrxak's Planet are you putting on those hot dogs?"

"Fried onions, I picked those up too," kickme replied. "I like my hot dogs with onions and ketchup."

"I think I'll stick with ketchup and mustard for now," mrxak said, as kickme served him and Mackilroy. "Ah, the boat is here."

A small motor boat pulled up and darwinian waved for the three of them to get on.

"The submarine is just offshore as planned, ready to surface on your command, Emperor mrxak," darwinian said as they got closer. "We should leave soon, the missiles are already on their way."

"Good, just one last thing to do," mrxak said. He made a balloon squirrel with a brown balloon, and placed it on the sand near Eugene Chin's body. "Farewell my friend. Pity I arranged for your death, but my secret underwater base required funds for a hot tub, and can you imagine what the delivery fee is for a hot tub in a secret underwater base? Pretty high, that's what."

mrxak and Mackilroy turned back to look over the beach one last time before stepping on the boat with kickme. It would all be glass soon, when the nukes hit, but there was a volleyball court in the secret underwater base. They could finish their game there. darwinian and kickme could take Anon and Eugene Chin's places even. It was really the best day ever._

The terrorists win, by successfully nuking the entire world. Although Eugene Chin was killed by darth_vader's special role to eliminate somebody upon his own death, Mackilroy remained alive and the two of them accomplished their goal and helped mrxak rise to power. mrxak of course was secretly an illegal arms dealer with plans to take over the entire world by nuking most of it. His balloon animals for war orphans charity was just a cover for a massive secret empire based out of several underwater complexes at the bottom of the ocean.

Heh. Sorry, mrxak.

This poor little Mad Scientist turned Evil Dictator/Ambassador of Evil couldn't resist.

(Edit) On the other hand, I certainly was expecting some sort of backstabbity doom, after some of what I pulled.

I'll admit, though, I didn't think darth_vader would be responsible for it.

Beating mrxak to the punch was worth it, though.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 06 November 2007 - 12:30 AM

w00t dictators win in a landslide. Only darth_vader barely suspected me, and I managed to deflect his suspicions pretty easily. 🙂

hits the volleyball at mrxak

Muhahahas! I win!

I actually wrote up 5 separate endings, which, some name-shuffling aside, represented what I believed to be all of the possible outcomes of the vote and darth_vader's choice of nemesis. I will be posting the other four soon, because I enjoyed writing them, and honestly I thought this outcome was least likely so I rushed it a bit towards the end.

Here was the one I believed was going to happen (for the purposes of the text, both terrorist names are interchangeable here, it was really just a matter of who darth_vader thought was out to get him).


"Well, it seems that the council has decided on killing darth_vader," mrxak said, as guards came in to lead darth_vader away. "Well, the important thing is that the rest of us get to go to the beach! Everyone grab your swimsuits and head to the motorcade!"

darth_vader has been eliminated.

_mrxak lead the remaining three security council delegates down to the beach, where a grill was set up as well as a few tables and chairs with towels and drinks on them. mrxak was pleased when he saw that Mackilroy had brought along Mrs. McShark and some hot dog buns. There was also a volleyball net set up and several frisbees.

"Too bad you guys killed GutlessWonder a couple days ago, we could all be eating delicious hot dogs. But never fear, I have ketchup and mustard," mrxak said enthusiastically.

"I brought relish!" Anon exclaimed, putting it on one of the tables.

"How unfortunate," mrxak said. "Well, enjoy yourselves. Grab some buns and put in some condiment of your choice. Remember not to go swimming until you've had some time to digest!"

The three UN delegates and mrxak go about making some food up for themselves. mrxak has ketchup and mustard on his hot dog bun. Mackilroy just eats his bun plain. Anon has ketchup and relish. Eugene Chin has only ketchup on his bun.

They sit around enjoying their meal, knowing it's likely that for at least one of them, it is their last.

After eating, and proper time for digestion, as well as some delightful conversation about darth_vader's nation being razed by nuclear fire, mrxak receives a message from an aide.

"Oh dear, it seems darth_vader was rich and paranoid, but hardly a terrorist. Two of you last remaining delegates are terrorist cell leaders," he told them. "So, who wants to play some volleyball?"

The three security council members eye each other suspiciously for a moment, then go to the volleyball net where mrxak was getting ready to serve. Anon joins mrxak's team, and Eugene Chin and Mackilroy take positions on the other side of the net. mrxak's serve is volleyed back by Eugene Chin to Anon, who hits it back to Mackilroy. Mackilroy jumps up and tries to spike it, but mrxak leaps in front and knocks it back onto Eugene Chin and Mackilroy's side of the net. It hits the sand.

"BOOYAH!" mrxak screams, and begins strutting up and down along the net, picking up the volleyball and pretending to hump it. "You like that? You like that?"

In the commotion, kickme springs out of the sand directly behind Mackilroy and sticks a blade through the side of his neck. He gurgles, then falls to the ground. The sand starts turning red. Eugene Chin gasps and looks at Mackilroy's body. mrxak stops humping the volleyball, and looks over to Anon. A second later a silenced gunshot puts a hole in Anon's head. He falls to the ground dead as well, making another expanding patch of red sand.

"Huh, funny that," mrxak says. "You're late you know."

kickme smiles, and steps up to mrxak. "I had to pick up some hot dogs."

"Sweet!" mrxak says. "Let's get them on the grill."

"Wait a second," Eugene Chin says. "I know mrxak hired you to kill whoever me and the other cell agreed on to eliminate, but we decided on Anon. I figured out when darth_vader was innocent that Mackilroy had to be the other cell leader, so why did you kill him too? He was the other cell, right?"

"darth_vader was a very rich, and very _paranoid _man. He was sure that somebody was out to get him, and so he gave me some money to ensure somebody would check his desk as soon as he died. He was going to leave a sealed envelope there with a name in it. Whoever's name was on the paper inside, well..." mrxak looked down at Mackilroy.

"I see. But then that's it, right?" Eugene Chin asked. "I'm all that's left."

"Yes, it's all over now. And as my only surviving lieutenant, you shall be my viceroy," mrxak said, patting Eugene Chin on the back. "kickme, what on mrxak's Planet are you putting on those hot dogs?"

"Fried onions, I picked those up too," kickme replied. "I like my hot dogs with onions and ketchup."

"I think I'll stick with ketchup and mustard for now," mrxak said, as kickme served him and Eugene Chin. "Ah, the boat is here."

A small motor boat pulled up and darwinian waved for the three of them to get on.

"The submarine is just offshore as planned, ready to surface on your command, Emperor mrxak," darwinian said as they got closer. "We should leave soon, the missiles are already on their way."

"Good, just one last thing to do," mrxak said. He made a balloon squirrel with a brown balloon, and placed it on the sand near Mackilroy's body. "Farewell my friend. Pity I arranged for your death, but my secret underwater base required funds for a hot tub, and can you imagine what the delivery fee is for a hot tub in a secret underwater base? Pretty high, that's what."

mrxak and Eugene Chin turned back to look over the beach one last time before stepping on the boat with kickme. It would all be glass soon, when the nukes hit, but there was a volleyball court in the secret underwater base. They could finish their game there. darwinian and kickme could take Anon and Mackilroy's places even. It was really the best day ever._

The terrorists win, by successfully nuking the entire world. Although Mackilroy was killed by darth_vader's special role to eliminate somebody upon his own death, Eugene Chin remained alive and the two of them accomplished their goal and helped mrxak rise to power. mrxak of course was secretly an illegal arms dealer with plans to take over the entire world by nuking most of it. His balloon animals for war orphans charity was just a cover for a massive secret empire based out of several underwater complexes at the bottom of the ocean.

@mrxak, on Nov 6 2007, 05:07 AM, said in GTW Game 11:

Eugene Chin's italic text isn't canon!!!

I think I'll stick with the OAV's, myself.

See, in the OAV's, mrxak turns out to be some kind of alien overlord, akin to H.P. Lovecraft's cosmic horrors, looking upon humanity as a tasty snackfood.

But he didn't realize that his own Mad Scientist lieutenant had figured his alien origins out, and used the time and resources he gained by allying with the alien to build a space fleet powerful enough to destroy the approaching alien forces.

After defeating mrxak's alien space fleet, the Mad Scientist (Eugene Chin) was about to turn his armada of space-ships against Earth, and conquer it for himself, but was undone when the Mad Scientists Beautiful Daughter betrayed him for etc. etc. etc....

Here's alternate ending number two, now with more surviving terrorists!


"Well, it seems that the council has decided on killing darth_vader," mrxak said, as guards came in to lead darth_vader away. "Well, the important thing is that the rest of us get to go to the beach! Everyone grab your swimsuits and head to the motorcade!"

darth_vader has been eliminated.

_mrxak lead the remaining three security council delegates down to the beach, where a grill was set up as well as a few tables and chairs with towels and drinks on them. mrxak was pleased when he saw that Mackilroy had brought along Mrs. McShark and some hot dog buns. There was also a volleyball net set up and several frisbees.

"Too bad you guys killed GutlessWonder a couple days ago, we could all be eating delicious hot dogs. But never fear, I have ketchup and mustard," mrxak said enthusiastically.

"I brought relish!" Anon exclaimed, putting it on one of the tables.

"How unfortunate," mrxak said. "Well, enjoy yourselves. Grab some buns and put in some condiment of your choice. Remember not to go swimming until you've had some time to digest!"

The three UN delegates and mrxak go about making some food up for themselves. mrxak has ketchup and mustard on his hot dog bun. Mackilroy just eats his bun plain. Anon has ketchup and relish. Eugene Chin has only ketchup on his bun.

They sit around enjoying their meal, knowing it's likely that for at least one of them, it is their last.

After eating, and proper time for digestion, as well as some delightful conversation about darth_vader's nation being razed by nuclear fire, mrxak receives a message from an aide.

"Oh dear, it seems darth_vader was rich and paranoid, but hardly a terrorist. Two of you last remaining delegates are terrorist cell leaders," he told them. "So, who wants to play some volleyball?"

The three security council members eye each other suspiciously for a moment, then go to the volleyball net where mrxak was getting ready to serve. Anon joins mrxak's team, and Eugene Chin and Mackilroy take positions on the other side of the net. mrxak's serve is volleyed back by Eugene Chin to Anon, who hits it back to Mackilroy. Mackilroy jumps up and tries to spike it, but mrxak leaps in front and knocks it back onto Eugene Chin and Mackilroy's side of the net. It hits the sand.

"BOOYAH!" mrxak screams, and begins strutting up and down along the net, picking up the volleyball and pretending to hump it. "You like that? You like that?"

In the commotion, kickme springs out of the sand directly behind Anon and sticks a blade through the side of his neck. He gurgles, then falls to the ground. The sand starts turning red. Eugene Chin and Mackilroy gasp and look at Anon's body. mrxak stops humping the volleyball, and looks over to Eugene Chin and Mackilroy, smiling. He turns to kickme.

"You're late you know," mrxak says.

kickme smiles, and steps up to mrxak. "I had to pick up some hot dogs."

"Sweet!" mrxak says. "Let's get them on the grill."

"Wait a second," Eugene Chin says. "Is this it? Mackilroy is the other cell?"

mrxak looked down at Anon. "darth_vader was very rich and very _paranoid _. He was going to kill Anon if he died today. You two both agreed to kill Anon as well. I guess that was a twofer. Good thing I only hired one assassin for both jobs, eh?"

"I see. What now?" Eugene Chin asked. "We're all that's left."

"Yes, it's all over now. And since both my lieutenants survived, you shall both hold positions of power in the new world order," mrxak said, patting Eugene Chin and Mackilroy on their backs. "kickme, what on mrxak's Planet are you putting on those hot dogs?"

"Fried onions, I picked those up too," kickme replied. "I like my hot dogs with onions and ketchup."

"I think I'll stick with ketchup and mustard for now," mrxak said, as kickme served him and the two terrorist cell leaders. "Ah, the boat is here."

A small motor boat pulled up and darwinian waved for the three of them to get on.

"The submarine is just offshore as planned, ready to surface on your command, Emperor mrxak," darwinian said as they got closer. "We should leave soon, the missiles are already on their way."

"Good, just one last thing to do," mrxak said. He tossed his packet of balloons on the beach. "Farewell my friends. I won't be needing you anymore."

mrxak, Eugene Chin, and Mackilroy turned back to look over the beach one last time before stepping on the boat with kickme. It would all be glass soon, when the nukes hit, but there was a volleyball court in the secret underwater base. They could finish their game there. darwinian or kickme could take Anon's place on the team. Perhaps mrxak would even make Mackilroy and Eugene Chin to fight to the death in the shark tank to see who would become his new viceroy. It was really the best day ever._

The terrorists win, by successfully nuking the entire world. Both terrorists survived, and the two of them accomplished their goal and helped mrxak rise to power. mrxak of course was secretly an illegal arms dealer with plans to take over the entire world by nuking most of it. His balloon animals for war orphans charity was just a cover for a massive secret empire based out of several underwater complexes at the bottom of the ocean.

Alternate ending number three, the one where the Defcon motto holds true:


"Well, it seems that the council has decided on killing Mackilroy," mrxak said, as guards came in to lead Mackilroy away. "Well, the important thing is that the rest of us get to go to the beach! Everyone grab your swimsuits and head to the motorcade!"

Mackilroy has been eliminated. He was the leader of one of the terrorist cells.

_mrxak lead the remaining three security council delegates down to the beach, where a grill was set up as well as a few tables and chairs with towels and drinks on them. mrxak brought out the hot dog buns that Mrs. McShark was supposed to bring, since Mackilroy could not join them. There was also a volleyball net set up and several frisbees.

"Too bad you guys killed GutlessWonder a couple days ago, we could all be eating delicious hot dogs. But never fear, I have ketchup and mustard," mrxak said enthusiastically.

"I brought relish!" Anon exclaimed, putting it on one of the tables.

"How unfortunate," mrxak said. "Well, enjoy yourselves. Grab some buns and put in some condiment of your choice. Remember not to go swimming until you've had some time to digest!"

The three UN delegates and mrxak go about making some food up for themselves. mrxak has ketchup and mustard on his hot dog bun. darth_vader eats his bun the same way. Anon has ketchup and relish. Eugene Chin has only ketchup on his bun.

They sit around enjoying their meal, knowing it's likely that for at least one of them, it is their last.

After eating, and proper time for digestion, as well as some delightful conversation about Mackilroy's nation being razed by nuclear fire, mrxak receives a message from an aide.

"Oh my, it seems Mackilroy was actually a terrorist. Only one of you last remaining delegates is a terrorist cell leader," he told them. "So, who wants to play some volleyball?"

The three security council members eye each other suspiciously for a moment, then go to the volleyball net where mrxak was getting ready to serve. Eugene Chin joins mrxak's team, and Anon and darth_vader take positions on the other side of the net. mrxak's serve is volleyed back by darth_vader to Eugene Chin, who hits it back to Anon. Anon jumps up and tries to spike it, but mrxak leaps in front and knocks it back onto darth_vader and Anon's side of the net. It hits the sand.

"BOOYAH!" mrxak screams, and begins strutting up and down along the net, picking up the volleyball and pretending to hump it. "You like that? You like that?"

In the commotion, kickme springs out of the sand directly behind Anon and sticks a blade through the side of his neck. He gurgles, then falls to the ground. The sand starts turning red. Eugene Chin gasps and looks at Anon's body. mrxak stops humping the volleyball, and looks at kickme, then over to the surprised darth_vader. A second later a silenced gunshot puts a hole in darth_vader's head. He falls to the ground dead as well, making another expanding patch of red sand.

mrxak ducks under the net, and reaches inside darth_vader's front shirt pocket, pulling out an envelope.

"What's that? What are you doing?" Eugene Chin asks. mrxak opens the envelope and reads the paper on it.

"I'm sorry, friend," mrxak says to Eugene Chin. "You probably should have arranged his death sooner."

mrxak nods to kickme, and Eugene Chin gets a hole in his head as well.

"Huh, funny that," mrxak says. "You're late you know."

kickme smiles, and steps up to mrxak. "I had to pick up some hot dogs."

"Sweet!" mrxak says. "Let's get them on the grill."

"So darth_vader wanted Eugene Chin to die if he died, eh?" kickme asks.

"darth_vader was a very rich, and very _paranoid _man. He was sure that somebody was out to get him, and so he gave me some money to ensure somebody would check his desk as soon as he died. He was going to leave a sealed envelope there with a name in it, but as we rode over to the beach he told me he had the envelope with him, just in case somebody made a move against him at the beach. Little did he know that Eugene Chin was just my pawn.

"So that's it. Nobody left." kickme said.

"Yes, it's all over now. And since I have no surviving lieutenants, you shall be my viceroy," mrxak said, patting kickme on the back. "kickme, what on mrxak's Planet are you putting on those hot dogs?"

"Fried onions, I picked those up too," kickme replied. "I like my hot dogs with onions and ketchup."

"I think I'll stick with ketchup and mustard for now," mrxak said, as kickme served him. "Ah, the boat is here."

A small motor boat pulled up and darwinian waved for the three of them to get on.

"The submarine is just offshore as planned, ready to surface on your command, Emperor mrxak," darwinian said as they got closer. "We should leave soon, the missiles are already on their way."

"Good, just one last thing to do," mrxak said. He made a balloon squirrel with a brown balloon, and placed it on the sand near Eugene Chin's body. "Farewell my friend. Pity I arranged for your death, but my secret underwater base required funds for a hot tub, and can you imagine what the delivery fee is for a hot tub in a secret underwater base? Pretty high, that's what."

mrxak and kickme turned back to look over the beach one last time before stepping on the boat. It would all be glass soon, when the nukes hit, but there was a volleyball court in the secret underwater base. mrxak could have another game there. darwinian and kickme could take Anon and darth_vader's places, all they needed was a replacement for Eugene Chin, but there were always nameless henchmen ready to throw themselves into danger or a volleyball game at mrxak's random wish. It was really the best day ever._

The terrorists win, by successfully nuking the entire world. Although Mackilroy was killed by the security council and Eugene Chin was killed by darth_vader's special role to eliminate somebody upon his own death, they accomplished their goal and helped mrxak rise to power. mrxak of course was secretly an illegal arms dealer with plans to take over the entire world by nuking most of it. His balloon animals for war orphans charity was just a cover for a massive secret empire based out of several underwater complexes at the bottom of the ocean.

Alternate ending number four, the one where the terrorists don't win.


"Well, it seems that the council has decided on killing Eugene Chin," mrxak said, as guards came in to lead Eugene Chin away. "Well, the important thing is that the rest of us get to go to the beach! Everyone grab your swimsuits and head to the motorcade!"

Eugene Chin has been eliminated. He was the leader of one of the terrorist cells.

_mrxak lead the remaining three security council delegates down to the beach, where a grill was set up as well as a few tables and chairs with towels and drinks on them. mrxak was pleased when he saw that Mackilroy had brought along Mrs. McShark and some hot dog buns. There was also a volleyball net set up and several frisbees.

"Too bad you guys killed GutlessWonder a couple days ago, we could all be eating delicious hot dogs. But never fear, I have ketchup and mustard," mrxak said enthusiastically.

"I brought relish!" Anon exclaimed, putting it on one of the tables.

"How unfortunate," mrxak said. "Well, enjoy yourselves. Grab some buns and put in some condiment of your choice. Remember not to go swimming until you've had some time to digest!"

The three UN delegates and mrxak go about making some food up for themselves. mrxak has ketchup and mustard on his hot dog bun. darth_vader has his bun the same way. Mackilroy just eats his bun plain. Anon has ketchup and relish.

They sit around enjoying their meal, knowing it's likely that for at least one of them, it is their last.

After eating, and proper time for digestion, as well as some delightful conversation about Eugene Chin's nation being razed by nuclear fire, mrxak receives a message from an aide.

"Oh my, it seems Eugene Chin was actually a terrorist. Only one of you last remaining delegates is a terrorist cell leader," he told them. "So, who wants to play some volleyball?"

The three security council members eye each other suspiciously for a moment, then go to the volleyball net where mrxak was getting ready to serve. darth_vader joins mrxak's team, and Anon and Mackilroy take positions on the other side of the net. mrxak's serve is volleyed back by Mackilroy to darth_vader, who hits it back to Anon. Anon jumps up and tries to spike it, but mrxak leaps in front and knocks it back onto Anon and Mackilroy's side of the net. It hits the sand.

"BOOYAH!" mrxak screams, and begins strutting up and down along the net, picking up the volleyball and pretending to hump it. "You like that? You like that?"

In the commotion, kickme springs out of the sand directly behind darth_vader and sticks a blade through the side of his neck. He gurgles, then falls to the ground. The sand starts turning red. Mackilroy gasps and looks at darth_vader's body. mrxak stops humping the volleyball. A second later a silenced gunshot puts a hole in Mackilroy's head. He falls to the ground dead as well, making another expanding patch of red sand.

"What are you doing!" mrxak cries out, which catches the attention of the guards by the motorcade. "Mackilroy's with me!"

"I checked the letter on his desk, as soon as you told me the remaining cell wanted him dead," kickme explained. "That's what you paid me for. To kill darth_vader's enemy after he died. The fact that I killed him myself shouldn't change that."

mrxak looks down at Mackilroy's body, growing furious, and sudden realization dawns on Anon.

"You! It was you all along!" Anon cries out. "Guards! Arrest them both!"

"What? No!" kickme yells, and opens fire on the guards rushing down the beach. They return fire and kickme falls to the ground, five bullets in his chest. The guards run up, but in his remaining seconds of life, kickme pulls out his blowpipe and shoots a rather bloody poison dart with his final cough, killing the first guard to reach him, the only one wielding a balloon pistol.

"Why did you do it, mrxak?" Anon questions mrxak as he struggles with the guards attempting to arrest him.

"The balloons made me! The balloons told me to rule the world!" mrxak screamed as they dragged him away. "I hate war orphans! I wanted them all to die!"

Anon stood quietly on the beach, alone, with only the gentle waves crashing and two dead bodies, blood spilling into the sand. It all made sense now.

"Huh. What's that?" Anon wondered aloud, looking at kickme's body. He approached it, and sure enough, there were hot dogs in kickme's sand-colored ninja suit.

"Sweet! I get hot dogs after all!" Anon exclaimed, and hurried to the grill to start cooking them. A little while later, as he began eating a hot dog, he heard the noise of a motor grow louder over the waves. He turned and looked. A small motor boat pulled up and darwinian waved for Anon to come over.

"The submarine is just offshore as planned, ready to surface on your command, Emperor mrxak," darwinian said as Anon got closer. "We should leave soon... hey wait a second, you're not mrxak."

"No, I'm Anon. Who the heck are you?" Anon replied. darwinian looked Anon over for a moment, and the bodies in the sand, then finally answered.

"I'm uh, darwinian. You want to be emperor of the world? I could be your viceroy!" darwinian said.

"Sure, I guess," Anon said with a shrug.

"Great! Say uh, we should head out. There are missiles coming, but there's a submarine that will take us safely underwater," darwinian helped Anon onto the boat. "You like volleyball, eh? We got a court in your secret underwater base. I can be on your team, that way we can spike balls right into the faces of random henchmen."

"Sounds like fun," Anon said.

"Oh hey, do you mind if we keep calling your empire mrxak's Planet?" darwininan asked, starting up the motor again. "If we changed it now, we'd have to get all new stationary, and you know how much it costs to get new stationary delivered to a secret underwater base? Almost as much as getting a hot tub delivered to a secret underwater base. And can you imagine what the delivery fee is for a hot tub in a secret underwater base? Pretty high, that's what."_

The innocents win, or perhaps more accurately, Anon wins. Although the terrorists were successful in nuking the entire world, they all died and failed to help mrxak rise to power. mrxak of course was secretly an illegal arms dealer with plans to take over the entire world by nuking most of it. His balloon animals for war orphans charity was just a cover for a massive secret empire based out of several underwater complexes at the bottom of the ocean. But of course, they belong to Anon now...

Ah, good times on the beach. I hope you all had as much fun playing this game as I did hosting it. Remember to sign up for game 12!